Last Updated: February 2016 - A Work In Progress

The Lie Of Judaism: That Yeshua/Jesus was not A Messiah!

The Lie Of Christianity: That Yeshua/Jesus was God Incarnate!

The Lie Of Islam: That Yeshua/Jesus Said Another Person Was Yet To Come

The Lie That Science Knows The Truth

And Religion Is Folklore And Superstition




Where Does The Truth Lie?

God Desires You To Build The Final Temple

Within Your Own Body-Mind

But The Religions Of Judaism, Christianity and Islam

All Obstruct It's Creation


Even Worse, is the Pseudo-Intellectualism of

The Modern Secular-Progressives

Who Promote Marxism and Socialism






A Confrontation With A Long Ignored Reality - While scholars and believers alike hold almost countless opinions as to the meaning of the scriptures, to their own detriment they overlook the most important part of the equation -- i.e., the scriptures are exactly what the original authors intended them to be.   It is an ever-looming and grave fact that, because both believers and critic alike all fail to understand the nature of the scriptures from the vision of the original authors, the scriptures remain a perpetual enigma to nearly all who open them.   The bottom line is this: That it makes little difference as to what YOU believe the nature of the scriptures are, if you fail to understand the sacred writings from the same perception and understanding as the original authors who composed them.   Thus, before you can even begin to understand the true meaning of the scriptures, you must first come to understand the original objectives of the authors.   And in this respect, a few facts to consider is that the scriptures were written by Mystics who possessed a Knowledge that the biblical authors portrayed as incomprehensible to the congregation of believers -- whose higher vision of what they portrayed as Essential Truths, was outlawed as heresy -- which forced them to use a special CODE which they portrayed as the Key of Knowledge, which permitted them to both preserve and conceal their Spiritual Truths from the eyes and understanding of the ordinary reader and believer -- who would condemn and reject the Great Truths that were preserved beneath the cloak of the text of the written word which Paul portrayed as "the letter that killeth".  

From the perspective of a long ignored reality, there are a number of important points that each person must come to terms with:  (1) In the first place, the scriptures are not historical narratives -- and when understood within their original context, they possess virtually little to no historical value whatsoever.   And in view of the fact that nearly everyone who opens the scriptures all equally throw away the Key of Knowledge, they all remain blind to the true meaning.   (2) Secondly, the scriptures are composed by mystics who would be deemed heretics if they spoke openly about what they knew and witnessed as truth -- and even then, most of these very same mystics have been perpetually hunted down and murdered.  (3) The authors of the scriptures were Gnostics -- and the true meaning of the word Gnosis (see Gnosis) which was declared to be heresy by the Church of Rome, is the Divine Manna or Knowledge of the Kingdom which can only be revealed directly from God to those who could receive it.   Therefore, the primary objective of the scriptures is to conceal and preserve esoteric truths for fellow sincere seekers both in the present, and even more importantly in the future.  (4) The objective of Mysticism is to circumvent the very limited knowledge of this world, and position themselves to receive Gnosis (Spiritual Knowledge) directly from God -- and all true mystics and Gnostics must understand the evolution of the soul over the course of many lifetimes.    While it is true that we were all Created equal -- it is also an undeniable fact that in the case of man, equal is not the same -- and each of us is the product of our past experiences that have developed us since the very dawn of Creation itself.   What this means is that the mystic authors write what man calls scriptures, so that when their souls return to this world, the sacred writings will be preserved for them to renew and restore their spirituality, so they can continue their soul-journey from where they left off in the previous cycle of physical life.  (5) This last primary requirement means that they must compose the body of the scriptures in such a way, that the carnal people of this world whose thinking, mindset and lifestyle remain under the control of what Jesus portrayed as the Citizen of this world (The Far Country), will unknowingly preserve the sacred writings.   Thus, out of necessity, the Gnostic/Mystic uses the blind ignorance of the common people who remain entangled in the "outer darkness" (see Outer Darkness), to act as a (drug) mule or unwitting carrier -- and this preservation of a body of secret esoteric knowledge is necessary because the Citizen of the Far Country (aka the god of this world) would induce the people under his control to destroy and/or corrupt the scriptures.  (6) It is therefore important to recognize that the biblical authors were correct in their assertion that the people of this world who remain under the dominion of the Citizen of the Far County, cannot understand the higher reality of the soul and what Jesus portrayed as the (esoteric) knowledge of the Kingdom of God -- which Paul openly states they will reject as utter "foolishness" (see Mystery Of The Gospel).   (7) In view of the fact that the carnal people -- even those who are baptized and committed believers -- can't utilize the esoteric knowledge -- this inability to understand along with the threat of annihilation because of the charge of heresy, forces the authors of the scriptures to act in a way not at all understood by the congregation of believers.   In the example of Paul who references himself as an ambassador in bonds who cannot speak about what he knows openly -- openly warning the congregation of believers that he had himself taught, that if he did in fact speak to them openly about the Spiritual Gospel, they would reject what he said as utter "foolishness" (see Mystery Of The Gospel).    Further, Paul explains that because it was declared from On High to be "unlawful" to reveal to the faith-based believers the Spiritual Gospel of Christ and the Mysteries of the Kingdom (see Gnostic Spiritual Dilemma), there are two doctrines -- i.e., one for the immature congregation of believers who are incapable of comprehending the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom -- and the other which can only be spiritually received directly from the Mind of God (Logos/Son Of God/True Prophet). 




The Lie Of Judaism: That Yeshua/Jesus was not A Messiah!

The Lie Of Christianity: That Yeshua/Jesus was God Incarnate!

The Lie Of Islam: That Yeshua/Jesus Said Another Was Yet To Come

The above statement pertaining to the historical Yeshua/Jesus being A Messiah -- rather than The (only) Messiah -- not only acknowledges the statement by Martin Buber that there is always a Messiah in the earth -- but also the Ebionite (see ) teaching that the true purpose of the teachings of Yeshua/Jesus and TheWay, was to make all the lost prodigal sons and daughters Spiritual Israel -- and Messianic Priests and a Holy Nation that would manifest the Final Temple within the life of all mankind.   Buber wrote that direct dialogue between man and God, created a relationship that transcended traditional Jewish ideology.   Buber wrote that "There is no statement about God, which does not at the same time state something about man".   But the statement of Martin Buber is in essence no different than that of St. Nazianzen who stated that those who imitate the pattern and walk in TheWay that Jesus taught, that the objective of these teachings reveals to us our true nature, and the revelation of this manifest Sacred Knowledge makes “ like God; so that when we have thus become like Himself, God may, to use a bold expression, hold converse with us as Gods, being united to us, and that perhaps to the same extent as He already knows those who are known to Him” (see ). 

Martin Buber once posed the question: "Where does God live?"   And while the Jewish scholars who were in attendance answered that "The world is full of his glory".   Buber correctly answered: "God lives, where he is let in".   Buber once told a Protestant Pastor that "we Jews understood Yeshua in a way you (Gentiles) never will!"   According to Buber, no one in history ever had a closer relationship to God than did the historical Jesus.  But few understand what Jesus truly taught -- which was that to let the Fullness of God in, it is imperative that the person manifest what is portrayed as the Final Temple within themselves.     And this is what Yeshua/Jesus taught -- i.e., not to engage in idolatry and worship him in the manner of a pagan -- but rather, to imitate the pattern and pick up one's own cross, and travail in TheWay.   

In the Essence of their religious practice and objectives, it can be said that the inner spiritual core of Judaism totally believes in Yeshua/Jesus and his teachings -- and they see him as having ushered in a New Messianic Age of the Final Temple which is Spiritual and Living.   But because few Jews can comprehend even the religious objectives of Judaism -- add to this the factor of Christian Roman Paganism which has alienated the Gentiles from the original and true teachings of Jesus and TheWay -- and this inner core of spiritual Judaism that knows the Truth, is unable to even acknowledge the historical Jesus as a Messiah.   The result is that the adoption of manmade pagan doctrines of belief by the Church of Rome, has in fact alienated the world from the primary objectives of what Jesus actually taught.   In their thinking and lifestyle, the Church daily crucifies Christ, as Paul warned in the words that they "...commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold him up to contempt.. For if we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries." (Heb 6:4-6;10:26-27 RSV).   In their idolatry of the worship of Jesus as a pagan sacrifice for the perpetual redemption of sin even after coming to the knowledge of the Truth and TheWay, the Church "...holds him up to contempt".

The fact that neither the Jews understand what Yeshua/Jesus taught regarding the reality of the Messiah and the spiritual objectives of the Torah -- and the fact that the Christ of the Christian world is totally foreign to Judaism because it is immersed in Roman Paganism, and has only alienated all the lost prodigal sons from the Truth and the Kingdom -- those who should be the guides for lost seekers, are the very people who alienate mankind from the knowledge of their own true higher self, God, and the Kingdom.   In the same way that in the allegory of the Torah, Moses (the Law) brought them through the wilderness of this world, and it was that vibration and higher reality of mind which in the scriptures is portrayed as Joshua (Yeshua/Jesus) -- and it is this reality of manifest mind that in the Torah, was required to take the Children of Israel across the Jordan and into the Promised Land -- the scriptures speak of inner realities of body, mind/soul and spirit that each of us must bring about within us.   And in a comparison of the true spiritual meaning of both the Old and New Testaments, the Apostle Peter in the Clementine Homilies confirms that they are both the same -- i.e., "Moreover, if any one has been thought worthy to recognize both as preaching one doctrine, that man has been counted rich in God, understanding both the old things as new in time, and the new things as old.” (see Things Christians Don't Tell Jews About The New Testament).  Therefore, it is only man's ignorance with respect to his own religious teachings that is responsible for the conflict between the three religions -- and world peace cannot be achieved, because of The Three Lies promoted by each of the religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.   That Martin Buber is correct, and that a Messiah is always present in the earth, is not recognized because of the sectarian ignorance promoted by the doctrines of all three religions.   That the spiritual core of Judaism believes that the historical Yeshua/Jesus, as a Messiah who ushered in the Final Temple, cannot be acknowledged because of the paganism of Christianity and the idolatry of the Church in the worship of Jesus as God in accord with the doctrines of the Emperor Constantine.   Moreover, this same idolatry not only was instrumental in the creation of Islam, but is the very reason why Muslims view Christians as worshiping a false god.   But Islam itself has fallen victim to the same corrupting forces of this world, and has become the catalyst that has fueled the fires of dissension and hypocrisy that has alienated all three religions from the True Spiritual Objectives and Goals of the Torah, the New Testament, as well as the Qur'an.   And because of the Spiritual Apostasy of all three religions, the Laws of God have in fact brought about the present world conflict, because each of the three religions are themselves spiritually blind to their own Essence.






Table Of Contents

Hyperlinks To Subjects


The Final Temple and the Primary Lie Of Judaism

The Inauguration Of The New Covenant And The Kingdom

The Folly Of The Jews

A Reply To Messiah Truth - Do Jews Seek Truth?

The Lie Of Christianity

Science Proves The Mystical Vision and Knowledge of the Gnostic!

The Folly Of Atheism Demonstrated Conclusively

Atheists Prove Gospel True - Reply: The God Who Wasn't There

The Great Void - Science, History, Philosophy & Religion

The Reality Of Gnosis - Knowledge Of God

The Mystery Of The Gospel - Quest For The Inner Meaning

Jesus - The Black Swan Of The Reformation

All Genuine Religions Are Spiritual/Gnostic

Books With The Power To Deceive - Allegorical Scriptures For An Allegorical World

Science - Religion - And The Etheric Field/Mind

The Allusion Of The Forms Of Matter

The Demiurge - Allegory? Myth? What Is Reality - Language Of The Soul

Unique Individual Perspective Of Scriptures And Life

The Great Allegory Of Mind And Matter

The Brain/Mind Connection

Logos/Son Of God - True Prophet - One Teacher

The Search For The Son Of God/Logos/True Prophet

The Spiritual Disenfranchisement Of The Mind

Denial Of First Amendment Practice Of Religion

Secular Imposed Death - Modern Slavery - Government Imposed Spiritual Abortion


American Spirituality - Our Gnostic Based Constitution

The Prodigal Son And The Theist/Deist Perception Of Creation

Necessary Spiritual Environment Created By American Gnostics

Deism And The First Amendment - The Laws Of Nature And Nature's God - The American Spiritual Visionaries

The Law Of Octaves In Brief

Limits Of The Organic Mind - Linear Thought

Religion As A System Of Education

Spiritual Religion

Limits Of Entry-Level Deism

The Laws - And The Two Creation Accounts In Genesis

The Allegorical Fall Of Man

The Spiritual Sabbath That Man Does Not Understand

The Law Received From Angels - The Two Creation Accounts

Deists Believed In The Pre-Existent Soul That Evolves To Perfection Over Many Lifetimes 

The Holographic Pattern Of The Twelve Within The One

The Enigma Of The Twelve - The Laws - And The Tree of Life

Deists And The Homogenization Factor

The Foundational Laws Of the US Constitution - Deist And Mason Influence - Field Of Dreams

Segregated Harmonic Interaction


The Spiritual Life - The Threefold Process of Birth

The Dead Know Nothing - The Plight Of Organic Man

The Folly Of The NDE Critic

Pseudo-Intellectuals - Mental Abortion - The Laws Which Obstruct The Birth Process

Spiritual DNA - The Process Of Birth

Cosmic Ovum And Sperm - A Reality Beyond Man's Perception

The Gnostic Spiritual Dilemma - Man Incapable Of Comprehending The Kingdom Of God

The Holographic Pattern Of Creation

The Trinity And The Divine Pattern Of Creation

The Virgin Birth - A Universal Symbol Of Higher Consciousness

Joseph - The Generative Power Of The Kingdom

The Womb Of Mother-Earth - Man And Woman - Transformation And Rebirth

Turn About - Become A Child Of The Kingdom

The Divine Pattern And The Reality Of Mankind

Impressions As Food - Divine Marriage

The Folly Of Original Sin

Spiritual Alchemy - The Transformation of One's Lower Nature

Accountability And The Requirements Of The Laws ****

The Laws - The Gift On The Altar

Getting Out Of The Prison

The Conditions Of One's Birth

The Parable Of The Talents

Alchemical Powers Of The Laws

Segmentation Of The Mind **********

The Tree Of Life And The Pattern of Mind

The Way Of The Monk - The Limitations Of The Monastic Mindset & Lifestyle

Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image - The Cosmology Of Mind

The Enigma Of Time And The Soul Of Man

Time - Soul Octaves - Spiritual Cathedral

Transcending Time And Space

Time And The Left Hand Of God

The Double Edge Sword Of The Laws


The True Unknown And Suppressed Knowledge Of Islam

The Necessity Of Islam

The True History Of Islam

A Question Of Nuclear Holocaust?  Massive Death?  The Laws That Will Bring This About.

The Real Islam The World Knows Nothing About

The Corruption And Impersonation Of The True Prophet By Mohammed

The Relationship Of Paul And Mohammed:

The Allegorical Qur'an

The Spiritual Fall Of Islam


The Journey By Night To The Distant Mosque

The Lie Of Islam

The Corrupted Qur'an - A Letter To Irshad Manji

Should Muslims Leave Islam?

The True Prophet - A Time For Truth

The Apostasy Of Islam

The Spiritual Diaspora That Judaism, Christianity And Islam Dwell Under

The Laws That Bring World Conflict








The Primary Lie

The Primary Lie Belongs to Judaism

Click Above To Access Article

Quotation From Under the Heading of: What Is The Holy Temple?


The Final Temple: With the destruction of the Second Temple, G-d changed His mode of interaction with the universe. Until the destruction, the Temple was the window to G-d; spirituality had a physical home in Jerusalem. The Kohanim offered the daily sacrifices, the daily routines went uninterrupted, daily personal prayer was redundant.

With the destruction, G-d destroyed the physical Temple and made it a spiritual place... We cannot find G-d in Jerusalem; we must find Him in us

With the destruction, G-d destroyed the physical Temple and made it a spiritual place. He took that window and placed it within us. Instead of traveling to Jerusalem, G-d wanted us to find Him in our inner Jerusalem. Now, our bodies are our Temples, our souls are our windows, our minds are our Kohanim and our animal instincts are our sacrifices. We cannot offer physical sacrifices three times a day, but we can pray three times a day. We cannot attend Temple services three times a day, but we can tap into our souls three times a day. We cannot atone for our shortcomings by sacrificing animals, but we can sacrifice our inner animals—our hormones, our lusts, our desires, our beastly compulsions. We cannot find G-d in Jerusalem; we must find Him in us.

This was G-d’s Master Plan. By exchanging a sweeping, dramatic outdoor concert of public spirituality for an internal, personal, private experience, G-d was bringing Himself even closer to humanity, laying the groundwork for the Third and final Temple—an age that will synthesize G-d’s presence inside our hearts and minds and in the world around us in a totally new reality: the Era of Moshiach.

  The Chassidic Vision/Prediction 

Rabbi Yisrael Ben Eliezer who came to be known by Chassidic Jews as the Baal Shem Tov (The Master of the Good Name), embraced the path of the Mystic seeking Union with G-d.  But to understand what can be portrayed as Spiritual Judaism, you must first understand the reality that Jesus presented when he stated that the Kingdom of God is within us (Lk 17:20-21) -- and that this Inner Kingdom can be accessed by those who make themselves a fit and consecrated vessel unto the Lord.   And in acknowledgement of this higher reality, it was during one of these soul-ascents to heaven that the Baal Shem Tov ascended to the heavenly abode of the Messiah and asked him: "Master when are you coming?"   Messiah answered, "When the wellsprings of your teachings shall spread outward."  In other words, what was revealed to Rabbi Eliezer was that Messiah cannot come until the teaching of the Inner Spiritual Torah which reveals the Final Temple, has first reached all Jewish people, and then ultimately to the entire world.   According to Lubavitch teaching: "God has long been ready to bring Messiah, and Messiah is anxious to come. Until now his path was obstructed by the imperfections in the world."  What this means is that it is the condition of the world -- and particularly of the Jewish people -- which hastens or delays the coming of the Messiah and the Kingdom of G-d.   This is illustrated by a story from the Talmud which says that the Messiah will come "Today if you would only listen to his voice."   But to hear his voice, one must themselves become the embodiment of the Final Temple.   Thus, the spiritual Jew whose eyes and mind has begun to be opened to the Spiritual Torah that Jews of the flesh and carnal men are without the eyes to see, and are blind to, must hear the calling: Are you ready to reveal the spiritual truths and the Key of Knowledge that all men must possess in order to gaze upon the True Word of G-d? (quoted from No Jew Has Read The Torah/Law). 

Acknowledged By Judaism

Corrupted By Christianity

Demonized By Radical Islam

The above words taken directly from, represents one of the most profound spiritual insights that must be acknowledged by the leaders of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.   That the vast majority of carnal Jews did not understand the allegorical nature of their own scriptures -- and in their ignorance, they built a shadow temple in this world where they sacrificed innocent animals -- is one of the primary reasons why the historical Yeshua/Jesus opposed the religious authorities of his day.    That this same truth that is presented in the article on the Final Temple, is the same exact message that Jesus taught, is demonstrated by quoting the early Christian writer Epiphanius who stated of the Ebionite Nazirene followers that they "do not accept Moses' Pentateuch in its entirety; certain sayings they reject... stating Christ has revealed this to me, and will blespheme most of the legislation" (Panarion 30.18.7-9).    And if we were to inquire as to what legislation of the Law of Moses the Ebionite Nazirenes rejected?    It would be that they rejected the outward ritualization of the Law of Moses that was practiced by the carnal Jews who Jesus portrayed as the blind leaders who threw away what Jesus called the Key of Knowledge.    And to demonstrate this fact, Epiphanius then quotes the Gospel of the Ebionites/Hebrews where Jesus states: "I have come to destroy the sacrifices" (Panarion 30.16.5).   What is not at all understood today is the fact that, while the Ebionite Nazirenes were Observant of the Law -- this was the Royal Law that is Spiritual, and not of the flesh.  With respect to the Law: "For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all" (James 2:10 NKJ) -- "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.  For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.  Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.  For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven"  (Matt 5:17-20 NKJ) -- "'Cursed is the one who does not confirm all the words of this law.' And all the people shall say, 'Amen!'" (Deut 27:26 NKJ).

The key to understanding the reality of the Law that each person must themselves fulfill, is in the words: "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life" (John 6:63 NKJ).   Jesus taught that while the Law remained in effect, that those who travailed to fulfill the Law, must greatly exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees -- but what does this mean?   While the Pharisees attempted to keep the law outwardly, in ritual and tradition, the fulfillment of the Royal Law must be brought about within one's own self.   And it is this inner reality of a Holy of Holies, where one's own carnal nature must be sacrificed on the altar of the Final Temple that is not made with the hands of man.   And it is this inner spiritual reality that is openly acknowledgement in the fulfillment of the inauguration of the New Covenant: "For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.  None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them" (Heb 8:10-11 NKJ).   Yet, the Jews have been inhibited from acknowledging this fact that they can only allude to in the above statement which is confirmed in the Epistle to the Hebrews, because a great number of the Gentile converts were too heathen and pagan to comprehend the teachings of Jesus and TheWay, and in the fourth century the Church of Constantine embraced the idolatry of declaring Jesus to be God Incarnate.  

The word Messiah, which in Greek is translated the Christ, and in English is the Anointed, indicates one whose mind has been Enlightened -- i.e., Anointed and Chosen by God to guide Israel.   But what is Israel?  Once again, it is not the person of the flesh -- but rather, of the Spirit.  And the confrontation between Jesus and the Pharisees in the New Covenant Gospels, was a reenactment of the proverbial struggle between the spirit and the flesh -- i.e., Able and Cain -- Light and darkness -- good and evil -- the Left and Right Hands -- and these are the struggles that exist within each of us -- and as the prodigal sons and daughters who presently dwell in what Jesus portrayed as the Far Country, it is this struggle that each of us must overcome.   And that the Pharisees were of the flesh -- and were blind to the higher reality of soul and spirit -- is the reason the Pharisees asked Jesus when the Kingdom of God would come upon the earth as they believed their prophets had predicted? (Luke 17:20-21)   And because the vast number of Jews went in the way of Cain -- and they are of the flesh -- they are not even aware that there is an inner, spiritual meaning to the Torah that few people are able to see and understand.   Why?   Because they are oblivious to the above words with respect to the Final Temple.   Therefore, without the necessary conscious understanding, they have not purified and sanctified their own body-Temple.   Thus, the long ignored Jewish Mystic warns: "Thus the tales related in the Torah are simply her outer garments, and woe to the man who regards that outer garb as the Torah itself, for such a man will be deprived of portion in the next world..." (see No Jew Has Seen The Torah).  Which is explained in the Zohar: “The narratives of the doctrine are its cloak.   The simple look only on the garment, that is upon the narrative of the doctrine; more they know not.   The instructed, however, see not merely the cloak, but what the cloak covers”.  

As confirmed in the above article from, Jesus correctly stated that the Kingdom of God can never come upon the earth in the manner that carnal men predict, because it is within us (see Gate Of Eden) -- all of us -- equally.     And since the Torah is a series of allegorical symbols and forms that portray inner realities of body, mind/soul and spirit to those who possess the eyes to see beneath what is presented as the "...outer garb as the Torah itself" -- which is often allegorically portrayed as the Torah that could not be received because the Children of Israel worshiped the golden calf when Moses returned from the Mount -- which means that within the symbolism of the allegorical forms of the Torah, is the Sacred Manna that one must possess in order to fulfill the Messianic prophesies -- breaking down the inner barriers of mind and being -- and dwelling within the Holy of Holies in the Presence of the Most High.  When the article in states: "With the destruction of the Second Temple, G-d changed His mode of interaction with the universe."   This is an acknowledgement that the historical Jesus was the chosen holy vessel and Anointed One (Messiah/Christ) who inaugurated the Holy Temple defined above.   That does not mean that Jesus was God incarnate in the manner that the pagan Gentiles who worshiped everything under the sun proclaimed.  Neither does it mean that Jesus was the only Messiah -- because each of us who seeks to make their body-vessel a Living Temple, receives the Anointing to the degree they are able to receive it, and is made a Messiah.   And this reality of the meaning of the words Messiah and Christ is demonstrated in the position of the Ebionite Nazirene Disciples of Jesus who were correct in their assertion that Jesus "...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Messiah/Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Messiah/Christ." Hence, when the Disciples and followers of TheWay "...thus fulfill the law, they are able to become Messiah/Christs, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity." (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34 - quotations at ).   So as a Messiah, the teachings of Yeshua/Jesus with respect to the necessary mindset and lifestyle that is required to fulfill the Law within ourselves, meant that he was sent as a Prophet of the Most High to guide the true seekers into the Inner Kingdom.   And isn't this exactly what is presented in the above words of AskMoses: "...G-d destroyed the physical Temple and made it a spiritual place. He took that window and placed it within us. Instead of traveling to Jerusalem, G-d wanted us to find Him in our inner Jerusalem. Now, our bodies are our Temples, our souls are our windows, our minds are our Kohanim and our animal instincts are our sacrifices. We cannot offer physical sacrifices three times a day, but we can pray three times a day. We cannot attend Temple services three times a day, but we can tap into our souls three times a day. We cannot atone for our shortcomings by sacrificing animals, but we can sacrifice our inner animals—our hormones, our lusts, our desires, our beastly compulsions. We cannot find G-d in Jerusalem; we must find Him in us.  This was G-d’s Master Plan. By exchanging a sweeping, dramatic outdoor concert of public spirituality for an internal, personal, private experience, G-d was bringing Himself even closer to humanity, laying the groundwork for the Third and final Temple—an age that will synthesize G-d’s presence inside our hearts and minds and in the world around us in a totally new reality: the Era of Moshiach."

What Jesus taught was the mindset and the necessary Consecrated LifeStyle to become a Living Temple -- and as the High Priest of our own Living Temple, what is portrayed in the allegory of the Torah and Old Testament as entering within the Holy of Holies of the Jerusalem Temple, is synonymous with striving to enter in at the "narrow gate" and permit the Kingdom to come within -- "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." (Matt 7:13-14 NKJ).    And this is why in the Clementine Homilies the Apostle Peter states that if properly understood, there is no difference between the Torah and the New Covenant scriptures -- because the underlying spiritual objective is one and the same.   The problem is that neither the Jews or the Christians understand either set of scriptures with any true spiritual depth -- because their body-temple has been ravaged by the thinking, culture and ways of this world, as portrayed in the plundering of the temple by the carnal forces of this world.   

Notice the very important words in the above article from  "We cannot atone for our shortcomings by sacrificing animals, but we can sacrifice our inner animals—our hormones, our lusts, our desires, our beastly compulsions."  And this is why the Ebionite Nazirene Disciples of Yeshua/Jesus rejected all animal sacrifice -- i.e., quoting Epiphanius: The Ebionites "do not accept Moses' Pentateuch in its entirety; certain sayings they reject... stating Christ has revealed this to me, and will blespheme most of the legislation" (Panarion 30.18.7-9).   Epiphanius then quotes the Gospel of the Ebionites/Hebrews where Jesus declares: "I have come to destroy the sacrifices" (Panaron 30.16.5).   And when states that we must sacrifice our inner animals, is this any different than the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel of the Nazirenes: "For they, making a god of their belly, sacrificed to their God the innocent creatures of the earth, in place of the carnal nature within themselves. And eating of their flesh and drinking of their blood to their own destruction, corrupted their bodies and shortened their days, even as the Gentiles who did not know the truth, or who knowing it, have changed it into a lie."

Only those who make their body-vessel a Living Temple -- and in the words of, they must "...sacrifice our inner animals—our hormones, our lusts, our desires, our beastly compulsions" -- and is this any different than the words of Paul when he commanded the Gentiles to "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature" (Col 3:5 NIV)?   Or the requirement that “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live” (Rom 8:13 KJV):   Which means that we must transform the beastly predator of carnal man's lower nature, into an unblemished perfect lamb that is a fit sacrifice on the altar of our Inner Living Temple.   And this state of required purity and consecration is exactly what is stated by Isaiah where it is written: "And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness. The unclean will not journey on it; it will be for those who walk in that Way; wicked fools will not go about on it" (Isa 35:8 NIV).   And in like manner, the coming of the Kingdom within the disciple who makes himself the Living Temple is the true meaning of the Revelation, and the words: "Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful" (Rev 21:27 NIV).   And the fact that the disciple must strive to overcome their lower carnal animal nature, and make their body-vessel a Living Temple, is seen in the words: "We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22 NKJ) -- and the Kingdom of God is within us.  

The true spiritual meaning of both Daniel, and the Revelation is seen in the words: "Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie" (Rev 22:14-15 NKJ).   If the text of the Revelation represented the end of the world, as is commonly believed by the majority of Christians today, then why are those who remain outside the city portrayed as "dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie"? Armageddon, then, indicates the disciples personal tribulation described as the "pangs of birth" (Matt 24:8), as the disciple of TheWay who is Spiritual Israel, endeavors to overcome his own lower carnal nature through the crucifixion of what is symbolized by the flesh, in order that he can possess the Knowledge which is the Sacred Manna, or the fruit of the Tree of Life, is able to transcend the natural barriers of this world, and "enter through the gates into the city".








“Woe to you lawyers! 

For you have taken away the key of knowledge; 

you did not enter in yourselves, 

and those who were entering in you hindered”  

(Luke 11:52 NAS)




Without the Key of Knowledge, 

Christians can't enter the Inner Kingdom!

Ten Questions Every Believer Must Ask?

What is the Key of Knowledge?

How could Jesus say that the Key of Knowledge was possessed by the Pharisees?

How did the Pharisees take away the Key of Knowledge From The People?   

What did the Pharisees not enter in themselves?

How did the Pharisees hinder those who were attempting to enter in?

Since the Pharisees did not possess Jesus, what was it that they did possess?

Did the Disciples of Jesus possess the Key of Knowledge?

Did the early Christian Church possess the Key of Knowledge?

Do Christians today possess the Key of Knowledge?

Among The Earliest Of Church Fathers

Origen Possessed The Key of Knowledge

Origen writes: But lest this difficulty perhaps should be supposed to exist only in the language of the prophets, seeing the prophetic style is allowed by all to abound in figures and enigmas, what do we find when we come to the Gospels? Is there not hidden there also an inner, namely a divine sense, which is revealed by that grace alone which he had received who said, ‘But we have the mind of Christ, that we might know the things freely given to us by God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teaches, but which the Spirit teacheth?’ And if one now were to read the revelations which were made to John, how amazed would he not be that there should be contained within them so great an amount of hidden, ineffable mysteries, in which it is clearly understood, even by those who cannot comprehend what is concealed, that something certainly is concealed. And yet are not the Epistles of the Apostles, which seem to some to be plainer, filled with meanings so profound, that by means of them, as by some small receptacle, the clearness of incalculable light appears to be poured into those who are capable of understanding the meaning of divine wisdom? And therefore, because this is the case, and because there are many who go wrong in this life, I do not consider that it is easy to pronounce, without danger, that any one knows or understands those things, which, in order to be opened up, need the key of knowledge; which key, the Savior declared, lay with those who were skilled in the law”.

When The Church Of Constantine Murdered The Ebionites And Spiritual Christians

They Killed Those Who Possessed The Inner Knowledge Of the Law

And They Threw Away The Key Of Knowledge


Why Jesus Condemned The Jews

The Jews who saw only the written literal words of the scriptures, threw away the Key of Knowledge that unlocks the inner "narrow gate" to the Kingdom within ( Gate Of Eden ).    In the words of the New Living Translation: "How terrible it will be for you experts in religious law! For you hide the key to knowledge from the people. You don't enter the Kingdom yourselves, and you prevent others from entering" (Luke 11:52).   Which conveys to us that if the experts in religious law had properly used and applied the Key of Knowledge, that they not only would have been able to enter the Kingdom -- but that they would have become a true guide to others.   And because the vast majority of Gentiles did not themselves possess the Key of Knowledge, they failed to understand that this was the very reason why Jesus condemned the Pharisees and Sadducees as counterfeit teachers and blind guides.    And that the Key of Knowledge must be properly applied, so it will open the inner door to the Kingdom, is further demonstrated in the words: "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." (Matt 7:13-14 NKJ).   And when Jesus was asked directly when the Kingdom of God would come upon the earth as Jews and Christians believe, Jesus said it would never come upon the earth, because it is within us all: "Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:20-21 NKJ).   And Christians today fail to comprehend this fact, because they have thrown away the Key of Knowledge that unlocks the inner "narrow gate".   And modern Christians can't even begin to understand the Mysteries of God, because they ignore and reject the warning in the parable of the Sower and the Seed where it states: “Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?” (Mark 4:13 KJV) -- or, in the wording of a the modern language New Living Translation: “But if you can’t understand this story, how will you understand all the others I am going to tell? (see Sower And The Seed).


What is written herein will begin the process of preparing the mind of the seeker and disciple to properly utilize the Key of Knowledge in the endeavor to open the inner "narrow strait gate" to enter the Kingdom.   To accomplish this spiritual journey in TheWay, you must Know Thyself, and understand the nature and reality of the world that you dwell in at present.  And while this sacred knowledge was possessed by the original disciples of Jesus and TheWay, it became lost and thrown away when the Church was under the direct control of the emperors of Pagan Rome.   









The Folly Of The Jews

While the Jews should be known as those who brought the Messianic teachings of TheWay into the world -- and should be the guides for the people of the Nations -- they have instead been despised and rejected because they have turned upon their own Spiritual Essence.    The very place where their temple of this world once stood, is an Islamic Mosque which has inhibited the Jews from once again embracing the way of the flesh, and attempting to rebuild their temple of abomination.    For them not to recognize that it is the Will of God that this shadow temple where innocent animal blood is shed, represents the absolute folly of the Jews, can only be recognized as the sin of the Jewish leaders.  

As demonstrated in the above article, there is no difference between the spiritual concepts that Jesus taught, and what is necessary to become a Living Temple that becomes the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) of the Most High.   Yeshua/Jesus did not teach that he was God incarnate (see .   And this fact that Yeshua was a man who became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ), has been proven by the Dead Sea Scrolls and other discoveries (see Ebionite Denial).  Nowhere in the New Testament Gospels does it teach the doctrine of what is known as the Trinity (see The Christian Judas).  And while these doctrinal beliefs were adopted by the later Pagan Christians, the Jews should have maintained what was true, in order to fulfill their role as a Holy Nation who was set aside to guide the Gentiles into TheWay.   And while many Jews look upon these manmade doctrines of belief as heresy, the greatest heresy of all is seen in the fact that the vast majority of Jews are totally ignorant of the reality that the true requirement of Judaism is seen in the necessity to make their own body-vessel into a Living Temple where they are able to become the Messiah, and meet with their God.   And in the same way that states that  "This was G-d’s Master Plan. By exchanging a sweeping, dramatic outdoor concert of public spirituality for an internal, personal, private experience, G-d was bringing Himself even closer to humanity, laying the groundwork for the Third and final Temple—an age that will synthesize G-d’s presence inside our hearts and minds and in the world around us in a totally new reality: the Era of Moshiach" -- this is exactly what Yeshua taught, and his disciples believed as seen in the words that Yeshua "...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Messiah/Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Messiah/Christ."

That Yeshua/Jesus did not endorse the outward ritual which describes as a "...sweeping, dramatic outdoor concert of public" exhibition of animal sacrifice as many of the carnal Jews of his day, is to be expected of one who was sent to inaugurate "...the Third and final Temple—an age that will synthesize G-d’s presence inside our hearts and minds and in the world around us in a totally new reality: the Era of Moshiach."   If God desired temple sacrifice and ritual worship, then no force on earth could have destroyed the Jerusalem Temple -- much less build a Mosque that would inhibit the Jews from returning to their Old Covenant ways of animal sacrifice and ritual worship -- i.e., "He who kills a bull is as if he slays a man; he who sacrifices a lamb, as if he breaks a dog's neck; he who offers a grain offering, as if he offers swine's blood; he who burns incense, as if he blesses an idol. Just as they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delights in their abominations, So will I choose their delusions, and bring their fears on them; because, when I called, no one answered, when I spoke they did not hear; but they did evil before My eyes, and chose that in which I do not delight" (Isa 66:3-4 NKJ).   But God wanted mankind to know that the Kingdom is within each of us, and the journey of the soul must be accomplished by making your very body-vessel a Holy and Consecrated Temple where you enter within the Holy of Holies, and meet with the Divine.    This is the Spiritual Essence of Judaism that the vast majority of Jews totally fail to understand -- i.e., "'And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation'" (Exod 19:6 NKJ).

If the Jews are the people who were supposed to reveal the Messiah to the world, what better way than to teach them that the historical Yeshua/Jesus became the Anointed, by fulfilling the Law within himself, and moving into Oneness with the Most High?   Once rightly understood, the parable of the prodigal son is no different than the journey of the soul as presented in the Zohar.  The following quotation is taken from The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, under the heading of Souls, Transmigration of: “The doctrine of transmigration of souls, which was especially accepted by the Karaites… is generally attacked by Jewish philosophers, but is defended by Isaac Abravanel and Manasseh ben Israel.  It appears often in Cabala; it is found in organized form in the Zohar, it is further developed in the teachings of Isaac Luria (1534-1572), and in Hasidism it becomes a universal belief.   According to these teachings, all human souls have a common origin in the spiritual unity of the primordial man, sparks of which form the individual souls... The sin of Adam brought higher and lower souls into confusion; as a result, every soul has to pass through a series of incarnations... The soul itself has no sex, which is determined by the body and may vary from incarnation to incarnation”   And in the Zohar which is referenced in the above, a doctrine of Jewish Mysticism, it is written that: “All souls are subject to the trials of transmigration; and men do not know the designs of the Most High with regard to them… The souls must re-enter the absolute substance whence they have emerged.  But to accomplish this end they must develop all the perfections, the germ of which is planted in them; and if they have not fulfilled this condition during one life, they must commence another, a third, and so forth, until they have acquired the condition which fits them for reunion with God”.   This reunion with God is the rebirth that was spoken of by Jesus to the Pharisee Nicodemus, “a ruler of the Jews”.   And the fact that the Christians have alienated themselves from the knowledge of the Journey of the Soul, is because they have adopted the doctrinal beliefs of a Roman Circus Prostitute and her husband the Emperor (see ).

That the carnal Jews rejected what Jesus taught with respect to making your body a Living Temple, is understood, because they had yet to fulfill the Law within themselves, and were incapable of "...having acquired the condition which fits them for reunion with God”.   But Jews of spiritual vision should know better.   That Christians in like manner remain lost and groping in this world, is in part because the Jews reject their finest example of the one who fulfilled the Law within himself -- and thereby proved the superior teachings of Judaism.    And that the Christians worship the Jesus-god of Constantine and Pagan Rome, should not trouble wise Jews -- because it is natural for the people of the Nations to worship not only everything under the sun -- but even the sun itself.  








Do Jews Seek Truth?

Reply To Messiah Truth Forum



On the Messiah Truth discussion forum which asked the question: xianity all false or some false -- I posted the following:

Both the Torah and the New Testaments are an allegory which portray the seekers blueprint of body, mind/soul and spirit -- providing the means to evolve the understanding to enter the inner Kingdom which is the primary objective of all religions.  I see that Mr. Tate mentioned reincarnation -- and as the soul who lived as Jacob/Ya'kov who people call James, the Brother of Yeshua who people call Jesus ( ), Yeshua was a man who fulfilled the Law within himself, as detailed on the web site ( ).  That it is acknowledge in that the Final Temple is spiritual (see ) -- and that the historical Yeshua inaugurated this Spiritual Temple that all people must bring about within themselves -- is the purpose of the teachings of Yeshua and TheWay.  That Jews, Christians and Muslims are all fundamentally ignorant of the meaning of their own scriptures -- while they continue to find fault for the blindness of others -- invokes the Laws that inhibit them from understanding the essence of their own religion.    



The moderator of the forum who calls herself Sophie, deleted the above reply to the question.   It was said of the Ebionites who represented the true teachings of Yeshua/Jesus and TheWay that they were “…rejected from one religion as apostates, and from the other as heretics” (Gibbon: Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, v.1, p.416) -- and this remains true to this very day with respect to the Truth -- i.e., those who know the Truth are …rejected from one religion as apostates, and from the other as heretics”.      To Moshe Shumlman, a Chasidic Jew, Rabbi, and leader of the Messiah Truth Project, I sent the following e-mail in response to the deletion of the above:   

Shalom Rabbi Moshe Shulman:  

On your forum which asks the question: xianity all false or some false (see ), my reply under the ID of Nazirene was deleted by your moderator Sophiee1.  You can view my reply that was deleted at this bookmarked link which I have created to make my reply permanent (see ).   I am also going to place a copy of this e-mail at this link, as well as on the Brother Of Yeshua Blog article entitled Do Jews Desire To Know Truth?   As stated in the Kabbalah: "Thus the tales related in the Torah are simply her outer garments, and woe to the man who regards that outer garb as the Torah itself, for such a man will be deprived of portion in the next world..." (see ).   The soul who lived as the historical Yeshua who people call Jesus, said the exact same thing -- I know, because I was there as Ya'kov his brother.   And in truth, Judaism is in reality an ancient Mystery religion -- in the Mystery religion traditions -- that has survived where the others have passed on, largely because of the corruptions of first Christianity, and then Islam, which kept Judaism alive.   But the greater problem with Judaism -- which is true of all Mystery religions -- is seen in the fact that only the initiates into the Mystery religion have any clue as to the true meaning of the scriptures.   To the degree that what the Kabbalah states is true, and those who see only the written word which the Gnostic Paul called the "letter that killeth" (see ), is depriving countless Jews of the opportunity to attain even a "...portion in the next world...".    And the fact that the Christians are more or less in the same boat as the Jews, does not in any manner negate the problem from a purely Jewish perspective.   As demonstrated in the article on The Law and TheWay (see ), the outer forms of the Torah are merely older elements of paganism that was practiced at the time these texts were written.   So which form of paganism you choose -- either Judaism or Christianity -- really doesn't matter -- because only Truth and TheWay matter when your soul is finished with the learning experience of this present life.   As Ya'kov, the soul who lived as the Brother of Yeshua/Jesus, I am in fact more responsible for the creation of what came to be in its corrupted form Christianity, than was the soul who lived as the historical Yeshua.  Why?  Because I composed the original scriptures in Hebrew Characters (see ) -- and the initial set of scriptures were actually composed even before the staged crucifixion of Yeshua.   And this does not in any manner negate all that Yeshua accomplished in totally fulfilling the Law within himself (see ) -- but the primary objective of these teachings was to free the people from the shackles of a Mystery religion that like the Pagan Church of Rome which called itself Christian, had become corrupt and was leading the people in the wrong direction.   And while not understood by the vast majority of Jews and Christians, this fact is admitted in the answer to the Final Temple (see ).     In the same way that G-d, in His Infinite Wisdom and Compassion, desired to free the common Jews from the corruption of it's carnal leaders, the fact that the teachings of Yeshua and TheWay became corrupted, as you point out, is typical of the folly of mankind.   And when the Ebionite teachings were corrupted by the Church of Rome, there was another attempt by the historical Mohammed to restore the truth -- but alas, human nature very quickly corrupted these teachings also.   Over the past 100 years I can document step by step where once again the Hand of G-d has moved the Laws to restore the Truth.   The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi Library was of primary importance.   Interesting enough, the Dead Sea Scrolls were first placed under the control of the Christians who attempted to conceal what they revealed -- but the control of the scrolls was then placed in the hands of the Jews after the 1967 war.   What was the significance of the discovery?   Biblical scholars such as A. Powell Davies warned the Christian world that discoveries such as the Dead Sea Scrolls had confirmed what they had believed all along -- that the Roman Church created the divinity of Yeshua/Jesus -- i.e., “Biblical scholars were not disturbed by what they found in the Dead Sea Scrolls because they had known all along that the origin of Christianity was not what was commonly supposed to have been” (quoted by Millar Burrows in More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls).  Worse yet, Edmund Wilson, an expert who worked on the Dead Sea Scrolls further raised the question as to what difference it makes if “Jesus... had been trained in the discipline and imbued with the thought of a certain Jewish sect, and that he had learned from it the role that he afterwards lived...” (The Scrolls From The Dead Sea).  To the uninformed and unknowing believer, it made all the difference in the world!  If Yeshua was an Essene who lived a holy and consecrated life, fulfilling the Law within himself so completely, that he became One with the Logos/Son of God at his baptism as stated by all Church Authorities prior to the fourth century Nicene Council held by the Roman Emperor Constantine (see The Ten Words), then the Adam Clark Bible Commentary is correct when it states that "...the whole Christian system is vain and baseless"!!!    When Prof. John Allegro was quoted as saying that what has been revealed in the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls is a great amount of overwhelming evidence that “...may upset a great many basic teachings of the Christian Church.   This in turn would greatly upset many Christian Theologians and believers.   The heart of the matter is, in fact, the source and originality of Christian doctrine” (August 1966 issue of Harpers Magazine); what he was in fact stating is that, everything that we now know about Christian beginnings demonstrate that the Essene/Ebionites were not the heretics, as they were falsely portrayed by the later Gentile church, but were in fact the body of genuine believers that held fast to the authentic teachings of Yeshua/Jesus and the New Covenant.      The problem is that in the same way that the Roman idolatry of the historical Yeshua as a pagan sacrifice is an abomination that is best portrayed as a Christian "...system [that] is vain and baseless", the same is true of those who see only the written text of the body of the Torah in the manner of the vast majority of Judaism.   And this fact is confirmed by your own Jewish Mystics who warned that those who see only the text because they are carnal, and have yet to transform their body-vessel into a Living and Consecrated Temple, have not even a "...portion in the next world...".     And if what I am saying to you seems outrageous, in closing I shouldn't have to portray the higher realities of the soul to a Chasidic rabbi such as yourself.   Quoting from The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, under the heading of Souls, Transmigration of: “The doctrine of transmigration of souls, which was especially accepted by the Karaites… is generally attacked by Jewish philosophers, but is defended by Isaac Abravanel and Manasseh ben Israel.  It appears often in Cabala; it is found in organized form in the Zohar, it is further developed in the teachings of Isaac Luria (1534-1572), and in Hasidism it becomes a universal belief.   According to these teachings, all human souls have a common origin in the spiritual unity of the primordial man, sparks of which form the individual souls... The sin of Adam brought higher and lower souls into confusion; as a result, every soul has to pass through a series of incarnations... The soul itself has no sex, which is determined by the body and may vary from incarnation to incarnation”.   In the Zohar it is written that: “All souls are subject to the trials of transmigration; and men do not know the designs of the Most High with regard to them… The souls must re-enter the absolute substance whence they have emerged.  But to accomplish this end they must develop all the perfections, the germ of which is planted in them; and if they have not fulfilled this condition during one life, they must commence another, a third, and so forth, until they have acquired the condition which fits them for reunion with God”  This reunion with God is the rebirth that was spoken of by Yeshua to the Pharisee Nicodemus, “a ruler of the Jews”.       The reality of this world is that even when you are right, you are more often than not also wrong.   While it is true that Christianity has been paganized under Rome, it is also true that the outward rituals of Judaism was also of pagan origin, and the teachings of Yeshua and TheWay was intended to free the Jews from the shackles of ignorance of the Mystery religion that few understood the true meaning of.   Like yourself, on the web site the Light of Yeshua ( ), I discourage Jews from embracing the Messianic movement which wraps traditional Roman Paganism in a counterfeit Jewish facade.   But where I offer the reader the true spiritual essence of both Judaism and Christianity, what your site as Messiah Truth is serving up is more Mystery religion carnal interpretations of the "letter that killeth".    And this surprises me in view of the fact that you are a Hasidic rabbi, and yet you are so ignorant of the true meaning of the scriptures.     If you want my insights into your own more distant past: In previous lives you were one of the Christians who persecuted Jews, and you have been yourself returned to the earth in the form of the very people you persecuted.   In the more distant future you can expect someone such as Yasser Arafat to be born a leader among the Jews, and oppose Islam in much the same manner as you are opposing Christianity.   That the vast majority of Jews do not even want to know truth unless it also is wrapped in a ritual Jewish prayer shawl -- and that the Jewish people will themselves reject the knowledge of the Truth when it is offered to them, is easily demonstrated by still another similar instance when the key to understanding the dilemma of life was presented to them.   Why does G-d permit bad things to happen to seemingly good people?   In much the same manner that the Americans became outraged when Jerry Falwell affirmed the biblical doctrine that all evil in the world is the result of sin, many of the mainstream Reform and Conservative Jews were angered when Rabbi Ovadia Yosefan, the former chief rabbi of Israel, a religious scholar who was also the spiritual leader of the Shas party, recently made the statement that no innocent Jews died in the Holocaust.  What Rabbi Yosefan said was that the 6 million Holocaust victims "were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things that should not be done.”   Rabbi Yosefan explained that these souls who had previously lived lives of sin, “…had been reincarnated in order to atone”  for their own misdeeds in a previous life.    Immediately, all sectors of the population -- from then Prime Minister Barak, to the Holocaust survivors -- condemned the rabbi's remarks.   In a communiqué issued from his office, Barak stated: “His words are liable to harm the memory of those who perished in the Holocaust and are liable to hurt the feelings of their families and the feelings of the entire nation.”   Thus we must ask the question: Putting feelings aside, what is the ramifications with respect to our vision of life if Rabbi Yosefan is correct in his assessment of the Holocaust victims?   Legislator Yosef (Tommy) Lapid, who was himself a Holocaust survivor who heads the secularist Shinui party, condemned Rabbi Yosef’s statements and said he was “… in effect confirming what Hitler said, that the Jews are sinners.”    While the case can easily be made that both Hitler and Osama bin Laden were evil men -- and even satanic -- what if the allegations of each did possess an element of truth that each of us should consider before we automatically agree with the condemnations raised by our politically correct media?  

As could be expected, Holocaust organizations and the two main Israeli radio stations reported that they were inundated with phone calls and fax messages, most of them criticizing Yosef's statement.   The Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum labeled Yosef's remarks “miserable”, and said they seriously harm the memory of the victims.”    In a released statement the museum said: “With all due respect to such a leader, it's hard to understand where Rabbi Yosef gets the courage to explain the intentions and ways of the Supreme Authority.”    Attempting to clarify his words in the following week to a populace that not only did not comprehend, but had little desire to understand one of the foremost and paramount teachings of not only both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, but also the Qu'ran, Rabbi Yosef cited a 16th century Jewish mystic, Isaac Luria, who wrote: “If the soul was not purified entirely the first time, and it left this world, that soul must come back in a reincarnation, even a few times, until it is entirely purified.”   What Isaaic Luria did not say, was that some lives the soul is born as a Jew, as a Christian, and everything else under the sun -- and often in the form of what it judged and persecuted.    And from this perspective, what Rabbi Yosef stated was that all those Jews who died at the hands of Hitler, were merely reaping their own debts they had themselves committed in a previous life!    What the Rabbi suggested was even though we may appear to be the innocent victim in this present life, this was not always the case -- and each of us inherits both the good and the evil that we have personally and collectively engendered in the previous existences our soul has lived prior to our being born into the present life we are now living -- as so clearly stated in the words of the Church Father Origen when he wrote: “Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life” (Origen, De Principiis).   

While the people became outraged over the words of Rabbi Yosef with respect to his assertion that the Jews who died at the hands of Hitler were souls who had entered that life in order to atone for sins committed in a previous life -- and the Jews who were outraged quickly came to the defense of their fellow Jews who tragically died as victims of the holocaust -- in their condemnation of this very clearly defined biblical doctrine, these outraged Jews many very well have defended souls who committed these sins in lives when they were not even Jews.   If they had studied the writings of their own Jewish mystics such as Isaac Luria, they would have also encountered the teaching that each of us not only must atone for our debts and sins against our fellow man, but we actually become what we ourselves have judged and condemned.   What this means is that the present-day conflict between the Jews and the Palestinians will not only continue into future lives, but that those souls who are presently Jews many find themselves Palestinians in the future, and those who are now Palestinians will in like manner be born into lives as Jews.   In like manner, people such as yourself who in the past were Christian persecutors of Jews, now find yourself on the opposite side of the fence.

Where does such ideas as this originate from?   In the case of Rabbi Isaac Luria (1534-1572), he was renowned as the greatest of the Jewish sages, and was often referred to as “the Godly”.   It was said that at times, Elijah revealed himself to Isaac Luria in order to teach him the wisdom of the scriptures, and that every night his soul ascended to heaven, escorted by angels asking which heavenly academy he wanted to visit.   Isaac Luria was no ordinary Jew -- having been born in Jerusalem, and by the time he was eight, he was recognized as a wonder child -- i.e., a prodigy who already outshone the greatest of Jewish minds of Jerusalem.   It is said that he reached the highest levels of holiness and became enlightened to the Mysteries of God after spending fifteen years in a state of prayer and meditation -- returning home only just before dark in order to observe the Sabbath with his family.   When modern Jews, therefore, became outraged over the statement of Rabbi Yosef, what they did was turn against the very core and essence of Jewish thought and teachings.   Thus, the common message that Rabbi Yosef proclaimed, was the great biblically defined truth that what goes around comes around: Even as I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same” (Job 4:8 NKJ); “Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way, and be filled to the full with their own fancies” (Prov 1:31 NKJ); “But you have planted wickedness, you have reaped evil, you have eaten the fruit of deception” (Hosea 10:13 NIV); “God will give to each person according to what he has done” (Rom 2:6 NIV); “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life” (Gal 6:7-8 NIV); “If anyone has an ear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints” (Rev 13:9-10 NKJ); “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man” (Gen 9:6 NIV); “His disciples asked him [Jesus], Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” (Jn 9:2 NIV).  What these biblical passages confirm is the reality of Rabbi Yosef’s statement with regard to the great truth that the sin of each of us will come back upon us at some time in the future.   But Rabbi Yosef only repeated what the historical Yeshua taught before him.   That the vast majority of Jews can't accept or see the great wisdom in the words of Yeshua, is because they can't understand the wisdom of their own Jewish Mystics such as Rabbi Isaac Luria.   And that your own moderator deleted my reply, is predictable.   That Jews, Christians and Muslims all despise and hide their eyes from the Truth, is the very cause of the violence and conflict that consumes much of Israel and the world today.   But G-d will have the final word, as each of you is returned to this life in the form of what you have yourselves persecuted and judge without the eyes that see the Truth and TheWay.    

G-dSpeed in TheWay,

The soul who lived as Ya'kov,

Brother of Yeshua  





The Lie Of The Christians

That Yeshua/Jesus Is God Incarnate



In the fourth century the modern Christian doctrine was forced upon a segment of the Church when the most carnal and pagan of bishops entered into a covenant relationship with the Emperor Constantine (see The Christian Judas).    In a parallel manner that Mao Zedong took over China by literally eliminating those who opposed him -- how Stalin took over Russia in much the same manner -- and how all despots the world over have arisen to power by the conquering sword and the shedding of innocent blood -- the Roman Emperor Constantine became head of, and ruled over the Church, in much the same fashion.   That the modern Church continues to cling to the manmade doctrines that were politically established in the Church, continues to diminish the very purpose that Christianity is supposed to serve and bring about in the world.   Which means that whoever knows and presents the Truth and the original teachings of TheWay to those who call themselves Christian, will immediately be dismissed as a heretic -- and this fact has been true, for almost seventeen hundred years.  

Once Constantine established the doctrinal beliefs of his new Church, all those who did not accept the religion of the emperor were either put to death (see The Death Of The Religion Of Jesus), or run out of and banished from the empire.    Thereafter, the most corrupted copies of the scriptures which were used by the most carnal and pagan segment of the Church, were further revised (see ), and many of the most important teachings of Jesus and TheWay were either edited to make them support the doctrines of Pagan Rome, or entirely removed.    While the earliest of Church writings, as well as ancient biblical texts, all support the original position of the Ebionite Nazirenes and the Spiritual Christians who were hunted down and murdered by the armies of the emperor, that Jesus was a man who became the Messiah by fulfilling the Laws (see ) within himself, the modern Church continues to promote the idolatry of Rome who in typical pagan fashion, worships the man Jesus instead of imitating him and intimately embracing the teachings and concepts of the Gospels in the fulfillment of the Law within themselves.    The crux of the problem is in the very words: "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46 KJV).   And when properly comprehended without what would be called pagan doctrinal spin by embracing the purity of the context of why these words were stated, such religious aspects of belief and faith can only be understood in the doing, carrying out, and fulfilling of the foundational purpose of Jesus' words and objectives these teachings were intended to bring about in the life of the people.

The fact that the majority of the Gentiles were too heathen to understand the teachings of Jesus and TheWay -- and in the same way that they worshiped the emperor as god, as well as the sun, the moon, the stars, and inanimate objects that are too numerous to name -- their heathen mindset could only embrace the teachings of Jesus, if he was recreated as their god who they worshiped -- thus, giving birth to the Christian Lie that continues to be embraced regardless of the historical and biblical facts presented to the Church -- a Lie which has immersed the Church in a Spiritual Diaspora.   

The Christian lie has not only caused the most spiritual of Jews to reject the teachings of Yeshua/Jesus, but was the paramount reason why Islam came into being.    Mahatma Gandhi, who was a devout student of the New Testament, made the astute observation that if it weren't for the Christians, the whole world would believe in the teachings of Jesus and TheWay.     While Christianity by design, should be the Light and Savior of the lost prodigal sons and daughters, with the infusion of pagan concepts and doctrines of belief, the Church can no longer fulfill its divine mission unless is turns about, repents of the manmade doctrines that were forced upon it by a series of Roman Emperors, and restores its original spiritual roots.   

The Tinkerbell Effect: What is called the Tinkerbell effect describes those things that exist only because people believe in them.  It is when you think or believe that something is true or will happen, strictly on the basis that you wish it were true or will happen.   And it is very much the Tinkerbell effect that represents the core wishful theology of modern Christianity.   While the Church continues to look for the kingdom of Never Never Land to come upon the earth, they very much remain as the lost prodigal sons who have been robbed of not only their inheritance, but the very knowledge that they must themselves return from their journey into the Far Country, by intimately embracing the teachings of TheWay that Jesus taught.      

The Christian Tinkerbell Theology: Christianity is the epitome of a theology build upon the Tinkerbell Effect and belief system.   If you build your theology or philosophy upon a counterfeit foundation, then everything you attempt to build upon that foundation, is equally counterfeit.   As an example: If the Theory of Evolution is a fraud, and instead of Nothing Created Everything, Something Created Everything, then every theory and philosophy built upon Darwinism, is in like manner a fraud.   The equation is that you can't build truth upon a foundation of error.    Which means that if the original Ebionite Nazirene disciples who walked with Jesus daily -- spoke with him daily -- and experienced the Truth and the Kingdom with him as his guide -- were correct in their assertion that Jesus was a man who fulfilled the Law within himself and became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ), then the whole of Christian theology which is built upon the pagan concept of the Trinity that Jesus is God, is not only wrong, but is counterfeit.   Which means that the only question is whether you will wait until you physically die to confront the error of your thinking, or seek the Truth while you can still accomplish something spiritually meaningful with your life?   

If the Christians truly believed the Gospels, then they would acknowledge that prior to being corrupted, the Gospels stated that the historical Jesus became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) at his baptism in the Jordan when the voice from Heaven stated: "Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee".     While this quotation is confirmed by six (6) independent early Church authorities (see The Ten Words), the Christian world ignores that original wording of the Gospels in favor of a corrupted fourth century revision (see Bible Corruption).   And like Darwinism, if these original words represent what was truly stated, then everything that has been built upon the corrupted interpolated words which were added by the Pagan Church of Rome, is virtually little more than a counterfeit fraud.    In the words of Jacob who people call James, the first leader of the Jerusalem Congregation, "faith without actions is dead" (Jas 2:17).   And while Paul was not wrong in his rejection of the ritual observance of the Law of Moses on the part of the carnal Jews, if a believer fails to establish the objectives of the actions of the spiritual essence of the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay, then they remain very much in a state of spiritual death -- unable to enter into what Jesus portrayed as Life.    Further, it is easily proven that the original Ebionite Nazirene disciples of Jesus confirmed this important Gospel teaching -- i.e., those who actually walked with the historical Jesus, and were taught by him -- and they understood that he was a man who fulfilled the Law (Torah) within himself, and became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ).  

A Purely Spiritual Kingdom: When questioned by Pilate, Yeshua/Jesus said that his Kingdom was not of this world: "Jesus answered, 'My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight... but now My kingdom is not from here'" (John 18:36 NKJ).   The reality of this inner Kingdom was further confirmed when Jesus stated to the Pharisees: "Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:20-21 NKJ).   And that this was the original Ebionite Nazirene teaching on the Kingdom is further documented by Edward Gibbon in the Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire where he writes: "Among the Christians who were brought before the tribunal of the emperor, or, as it seems more probable, before that of the procurator of Judaea, two persons are said to have appeared, distinguished by their extraction, which was more truly noble than that of the greatest monarchs. These were the grandsons of St. Jude the apostle, who himself was the brother of Jesus Christ.   Their natural pretensions to the throne of David might perhaps attract the respect of the people, and excite the jealousy of the governor; but the meanness of their garb, and the simplicity of their answers, soon convinced him that they were neither desirous nor capable of disturbing the peace of the Roman empire. They frankly confessed their royal origin, and their near relation to the Messiah; but they disclaimed any temporal views, and professed that his kingdom, which they devoutly expected, was purely of a spiritual and angelic nature."

The grandsons of Jude devoutly expected the Kingdom to come within them, because they understood how man must fulfill the Law within one's self -- thereby becoming the Living Temple of the Most High.   The Ebionite Nazirene Disciples of Jesus understood the words: "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.  For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt 5:17-20 NKJ).   A more revealing rendition of the above is found in the Gospel of the Nazirenes which reads:

"Whosoever therefore will break one of these commandments which He will give, and will teach men so, they will be called the least in the kingdom; but who so ever will do, and teach them, the same will be called great in the kingdom of heaven." 

"They who believe and obey will save their souls, and they who don't obey will lose them. For I say to you, That except your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.". 

Is the words "They who believe and obey will save their souls, and they who don't obey will lose them" really the words of Yeshua/Jesus?   Spoken to people who today call themselves Christians?   Are they any different that the words "But why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46 NKJ).   And, if as Jesus states, it is the Will of our Heavenly Father that each of us who are the prodigal sons and daughters imitate the pattern as set forth in the life of Yeshua when he fulfilled the Law within himself, then these words are true with respect to the lawless Christians who today preach the Christ of Constantine: "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'" (Matt 7:21-23 NKJ).  

On The Fulfillment Of The Law

Quoting The Christian Commentary Barns Notes


[Shall be called great] He that teaches that all the law of God is binding, and that the whole of it should be obeyed, without attempting to specify what is most important, shall be a teacher worthy of his office, and shall be called great. Hence, we learn:
1. that all the law of God is binding on Christians. Compare <James 2:10>.
2. that all the commands of God should be preached, in their proper place, by Christian ministers.
3. that they who pretend that there are any laws of God so small that they need not obey them, are unworthy of his kingdom. And,
4. that true piety has respect to all the commandments of God. Compare <Ps. 119:6>.
(Matthew 5:19 PP1 from Barnes' Notes)


Why would all the Law be binding upon all Christians?   Because it must be fulfilled in the manner expressed by both, and the Gospel of the Nazirenes: Notice the very important words in the above article from
 "We cannot atone for our shortcomings by sacrificing animals, but we can sacrifice our inner animals—our hormones, our lusts, our desires, our beastly compulsions."  And this is why the Ebionite Disciples of Yeshua rejected all animal sacrifice -- i.e., quoting Epiphanius: The Ebionites "do not accept Moses' Pentateuch in its entirety; certain sayings they reject... stating Christ has revealed this to me, and will blespheme most of the legislation" (Panarion 30.18.7-9).   What does the words "...most of the legislation" indicate?   Epiphanius then quotes the Gospel of the Ebionites/Hebrews where Yeshua states: "I have come to destroy the sacrifices" (Panarion 30.16.5).   And when states that we must sacrifice our inner animals, is this any different than the teachings of Yeshua in the Gospel of the Nazirenes: "For they, making a god of their belly, sacrificed to their God the innocent creatures of the earth, in place of the carnal nature within themselves. And eating of their flesh and drinking of their blood to their own destruction, corrupted their bodies and shortened their days, even as the Gentiles who did not know the truth, or who knowing it, have changed it into a lie."

Only those who make their body-vessel a Living Temple -- and in the words of, they must "...sacrifice our inner animals—our hormones, our lusts, our desires, our beastly compulsions" -- and this is exactly what is stated by Isaiah where it is written: "And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness. The unclean will not journey on it; it will be for those who walk in that Way; wicked fools will not go about on it" (Isa 35:8 NIV). 

Why was the Law Not done away with as Christians proclaim?   Because it must be fulfilled within each Disciple of TheWay.   And this is why Yeshua warned those who would call themselves his followers and believers: “And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matt 10:38-39 NKJ).   The requirement that has been set forth is that “ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy” (Lev 11:45 KJV).    In the words of Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa: “…it is imperative on all those who have an equally earnest desire for the Good as He has, to be followers by the path of an exact imitation of Him Who leads the way to salvation, and to carry into action what He has shown them. It is, in fact impossible for persons to reach the same goal unless they travel by the same ways”.   And this is why the requirement was set forth by Yeshua with respect to his disciples and followers:  “You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt 5:48 RSV).   And when Paul condemned the ritual works of the Law of Moses, what he was saying was that the sacrifice of animals and outward ritual observances which were celebrated by Jews of a carnal mind, could not make a person a Living Temple, and could not open the inner door to the Kingdom.   And the faith that Paul preached, is not the static faith of Martin Luther -- but rather, the faith that because the Kingdom is within each of us, that if you live in accord with the teachings, mindset and lifestyle ordained by Yeshua, that the Kingdom will come within you.   And this is why Paul taught: "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature" (Col 3:5 NIV). To the degree that Paul warned: “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live”

How could Paul's statement that there is no salvation in the outward ritual works of the Law -- but rather, faith in the teachings of Yeshua on the Coming of the Kingdom within the body and mind of the disciple -- be interpreted as the static faith of the Christian Church that crucifies Messiah/Christ daily with their cultural heathen mindset and lifestyle?    Paul commands those who would call themselves the believers and followers of the historical Yeshua to "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature" (Col 3:5 NIV).   This requires a far greater effort in the physical, than temple sacrifice and the ritual observances of the Pharisees.   And it was this greater effort in the spiritualization of the observances of the Law and the Torah, that Yeshua was making reference to in the warning: "For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt 5:20 NKJ).   Which is why, just prior to this warning, it is stated: "Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."  And in their ignorance of the Truth and TheWay, when Christians teach that the Law was nailed to the cross, and is no longer in effect, this has in fact cast them into the abyss of absolute spiritual ignorance of the "Outer Darkness" that Yeshua portrayed as the fate of those who fail to purify the body and mind (see Outer Darkness ) -- and has caused the Christian world to be cast into a Spiritual Diaspora (see Diaspora).

It can easily be proven that under the Roman Emperor Constantine, the most corrupted copies of the scriptures were further altered in order to conceal from the reader that Yeshua became the Messiah at his baptism (see The Ten Words).   And that the Gospels were edited and corrupted, in order to make them support the very pagan religious tenets of Rome (see ).   Yet, the original teachings of Yeshua were faithfully preserved among the Ebionites who taught that Yeshua "was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity."  Hence, when those true seekers who are portrayed as Spiritual Israel and the Disciples and followers of TheWay "...thus fulfill the law, they are able to become Christs" (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34 - see ).   And this is why Yeshua taught that he was our brother -- i.e., "Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God'" (John 20:17 NIV) -- and that each of us not only has the same potential as he did, but that his disciples will do even greater works than he could do.  

With the re-writing of the scriptures by the Church of Constantine, the more important and spiritually essential teachings of Yeshua and TheWay became ever more obscured (see Bible Corruption).   If the above is true, and there is a portal or narrow gate to the Kingdom of God within each of us, then so too is the Logos spoken of in the Gospel of John.   And by fulfilling the Law within himself, Yeshua became the first of the Prodigal Sons to fulfill the journey of the soul from the Alpha to the Omega.   Thus, this Oneness of our Brother Yeshua with the indwelling Logos is seen in the declaration that Yeshua was in “...supernatural union of a man and God... In their eyes, Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal, the legitimate son of Joseph and Mary: but he was the best and wisest of the human race, selected as the worthy instrument to restore upon earth the worship of the true and supreme Deity. When he was baptized in the Jordan, the Christ, the first of the aeons, the Son of God himself, descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, to inhabit his mind, and direct his actions during the allotted period of his ministry” (Gibbon; The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, V.4, P.366)  

Yeshua/Jesus was a man -- just like all men -- who overcame the Law within himself, and became One with the Inner Logos which the disciples called the True Prophet.   Where Yeshua became One with the indwelling Logos, the Gentiles recreated the personification of Yeshua, and cast him in the role AS The Logos -- therefore eliminating the most important aspects of the teachings of TheWay.   Instead of imitating Yeshua and accomplishing what he did within himself, the whole essence of his teachings was altered and corrupted by the worship of Jesus as God -- i.e., pure pagan idolatry which survives and is celebrated in most Christian Churches to this very day.   Yet, it is well documented that there is nothing in the scriptures that supports the doctrines of the Gentile Church.  Under the heading of A Trinity Statute, The Encyclopedia Britannica says: "Neither the word Trinity, nor the explicit doctrine as such, appears in the New Testament, nor did Jesus and his followers intend to contradict the Shema in the Old Testament: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord’ (Deut. 6:4). . . . The doctrine developed gradually over several centuries and through many controversies. . . . By the end of the 4th century . . . the doctrine of the Trinity took substantially the form it has maintained ever since" (1976, Micropedia, Vol. X, p. 126).  The New Catholic Encyclopedia states: "The formulation ‘one God in three Persons’ was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century. But it is precisely this formulation that has first claim to the title the Trinitarian dogma. Among the Apostolic Fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective" (1967, Vol. XIV, p. 299).   In The Encyclopedia Americana we read: "Christianity derived from Judaism and Judaism was strictly Unitarian [believing that God is one person]. The road which led from Jerusalem to Nicea was scarcely a straight one. Fourth century Trinitarianism did not reflect accurately early Christian teaching regarding the nature of God; it was, on the contrary, a deviation from this teaching" (1956, Vol. XXVII, p. 294L).   According to the Nouveau Dictionnaire Universel, "The Platonic trinity, itself merely a rearrangement of older trinities dating back to earlier peoples, appears to be the rational philosophic trinity of attributes that gave birth to the three hypostases or divine persons taught by the Christian churches. . . . This Greek philosopher’s [Plato, fourth century B.C.E.] conception of the divine trinity . . . can be found in all the ancient [pagan] religions" (Paris, 1865-1870, edited by M. Lachâtre, Vol. 2, p. 1467).  In his Dictionary of the Bible, John L. McKenzie, S.J., writes that: "The trinity of persons within the unity of nature is defined in terms of ‘person’ and ‘nature’ which are G[ree]k philosophical terms; actually the terms do not appear in the Bible. The trinitarian definitions arose as the result of long controversies in which these terms and others such as ‘essence’ and ‘substance’ were erroneously applied to God by some theologians" (New York, 1965, p. 899).   The answer is clearly written in the very beginning of the Revelation where it is stated: "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him..." (Rev 1:1 NIV). Thus, throughout the New Testament we are presented with the continual theme that Yeshua/Jesus was Anointed by God -- Anointed being the meaning of the Hebrew word Messiah, and the Greek word Christ -- and that God gave Yeshua/Jesus a revelation to preach to mankind.  And the Divine Message to all of mankind is presented in the words of "...We cannot find G-d in Jerusalem; we must find Him in us.  This was G-d’s Master Plan. By exchanging a sweeping, dramatic outdoor concert of public spirituality for an internal, personal, private experience, G-d was bringing Himself even closer to humanity, laying the groundwork for the Third and final Temple—an age that will synthesize G-d’s presence inside our hearts and minds and in the world around us in a totally new reality: the Era of Moshiach."   In becoming the first of the prodigal sons to return to the Kingdom -- "...the firstborn among many brethren" (Rom 8:29 KJV) -- he became Master of The Way, and God bestowed upon him the highest place of honor.   And the fact that the Christian world does not even understand the reality portrayed in achieving the Final Stage of Birth, totally alienates them from not only the true meaning and essence of the Gospel Teachings, but of the very Promise of Life that is the Original Objective of the teachings of TheWay.





In what may on the surface appear to be a divergence from the primary religious and spiritual theme of this article, it is important to demonstrate that modern science has not only proven the validity of the path of Mysticism where one seeks to enter and dwell in the Presence of God --  and that this learning directly from God is in fact the objective of all religions in the seeking and the acquisition of Gnosis -- or the Divine Manna of the Kingdom of God -- imparted directly into the mind of those who fulfill the Laws within themselves in the manner that Jesus taught, directly and personally by the Logos.   This is true of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, as well as all genuine religions the world over -- the objective of which, is to bring about the transformation of the believer into a disciple who manifests the Final Temple within himself.   A spiritual reality that is not at all understood is seen in the quotation of the Apostle Peter in the Homilies of his disciple Clement that God inhibited the Jews from accepting Jesus, and the Gentiles from accepting Moses (see Things Christians Don't Tell Jews About The NT): “For on this account Jesus is concealed from the Jews, who have taken Moses as their teacher, and Moses is hidden from those who have believed Jesus. For, there being one teaching by both, God accepts him who has believed either of these."   But more importantly Peter then states that when rightly understood, there is absolutely no difference between the Jewish Torah, or the Gospels: "Moreover, if any one has been thought worthy to recognize both as preaching one doctrine, that man has been counted rich in God, understanding both the old things as new in time, and the new things as old.”     What Peter is revealing is the fact that if you understood the mystical CODE, and were able to look beneath the cloak of the allegory of the written text, you would see the exact same message in the spiritual meaning and revelation of the Torah, as is reveled in the spiritual meaning and objectives of the Gospels.   Moreover, while the meaning and objective of the Gospel account is exactly the same as the Torah, the Gospels were intended to free the people from the extreme allegory of the Torah, and enabled the people to gain much greater spiritual insight in the study of the literal written text.

In the same way that Carl Marx portrayed religion as the opium of the people, since the dawn of time the rulers of every variety of governing body have used religion to control the people.    When Atheists and critics reject the Gospels as a fraud, the faults they observe is not so much the work of the biblical authors -- but rather, with the government enforced secularization of the teachings, and the corruption of the biblical texts that was necessary to make the scriptures conform to secular doctrines (see Bible Corruption).   In view of the fact that from an historical perspective, to disagree with the controling secular authorities, the government and/or its established puppet religious orders, in most instances carried the sentence of death -- which equates to the rather harsh reality that the critics of the Gospels are synonymous with those who blame the rape victim for the crimes that were perpetrated against her.    Add to this the fact that every genuine visionary and mystic have all warned mankind that it is impossible for him to comprehend his own higher soul and spiritual reality so long as he remains organic and carnal in his thinking and being -- saying to the non-mystic, when you have done what I have done, only then can you understand what I understand -- so long as a man remains carnal and earthly in his thinking and lifestyle, then we can begin to appreciate why all genuine spiritual wisdom was concealed within allegorical religious texts, in order to conceal the sacred knowledge from both the multitude of people who could not use it, and their leaders who would destroy it.   The historical account of mankind demonstrates the perpetual struggle between the vision of the Gnostic who makes claim to spiritual insights that the common believers who have traditionally called themselves Orthodox, are blind to.   And the fact that only now, in our present time, has modern science been able to shed light on the controversy, is of a primary importance to those seekers of Truth. 

Perhaps the greatest folly of both the Atheist and the scholarly critic, is seen in their blind dismissal of the words of Jesus when he commanded not to give what is holy to dogs, nor cast pearls before swine.   And that dogs and swine are representative of a type of people, is a reality that is of the utmost importance.   In the Homilies of his disciple Clement, the Apostle Peter is quoted as stating: “We remember that our Lord and teacher, as commanding, said to us, guard the mysteries for me, and the sons of my house. Wherefore also he explained to his disciples, privately, the mysteries of the kingdoms of the heavens.”   Thus, what is being stated is that those to whom the higher knowledge of the truth is revealed, are to protect and preserve this sacred knowledge from those people who are allegorically defined as dogs and swine.   And without understanding what the Church Father Origen portrayed as the knowledge of the "minor mysteries" -- and especially the cosmology of self which can be portrayed as a blueprint of ones own mind -- and endeavoring to learn how to apply the scriptures as the Key of Knowledge -- then whatever knowledge man thinks he possesses, will end up to be useless opinion that is temporal and gravely misleading.    

In order to inhibit the reader from seeing only the written words of the scriptures, and failing to seek out the inner meaning that was concealed from the people who Jesus portrayed as dogs and swine, there was intentional errors and inconsistencies purposely placed in the text so a person of higher intelligence would not believe what was literally written.   In the Jewish Mysticism book known as the Zohar, it is explained with respect to the written words of the scriptures: “The narratives of the doctrine are its cloak. The simple look only on the garment, that is upon the narrative of the doctrine; more they know not. The instructed, however, see not merely the cloak, but what the cloak covers”.   In the words of Moses Maimonedes, one of the most respected of Jewish theologians, historian, and Talmudist, where he writes about the nature of scripture: “Every time that you find in our books a tale the reality of which seems impossible, a story which is repugnant to both reason and common sense, then be sure that the tale contains a profound allegory veiling a deeply mysterious truth; and the greater the absurdity of the letter, the deeper the wisdom of the spirit”.   And this fact is confirmed by the Church Father Origen who wrote: “It is sufficient however, to represent in the style of a historic narrative what is intended to convey a secret meaning in the garb of history, that those who have the capacity may work out for themselves all that relates to the subject.”    Therefore, what appears to be an historical account, is not -- and it is nothing more than a cloak that conceals important sacred knowledge from those who -- because of their carnally dense and worldly mindset and thinking, cannot utilize the wisdom of the minor mysteries that are a prerequisite to overcome carnal organic limitations, and escape the profound ignorance of this world.   

Is this fact made clear to those who read the scriptures?    Yes, but the ego of each person who thinks they know, causes them to ignore the many warnings that are presented to them.    As an example: When Paul warns the baptized and committed Christians at Corinth who he, himself, originally instructed, that they were yet to carnal in their understanding to comprehend the spiritual meaning of the Gospel -- which is often referred to as the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God -- he conveyed to them the reality that they would judge and even condemn this higher reality of the Spirit as absolute "foolishness" -- i.e., “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14 NKJ).    Thus, it is imperative to ask the question: What is the "natural man"?     The condition of mankind that Paul is making reference to, would just as well be portrayed as "organic" -- or, of the physical body.   The "natural man" , is the "organic" human being.

A man of true intellect would want to know why mankind in his organic condition, would reject what Paul calls the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of God as absolute utter "foolishness"???   To the degree that when Paul states that he was "..caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter" (2 Cor 12:4-5 NKJ) -- an intelligent man would immediately question as to why " is not lawful for a man to utter" what a Disciple who enters the Kingdom experiences?   In his Epistle to the Trallaus the first century elder Ignatius speaks of the Mysteries of the Gospel and the Kingdom, and writes: “Might I not write to you things more full of mystery?  But I fear to do so, lest I should inflict injury on you who are babes.  Pardon me in this respect, lest, as not being able to receive their weighty import, ye should be strangled by them”.  The only way that Ignatius could have written these words, was if he, himself, understood what was beyond the comprehension of the organic mind of the believers of the simple faith.   And while he states that he had himself progressed to the point where he understood what was incomprehensible to the organic mind of man, he also confesses that though he is aware of the minor mysteries, he is not yet “by any means perfect, nor am I such a disciple as Paul or Peter”.      If Ignatius or the other early Church Fathers who knew the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God were with us today, what profound mystery could they speak regarding the true teachings of Jesus that believers today would be “strangled by them” To the degree that Paul proclaimed to the Christians at Corinth: “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to babes in Christ” (1 Cor 3:1 NAS).   Thus, these believers could only be taught the most basic exoteric doctrine of a quasi-historical allegorical account of Jesus Christ and him crucified (1 Cor 2:2), because they were not yet spiritual men -- but rather, they were men of flesh and still very much “babes in Christ”.   Paul then explains that: “I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able” (1 Cor 3:2 NAS).   And that for the most part the authors of the scriptures were forced to use the common believers as a mule that preserved and carried with them a Spiritual Trojan Horse to be understood only by the few whose mind and being were prepared to understand the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom, is a system that has been in effect since the beginning (see An Inconvenient Truth).

If all that Paul could write about was the allegorical "milk" of the Gospel -- i.e., a system of allegorical forms and symbols which possessed and concealed a deeper meaning of mind and spirit that was beyond the comprehension of the untransformed mind of organic man -- then those who blindly assume that they understand the true meaning of the Gospel which could only be revealed to those who had evolved their mind and thinking to a mature state -- then those who ignore this warning and base their beliefs on the written word, are a foolish and misguided people.   And this is true of blind believers, as well as blind and foolish critics of the Gospels and religion.  

^ Intellectual Idiots And Philosophical Pedophiles? (1) In acknowledging the fact that the literal text of the scriptures has absurdities of the letter that was intentionally inserted into what appeared as an quasi-historical narratives; (2) so that a person of intellect would reject what was literally being stated; (3) and one of the reasons the scriptures were composed in this manner, was so that the important inner meaning would be both concealed and protected; (4) and this inner concealed meaning was often portrayed as the soul and the spirit of the scriptures -- The Church Father Origen who was esteemed as the greatest Christian authority after the disciples, portrayed those who could believe the absurdities of the written word of the scriptures as being historically and spiritually true, to be simpleminded "idiots".   And these intentional absurdities that were written into the text of the scriptures were so plain, and often so outlandish, that Paul portrayed the written text of the scriptures as the "letter that killeth" (2 Cor 3:6).   The Church Historian Eusebius portrays these people who are so gullible to believe the absurdities that are intentionally written into the text of the scriptures, as men of "small intellect".   In the Homilies the Apostle Peter portrays the scriptures as "the mystery of the books with the power to deceive".   Which is why Moses Maimonedes, one of the most respected of Jewish theologians, historian, and Talmudist,  writes about the nature of scripture: “Every time that you find in our books a tale the reality of which seems impossible, a story which is repugnant to both reason and common sense, then be sure that the tale contains a profound allegory veiling a deeply mysterious truth; and the greater the absurdity of the letter, the deeper the wisdom of the spirit”

Once rightly understood, the scriptures were in fact expressly composed in such a way so that people of a rational and intelligent mind will reject the written word of the quasi-historical narrative which Origen portrays as "worthless", and seek the deeper meaning of mind, soul and spirit.    And that the critics and Atheists have long ignored the witness of the most knowledgeable of religious men, and have continually chosen to disparage the ignorant blind believers, is not only evidence of their own folly, but proof of their own intellectual bankruptcy.    These critics who ignore the mature men and women of higher spiritual vision and intellect, to ravish the immature, should be portrayed as the intellectual-pedophiles that they are.

What is an intellectual-pedophile?   Quoting the Church historian Eusebius who writes of the doctrines conceived by the early Christians Papias and Irenaeus: “Papias reproduces other stories communicated to him by word of mouth, together with some otherwise unknown parables and teachings of the Saviour, and other things of a more allegorical character. He says that 'after the resurrection of the dead there will be a period of a thousand years when Christ's kingdom will be set up on this earth in material form'. I suppose he got these notions by misinterpreting the apostolic accounts and failing to grasp what they said in mystic and symbolic language. For he seems to have been a man of very small intelligence, to judge from his books..."  (Eusebius, Hist Eccl., Book III, 39.11).   Thus, the pseudo-intellectuals and Atheists who ignore the most spiritual authorities, while disparaging the immature in the folly of their misguided error, are little more than intellectual-pedophiles!

One of the gravest misunderstandings of modern man is seen in his assertion that the scriptures represent an historical narrative and record of a time in mankind's past.   The second gravest misunderstanding is that the scriptures portray the Creation of a cosmic reality of when the universe came into being.    In his book entitled Fragments of a Faith Forgotten, G.R.S. Mead explains that what the authors truly “…projected onto the screen… [in the form of a ] picture of the universe was in reality a picture of their own minds."  He then writes of the scriptures: "Its mythology is a symbolic portrayal, almost a deliberate one, of the forces which operate in the structuring and evolution of the human personality”. It was for this reason that Carl Jung called the Gnostic Christians the worlds first and foremost psychologists who understood the very fabric of human consciousness.   When rightly understood with what Jesus called the Key of Knowledge properly applied, the scriptures are about you -- i.e. the Laws and Forces working in your own mind and body -- and they are timeless and relevant to every period in human history.    Prompting Carl Jung to conclude that the authors of the scriptures and the original (Gnostic) Christians were the worlds first and foremost psychologists who understood the very fabric of human consciousness.   Thus, the knowledge that was both preserved and concealed within the allegorical body of the written text, was the preliminary knowledge that was needed to not only unlock the forces and cosmological blueprint of the mind that the sincere seeker needed to know and master in order to unlock the mind's true potential -- but also the means to tap into a Source of Knowledge that exceeds all human wisdom.    And thus, the words of Jesus that have been suppressed by the Church, and have not become known by virtue of the recent discovery of the Gospel of Thomas: "But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty... Whoever finds himself is superior to the world".   And it is this cosmology of one's own mind and the forces of consciousness that can unlock the mind's full potential when the Key of Knowledge is properly applied -- knowledge that has the power to liberate the seeker from the ignorance and illusions of this world that is portrayed in the analogy of Plato's Cave -- that is representative of the true meaning of the scriptures.    And while on the surface the Gospels may appear to be about an historical man known as Jesus, Jesus is used as an example of one who successfully applied this important knowledge to overcome the Laws within himself.   And all the alleged prophecies of a Second Coming, Armageddon and an End Times, is an allegorical portrayal of the Anointing, Liberation and Enlightenment of the seekers own mind.      

In describing the vast multitude of people, the Church Father Clement of Alexandria quotes ancient wisdom which states that, "...the majority of people, wise in their own estimation, follow minstrels and make use of laws, knowing that many are bad, few good; but that the best pursue glory: for the best make choice of the everlasting glory of men above all. But the multitude cram themselves like brutes, measuring happiness by the belly and the pudenda [sexual organs], and the basest things in us."

Thus, the sacred knowledge was concealed from the majority of people within the allegorical scriptures, so that (1) it could be both preserved for those who could use it; and perhaps even more importantly, (2) to be retrieved in the future by those who originally concealed it within the allegorical text of the scriptures.     The fact that by writing the scriptures in this manner, the most ignorant would preserve it from generation to generation -- often spanning thousands of years -- demonstrates the absolute genus of the enlightened authors. 

^  Atheists Prove Gospel To Be True: Once properly understood, what the Atheists and pseudo-intellectual critics have in reality accomplished, is to prove the Gospel teachings to be true.   In fact, they exist as an example of the most profound teachings that Jesus presented to those who possess the ears to hear what he was stating.   Throughout the scriptures -- and especially in the parable of the Sower and the Seed -- it is warned that if you fail to understand and put into practice the tenets presented in this parable, that you cannot know anything of any worthwhile substance and value.   And the Atheists and pseudo-intellectual critics have not only proven this to be true beyond any doubt, but we must also include the people who consider themselves religious, but who cling to the doctrines and traditions of men among their number.   On September 8th, 2008, I made a Blog entry entitled: Reply: The God Who Wasn't There.   And because of it's importance to the questions raised in this present article, I will copy and make further relevant comments below:



 Reply: The God Who Wasn't There

Greetings Hal:

In reading about your DVD entitled The God Who Wasn't There, there is an important element to the equation that is totally absent from what you are presenting -- and that element is the fact that the scriptures were written by Gnostic Mystics -- composed for those who seek the Ebionite Nazirene path of TheWay.  And what this means is that none of the people you interviewed -- whether they are true believers (Fundamentalists), accepted scholars and historians, or any variety of philosophers and clergy -- all the opinions and positions that you present is mere speculation, because the people you interviewed neither understand the original objective of the scriptures, or the spiritual language of the soul that the scriptures are written in. Like all such spiritual writings, the Gospels emphatically state that the personage of Jesus did not openly reveal what was called the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God to the multitude of people -- i.e.,
"And the disciples came and said to Him, Why do You speak to them in parables? He answered and said to them, Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given" (Matt 13:10-11 NKJ). To the degree that Paul, who had been taken up into the Kingdom, stated that without the transformation of the lower nature that is essential to the mystical path of TheWay, that the believers will look upon the Mysteries of the Kingdom as "foolishness" ( ). Which means that even in my attempt to explain the mass confusion with respect to those who attempt to read the scriptures without having brought about the necessary spiritual transformation of the lower nature, the very words that I express will be rejected and seen as "foolishness".

Paul portrayed the written word of the scriptures as the "letter that killeth" (see ). Why? It is impossible to understand the inner spiritual meaning of the scriptures, without the transformation, opening and Anointing of the mind of the disciple -- i.e., "Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures" (Luke 24:45).  And the fact that the Pharisees had thrown away what Jesus called the Key of Knowledge ( ), and attempted to read the scriptures without first bringing about the necessary spiritual transformation and this opening and enlightenment of the mind, is why Jesus portrayed them as the offspring of the Devil -- i.e., "Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it" (John 8:43-44 NKJ).  And once you begin to truly understand what is being portrayed in the above words, all the authorities who you have interviewed not only study the written word of the scriptures "...from [their] own (carnal organic) resources -- but that they each fail to understand that they are "...speak[ing] from [their] own resources" -- and thus, the whole framework of their thinking is drawn from a mindset that parallels that of the Pharisees who Jesus condemned as not understanding the true meaning of the scriptures.

To even begin to understand what I have presented to you in the above, and why Jesus portrayed the Torah Observant Pharisees as the offspring of the Devil, you must first understand why Jesus commanded: “But you, do not be called 'Rabbi'; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren” (Matt 23:8 NKJ).  And it is in this one very important statement that neither believer, nonbeliever, clergy, scholar or critic understands, that is the paramount cause of their error and folly. Who is the One Teacher? Among the original Ebionite Nazirene disciples of Jesus who were condemned by both the Jews and the Christians, the One Teacher was portrayed as the True Prophet ( ) -- and it was warned that only those who become the "good ground" in the parable of the Sower and the Seed, can be taught by the True Prophet -- to the degree that they can themselves become Anointed (Messiah/Christ)-- i.e., "These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you. But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him. And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming. If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him" (1 Jn 2:26-29 NKJ). The necessary "...practice [of] righteousness" has absolutely nothing in common with the blind belief of manmade Church doctrines which is promoted by Christians today -- but rather, the very thinking, lifestyle and mindset of the sincere seeker who strives to do as Jesus taught, and seek the Kingdom (within).

It has been speculated that those writings known as the Clementine Homilies (the disciple of the Apostle Peter), represents the original Ebionite Nazirene teachings which have long been suppressed by the Church -- and it is in these writings that the above reference to the One Teacher is explained by Peter where it is written: "And therefore I advise not only wise men, but indeed all men who have a desire of knowing what is advantageous to them, that they seek after the true Prophet; for it is He alone who knoweth all things, and who knoweth what and how every man is seeking. For He is within the mind of every one of us, but in those who have no desire of the knowledge of God and His righteousness, He is inoperative; but He works in those who seek after that which is profitable to their souls, and kindles in them the light of knowledge. Wherefore seek Him first of all; and if you do not find Him, expect not that you shall learn anything from any other. But He is soon found by those who diligently seek Him through love of the truth, and whose souls are not taken possession of by wickedness. For He is present with those who desire Him in the innocence of their spirits, who bear patiently, and draw sighs from the bottom of their hearts through love of the truth; but He deserts malevolent minds, because as a prophet He knows the thoughts of every one. And therefore let no one think that he can find Him by his own wisdom, unless, as we have said, he empty his mind of all wickedness, and conceive a pure and faithful desire to know Him. For when any one has so prepared himself, He Himself as a prophet, seeing a mind prepared for Him, of His own accord offers Himself to his knowledge”. And this was the very reason that Yeshua stated to the Pharisees that the Kingdom would never come upon the earth in the manner that carnal men look for it -- for it is within you (Luke 17:20-21) -- which reality is further detailed at ).

While your authorities correctly state that: "The Jesus of the Gospels bears a striking resemblance to other ancient heroes and the figureheads of pagan savior cults" -- and while this is a typical statement by countless scholars and historians, because they each fail to understand both the objective of the scriptures, as well as the language of the soul the scriptures are written in -- they all arrive at an equally flawed conclusion. And once this flawed conclusion is understood, their error is equal to those who you portray as the "Contemporary Christians [who] are largely ignorant of the origins of their religion." But this same warning was presented from a very different perspective in the words: “Biblical scholars were not disturbed by what they found in the Dead Sea Scrolls because they had known all along that the origin of Christianity was not what was commonly supposed to have been” (A. Powell Davies quoted by Millar Burrows in More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls). The problem that the scholars who note the "...striking resemblance to other ancient heroes and the figureheads of pagan savior cults", is seen in the fact that the accounts of these other ancient heroes are also written in the language of the soul, and neither are these other religions which are put forth as "...figureheads of pagan savior cults" understood with any greater depth, than the mystical Gnostic accounts of the New Testament.

The great Truth that none of the culturally accepted experts, scholars, clergy or philosophers have all failed to understand, is the fact that regardless of the ancient religious tradition, the inner core and scriptural authors of each of these ancient religions, were all confronted by the profound reality that the mind of organic man which Paul portrays as being of a "natural" consciousness ( ), is incapable of understanding the higher reality of the soul and what Jesus portrayed as the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God.  Which means that in all cases, not only were each of these authors and core religious groups incapable of portraying in the common language of their cultures the Truth that they knew -- but that each of these religious groups had to employ the mystic language of the soul, in order to convey essential Truths to those who understood the objectives of the scriptures, and the application of what Jesus called the Key of Knowledge ( ).

The Common Theme and core of all religions at their essence that is not understood by the outer body of believers, is portrayed in the parable of the Prodigal Son -- which in many respects, parallels the analogy of Plato's Cave (see -- or, what is presented in the completion of the cycle from the Alpha to the Omega as portrayed in Jewish Mysticism in the Zohar: “All souls are subject to the trials of transmigration; and men do not know the designs of the Most High with regard to them… The souls must re-enter the absolute substance whence they have emerged. But to accomplish this end they must develop all the perfections, the germ of which is planted in them; and if they have not fulfilled this condition during one life, they must commence another, a third, and so forth, until they have acquired the condition which fits them for reunion with God”. That the vast majority of people are totally ignorant of not only the true meaning of the scriptures, but also the higher reality of their own souls and the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God, is because they dwell in what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see ). Thus, the common symbols of all religions, represent the universal journey of the soul that only a handful of seekers ever truly come to understand the reality of. That these symbols employed in the scriptures are themselves universal, is portrayed by G.R.S. Mead in his book entitled Fragments of a Faith Forgotten, where this explanation is put forth: “…what the Gnostics projected onto the screen… [in the form of a ] picture of the universe was in reality a picture of their own minds. Its mythology is a symbolic portrayal, almost a deliberate one, of the forces which operate in the structuring and evolution of the human personality”. And it was for this reason that Carl Jung called the Gnostic Christians the worlds first and foremost psychologists who understood the very fabric of human consciousness. Moreover, while the body of believes don't themselves understand the inner spiritual reality of the scriptures, they are led to believe and embrace them, because the universal symbols used in the written narrative of the scriptures act as a catalyst which connects them to an inner reality of soul and spirit that they don't yet comprehend with any depth of understanding.

What all these religious traditions share in common, is that the inner spiritually enlightened core were all turned upon and murdered (see ), and their scriptures which were promoted by unenlightened priests, politicians and institutionalized religion, were very quickly corrupted (see ). Few people ever come to understand the Laws ( ) which hold them spellbound in the illusion of Plato's Cave -- which Jesus portrayed as a type of prison. And it is for this reason that the Apostle Peter in the Homilies warns with respect to the True Prophet that Jesus portrayed as the One Teacher: “Hence, O beloved Clement", proclaims Peter, “if you would know the things pertaining to God, you have to learn them from Him alone, because He alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows anything, he has received it from Him or from His disciples”. And the philosophical and theological premise that all your quoted authorities (pro and con) begin on, is that Jesus was wrong and did not know what he was saying.

All those who escape the illusion of Plato's Cave , come to understand the journey of the soul from the Alpha of absolute ignorance, to the Omega of Enlightened Light and Knowledge, which must be accomplished over the course of many lifetimes. And the fact that this essential teaching was removed and outlawed from Christianity, is easily demonstrated (see ). And once the mystical path of TheWay is truly understood -- and the fact that the escape from the illusion of Plato's Cave is through an inner dimension of mind -- only then can the sincere seeker begin to understand the reason why Jesus taught the necessity of living the Consecrated Life in TheWay -- seeking to transform yourself into what is portrayed by as the Final Temple (see ) -- and this will enable you to enter within the Holy of Holies within you, and learn from the True Prophet who will not only open and Anoint your mind and understanding, but will reveal all the Mysteries of life, the soul, and the Kingdom to the few who prepare themselves to make the journey. And that those who are quoted in the DVD The God Who Was Not have not themselves made the necessary journey in TheWay -- and themselves dwell under the illusion of Plato's cave and the "outer darkness", is the reason why they fail to understand the the historical Jesus was a man who overcame the Laws within himself, and achieved Absolute Unity with the Logos of God.

GodSpeed in TheWay,

Brother of Yeshua


As evidence of their own ignorance -- regardless of the facts that are presented to them -- Atheists, and alleged scholarly intellectuals are of the impression that religions are concocted in people's minds, in order to explain away phenomena that they (religious people) don't understand.    Yet, nothing could in fact be further from the truth.    In a high school text book I observed that Buddhism was portrayed as being superior to Hinduism because it wasn't as pagan -- yet, in this same school text book, Buddhism was faulted for "having borrowed the belief in reincarnation from Hinduism".     Yet, in a total denial of what the Buddha actually taught, the wisdom of the historical Buddha (Enlightened One) was derived from the fact that his mind became enlightened to the journey of his soul over the course of the previous lifetimes his soul had lived.   The historical Buddha, became the Buddha, by virtue of the knowledge of his past lives, as well as the knowledge of his higher soul-reality that few people possess any understanding of whatsoever.   Yet, the authors of the school textbooks were unable to even present the facts to the children, because from their secularly linear mindset, it was inconceivable to the authors of the school text book that such realities as past lives could even exist.   Resulting in the inability of the authors of the textbooks to present the religious facts as they have been taught and accepted.    And while counterfeit religious authorities do this same thing all  the time in their interpretations of scriptures, that educational authorities resort to this same practice, is simply unforgivable!    For no other reason than their own structure of beliefs, they refused to openly state Buddhist teachings to the student -- and it was inconceivable to the text book authors that, under the proper conditions, the memory of previous lifetimes can be restored to a person in this world.   Therefore, they merely attempted to dismiss and ignore the facts, and totally misrepresented Buddhism to the students who were required by law to study their misinformation.   But while I am not in any way a Buddhist, what I found objectionable was the secularized Atheistic spin that was presented to the students under the guise of a factual education -- and we see this often in the secular Atheistic position that religions merely borrow beliefs from other religions, in order to explain away phenomena.   In fact, I directly address this folly in the above copy of my Blog article which is a reply to the DVD entitled, The God Who Wasn't There .    Contrary to the folly of their thinking, the similarities between the exoteric allegorical scriptures of all religions is not the result of borrowing religious beliefs -- but rather, the fact that all religions have the same spiritual objective -- and the fact that they are all striving to overcome the same universal Laws and limitations of consciousness, mind and being, within themselves.  

^  The Great Void - Science, History, Philosophy & Religion:   From an historical perspective, the limits of intellectual inquiry and research is inhibited by the great void in what can be literally learned from the chronicles of man's past.   First off, (1) it must be recognized that it is the winners of all historical conflicts who write the accounts of man's past -- and thus, the historian is not only limited by the political and philosophical spin of these accounts, but when dealing with man's spirituality and religion, it is impossible for the literal and historic minded researcher to even gain access to the essence and core of the spiritual movement.    Why?   Because true spiritual movements have no lineage that can be traced in the historical or linear path.    The Laws that control this world twists all of man's institutions to make them turn upon their own First Principles -- i.e., see The Law Of Octaves. -- and all genuine spiritual movements are always born at an interval in the Laws where the original movements are immersed in corruption.   And it is the movement of the Laws that the modern linear thinking intellectual knows absolutely nothing about, (2) that is the second determining factor that makes it near impossible for most intellectuals to comprehend the birth of not only genuine spiritual movement, but all revolutions that bring about great change.    Therefore, generally, the historian is an intellectual -- and the crux of the intervals of the Laws which cannot be perceived in a linear manner -- an interval in the Laws that brings about the necessary conditions  that gives birth to the spiritual essence of a religion -- is not only beyond the linear-intellectual's grasp, but cannot be documented in the traditional manner.   

Since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, there has been a general consensus among historians that the foundation of Christianity is the Essenes.   The words of biblical scholar A. Powell Davies warned the Christian world that discoveries such as the Dead Sea Scrolls had confirmed what they had believed all along -- that the Roman Church created the divinity of Jesus -- i.e., “Biblical scholars were not disturbed by what they found in the Dead Sea Scrolls because they had known all along that the origin of Christianity was not what was commonly supposed to have been” (quoted by Millar Burrows in More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls).   Proof of just how the Church under the control of Pagan Rome took an entirely different path than that prescribed by Jesus is seen in the fact that throughout most of the Christian world today, the words mysticism and Gnosticism are words more appropriately used to describe heresy and heretics -- and yet, in the words of Dead Sea Scroll expert Prof. John Allegro in is book, The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Origins of Christianity, he writes: “It is a fact that the Qumran Library has profoundly affected the study of the Johannine writings and many longheld conceptions have had to be radically revised. No longer can John be regarded as the most Hellenistic of the Evangelists; his gnosticism, and the whole framework of his thought is seen now to spring directly from a Jewish sectarianism rooted in palestinian soil, and his material recognized as founded in the earliest layers of Gospel traditions.”

What is the meaning of the word mysticism? Briefly, mysticism is descriptive of the ability of man to look beyond the limitations of the five senses in order to gain a better understanding of life, God and Creation.  The whole concept of mysticism is rejected by the linear thinking intellectual who rejects the existence of anything beyond the perception of the five senses.    The word Gnostic, as used by Prof. Allegro, is the Greek word used to describe the acquisition of knowledge gained through the mystical process of man's inner and direct connection with God.   While Christians today embrace the doctrine of faith that was defined by the Apostle Paul, the flaw in their many perception is seen in their inability to understand that Paul’s doctrine of faith was based upon the foundation of mysticism that was laid by the Apostle when he wrote: “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14 NKJ).    And the very essence of all genuine religious movements are "foolishness" to the mind of the untransformed organic man, because the essence of the spiritual movement is based and founded upon those realities that are beyond the vision and scope of the man's physical senses -- i.e.,  "while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Cor 4:18 NKJ).   

While from a dogmatic perception which has been politically motivated from an institutional vision rejects the truth from one perspective, the linear thinking scholar more often than not, embraces an opposite error.   And from a Christian doctrinal perspective, the words of Edmund Wilson, an expert who worked on the Dead Sea Scrolls, is even more detrimental to the traditional Church position, when he further raised the question as to what difference it makes if “Jesus... had been trained in the discipline and imbued with the thought of a certain Jewish sect, and that he had learned from it the role that he afterwards lived...” (The Scrolls From The Dead Sea).  

It is important to note that while the institutional religious position attempts to totally eliminate the human element -- proclaiming that God manifest in the form of man -- and his presence in the earth had nothing to do with the influences of man -- the linear intellectual attempts to negate what he sees as the supernatural, and attempts to promote the position that Jesus was the product of the Essene foundation, which culminated in his proclamation that he was the expected Messiah.   And while each of these positions possess a thread of paradoxical truth, the sum of their prevailing error inhibits man from perceiving the true facts of what has taken place in the reality of mankind.     

The original Ebionite Nazirene disciples and followers of Jesus who walked and talked with him daily, held that he was a man who became the Messiah by fulfilling the Law, were condemned by the later Gentile Church as heretics who were too Jewish to understand what Jesus revealed to them.     These same Gentiles who worshiped the emperor as God -- as well as the sun, the moon, the stars, the powers of nature as well as manmade inanimate objects, declared Jesus to be God.   Thus, for the modern Christian to blindly accept even the ideas of God from these heathen people, is in and of itself the surrender of the very God-Given gift of reason that separates man from the beasts of the earth.  

In The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Gibbon notes that the teachings of Jesus was “…embraced by great numbers of the Therapeutae, or Essinians…”, and wrote that: “Le Clerc (Hist. Ecclesiast p. 477, 535) seems to have collected from Eusebius, Jerome, Epiphanius, and other writers, all the principle circumstances that relate to the Nazarenes or Ebionites. The nature of their opinions soon divided them into a stricter and milder sect; and there is some reason to conjecture that the family of Jesus remained members... of the latter and more moderate party”.  Which confirms that not only was Jesus' mother and family members of the Ebionites who were condemned by the later idol and emperor worshiping Church of Rome, but when it is realized that the original Gospels declared that Jesus was a man who became the Messiah/Christ at his baptism in the Jordan (see The Ten Words) -- and that these words were edited from their original context so that the people of the empire could continue in their traditional forms of pagan belief and worship -- then the whole doctrinal foundation of the Church is counterfeit. 

To even suggest that the immediate family of Jesus who came to be Ebionites ("the poor ones") did not have any conversations about either his birth or his relationship to both mankind and God, is simply inconceivable.   And if, as is stated in the Book of Acts, the brother and disciples of Jesus were themselves Anointed (Messiah/Christ) by the Holy Spirit -- and this direct communion with the Holy Spirit failed to reveal the Truth with respect to the nature of Jesus -- is once again simply inconceivable.   When the people questioned the source of Jesus' words, he called himself a prophet: "So they were offended at Him. But Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house" (Matt 13:57 NKJ).    And not only did he call himself a prophet, but spoke of the crucifixion as his ultimate process of perfection:  "On that very day some Pharisees came, saying to Him, Get out and depart from here, for Herod wants to kill You.  And He said to them, Go, tell that fox, 'Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.' Nevertheless I must journey today, tomorrow, and the day following; for it cannot be that a prophet should perish outside of Jerusalem" (Luke 13:31-33 NKJ).   And when the man approached Jesus calling him good teacher, Jesus rejected the title stating: "So Jesus said to him, Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God" (Mark 10:18 NKJ).   And when it was recognized that the man was asking Jesus about how to achieve eternal life -- and that Jesus did not reply to believe in him (Jesus) as God -- but to keep the Law and the Commandments -- then the Ebionite position that Jesus became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) by fulfilling the Law -- and that it was necessary for Jesus' disciples and followers to in like manner fulfill the Law and keep the Commandments -- is exactly what Jesus the Anointed Prophet taught and expected of those who believed in what he taught.  

Now if you add to the above the very words attributed to Jesus', we can understand both the original Ebionite position that followers of Jesus must keep the Law, and the profound spiritual ignorance which rejects the requirement of actions as an integral part of the equation: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.  Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.  For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt 5:17-26 NIV).   

Prior to the scriptures being edited to support the Pagan doctrines of Rome (see ), the words spoken to Jesus by the Father was: "Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee"  (see ).   And this original statement is further confirmed in both the Book of Acts, as well as the Epistle to the Hebrews -- wherein, with regard to the passage at Hebrews 1:5, The Adam Clark Commentary writes: "This most important use of this saying has passed unnoticed by almost every Christian writer which I have seen; and yet it lies here at the foundation of all the apostle's proofs. If Jesus was not thus the Son of God, the whole Christian system is vain and baseless..."   Stating that if what Paul states is true -- which the scriptures confirm (see ), then "...the whole Christian system is vain and baseless..."   Why?    Because the teachings of Jesus represented the pattern of healing to bring about Wholeness -- whereas, the Church since the fourth century has used Jesus as a Pagan mojo sacrifice to peddle a license for those of a heathen mind and lifestyle of perversion, to dwell in a state of perpetual sin and spiritual abandonment.   Ignoring the words of Paul that such a mindset and lifestyle is "...apostasy [ to TheWay], since they crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold him up to contempt.."   Warning that those who call themselves Christians and thereafter "...sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins".  

If it were not already difficult enough for the linear thinking intellectual scholar to understand the spiritual essence of a religious movement without comprehending the movement of the Laws, the inner dimension of of mind and being that is the true Source of the birth of the movement, and the interval in the Laws and that dimension of mind which man calls Time, that brought the conditions of birth about in this world, makes the task of the intellectual near impossible.    And in like manner, the linear intellectual scholar who attempts to discern what men, or schools of thought, a man such as Jesus learned from, does not understand the reality of Wholeness, or the result of fulfilling the Law within one's self.    Thus, each of the positional opposites are equally in grave error.   

While it is true that there are similarities between the Essenes and the Gospel accounts of the New Covenant, because of the inherent void in the perception and understanding of historians and experts such as Edmund Wilson, whatever he wrote failed to capture the true spiritual essence of the Ebionite Nazirene framework from which the Gospels were drawn.   And in this respect, even the statement in the Encyclopedia Britannica is only partially true where they wrote: Thus, the Encyclopedia Britannica writes: "Most of the features of Ebionite doctrine were anticipated in the teachings of the earlier Qumran sect, as revealed in the Dead Sea Scrolls. They believed in one God and taught that Jesus was the Messiah and was the true prophet mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:15. They rejected the Virgin Birth of Jesus, instead holding that he was the natural son of Joseph and Mary. The Ebionites believed Jesus became the Messiah because he obeyed the Jewish Law. They themselves faithfully followed the Law, although they removed what they regarded as interpolations in order to uphold their teachings, which included vegetarianism, holy poverty, ritual ablutions, and the rejection of animal sacrifices. The Ebionites also held Jerusalem in great veneration" (Encyclopaedia Britannica Online).

Where the historian and/or intellectual attempts to trace the lineage of movements, because the intellectual is incapable of contemplating the inner dimension of mind and being, the best that they can present is fragments of truth that cannot be fully understood.   In the case of Jesus and his disciples who all entered into that life as a group to institute the New Covenant teachings of TheWay, there were vast differences between the Essenes and the Ebionite Nazirenes that would be near impossible for the intellectual to comprehend -- not without being able to understand and even access, the necessary inner dimensions of mind and being that is the initiating factor in the birth of a totally new spiritual movement.    And while the Essenes provided an environment within which this totally new spiritual movement could be born, the great differences were vast that separated the Essenes from the New Covenant teachings of TheWay.  

In like manner, Islam has been portrayed as being strongly influenced by the Ebionites living in Mecca who had been run out of the Roman Empire by the Church of Constantine, and the uncle of Mohammed who was a Nestorian (Gnostic) monk.   And while on the surface this may provide a feasible answer that satisfies the mind of the historian/intellectual, it remains virtually impossible for the true facts in the matter to be ascertained from a linear perspective.   And while there is a connection between the Ebionites and the foundings of Islam, it is not at all in the traditional manner that can be traced and understood by an intellectual.    More factually, one of the most important elements in the equation that the historian and linear thinking intellectual can't come to terms with -- and it is this point that is the most important in man's search for Truth -- is presented in the example that, what has come to be Islam was spontaneously born from purely spiritual sources, and the birth of the movement then influenced the existing Ebionites and Gnostic sects such as the Nestorians to become Muslim.   And while I quote author and historian Dane Dahl (see The True History Of Islam) to demonstrate that the founding of Islam is not at all what has been traditionally taught -- and therefore what Dane Dahl writes on some historical events (see  The True History Of Islam) possesses greater factual truth than the traditional accounts -- his attempt to portray Islam as being strongly influenced by the Ebionites in and around Mecca, is simply not spiritually accurate.   But unless you come to understand why the void exists in the positions of the historian and intellectual, you will yourself make no substantial gains in your quest to Know the Truth.

Using this example it is important to recognize that it is impossible for the historian or intellectual to present an accurate picture to the reader, without being ostracized by their colleagues.   Anything that can't be proven and demonstrated by the intellectual, is immediately relegated to the category of being faith-based.   Yet, the faith-based community which has been compromised by priests who use religion in their own pursuit of status, wealth and cultural and political power, reject the very source and reality of the Gnostic mindset and knowledge that initiated and brought about the Spiritual birth of the movement, as heresy and even satanic.    Which means that any historian or member of the intellectual community that even suggests the real source of a genuine religious movement -- without cloaking his unorthodox suggestions in conjecture, psychobabel and doublespeak -- will find himself very quickly run out of the intellectual and scholarly community.   In the below I will demonstrated from not only a spiritual perspective, but also a scientific perspective, why it is presently impossible for the intellectual community to eradicate the void that inhibits their understanding.    An important clue to the equation can be found in the very first order of business in the Book of Acts, where Spiritual Communities were established -- and it was these Spiritual Communities that served as not only the bedrock -- but the very womb that brought about the necessary subsequent stages of birth -- that Jesus taught was required to enter the Kingdom as a Child of TheWay.   That the modern intellectual is attempting to understand, what can only be comprehended by the transformed by that is in the process of bringing about this next stage of birth -- is one of the primary reasons why it it impossible for the modern intellectual that has been made subject to the anti-mind expansion environment of our systems of education, to make any real progress in the development of mind beyond the organic limitations that immerses mankind in the illusions of Plato's Cave, and what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness).  Resulting in the fact that, because of both the limitations of the faith-based and intellectual communities which environments maintain the great void, the necessary inner dimensions of mind and being that is the initiating factor in the birth of a totally new spiritual movement such as the Ebionite Nazirene teachings of TheWay, as well as Islam, simply cannot be documented or even explored by the historian or intellectual.  

As will be demonstrated throughout this article, traditional science that is linear and confined to the physical elements of this world, has been shackled by the same great void that has hindered the historian.   Yet, for the first time the modern physicist has begun to draw back the curtain to the higher reality of the inner dimensions of mind and being that give birth not only to spiritual movements, but is in fact the source of all events in this world that has perpetually perplexed and confused mankind.    That there is a cause and a reason for all events in the lives of all peoples that cannot be perceived using the senses of the body, has immersed the intellectuals and philosophers of this world in the abyss of unknowing.   That this limited vision and understanding created by the void has caused man's philosophers and traditional scientists to cling to what can only be portrayed as flat-earth fossilized conclusions, is presented in the words: “The present scientific establishment has grown somewhat fossilized by its current world picture and is locked into a view of reality that has outlived its usefulness.  It has begun to limit mankind’s growth and has so increased its sense of specialization, separateness, materiality, and mechanical computer-like functioning that it is in real danger of self-extermination” (William A. Tiller, Materials Sciences Department, Stanford University).

While the findings of the physicist that has proven the traditional world picture to be fossilized, it is also true that unless the physicist himself begins to embark on a path that will reveal to him the esoteric realities that he has only begun to discover, then the physicist will himself find himself flat-lined in his search for the source of what he perceives with his physical senses.    Jesus portrayed this world as the Far Country -- and the "outer darkness" of mind and being -- because the mind and senses of organic man is only capable of perceiving the tip of the iceberg -- and only then, in the allegorical form of that aspect of mind that the objects in the outer world represent.      

It is the reality of the Great Void that causes intellectuals to embrace the fossilized and mentally flat-lined Theory of Evolution.   It is once again, the reality of the Great Void that seduces intellectuals to conclude that religions borrow doctrines of belief from other religions.    Because most of the ancient religions embraced the traditional Virgin Birth of a savior-god, the Great Void has seduced the intellectuals to conclude that Christianity and most religions merely borrowed this doctrine from each other.    In the same way that the historian can't conceive of the the inner dimension of mind and being that is the initiating factor in the birth of a genuine spiritual movement, neither can the intellectual conceive of the true source of these doctrines that they erroneously conclude must be borrowed.     

In like manner, while the intellectual would like to attribute such world events as the Holocaust to men like Hitler, it remains true that Hitler and Nazi Germany were in many respects danced on the world's stage by the predetermined factors and the underlying Laws that brought these events about.   Rabbi Ovadia Yosefan, the former chief rabbi of Israel, a religious scholar who was also the spiritual leader of the Shas party, made the statement that no innocent Jews died in the Holocaust.  What Rabbi Yosefan said was that the 6 million Holocaust victims "were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things that should not be done.”   Rabbi Yosefan explained that these souls who had previously lived lives of sin, “…had been reincarnated in order to atone.” 

Thus, there were underlying factors of predetermined events, in conjunction with the Laws that control all events in this world, which brought the Holocaust about -- and since the intellectual can't access either the source of the predetermining events, nor does he possess any understanding of the Laws, it is this Great Void that perpetually causes him to remain blind in what Jesus portrayed as the  "outer darkness" of mind and being.   And while the intellectual will attempt to dismiss what I am stating, their rejection is the product of their own blind ignorance.   Einstein experienced shock when he first came into contact with the new reality of atomic physics, and wrote in his autobiography: “All my attempts to adapt the theoretical foundation of physics to this [new type of] knowledge failed completely. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built”.   In the words of Einstein: “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality” (quoted in M. Capek, The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics).   Therefore, unless a researcher has the ability to access the field that is the source of what appears to the senses in what man perceives as concrete matter, then it will remain impossible for him to even begin to contemplate the true reality of what he thinks he sees or perceives.    And it is this inability of the organic senses or mind of man to access the causal Etheric Field, that is representative of the Great Void in his vision and understanding of all world events -- past, present, and the future.



Science Proves The Gnostic Vision: Gnosis is the Greek word meaning Spiritual Knowledge -- and True Gnosis is defined as Knowledge received directly from God.   Gnosis cannot be found in a book -- it cannot be taught by another man or teacher of this world -- and it is representative of a higher spiritual reality that simply cannot be redefined by man.   Gnosis is the Greek word which indicates that revelationary experiential Knowledge received from God -- and cannot be imparted by any other Source.   Which means that when quasi-religious and politically-religious motivated people condemn Gnosis/Spiritual Knowledge as heresy, they are in every way condemning and rejecting the Divine Manna imparted to the most religious and spiritual of mankind, as heresy.    Those who ignorantly condemn Gnosis, condemn the Knowledge of God.    And the fact that, because of the politics of religion and the fact that governments the world over have traditionally used religion as a means to maintain rule and authority over the people, we can begin to understand the very reason why genuine Mystics who have dedicated their lives to seeking Spiritual Knowledge -- defined as Gnosis -- have concealed the means to acquire this Spiritual Knowledge within the written text of the scriptures -- cloaked in allegory, so it would not be revealed to carnal/organic man.   

What this means is that Gnosis has nothing to do with man's history -- nothing to do with any historical people, including Jesus and Mary Magdalene (see The Cult Of The Worship Of Mary Magdalene) -- and what is presented in the scriptures, is an allegorical portrayal of the forces and Laws at work within the cosmology of one's own body, mind/soul and spirit.   That this body of esoteric knowledge is so important to preserve and protect, is the reason why Mystics and Spiritual Disciples will write virtually anything in the literal text -- even outlandish absurdities -- so long as the unenlightened people of organic consciousness will insure it is carried forth into future generations. 

Organic man sees himself as nothing more than the physical body -- i.e., human meat spread out upon  a butcher's block -- and one of the primary inherent problems of this gravely limited understanding of self, is that in accord with mankind's organic mindset, it is virtually impossible for him to even conceive why a group of men would go to such lengths to conceal, protect, and preserve certain types of knowledge that most men would consider dubious at best?   The knowledge that organic man envisions, pertains to the day to day realities of this life which is temporal, because it is cultural -- and nothing more.   The concepts of religion that organic man envisions, has to do with beliefs in what is classified as the unknown -- and man's survival after death which he portrays as achieving salvation.    It never even dawns on the limited vision and understanding of organic man that from a spiritual perspective, he is already dead -- and the objective of true religion is to enable him to escape this condition of death which Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being.   From the limited perspective of organic man who exists in a state of spiritual death, everything beyond the very limited reality that he sees with his physical senses, would be considered mere unproven speculation.   And since organic man in his condition of spiritual death in the "outer darkness" is totally ignorant of hot only his own higher spiritual reality -- but exists in an unknowing condition of undeveloped and inhibited level of consciousness -- he becomes offended and even overtly hostile, when he is told by one who actually knows, that his ideas of birth, life, death and salvation, are not only reflective shadows often perceived in reverse of his higher true reality, but are gravely flawed.    Traditionally, when one who possesses genuine Gnosis attempts to convey higher soul-reality to organic man, the enlightened Gnostic is condemned as a heretic, and in the past he was slain -- i.e., "...but an hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is offering service to God" (John 16:1-2 NAS).

In order to preserve their scriptures from being destroyed, the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls protected their writings by hiding them in caves -- while the early Christians who hid the Nag Hammadi Library from the threat of destruction by the fourth century Church of Rome (see Pure Scriptures), clearly preserved these writing for a future time, long after they had departed this world.   And this fact, in and of itself, should provoke great thought.   By our manner of thinking, we can't even imagine why a religious group would create scriptures written in a secret code, which preserved an esoteric knowledge, for some unknown people in the future -- who, lacking the code, would not even be able to decipher this esoteric knowledge.   

It is modern man's failure to understand the motivations that moved these (heretic) religious groups in the past to -- at all cost -- preserve their scriptures and sacred writings, that totally alienates modern man from gaining access to the very Source of Knowledge that would provide him with the most important answers, to his most important questions, pertaining to the life that he is presently living.    That modern man believes that he knows, is perhaps the epitome of his intellectual and religious folly that shackles him to the abyss of profound ignorance.




To the Ephesians Paul asks for them to pray for him, saying: "And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak" (see Eph 6:19-20).   What is the meaning of the word "mystery"?   Thayer's Lexicon states that it is a "hidden thing, secret, mystery... confided only to the initiated and not to ordinary mortals.  A hidden or secret thing, not obvious to the understanding.  Of God: The secret counsels which govern God in dealing with the righteous, which are hidden from ungodly and wicked men... in rabinic writings, it denotes the mystic or hidden sense of an Old Testament saying..."

What Paul is stating is that spiritual knowledge (Gnosis) belongs only to those who are themselves spiritual.   Why?   Not because anyone desires to conceal this esoteric knowledge -- but rather, the organic facilities of mind associated with the limitations of the physical body, are simply incapable of perceiving man's own higher reality of soul and spirit.   Paul therefore portrays himself as an ambassador who has been sent to speak to the people -- and that because they are yet too immature and carnal to understand the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom, he cannot speak openly as to both the true spiritual meaning of the Gospel, or his true knowledge of the Gospel.   Thus, Paul stated to the baptized believers that he himself had instructed: "And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ.  I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal" (1 Cor 3:1-3 NKJ).   And that the Christian was to overcome the limitations of their carnal minset and nature -- enabling them to expand and evolve the mind and the transformation of their physical being into a state of spiritual maturity -- with the objective of the Gospel message as demonstrated in the commandment of Paul: "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature..." (Col 3:5 NIV) -- "Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires" (Gal 5:24 NIV).

Thayer's Lexicon uses the term initiate -- and an initiate is one who has become prepared to receive higher instruction and revelation.   In the parable of the ten virgins (Matt 25:1-13), only those who had prepared themselves with the oil of purification could receive the Lord at his coming.   Thus, the five who had prepared themselves were the initiates -- and while the other five virgins believed and had faith in his coming -- and were in fact awaiting the coming of the Lord -- to those believers who had not prepared themselves with the oil of purification it was said: "Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you".   In the parable of the Sower and the Seed ( ), this preparedness is taken one step further -- as in the rungs of the proverbial Jacob's Ladder.   Those who bring forth what is portrayed as sixtyfold, can perceive and understand a higher perception and understanding of what Paul calls the Mysteries of the Kingdom, than those who have brought forth thirtyfold -- and while the ones who have brought forth one hundredfold, can perceive and understand what others cannot.   Yet, the parable of the Sower and the Seed also warns that those who have not overcome their human carnal nature, and have failed to bring about the process of expansion of mind and being by becoming the "good ground", cannot even begin to understand anything of any true sustenance and spiritual value.    Thus, the warning of Jesus to those who ignore what the parable of the Sower and the Seed states:  “Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?” (Mark 4:13 KJV) -- or, in the wording of a the modern language New Living Translation: “But if you can’t understand this story, how will you understand all the others I am going to tell?”    That the vast majority of believers, as well as the Gospel critics, all fail to understand the true spiritual meaning of the Bible, is because they ignore what this parable states to them.

In analyzing what the Thayer's Lexicon is stating above:  Because the people are not yet initiates into the knowledge that is beyond the understanding of "...ordinary mortals"  --   secret knowledge that is "...not obvious to the understanding"  -- knowledge that is impossible to be revealed in the written text of the scriptures -- knowledge that Paul, as " ambassador in bonds", cannot speak openly about to the congregation of believers who he himself taught -- Paul portrays the congregation of believers as "babes in Christ".    Again, to the Colossians Paul asks for their prayers that "...God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds: That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak" (see Col 5:3-4).    Thus, these mysteries of the Gospel that Paul portrays as beyond the comprehension of believers of a "natural" mind, because these believers of the Gospel will look upon and reject esoteric spiritual concepts as utter "foolishness" (1 Cor 2:14) -- cannot be revealed in man's spoken or written words -- but only when "...God ...opens ...a door of utterance, to [reveal] the mystery of Christ" -- a knowledge that cannot be revealed " ordinary mortals.  A hidden or secret thing, not obvious to the understanding"   -- including  "...the mystic or hidden sense of an Old Testament" story.    And while God wants all the lost pro prodigal sons and daughters to receive the sacred knowledge which in Thayer's Lexicon it states is "...not obvious to the understanding [of] ...ordinary mortals" -- because the human earthly nature must be evolved, this sacred knowledge can only be perceived and comprehended by those who have prepared themselves to receive it.

When Jesus said of his disciples: “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding” (Mark 4:11-12 NIV) -- that word translated secret, is the same word translated mystery, and makes reference to an esoteric knowledge that is beyond man's organic comprehension.   Yet, in a state of spiritual denial, the modern Church attempts to ignore the implications of what these words convey.    In explanation of the above words of Jesus, the Wycliffe Commentary writes that: “…the initiate was instructed in the esoteric teaching... which was not revealed to outsiders… The mystery of the kingdom in its ultimate development is the full-orbed message of the Gospel (Rom 16:25-26). The purpose of parables was to instruct the initiates without revealing the items of instruction to the ones who were without. This is in keeping with the Biblical principle that spiritual understanding is restricted to those who have become spiritual...” 

If, as openly stated above, it is true that Jesus taught initiates differently than the multitude of people who he portrayed as being "...outside", then a true seeker must conclude that every article of faith promoted by the Church today, would have to be totally re-evaluated.    Thus the question: What was Jesus stating with respect to why he spoke in parables?   To ignore this question, is to reject the whole foundational objective and revelation of the Bible.   Jesus was stating that only those who become separate from the thinking and ways of this world, and became true disciples of Messiah/Christ, are able to perceive and understand the secrets of the Kingdom of God -- and in the Greek language, this sacred Knowledge is called Gnosis.   And by the very meaning of the word that is being presented that cannot be revealed " ordinary mortals.  A hidden or secret thing, not obvious to the understanding" -- it is of the utmost importance to recognize that what is being conveyed is the fact that "...spiritual understanding is restricted to those who have become spiritual...”.   Why?   Because man in his organic or "natural" condition of mind, has yet to develop the facilities of mind necessary to receive and comprehend this higher spiritual knowledge that the biblical authors are making reference to.    And this fact of human life that everyone must eventually come to terms with, is demonstrated in the Gospel of Thomas in the saying: (17) Jesus said, "I shall give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never occurred to the human mind."   It is not that either Jesus or the disciples wanted to hide or conceal higher spiritual facts and realities from anyone -- but rather, the organic human mind which is limited by the consciousness and vibratory spectrum of thought of the physical body, simply is incapable of comprehending any thoughts, impressions and realities beyond what the organic human body/mind will accommodate, without evolving through the process of transformation that was -- and remains -- the primary objective of the Gospel message and teachings.   Jesus came to lead the lost prodigal sons and daughters into the kingdom -- but for the inner "narrow strait gate" to open, the body and physical mind must become what is allegorically portrayed as the Final Temple

When it is recognized that this very warning was stated by Paul to the baptized and totally committed believers at Corinth -- i.e., “I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way -- in all your speaking and in all your knowledge -- because our testimony about Christ was confirmed in you. Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed” (1 Cor 1:4-7 NIV) -- the modern reader who does not pause and reflect on what this means -- personally -- to them, remains a blind man who is beyond the reach of the Gospel message.   What is Paul stating to the believers at Corinth?   That even though Paul himself had instructed them in the "testimony" of Christ -- and that they had received the entire revelation of the Good News of the Gospel -- to the degree that they were not "...lacking any spiritual gift" -- they had yet to evolve and mature those facilities of mind that would enable them to perceive, discern and comprehend the higher reality of the soul and what Paul portrayed as the Mystery of the Gospel.   And this is especially demonstrated in the second chapter of the very same Epistle where Paul warns these believers who have been given all primary historical knowledge and testimony of Christ: “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (1 Cor 2:14 NKJ).    And just as important is thee fact that Paul stated that when they complete the process of transformation and achieve this higher level of spiritual maturity, that the Christ will come to them and teach them -- i.e., " you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed”.    And thus, this is the meaning of the allegorical End Times when the Kingdom (within) comes upon the earth (the body) of the disciple/seeker.    This Spiritual Knowledge that can only be revealed by the Lord, is called Gnosis -- i.e., spiritually experienced and acquired knowledge that can only be imparted to those who have so prepared themselves that they are as virgins who have filled their lamps with the oil of purification necessary to receive the Lord.

The early Christian Valentinius quoted Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians when he made reference to Gnosis Kardias -- or, the enlightened eyes of the heart.   "I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints" (Eph 1:18).   And that Paul wanted very much to speak about the Mystery of the Gospel to the Ephesians, but could not, is the reason he portrayed himself as an ambassador in bonds: "And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak" (see Eph 6:19-20).   And how did a seeker/disciple obtain these enlightened eyes of the heart?   Very briefly, by fulfilling the role of a virgin who awaits the Lord with the oil of purification -- and by becoming the "good ground" that permits the necessary expansion of the facilities of mind to be brought about, which enables the seeker/disciple to be taught by the Indwelling Logos/Son of God/True Prophet.   And in the same way that in the parable of the ten virgins it was said to those who had failed to prepair themselves with the oil of purification that "Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you" -- even though they believed and had called upon the Lord and was awaiting his coming, this reality of the believer who has failed to prepare himself is futher explored in the early Christian scripture known as the Shepherd of Hermas.  

In the introduction of the early Christian writing known as the Shepard of Hermas, it is written: “The Pastor of Hermas was one of the most popular books, if not the most popular book, in the Christian Church during the second, third, and fourth centuries... In ancient times two opinions prevailed in regard to the authorship. The most widely spread was, that the Pastor of Hermas was the production of the Hermas mentioned in the Epistle to the Romans. Origen states this opinion distinctly, and it is repeated by Eusebius and Jerome”.   If, then, it is true that the Pastor of Hermas was one of the most important scriptural authorities over the first four centuries, then we can use it in our endeavor to better understand the essence of early Christian thought.   What the Shepherd of Hermas has to say is very important to us today, because it represents the scriptural tradition that was taught directly to the faithful flock by the Apostles of Christ.  Thus, on the nature of scripture, in the Shepherd we find: “I am senseless, sir, say I, and do not understand these parables. For how she can crush out, and on the other hand save, I do not perceive. Listen, says he. Those who have never searched for the truth, nor investigated the nature of the Divinity, but have simply believed, when they devote themselves to and become mixed up with business, and wealth, and heathen friendships, and many other actions of this world, do not perceive the parables of Divinity; for their minds are darkened by these actions, and they are corrupted and become dried up. Even as beautiful vines, when they are neglected, are withered up by thorns and divers plants, so men who have believed, and have afterwards fallen away into many of those actions above mentioned, go astray in their minds, and lose all understanding in regard to righteousness; for if they hear of righteousness, their minds are occupied with their business, and they give no heed at all. Those, on the other hand, who have the fear of God, and search after Godhead and truth, and have their hearts turned to the Lord, quickly perceive and understand what is said to them, because they have the fear of the Lord in them. For where the Lord dwells, there is much understanding. Cleave, then, to the Lord, and you will understand and perceive all things”.

The message that is very clear from this early Christian writing is that it is impossible to mature spiritually, while attempting to divide oneself between the two worlds.   In our present day culture we are living proof as to the validity of the wisdom that is portrayed in this writing -- i.e., one cannot perceive the true meaning of the parables and the inner significance of the historical narrative of the scriptures, while one devotes their lives to their “business, and wealth, and heathen friendships, and many other actions of this world” -- which would include the whole array of addictions provided by all the many leisure’s and entertainments that captivate and control our every-day lives.   Further, do we truly do unto others as we would want others to do unto us -- i.e., do we send our children (the souls who were placed in our care) off to government secularized schools to become imbued with the thinking, mindset and lifestyle of the heathen culture in which we presently live?   

In the Shepherd of Hermas a reference is made to a tower, of which it is written: “And the tower, I asked, what does it mean? This tower, he replied, is the Church. And these virgins, who are they? They are Holy Spirits, and men cannot otherwise be found in the kingdom of God unless these have put their clothing upon them: for if you receive the name only, and do not receive from them the clothing, they are of no advantage to you. For these virgins are the powers of the Son of God. If you bear His name but possess not His power, it will be in vain that you bear His name”.    In understanding what is written, it is most important for us to be aware of the continual message found in the words: “If you bear His name but possess not His power, it will be in vain that you bear His name”.   Thus, if you call yourselves Christian, but fail to purify and develop your mind and body from the defilements of this world -- and do not possess the true Knowledge of the Spiritual Christ -- and have not yourselves inherited the same higher powers of mind that the Son of God promised all his followers would possess -- then “it will be in vain that you bear His name”.   And again, this is demonstrated in the words spoken to those who believed upon the coming of the Lord, and even called upon his name, but had failed to bring with them the oil of purification, where it was stated: "Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you"  

The problem that Paul is unsuccessfully attempting to convey to the reader is this: What was revealed to the True believers and disciples of Jesus and TheWay at the beginning of our Common Era, was truly the most Black Swan Event every to transpire.    Organic man -- whether he is a believer or unbeliever -- whether he is a scholar or an acclaimed intellectual genus by the standards of our culture -- those who are limited to man's organic senses and reasoning, are simply not prepared to even envision man's own higher soul and spiritual reality.   And in view of the fact that Jesus himself made reference to bringing about subsequent stages of birth, the vast majority of mankind who have chosen to ignore these crucial words of Jesus, and have not brought about these subsequent stages of birth, can no more envision their own higher soul and spiritual reality, than a sperm or ovum can envision the life of a child beyond the limitations of the womb where the development of a fetus takes place.  

Unlike the flock of believers at Corinth to whom the Epistle is written, the modern Christian was not taught directly by Paul -- and the very fact that the Christian world remains divided by an uncountable number of factions and manmade doctrines of belief based upon organic carnal reasoning, is proof of the deficiency of the modern dogma and doctrines that are promoted by the Churches.   In understanding man's human and often complacent nature, Paul even went as far to say that anyone who promotes a faction -- i.e., a doctrine of belief -- is a sinner who has been turned out of TheWay (see No Sects).   Why?    Because the primary objective of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay was to bring about the necessary subsequent stages of birth and transformation of the disciple/seeker -- a process of transformation that would enable them to Know All things, and find the Gospel being fulfilled within themselves in a manner that could not be understood by organic man.   Therefore, according to Paul, those who cling to manmade doctrines of belief, have already been turned out of TheWay.  

It is important to recognize that the believers at Corinth who Paul stated were too carnal to understand the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom, existed at a time when these Gospel teachings were still in a pure and undefiled state.   This was in a timeframe that could truly be classified as "BC" -- i.e., Before Constantine and the Pagan Church of Rome that threw away and lost the spiritual essence of the teachings of TheWay.   Therefore it must be acknowledged that whatever the modern believer views as the Gospel requirements with respect to faith, saying the proper prayer accepting the Lord as their personal savior, or any other such requirement, no modern believer can even suggest that Paul did not know the Gospel requirements when he personally taught and baptized the Corinth flock of believers.   Yet, Paul then goes on and warns these believers of a yet untransformed "natural" mind who were committed and dedicated to Christ: “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to babes in Christ” (1 Cor 3:1 NAS).   Thus, these believers who were taught personally by Paul -- in a time of greater spiritual purity, B.C. -- could only be taught the doctrine of Jesus Christ and him crucified (1 Cor 2:2), because they were not yet spiritual men -- but rather, they were men of flesh and still very much “babes in Christ”.   Paul then explains that: “I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able” (1 Cor 3:2 NAS).  

What should be troubling to the modern believer is that Paul openly admits that the baptized and confirmed Christians at Corinth -- people who had accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and received the gifts of the laying on of hands and speaking in tongues -- people who were not taught by preachers and priests, but the Apostle himself -- were not yet able to understand and comprehend what Paul referred to as the Mysteries of the Gospel of God.    When it is recognized that Paul confessed that if he attempted to convey to this congregation of believers the true spiritual meaning of the allegorical scriptures, or the esoteric knowledge which is preparatory to comprehending what Paul portrays as the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom -- that these same believers would condemn and reject these higher spiritual concepts as "foolishness" -- then only a fool would claim that they know what is spiritually true and false by virtue of their study of the written words of the scriptures.

Speaking of the Disciples and what they experienced in order to learn and know the Truth that other men were blind to, Paul writes that they were "caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter" (2 Cor 12:4-5 NKJ).   Why?   Every sincere Christian and intelligent reader of the Gospels must ask the questions: Why can't the experience of being brought up into Paradise be expressed in words?   And perhaps even more important is the question as to why " is not lawful for a man to utter" what a Disciple who enters the Kingdom experiences?   Moreover, if this witness to the inconceivable higher realities of the Kingdom is true, then why can't Christians gain access to the same spiritual experience of entering the Kingdom as Jesus' disciples did?    When Jesus stated that those who walk in TheWay will find revealed to them the "Truth that sets them free", he was not making reference to the "milk" fed to those Christians who Paul portrayed as “babes in Christ” -- but rather, the mature disciples who had brought about the necessary transformation of their lower animal earthly nature, brought about the subsequent stages of birth, and emerging out of what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being, was able to begin to receive the revelation of Gnosis directly from the Logos of God -- which is incomprehensible to the organic mind of man, even when they are committed and baptized believers who Paul states, had received the initial gifts of the spirit.   These are serious questions, that can only be addressed by very serious seekers who truly seek not only to Know the Lord, but to Know anything beyond the temporal mundane of this world which fades like the cycle of leaves falling off a tree before the winter.    

The most profound statement which is all but ignored by seekers today, is found in the Epistle of Peter And James where it is written: "Hear me, brethren and fellow-servants. If we should give the books to all indiscriminately, and they should be corrupted by any daring men, or be perverted by interpretations, as you have heard that some have already done, it will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error.   Wherefore it is better that they should be with us, and that we should  communicate them with all the fore-mentioned care to those who wish to live piously, and to save others."   Why would it be stated that, if the esoteric wisdom and knowledge of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay were to be lost, that it "...will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error"???   And while many people think they know, in truth these words represent a reality that they have yet to come to terms with: “If any one imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know” (1 Cor 8:2 RSV).  

When Paul warns the baptized and committed Christians at Corinth that, because they were of an organic and "natural" mind, they were yet too carnal in their understanding to comprehend the spiritual meaning of the Gospel -- which is often referred to as the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God -- he conveyed to them the reality that they would judge and even condemn this higher reality of the Spirit as absolute "foolishness" -- i.e., “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14 NKJ).    Thus, it is imperative to ask the question: What is the "natural man"?     The condition of mankind that Paul is making reference to, would just as well be portrayed as "organic" -- or, of the physical body.   The "natural man" , is the "organic" human being.   And what Paul warns is that the mere act of turning to belief in Jesus does not in any manner enable the believer to understand the true Gospel Teachings that can only be grasped by those who have undergone the necessary spiritual transformation of mind and being of truly walking in TheWay.

It is said that human consciousness is like the tip of an iceberg -- and in the same way that only a very small tip which is supported by an immense foundation of ice protrudes above the water where it can be seen -- organic man who Paul portrays as of a natural mind, can only utilize a very small portion of his potential of mind.   Like an ovum that is released into a woman's womb, without the proper and balanced fertilization, and the necessary environment that initiated growth and development, the mind of organic man remains earthbound in it's thinking -- simply because those higher areas of mind that are not necessary to the support of the physical body and the culture of this world, do not develop!    Because these areas of mind are rarely to ever  used, they not only fail to develop, but they remain mentally atrophied.    Therefore, it is not a question of how smart a person is from the perspective of man's way of measuring intelligence.   But rather, it is a reality that if these higher areas of mind that do not correspond to the vibration of the earth are not properly stimulated and developed in the proper environment that initiates growth and maturation, then the very spheres of mind required to contemplate and understand anything beyond the physical and mundane, simply fail to develop.   And when Paul states that the wisdom of this world will come to naught (1 Cor 2:6-8), it is because of these organic limitations that inhibit all of mankind who are of a "natural mind", from understanding anything beyond the forms of this physical world.   And as I will demonstrate in the below, even the most brilliant of secular intellectuals do not in any manner possess any real understanding of even the forms they see, as they look out into the world in which they presently dwell.    In fact, you could enroll in all the most esteemed colleges and universities that man has created -- you could endlessly study the volumes of books composed and written by men considered wise throughout the ages -- and your wisdom and knowledge would pale in comparison to the Disciples of Jesus and the earliest of Spiritual Christians who were sincere Disciples of TheWay.  

The average modern believer who reads these words would probably reply: If this is true, then the Disciples of Jesus were set apart from the rest of mankind, and we cannot expect to know what they knew.   Yet, nothing could be further from the truth! The flock of Christian believers have in fact been robbed of their inheritance -- like the lost prodigal son -- by embracing the consciousness of the earth over the spiritual -- which Paul portrayed as the way of the god of this world -- which Jesus portrayed as the Citizen of the Far Country.     That early Christians, other than the disciples themselves, also inherited the promise of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay, is demonstrated in the writings of the first century elder Ignatius, who personally knew both Paul and the other Disciples.   And in his Epistle to the Trallaus he speaks of the Mysteries of the Gospel and the Kingdom in the same exact manner that Paul does, and writes: “Might I not write to you things more full of mystery?  But I fear to do so, lest I should inflict injury on you who are babes.  Pardon me in this respect, lest, as not being able to receive their weighty import, ye should be strangled by them”.  The only way that Ignatius could have written these words, was if he, himself, understood what was beyond the comprehension of the organic mind of the believers of the simple faith.   And while he states that he understood what was incomprehensible to the organic mind of man, he also confesses that though he is aware of the mysteries, he is not yet “by any means perfect, nor am I such a disciple as Paul or Peter”.   

Thus, Paul writes to the congregation at Corinth -- who being babes in Christ, only knew Jesus and him crucified -- where he wrote: "We speak wisdom, however, among them that are fullgrown: yet a wisdom not of this world, nor of the rulers of this world, who are coming to nought" (1 Cor 2:6 ASV).   In other translations the word fullgrown, is translated either mature or perfect.   Yet, in not even understanding the primary objectives of the Gospel, modern believers study and learn the wisdom of this world and the opinions of men, failing to move on to maturity and learn directly from God -- i.e., "It is written in the Prophets: 'They will all be taught by God.' Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me" (John 6:45 NIV).   Not in belief, doctrine, or to a manmade church -- but rather, the objective of the teachings of TheWay is to enter in at the inner "narrow gate", and learn directly from God in the Kingdom.   And to accomplish this, it is necessary to disregard that which we see without our physical eyes and understanding, and seek and learn via our spiritual eyes that is able to perceive beyond the limits of this world -- i.e., "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Cor 4:18 KJV).

The folly of the Christian world is seen in the fact that they learn from the teachers of this world who proclaim that there is no unseen -- and only what is seen with one's physical eyes is valid.   Christians send their children to learn about what is temporal, while alienating themselves from what is eternal.   Christians flock to churches which are temporal and built with the hands of men, while rejecting the Temple of their soul which is Eternal and Sustaining.

With respect to the witness of Ignatius: What preacher of the Gospel today would stand before his congregation and state to the people in their pews, that if he was to reveal the true teachings of the New Covenant -- the Mysteries of the Gospel of God -- he would “inflict injury on you who are babes” in Christ?   What teaching of the Lord could a present-day preacher of the gospel reveal that the congregation of believers are not “able to receive their weighty import”?   If Ignatius or the other early Church Fathers who knew the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God were with us today, what profound mystery could they speak regarding the true teachings of Jesus that believers today would be “strangled by them” 

Throughout the history of mankind those who have openly claimed to possess the Secret Knowledge which is called Gnosis, were condemned as elitists and heretics.   Yet, what the rest of mankind totally fails to understand, is the fact that it is not that a more advanced spiritual soul wishes to conceal higher knowledge from others -- but rather, in the same way that kindergarteners are not prepared to study and comprehend at a university level -- neither are the organic minded earth-bound people of this world, prepared to understand the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God.   In the same way that the mind of the kindergartener must develop and mature, so too must the mind of man begin the process of expansion beyond organic limits that are supported by the physical body-vessel.    And this is exactly what Paul states when he writes: "However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing" (1 Cor 2:6 NKJ).   The King James Version reads that wisdom can only be revealed to those who are "perfect" -- but what must be understood is that each soul can only perceive and comprehend in accordance with their own level of soul-evolution and spiritual development.   

Of equal importance is the wisdom just following this statement that only the mature can perceive and comprehend the hidden truths of the Spirit -- hidden, because the organic mind of the physical body only supports that area of mind and being that is of the vibration of the earth -- and what is beyond this very basic level, must be developed by the disciple who walks in TheWay.   Thus, Paul writes: "But as it is written: 'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.'  But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.  For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.  Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.  These things we also speak, not in words which man's wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.  But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.  But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.  For 'who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?' But we have the mind of Christ" (1 Cor 2:9-16 NKJ).

When Paul uses the term Christ -- the English translation of the word is the Anointing (Messiah/Christ) -- and the objective of the teachings of the New Covenant is embodied in the words: "My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you" (Gal 4:19 KJV).   If the believer received Christ with baptism, or the saying of a prayer accepting the Lord as their savior, then these words could never have been written by Paul to the congregation of the Galatians.   Even though the congregation had turned to Christ, Paul speaks of the process of birth that must be brought about "...until Christ be formed in you".   The dictionary defines the word travail:  "(1) very hard work; toil (2) labor pains; pains of childbirth (3) intense pain; agony".   Thus, the birth process that transforms the believer from a "babe in Christ", to a "mature and perfect" disciple who has experienced Christ formed in them, requires great effort that is not in any manner represented in modern Christian Church doctrine.  

The arduous objective of striving to achieve the next stage of birth, is further presented in the goal that all those who are of an organic mind and spiritually immature, will over the course of many lifetimes evolve "to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Eph 4:13 NKJ).   But to understand what Paul is presenting, it is important to understand one of the surviving quotations of the Original Matthew  known as the Gospel of the Hebrews/Ebionites where St. Jerome preserved the text at the baptism (quoting Jerome): "But according to the gospel which the Nazaraeans read, written up in Hebrew speech: The whole fount of the holy spirit shall descend over him.... Further on in the gospel of which we made mention above we find these things written: But it happened that, when the Lord ascended from the water, the whole fount of the holy spirit descended and rested over him, and said to him: My son, in all the prophets I was expecting you, that you should come, and I might rest in you. You indeed are my rest. You are my firstborn son, who reigns in eternity."   To which Jerome correctly explains  "not partially as in the case of other holy men."

While the prophets and holy men of the past had received the Anointing (Messiah/Christ) that enabled them to understand the Mysteries of the Kingdom to the degree that they were able to receive the Anointing, only the historical man Jesus had so fulfilled the Law within himself, and was therefore able to receive "...the whole fount of the Holy Spirit".   Thus, this original teaching is preserved by the early Church writer Hippolytus when he stated that Jesus  "was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ."  And in speaking of this original Ebionite Nazirene position, he writes that when each disciple "...thus fulfills the law, they are able to become Christs, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity."  (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).   And it is this spiritually evolved objective of the teachings of the New Covenant that Paul is making reference to when he states that each believer is to be matured into "...a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Eph 4:13 NKJ).    

In the case of the historical man Jesus who totally fulfilled the Law within himself, he was in “...supernatural union of a man and God... In their [his Ebionite Nazirene disciples] eyes, Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal, the legitimate son of Joseph and Mary: but he was the best and wisest of the human race, selected as the worthy instrument to restore upon earth the worship of the true and supreme Deity. When he was baptized in the Jordan, the Christ, the first of the aeons, the Son of God himself, descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, to inhabit his mind, and direct his actions during the allotted period of his ministry” (Gibbon; The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, V.4, P.366)   The Son of God is the True Prophet (see True Prophet), who was called the Logos among the Greeks, the Teacher of Righteousness among the Essenes -- and for those who correctly understand the original teachings on the Trinity, the Logos is the Mind of God.  

Do you believe the Bible?   Or, do you believe the doctrines of men?   Prior to the fourth century takeover of the Church by the Emperor Constantine and the most carnal bishops in the Church, all the early Church writers noted that at the baptism in the Jordan, the words spoken to Jesus were: "Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee".    And this is easily documented and proven in the article known as The Ten Words.   The fact that the modern Church is in denial with respect to what the Gospels originally stated, is typical of ..... mind.   Robert Jastrow, an astrophysicist who heads NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, pointed out that the big bang is not exactly an explanation of cause. He is quoted in The Aquarian Conspiracy: “If a scientist really examines the implications, he would be traumatized. As usual, when the mind is faced with trauma, it reacts by ignoring the implications - in science this is called ‘refusing to speculate’".   Thus, because the scientist is traumatized by the facts and realities presented to them, they simply "refuse to speculate".    But this is not only true with respect to the scientist who is confronted by a factual reality that he can't deal with the implications of -- but this is just as true with the modern religious leaders who can't deal with the implications of The Ten Words.   Why?   Because these ten words represent the Achilles Heel of the manmade doctrines of the Church -- and the spiritual reality they present not only demonstrates that the Church of Rome was in error -- but that the Ebionite Nazirene disciples of Jesus who the Church condemned as heretics who were too Jewish to understand what Jesus taught, were correct all along. 

In the same way that Jesus warned about the blindness of the carnal Jews to see beyond the limitations of their doctrines of belief -- and Paul warned that the people of a "natural" mind will reject the "mysteries" of the Gospels as utter "foolishness", and interesting parallel point is advanced by Gary Zukav in his book, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, where he writes that "A rational mind, based on the impressions that it receives from its limited perspective, forms structures which thereafter determine what it further will and will not accept freely. From that point on, regardless of how the real world actually operates, this rational mind, following its self-imposed rules, tries to superimpose on the real world its own version of what must be" (P. 160).   Even though it can be proven that Darwinism is a fraud -- their patterns of thought have been fixed and fossilized -- and the multitude of scientists are incapable of perceiving the world outside of their ideological and philosophical box.    In much the same way, While it can be proven that the Gospels originally stated that Jesus became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ), and  the "adopted" Son of God at his baptism in the Jordan -- which is exactly as the original Ebionite Nazirene disciples of Jesus believed -- yet, it is impossible for the multitude of Christians to see beyond their (pagan) doctrinal box.    True examples of the reality that  "...regardless of how the real world actually operates, this rational mind, following its self-imposed rules, tries to superimpose on the real world its own version of what must be."    While it can easily be proven that the Genesis Account is not historical -- but rather, presents ultra important spiritual truths to the minds of those who possess the eyes to see -- yet, both the Fundamentalist believer and the Atheist non-believer ignore are simply incapable of coming to terms with the higher reality that the scriptures were intentionally written so that a rationally minded person could not in any manner believe the literal/historical text.   Thus, the Church Father Origen who was called the "prince of Christian learning", second only to the disciples, writes: “What man of sense will agree with the statement that the first, second and third days in which the evening is named and the morning, were without sun, moon and stars, and the first day without a heaven. What man is found such an idiot as to suppose that God planted trees in paradise in Eden, like a husbandman, and planted therein the tree of life, perceptible to the eyes and senses, which gave life to the eater thereof; and another tree which gave to the eater thereof a knowledge of good and evil? I believe that every man must hold these things for images, under which the hidden sense lies concealed” (Origen - Huet., Prigeniana, 167 Franck, p. 142).

If, as the Jewish disciples of Jesus who were historically known as Ebionites, understood that Jesus was a man who became the Messiah/Christ at his baptism in the Jordan by fulfilling the Law within himself -- which is confirmed by the original Gospels (see s The Ten Words) -- then the modern Christian world has been gravely misled.   And it goes to the core difference between a philosophical belief in Jesus, in contradistinction to imitating Jesus as the Pattern of Salvation for all to follow in TheWay.   And thus, the words: "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46 KJV).   And this is why Jesus warned those who would call themselves his followers and believers: “And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matt 10:38-39 NKJ).   The requirement that has been set forth is that “ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy” (Lev 11:45 KJV).    In the words of Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa: “…it is imperative on all those who have an equally earnest desire for the Good as He has, to be followers by the path of an exact imitation of Him Who leads the way to salvation, and to carry into action what He has shown them. It is, in fact impossible for persons to reach the same goal unless they travel by the same ways”.   And this is why the requirement was set forth by Jesus with respect to his disciples and followers:  “You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt 5:48 RSV).

The reality portrayed by Jesus in the parable of the lost prodigal sons and daughters plight in this, the Far Country, is seen in the quotation of Clement of Alexandria who portrayed the vast majority of people as "...Atheists who destroy and pollute, as far as in them lies, the Deity dwelling in them - that is, the Logos -- by association with their vices”.    Why Atheists?   Because if they truly believed, then they would live the Truth in every aspect of the lives that they live.    The Truth is not known by those who believe from the perspective of the organic mind of what Paul portrays as the "natural" mind of man which is earth-bound and blind to the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God -- but rather, the Truth can only be known by those who become the Final Temple -- and in accordance with each person's success in becoming the "good ground" in the parable of the Sower and the Seed.   With the ultimate level of spiritual success in the pattern of Jesus who was able to achieve Absolute Oneness with the Indwelling Logos/Son of God/True Prophet.   And this is the purpose of living the Consecrated Life in TheWay that Jesus taught.  

The living of the necessary Consecrated Life cannot be discarded!   As stated by Jesus himself: "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46 KJV).   Paul states that we must each come to the "...fullness of Christ ...that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting" (Eph 4:14 NKJ).   And this can only be accomplished when each believer lives the Consecrated Life that enables them to become the Final Temple -- striving to purify one's self in accord with the pattern of Jesus as stated in the words: “Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure” (1 Jn 3:3 NIV) -- becoming the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) that enables the disciple to be taught by the Indwelling  True Prophet -- as stated by John: "These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you.  But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him" (I Jn 2:26-27 NKJ).  

The degree that each disciple can know the Truth, is in accord with the level of Anointing (Messiah/Christ) they are able to receive -- i.e., "But as it is written: 'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.'  But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.  For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.  Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.  These things we also speak, not in words which man's wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.  But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.  But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.  For 'who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?' But we have the mind of Christ" (1 Cor 2:9-16 NKJ).   The written word of the scriptures are made for those who are immature -- i.e., those who Paul portrays as "babes in Christ".     The objective of the New Covenant teaching is for each person to grow to maturity and receive the Anointing (Messiah/Christ) -- which connects us to the Indwelling Logos/Son of God/True Prophet -- i.e.,  "But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.  For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him" -- and this is why Peter is quoted in the Homilies as stating with respect to the Indwelling True Prophet: "...For He is within the mind of every one of us, but in those who have no desire of the knowledge of God and His righteousness, He is inoperative; but He works in those who seek after that which is profitable to their souls, and kindles in them the light of knowledge. Wherefore seek Him first of all; and if you do not find Him, expect not that you shall learn anything from any other. But He is soon found by those who diligently seek Him through love of the truth, and whose souls are not taken possession of by wickedness. For He is present with those who desire Him in the innocence of their spirits, who bear patiently, and draw sighs from the bottom of their hearts through love of the truth; but He deserts malevolent minds, because as a prophet He knows the thoughts of every one. And therefore let no one think that he can find Him by his own wisdom, unless, as we have said, he empty his mind of all wickedness, and conceive a pure and faithful desire to know Him. For when any one has so prepared himself, He Himself as a prophet, seeing a mind prepared for Him, of His own accord offers Himself to his knowledge” (see  True Prophet ).    Those who love Him, and desire to seek the Truth, are those who live the Consecrated Life in TheWay.

When Paul stated to the believers in the Churches: “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to babes in Christ” (1 Cor 3:1) -- what he was stating was that until the believers of the simple faith begin to live the necessary lifestyle that is portrayed as the "good ground" in the parable of the Sower and the Seed (see Sower And The Seed), that it will remain impossible for them to understand the true meaning of the Gospel -- and this sacred Knowledge can only be taught by those who are able to receive Gnosis from the True Prophet/Logos/Son of God (see True Prophet).    The disciples possessed the eyes to see and understand, because as it is written: "Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures" (Luke 24:45) -- and this higher enlightened perception and understanding that the mind of organic man is incapable of understanding, is called Gnosis. 

  Jesus - The Black Swan Of The Reformation:  In the Protestant Reformation when Calvin and Luther proclaimed the Epistles of Paul to be the most pure reflection of what Jesus taught, the great truth they failed to comprehend was the missing spiritual dimension to the writings and theology of Paul's -- a dimension of mind and being that was beyond their very carnal perception and understanding.   When rightly understood, the true meaning and essence of the Gospel Truths were very much what would be classified as a Black Swan Event -- i.e., "The term black swan (not capitalized) comes from the 17th century European assumption that 'All swans must be white'.  In that context, a black swan was something that was impossible and could not exist.  In the 18th Century, the discovery of black swans in Western Australia[1] metamorphosed the term to connote that a perceived impossibility may actually come to pass" (see Black Swan).   In the case of the historical man Jesus, his life and how he came to accomplish what he did was such an inconceivable enigma -- and remains an inconceivable enigma even to this very day -- that what we have is the Ultimate Black Swan Event in the chronicles of mankind's existence upon the face of the earth. 

The meaning of the word "esoteric", can portray secret knowledge that is only revealed to the few -- but what is not understood is the fact that "esoteric" knowledge can only be comprehended by the few -- and those who are called initiates, more often than not, are representative of the few who are capable, and thus have the capacity, to understand the knowledge that is being presented.   Once rightfully understood, esoteric knowledge is neither hidden nor concealed -- but rather, remains incomprehensible to the majority of people because their minds are simply not prepared to understand what is being portrayed as secret knowledge.    Ultimately, these is no such thing as knowledge that is hidden or concealed -- but more factually, few people are prepared to perceive and understand what to the few, is a clear as the nose on a person's face.    Therefore, as popularly used, the words mystery or esoteric are in fact a misnomer, or even a canard -- in that, it is not the knowledge that is hidden or concealed -- but rather, the people's inability to perceive and understand. 

The profound Truths that had become manifest and revealed to the few who were prepared to receive and comprehend the esoteric knowledge of the soul and man's true relationship to God, is representative of the greatest Black Swan Event in the existence of mankind on the face of the earth.   And in the same way that the majority of Jews were incapable of perceiving the reality of the moment because of their organic limitations, so too were the pagan Gentiles who eventually enlisted under the banner of Christendom.   The man Jesus was not only an enigma to the vast majority of Jews, but even more so the Gentiles or non-Jews.    Further, because the framers of the Protestant Reformation had become alienated from the original objectives of the Gospel by the carnal and pagan doctrines of the Church of Rome, the faith embraced by Calvin and Luther was one of unquestioned blind faith in the carnal doctrines of men.    In a true Black Swan Event, the spiritual meaning and esoteric teachings which were strategically imbedded within the allegory of the Gospel accounts, very much represented "...a perceived impossibility... [that had] actually come to pass" which was beyond even their organic scope of imagination.   And, having no means to even relate to not only what had actually come to pass -- but the spiritual reality that had historically transpired -- and further,  had the potential to transpire and be brought about in the life of the True Disciple of TheWay in the present -- was simply beyond organic man's ability to even envision.    Inconceivable -- inconceivable to both believer and non-believer critic alike -- because the mind of organic man in his natural form is simply not prepared to comprehend with any real depth not only the enigma of the man Jesus -- but also the enigma of man's own soul and spiritual natures and realities -- all of which the vast majority of believers or unbelievers, is as far removed from the truth as noon is from midnight.

In many respects, Martin Luther was so spiritually disenfranchised and ignorant because of his adherence on the manmade doctrines of Pagan Rome -- and so motivated by blind faith and superstition -- that what has come to be known as Protestantism is founded upon the utterings of incoherent folly.   Because Martin Luther was in no wise prepared to come to terms with the spiritual enigmas raised by the scriptures, he instituted a religion based upon blind faith.   While the modern believer ignores countless biblical statements that God predetermines all events in the lives of all men, what the Bible asserts was not ignored by the framers of the Reformation.  Tnder the heading of Providence in the Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary it is explained that:  “Divine government is the continued activity of God by which He directs all things to the ends He has chosen in His eternal plan… He governs insignificant things (Matt. 10:29-31), apparent accidents (Prov. 16:33), as well as man's good (Phil. 2:13) and evil deeds (Acts 14:16). God acts in accordance with the laws and principles that He has established in the world. The laws of nature are nothing more than man's description of how we perceive God at work in the world. They neither have inherent power nor do they work by themselves. Man is not free to choose and act independently from God's will and plan; he chooses and acts in accordance with them. In His sovereignty, God controls man's choices and actions (Gen. 45:5; Deut. 8:18; Prov. 21:1). God's actions, however, do not violate the reality of human choice or negate man's responsibility as a moral being” (see The Great Paradox Of Freewill vs Predestination). 

How can the biblical assertion that "...Man is not free to choose and act independently from God's will" be justified within the context that  man can only choose and act in accordance with God's Will -- and “in His sovereignty, God controls man's choices and actions” -- and even begin to answer the question as to how does this “not violate the reality of human choice or negate man's responsibility as a moral being”?    While there exists an important answer to these questions, because of the corruption of the Church doctrine and the scriptures, it is impossible for the modern believer to understand the Gospel with any real depth.    So, it can be said that the faith-based religion of the Church has in fact been promoted under a self-imposed Vow Of Ignorance.   And when rational thinkers questioned the often irrationality and required suspension of reason that Luther championed, he condemned himself to the embodiment of spiritual ignorance, when he condemned the very gift of reason that separates man from the brute beasts of the earth -- i.e., “Reason”, writes Luther, “is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but - more frequently than not - struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God” (Quoted in: The Great Thoughts; compiled by George Seldes).    The result was that the image of God that the Church painted in what came to be known as Calvinism (see The Great Paradox Of Free Will), was nothing less than horrendous and even diabolical.   And while the modern Church has attempted to soften what the Bible states about Predestination, the fact that the body of believers fail to understand the Laws that bring about all events in this world, has immersed the Church itself in a sea of profound spiritual ignorance.  

There have always been the few who rejected the Church's self-imposed Vow Of Ignorance, and with a dauntless heart sought the Truth of the Spirit over the doctrines of men.   Yet, in the past, anyone who knew the Truth -- and even openly hinted at the Truth -- were immediately turned upon as a demonic heretic by the Church -- often burnt at the stake for heresy.    In the name of their god and gods, those who spoke the Truth were condemned as a disease to humanity that needed to be eradicated before it (they) could infect the thinking of other people.   And sadly, the Church has continued down this road of ignorance even to this very day.   To the mind of the true believer, such things as facts and rational thought are simply not part of the equation.    And yet, in their failure to recognize a Black Swan Event that was inconceivable to the organic mind of man who dwells in the death-state of what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being, the Church itself became the embodiment of what is portrayed in the AntiChrist.   And one of the primary problems is seen in the fact that the spiritual faith of Paul, is not only very different -- but must be understood from a totally opposite concept of faith which is espoused by those who are too carnal to comprehend the Source of Knowledge that remains beyond the reach of men of an untransformed organic mindset.    In contradistinction to the faith of the common believer, Paul's faith was based upon sure knowledge and spiritual experiences of incomprehensible Mysteries that would totally confuse the entry-level believer, who must rely solely upon blind faith in the unknown.    And while this fact is easily demonstrated using the Bible itself, because the readers of the written word are themselves blind to its true meaning, they simply skip over these crucial warnings as if they do not exist.    The result is that they put their faith in rhetoric and the doctrines of men -- which doctrines become their own limitation -- and they never move on to maturity and wholeness, and perfect their faith in the manner that Paul Commanded.

^ All Genuine Religions Are Spiritual/Gnostic: The word Gnostic is derived from the Greek word "gnosis", which is the term used to both delineate and define experiential spiritual knowledge, vs knowledge derived through human reasoning based upon the natural consciousness of mankind.    The word "gnosis" is defined as indicating " spiritual experiential knowledge rather than from rational or reasoned thinking".   The objective of all genuine religions, is to bring about that condition within the mind and life of the individual where they are able to fulfill the statement in the Gospel of John, and be "taught by God" -- i.e., "It is written in the prophets, 'And they shall all be taught by God.' Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me" (John 6:45 NKJ).   And it was for this reason that Jesus commanded his disciples not to be called teacher or rabbi -- i.e., "But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have One Teacher, and you are all brethren" (Matt 23:8 RSV) -- and this was commanded, because there is Only One True Teacher, and that is the True Prophet (see True Prophet).    And that those lost prodigal sons who look to other men as their teacher, rabbi or leaders, will be greatly deceived and misguided, is why the disciple Peter in the Clementine Homilies declared: Hence, O beloved Clement, if you would know the things pertaining to God, you have to learn them from Him alone, because He alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows anything, he has received it from Him or from His disciples”.

The Wisdom and Knowledge that the True Prophet (Son of God/Logos) imparts to those who are worthy, is called Gnosis.   And Gnosis cannot be written in the words of man -- or even taught by man -- because Gnosis is defined as Spiritual Knowledge, or the Divine Manna of the Kingdom, that can only be received directly from the True Prophet to those who are themselves true spiritual seekers.   In the words of the second century Elder Valentinus: "Gnosis was distinct from the secret teachings they only revealed to initiates once they had reached a certain level of progression."   And the whole objective of the teachings of TheWay as revealed by Yeshua/Jesus, was to prepare the mind of the disciple to receive the revelation of Gnosis -- i.e., the Divine Manna of the Kingdom -- from the indwelling True Prophet/Logos/Son of God that is dormant within the minds of carnal believers.  

The Source of this Spiritual Knowledge that is beyond organic human comprehension, has often been portrayed as the Indwelling Logos/Son of God -- but few possess the insight to understand that this access to this higher knowledge that is beyond carnal man's comprehension, is always via one's higher reality of soul.    But since few believers or unbelievers have ever come to understand the ancient adage to Know Thyself -- and to Know who and even  what man's true nature and higher reality is, few ever come to possess the vision of the True Mystic and what is portrayed in the word Gnosis.  

While the word knowledge, and the word Gnosis, both denote a type of knowledge, the Knowledge portrayed in the word Gnosis has absolutely nothing to do with knowledge derived from this world.   Gnosis is beyond organic human reasoning -- it cannot be read in a book -- it cannot be taught by a teacher -- or even written in the literal text of scriptures.    Therefore, the term Gnostic scriptures is an oxymoron drawn out of the mouth of the person who uses the phrase -- because, the objective of all scriptures are the same -- and all scriptures are equally Gnostic.    And in this respect, an interesting statement was made by Dead Sea Scroll expert Prof. John Allegro in is book, The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Origins of Christianity, where he writes: “It is a fact that the Qumran Library has profoundly affected the study of the Johannine writings and many longheld conceptions have had to be radically revised. No longer can John be regarded as the most Hellenistic of the Evangelists; his Gnosticism, and the whole framework of his thought is seen now to spring directly from a Jewish sectarianism rooted in Palestinian soil, and his material recognized as founded in the earliest layers of Gospel traditions.”   What Prof. Allegro failed to understand, is the fact that all the Gospels are equally Gnostic, and their primary objective is to lead the disciple down the path of TheWay, and permit them to gain access to the higher reality of the soul and spiritual natures, and ultimately the Inner Kingdom that Jesus commanded to seek and find.

Quoting Valentinus, the early Christian who was considered one of the foremost Gnostics:  "Gnosis was distinct from the secret teachings they only revealed to initiates once they had reached a certain level of progression."   What Valentinus is stating, is that the spiritual concepts which have been historically portrayed as the secret teachings associated with many Gnostic groups was not at all what is defined to be Gnosis -- but rather, AT BEST, these secret teachings were the esoteric knowledge of the cosmology of one's own mind -- how the disciple must live -- and the foundational truths that must be built upon, that are necessary to bring about the expansion of mind and consciousness that enables the disciple to begin the process of acquiring True Gnosis -- i.e., a Spiritual Knowledge that cannot be comprehended by the untransformed organic mind of man.    That those who portrayed themselves as Orthodox, were totally incapable of understanding the nature and reality of this higher knowledge which they ignorantly condemned as heresy -- remains totally true to this very day.   No person who understands the higher reality of Gnosis, would condemn Gnosis -- and what they would condemn, is the manmade carnal understanding of Gnosis.   Historically, it has often been pointed out that the Gnostics rarely ever defended themselves against the onslaught of doctrinal attack waged by those who portrayed themselves to be Orthodox -- and unless one comes to understand why those known as Gnostics rarely ever attempted to defend themselves, then man's own higher reality will remain forever elusive and beyond comprehension.   

To even begin to comprehend the higher reality of the soul and what is called the Kingdom of God, requires the development of man's higher facilities of mind.   In truth, you would have greater success at teaching kindergarten children advanced calculus, than you would attempting to teach organic man about his own higher natures and reality of mind and being.   And this is not an elitist statement -- but rather, one based upon the fact that it is impossible to receive and comprehend True Gnosis, unless the higher areas of mind are developed.   What this means is that in the same way that it is impossible to convey to the believers of the simple faith this higher knowledge that is dependent upon the development of man's higher facilities of mind to comprehend, the same is true of the intellectuals who reject the scriptures as myth and a hoax.   In the same way that you can't use a kitchen spoon to dig a foundation, and then use this spoon to mix and lay the proper foundation in a great house, neither can the organic mind of man even begin to comprehend man's own higher soul and spiritual reality.   

^  The Books With The Power To Deceive - Allegorical Scriptures For An Allegorical World: Paul portrayed the written text of the scriptures as the "letter that killeth" (2 Cor 3:6).   And referred to them as "Jewish fables" (Titus 1:14).   To the Galatians who were attempting to embrace the Jewish outward ritual observances of the Torah, Paul states: “Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?” And then Paul goes on to explain to those who want to attempt to read the written word literally in an historical context as Christians do today: “For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. Which things are an allegory” (Gal 4:21-24 KJV).   What this means is that what in appearance is portrayed historically in the scriptures, was not history at all -- but rather, was an allegorical account that both preserved and concealed important spiritual truths which are not discernable and evident when reading the text of the written word.

In the account of the Clementine Homilies, Peter warns his disciple Clement that Simon Magus has the ability to greatly deceive the Gentiles, because they fail to understand the vision of the authors in the composition of the scriptures -- and the traditions that the authors used to compose the scriptures (see  An Inconvenient Truth) -- and in not understanding this original vision and objectives of the authors, they will easily be seduced by Simon Magus because they hold what Peter portrays as bad and erroneous beliefs about God.   Thus, Peter warns that while the spiritual Jews will understand the deeper meaning -- both the carnal Jews and the Gentiles will be greatly deceived and states: “And with us, indeed, who have had handed down from our forefathers the worship of the God who made all things, and also the mystery of the books which are able to deceive, he will not prevail; but with those from amongst the Gentiles who have the polytheistic fancy bred in them, and who know not the falsehoods of the Scriptures, he will prevail much. And not only he; but if any other shall recount to those from among the Gentiles any vain, dreamlike, richly set out story against God, he will be believed, because from their childhood their minds are accustomed to take in things spoken against God. And few there shall be of them, as a few out of a multitude, who through ingenuousness shall not be willing so much as to hear an evil word against the God who made all things.   And to these alone from amongst the Gentiles it shall be vouchsafed to be saved. Let not any one of you, therefore, altogether complain of Simon, or of any one else; for nothing happens unjustly, since even the falsehoods of Scripture are with good reason presented for a test.”

That the carnal Jews could not see beyond the symbols of the allegory, and their eyes and hearts were hardened so they could not comprehend the true meaning of the scriptures, is readily understood where Paul states that “their minds were blinded” by the Laws of God, “for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament… even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart” (2 Cor 3:14-15 KJV).     The 2nd century Church Father Clement of Alexandria in his Stromata explained: “ that the Savior has taught the Apostles, the unwritten rendering of the written, this has been handed down also to us”.   What Clement is stating is that it was Jesus who taught his disciples the inner spiritual meaning of the scriptures by opening their minds so their understanding could pierce through the garb of the allegorical enigmas that blind the perception of carnal men -- i.e., "Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures" (Luke 24:45 NIV).   Yet, while the Gentiles will see a very different message than the carnal Jews, both will be equally deceived and turned out of TheWay.

In the Homilies of his disciple Clement, the Apostle Peter portrays the scriptures as the "...books with the power to deceive" those who fail to understand both the traditions, and the nature of these writings, from the perception of the original objectives which the scriptures were supposed to bring about.   Further, it was stated by Peter in the Homilies of his disciple Clement that each person (who does not apply the Key of Knowledge) only sees in the scriptures, what they are predisposed to see and believe -- i.e., “Therefore Simon, who is going to discuss in public with us tomorrow, is bold against the monarchy of God, wishing to produce many statements from these Scriptures, to the effect that there are many gods, and a certain one who is not He who made this world, but who is superior to Him; and, at the same time, he is going to offer many scriptural proofs. But we also can easily show many passages from them that He who made the world alone is God, and that there is none other besides Him. But if any one shall wish to speak otherwise, he also shall be able to produce proofs from them at his pleasure. For the Scriptures say all manner of things, that no one of those who inquire ungratefully may find the truth, but simply what he wishes to find...”.   What this means is that the scriptures are so designed to bring about that condition where each and every person is able to see and confirm their doctrines of belief which they are predisposed to look for in the written text.    And more important is the statement that those who attempt to read the scriptures from a differing mindset and objectives than the intended purpose of the original authors, will remain blind to "...the truth, but simply [see] what he wishes to find...” in the scriptures.

Contrary to what is convenient to believe, the true meaning of the scriptures can only be found when it is in accord with the original vision and perception of its author -- and not what others choose to believe.   Jesus warned the carnal Jews that they did not understand the true meaning of the scriptures, because they attempted to perceive them through the filter of their manmade beliefs, doctrines and traditions.   And in like manner, the true meaning of the Gospels, is that which was envisioned by its Ebionite Nazirene authors.    And the modern Church continues to remain spiritually bankrupt, because they condemned and rejected the objectives and vision of the original authors, while attempting to read the scriptures through the filter of the doctrines of Pagan Rome (see An Inconvenient Truth).

In the above subheading on The Mystery Of The Gospel, it is demonstrated that Paul taught to seek Spiritual Knowledge from the Source -- which Knowledge is called Gnosis.   More importantly is the fact that Paul openly warned the people that this Spiritual Knowledge is beyond the comprehension of organic ("natural") man -- even when the believer is a committed and baptized Christian who Paul portrays as having received the gifts of the spirit by the laying on of hands by the Apostle himself.   If those who Paul himself taught what he called the "testimony" of Christ, were incapable of comprehending the true spiritual meaning of the Gospel which he called the Mystery, then an insightful and intelligent reader would conclude that there is far more to the Gospel account than what can be understood by the congregation of believers.

It is also demonstrated that the scriptures are written in a code that conceals the true meaning --  to the degree that Jesus had to open the minds of the disciples for them to perceive the meaning that other (organic) men were blind to -- i.e., "Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures" (Luke 24:45).   And what is presented to us in the enigma of the allegorical scriptures that are written in a secret code, is the reason why Peter portrayed the scriptures as the "books with the power to deceive" -- and why Peter warned that "...even the falsehoods of Scripture are with good reason presented for a test.” (see Power To Deceive ).    What, then, is the test that Peter is making reference to?   Peter explains that in the case of most people, all that they see and think they understand, is basically what they already believe -- and that the scriptures are written in such a way, that virtually anyone can confirm their previously held beliefs in the written words of the scriptures.   Why?    Because, few men who do not Know Thyself -- and remain ignorant about their own higher soul and spiritual reality that is beyond man's organic comprehension -- are capable of perceiving the true meaning of the scriptures that remains safeguarded beneath the allegory of the written words.    Why is the esoteric knowledge concealed in this manner?   To both preserve it for those who can put it to use, and safeguard it from those who would destroy it (see An Inconvenient Truth).         


  Science - Religion - And The Etheric Field/Mind: Einstein made one of the most important observations that modern intellectuals neither understand, nor can they in any manner even begin to come to terms with -- largely because of their politically correct cultural philosophy and their ignorance of the Laws.   Einstein stated: "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."   When properly and factually understood, there is absolutely no difference between the findings of the enlightened scientist, the Apostle Paul who instructed the Gentile Christians, and the enlightened Mystic who authored the scriptures -- except, perhaps, the key word enlightened.   But herein lies the crux of the problem -- i.e., the very word enlightened raises the crucial question as to how one even becomes enlightened?   Does one go to a traditional school environment that suppresses what Einstein portrays as the forgotten intuitive gift -- while programming the rational servant with what often amounts to little more than cultural and politically correct propaganda?   In his own words he acknowledged that “The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”     In fact, what Einstein portrays as the rational servant does not even possess the necessary insight to understand both the reality of the intuitive gift, or the Great Source of Knowledge that the undeveloped intuitive resources of the mind of man has the innate potential of tapping into -- which prompted Einstein to acknowledge that “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”  

With great wisdom and vision Einstein stated "Only those who can see the invisible can do the impossible."    But since the vast majority of modern scientists reject even the existence of the invisible, it is the scientific community that has rendered itself impotent with respect to any real depth of perception and understanding.   Paul conveyed the exact same message to the congregation of believers that Einstein stated in the words:  "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Cor 4:18 KJV).   And when this reality is understood for what it truly is, only then is the words of the recently discovered Gospel of Thomas comprehended where it is written: (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you ..."    And while only a handful of people have evolved their intuitive centers of mind sufficiently enough to perceive and understand from the higher reality of an enlightened mind, this potential of man that is portrayed as a gift, is indeed the long ignored wisdom expressed by both Einstein, the Apostle Paul, and the biblical authors.

Both of these statements which are ignored by the vast majority of scientists and their religious counterparts, ignore the underlying reality that not only does the unseen dimension of what we see exist, but that it is within the scope of man's innate abilities to develop this facility of mind that enables the individual to perceive an unseen reality that is beyond the limits of man's undeveloped physical organic senses.   And with respect to the invisible, when it is understood that what is being made reference to is a blindness that encompasses all of mankind in a condition that Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness) -- which is parallel to the analogy of the illusions of Plato's Cave that has entrapped mankind in a world that he does not understand the nature and reality of, then the reality of these words spoken by both the scientist and the mystic becomes an obstacle that is imperative to overcome and prevail over its limitations.

The vast difference between what would be called the knowledge of man, and the higher spiritual reality portrayed in the Knowledge that is defined as Gnosis, has begun to be demonstrated by the modern scientific community.    Quoting physicist Walter Thirring in his book, Urbausteine der Materie where he wrote about matter that modern physics “...has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context.   It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field.   The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.   Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field.”   One of the primary realities that science has to come to terms with in order to advance beyond their present level, is the fact that physical matter is the result of the forces in the Etheric Field coming together, causing what Walter Thirring above describes as a "blemish" that we observe with our organic physical senses.   And what this is, is Darwinism in reverse -- i.e., modern science has proven that the Field which is unseen and surrounds all matter, is the Source which impresses the aspect of mind and consciousness which is represented in the form of matter that we observe.   The problem is that to the organic mind of both the faith-based believer, as well as the Atheist, what modern science has proven is simply beyond their ability to even contemplate.

What man calls knowledge, is the wisdom and understanding gained through his study of what Walter Thirring called the "blemish" -- i.e., the illusion of what we perceive as physical matter.    Yet, without understanding the underlying forces in the Field that formed the blemish that organic man observes as concrete physical matter, it can be stated that what we observe in the physical world is so incomplete, that it would be virtually impossible to truly understand what we think and imagine we see.    Reality, states the physicist, can only be found in the (Etheric) Field -- and it is the Field that both surrounds all physical forms that we observe with our body-senses, and it is the unseen Field that is the source of what we perceive with our physical senses which we call matter.   Which again, is reverse Darwinism -- in that, Darwinism attempted to demonstrate that this physical world came into being apart from any unseen supernatural forces -- and modern science has now proven that this world is the direct result of unseen forces that would be defined as supernatural, or beyond what is seen with the physical senses.  

In defense of Darwin, it must be understood that in the same way that many unsolved crimes in the past are presently resolved through DNA, Darwin lived in the nineteenth century -- long before the most enlightening discoveries of modern quantum physics.   And in recognition of this fact, Darwin himself questioned the inadequacy of his own conclusions.  In the words of Niles Eldredge of the American Museum of Natural History: “The old explanation that the fossil record was inadequate is in itself an inadequate explanation.”  Why?  The fossil record is inadequate because everything that we see and perceive in this realm is directly caused by patterns of force being exerted upon matter from beyond the bounds of this three-dimensional world in which we presently dwell.  And the fact that the fossil record failed to support Darwin's conclusions, is openly acknowledged in his own words where he wrote: "Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain, and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory" (Charles Darwin, On The Origin Of Species). According to Darwin's theory, the geological record should be full of species that are slowly increasing in complexity over time.  Since evolution relies on time, chance, and incremental steps, sudden leaps are not possible -- which demonstrates that the fossil record itself directly contradicts the theory of evolution!   And even if a proverbial missing link could be found, this would not in any manner negate the fact that it is the forces in the Etheric Field that has brought about all changes and variations of life-forms that we observe in the physical world.

Einstein experienced shock when he first came into contact with the new reality of atomic physics, and wrote in his autobiography: “All my attempts to adapt the theoretical foundation of physics to this [new type of] knowledge failed completely. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built”.  In much the same fashion, the European physicist Niels Bohr stated that “…The great extension of our experience in recent years has brought to light the insufficiency of our simple mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence, has shaken the foundation on which the customary interpretation of observation was based.” These “…mechanical conceptions” make reference to Darwin and the theory of evolution.

In the same way that Peter warned that organic man only sees in the scriptures what he is predisposed to already believe, it is also true that man perceives all of Creation through the filter of his beliefs about life.   The believer is in no manner dependent upon facts, and no amount of facts can deter the unbeliever -- i.e., most of mankind is totally predisposed to see only what they already believe to be true.    And while many will become both offended and simply dismiss the statement of the Apostle Peter in the Homilies that men see and understand only what they are programmed to perceive by virtue of the filter of their beliefs -- or, the Organic Laws of the earth that predisposes them to a specific preordained opinion -- the text of Itzhak Bentov’s book itself reveals that: “The quantum theory asserts that there is no way one can measure some sets of things, like momentum and position, together very accurately... because the consciousness of the experimenter interacts with the experiment itself. Therefore, it becomes possible that the attitude of the experimenter must also influence the outcome of any particular experiment” (Preface to Stalking The Wild Pendulum, by Itzhak Bentov).   Thus, we begin to contemplate the interrelatedness of mind and matter and the fact that our whole politically correct culture has become an obstacle to the advancement of mankind.  And since the vast majority of religious doctrines of belief are merely what was deemed politically correct in past cultures, few people are even capable of seeing beyond the limits of the facade of their predisposed beliefs.   In the very narrow linear perception of the “fossilized” world-view that is taught in science class in our schools today, the idea that the mind of the experimenter can impact the results of the experiment itself, is simply beyond the scope of man's cultural understanding.  

If, as presupposed by the science of man's past, everything man sees is a detached, stand-alone, separate inanimate object, then genuinely intelligent men must recognize that in his present cultural world view, there is a great void in their understanding that inhibits them from even contemplating how the mind of a person can affect the outcome of a given experiment?   And thus, what the Apostle Peter warns with respect to his statement that each person who reads the scriptures only sees what he he predisposed to see, modern quantum mechanics has gone beyond this fact, and proven that the mindset and thinking of a scientific investigator, can somehow impact his findings and results.    Not only does this throw all of man's analytical conclusions into question, but it must be realized that even the findings of Darwin was subject to the filter of his Unitarian mindset and beliefs.   Moreover, this resolves the dilemma of why different men see and understand the same thing not only differently, but often from an opposite and conflicting perspective.   Which one is wrong?   What if each is seeing a fragmentary truth -- and while neither is all wrong, there is still a greater reality that is beyond the comprehension of both conflicting viewpoints.

That there is an unseen connection between mind and matter, and man is able to consciously and unconsciously effect what we perceive as inanimate objects with his own patterns of thought, means that our present-day cultural and quasi-scientific perception of Creation itself is defective.  Moreover, when we attempt to interpret the scriptures through the filter of our flawed vision and predisposed inherent understanding, it is impossible for us to even begin to perceive the true depth and revelation of the Word of God!   The problem is that we can never start to embrace man’s true reality, until we begin to acknowledge and recognize that what we see is only a fragment of the whole picture of any given object -- and this is true not only from a religious doctrinal perspective, but a scientific one as well.

Robert Jastrow, an astrophysicist who heads NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, pointed out that the big bang is not exactly an explanation of cause. He is quoted in The Aquarian Conspiracy: “If a scientist really examines the implications, he would be traumatized. As usual, when the mind is faced with trauma, it reacts by ignoring the implications - in science this is called ‘refusing to speculate’ - or by trivializing the origin of the world by calling it the Big Bang, as if the universe were merely a firecracker”.   Mr. Jastrow then continues and states: “Consider the enormousness of the problem: Science has proved that the universe exploded into being at a certain moment. It asks, what cause produced this effect? Who or what put the matter and energy into the universe? Was the universe created out of nothing or was it gathered together out of pre-existing materials? And science cannot answer these questions... It is not a matter of another year, another decade of work, another measurement, or another theory. At this moment it seems as though science will never be able to raise the curtain on the mystery of creation”.

In the realization that traditional scientific inquiry can never provide the answers to life, thoughtful physicists in greater number have begun to notice the curious parallels between their own findings and ancient mystical descriptions of reality -- mystical descriptions that have been totally dismissed by our modern culture.  These similarities were pointed out in the book, The Tao Of Physics, by Fritjof Capra, and The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav.   Zukav’s book takes its title from the Chinese expression for physics, wu li, which he translates as “patterns of organic energy”, and writes: “Bell’s theorem not only suggests that the world is quite different than it seems, it demands it. Something very exciting is happening. Physicists have ‘proved’ rationally that our rational ideas about the world in which we live are profoundly deficient”.

Bell’s theorem, which was proposed in 1964 by J.S. Bell, a physicist working in Switzerland, was first confirmed experimentally in 1972.  Physicist Henry Stapp, in a 1975 federal report called it the most “profound discovery of science”.  Bell’s theorem succeeds in exhibiting the bizarre nature of the subatomic world.  Experiments show that if paired particles which are identical twins in their polarity fly apart, and the polarity of one is changed by an experimenter, the polarity of the other particle changes instantaneously.  Thus, even though from a physical perspective the two particles appear to us as separate, it has been proven that the particles remain mysteriously connected regardless of the fact that there is no physical connection.  

The esoteric reality that was proven and demonstrated in this experiment was portrayed as the most “profound discovery of science”, because it virtually proves everything that science presents in the classrooms throughout our educational systems today as being in profound error!    Moreover -- and perhaps even more important -- is the fact that because we culturally build the child's thinking and mindset upon a fraudulent foundation, we inhibit their evolving minds from moving beyond a very counterfeit point in their perception of both themselves, and the world in which they presently dwell.   Further, the only explanation that the flat-earth scientists who remain in denial of the implications refuse to acknowledge, is that the particles are connected in another non-physical dimension that is beyond man's organic vision to detect -- i.e., what in the above is portrayed as the Field.    In the words of Einstein: “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality” (quoted in M. Capek, The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics).   What this confirms is that reality is in the Field that is beyond the organic vision and senses of man -- and the physical world we perceive and interact with, is not only a result of this higher reality that we can't see with our physical eyes, but in many instances is an illusion that is controlled by our predisposed beliefs and philosophical opinions.    Moreover, what this further confirms is that the Darwinist mindset that is presently taught in our schools is not only gravely wrong, but the error which our educational systems is programming young school children with, represents a vision and thought pattern that will inhibit them from understanding man's own higher reality that is manifest in the Field -- or the Etheric realms that the organic senses of the body cannot normally detect.    And herein lies the crux of the problem as seen in the example of our educational systems which will promote grave error -- as seen in the fact that they present a totally false picture of both themselves, and the world -- totally failing to convey to the students that it has already been proven that the mind of man in it’s natural organic state is simply incapable of perceiving the far-reaching ramifications of man's higher reality of mind that is centered in the Etheric Field -- and even less prepared to comprehend the results of the intertwining connections that are maintained not only between individuals and groups of people, but between the past, the present, and future.   What is portrayed in the above is merely science beginning to crack open the door to man's own higher reality -- a reality that he can only begin to grasp, by discarding almost everything that he presently thinks he knows.

 The Cruel Hoax: While it has been proven that the source of matter is in the Etheric Field beyond our organic vision -- and that in the subatomic world, what appears to our senses is connected in a dimension that we can't see with our organic vision -- the fact that we continue to program and imbue our school children with this gravely flawed mindset that modern quantum physics has proven to be little more than junk science -- means that we are predetermining the child's failure to make any real progress in this life.    And that our modern culture is predetermining the failure of the child, is the reason why in many of my writings I portray this process which we call education, as the (spiritual) abortion of those children who escape the abortionist who tears the fetus from it's mother's womb.     

^  The Allusion Of The Forms Of Matter:  In his 1951 textbook on quantum theory, Bohm offered some interesting speculations on the analogies between quantum processes and thought processes, thus carrying further the celebrated statement made by the astronomer James Jeans two decades earlier: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”; and the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington:  “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff”.   Max Planck who is considered the founder of quantum theory stated: "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."   More recently, cyberneticist David Foster described “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source.   The reality of the holographic theory says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space.   The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”

If you understand what is being said, then you can begin to understand why Mystics who have walked the spiritual path in search of Gnosis and the Divine Manna of the Kingdom of God, have traditionally warned others that what they see with their physical eyes -- i.e., the objects that appear to their organic senses and mind as being concrete and solid matter -- is merely an illusion.    And if we ask the question, what does this mean?    What we are confronted with is a reality that few biblical skeptics are even prepared to embrace -- i.e., that the allegorical nature of the scriptures is merely an extension of man's own consciousness, mind and being.    In the above reply to the Atheist, The God Who Wasn't There, I demonstrate that the most enlightened religious/spiritual authorities all portray the literal text of the written word of the scriptures as an allegory which conceals esoteric truths that are beyond the understanding of untransformed organic man -- to the degree that the man who is known as the Apostle Paul portrayed the literal text of the scriptures as the "letter that killeth" (see Letter).    But what  both blind believer and critic alike fail to recognize, is the esoteric reality that the scriptures are in fact a written allegory that is necessary to prepare the seeker/disciple to begin to grasp the greater allegory of the outer world -- a world that in the analogy of Plato's Cave, is portrayed as a world of illusion that must be escaped!  And thus, the reality of what is portrayed in the words of the Gospel of Thomas: Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you . For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest."   That few recognize what is in their sight -- and remain totally ignorant of the fact that they live in an allegorical world -- is the reason why they are portrayed as the walking dead (The Dead Know Nothing).   But the fact that religious people -- i.e., Jews, Christians and Muslims -- permit their children to be programmed by the dead, is truly sinful.

^  The Demiurge - Allegory? Myth? What is Reality?  What this means is that the authors of the scriptures did not randomly decide to compose their scriptures in allegorical forms -- i.e., they did not get together and randomly create symbols in order to conceal their spiritual wisdom from the masses.    But rather, they employed a parallel  allegorical format in the creation of their scriptures, that is also employed in the forms in the outer world of matter.   Which means that as the disciple begins to make progress -- and begins to perceive and comprehend the inner meaning of the scriptures by looking beyond the allegorical cloak of the written text -- he is then able to utilize this same knowledge to crack the allegorical code of the forms in the outer world of illusion -- or more accurately, the world of allusion within which mankind dwells in this, the Far Country.  

Again, in understanding what is portrayed in the alchemical picture at the right which is The Escape: If the objective is to escape what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness), then why would the biblical authors portray what is perceived in the illusion of this world as being real?   Either from an historical or literal perspective?    When it is recognized that what we perceive is thought-symbols impressed into the the forms of Nature as presented by the modern physicist in the above subheading The Allusion Of The Forms Of Matter -- and that our brain and physical mind which perceives a holographic universe by constructing these symbols universally, out of frequencies of thought -- then we must begin to perceive both the scriptures, and the outer world, from an entirely different perspective.    When it is recognized that the objects we observe in the outer world with our physical senses, are in fact aspects of mind impressed into the forms and symbols of nature -- and we are dealing entirely with aspects of mind -- why would we even imagine that modern man who has based his assumptions and predisposed thinking of counterfeit doctrines of religious beliefs and fraudulent scientific theories, would be more inclined to perceive truth, than the wise men of the past who were enlightened as to the esoteric nature of man, mind and the universe in which we presently dwell?    While we imagine ourselves as more advanced and enlightened than the mystic visionaries and wise men in the past -- we do this to our own folly.    Do we need modern technology to explore aspects of Mind?   And especially our own that we see reflected back to us from the outer world?   When this fact is recognized, one would have to conclude that our modern culture which is built upon erroneous assumptions, is actually a great hindrance to finding the higher truths of man's reality.   

While the modern biblical and religious critic can point out the countless flaws in the literal text of the scriptures and the mainstream of religious doctrine -- they are generally incapable of comprehending the well documented assertion that what they proclaim to be flaws in the literal text, were purposely inserted in the scriptures in order to inhibit a person of greater intellect from reading them literally/historically.   To ignore the warning of the Church Father Origen when he portrayed those who were so gullible to believe the literal text of the scriptures as "idiots" (see The Mystery Of The Gospels) -- or that of the Church Historian Eusebius when he stated that those who read the Gospels literally, and failed to seek out the language of the soul were men of "...of very small intelligence".   And to critique the scriptures without first understanding why the visionaries of the past composed their sacred writings in this manner (see An Inconvenient Truth) -- gives new meaning to the term intellectual bankruptcy.     Which means that the modern critics who put themselves forth as intellectually superior, are pseudo-authorities who are little more than intellectual idiots!      

In the February 1979 Psychology Today interview with brain scientist Karl Pribram, the world which he attempted to describe confirmed the vision witnessed by the Hebrew mystics and prophets who authored the scriptures -- and when properly understood, confirmed the reality of the Bible that neither true believer nor staunch critic is even prepared to acknowledge and understand -- i.e., Pribram wrote: “It isn’t that the world of appearances is wrong; it isn’t that there aren’t objects out there, at one level of reality. It’s that if you penetrate through and look at the universe with a holographic system, you arrive at a different reality, one that can explain things that have hitherto remained scientifically inexplicable: paranormal phenomena… synchronicities, the apparently meaningful coincidence of events” (see  Illusion ).   And thus, it is this world of illusion that is created by the limitations of each person's own mind that is portrayed by the Gnostics as the Demiurge of a counterfeit creator.   This world of illusions is in fact what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being.    And it is this same world of illusion that man must escape in the analogy of Plato's Cave .   The Demiurge, therefore, is the illusions of each person's own mind and thinking that has created the world in which they presently live.  

Man's Ultimate Reality that most are incapable of coming to terms with, is the higher factual reality that there is nothing but Mind -- and this and all other dimensions of Reality is a Great Thought that man is experientially evolving within.    And what this confirms is the fact that the objects in the outer world that we observe with our physical senses, are in reality allegorical symbols of mind impressed into the forms of matter by the forces in the underlying Etheric Field -- and the forms that we observe, represents a psychic/mental impression of the thought form of mind that it denotes to our own, and the Universal Consciousness.   And once this higher reality is properly understood, is the very reason why it would appear to the unenlightened mind of the Atheist and critic, that one religion borrows the mythological symbolism from another -- when in fact, nothing could be further from the truth.   Moreover, this is why, while Eastern mysticism portrays the forms of concrete matter that we observe in the outer world as an illusion, Western Gnosticism understands that the illusion is more factually, an allusion -- an allusion because each and every aspect of what we observe, possess a meaning that is being pictorially and allegorically presented to our mind.     Thus, in the Gospel of Thomas Jesus declares: Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you".   While all things are plain to the few who possess the eyes to see, those who continue to dwell under the limitations and illusions of their beliefs, are those who dwell under the power of what the Spiritual (Gnostic) Christians portrayed as a Demiurge of their own making.    Because the carnal Jews had thrown away what Jesus called the Key of Knowledge -- and they saw only the literal text of the scriptures which Paul portrayed as the "letter that killeth" which were little more than "Jewish fables" (see The Books With The Power to Deceive) -- it was said that they dwelt under the power of a Demiurge -- one of their own making that totally controlled their vision of the world.   

What is the difference between an illusion and an allusion?    When properly understood, they are in fact worlds apart.   While an illusion could be virtually anything -- i.e., like a hallucination that a dying man sees in the form of a mirage in the middle of the desert -- an allusion is a symbolic representation of a reality that we may or may not recognize what is being portrayed.   That the organic mind of man only sees the outward form that has been imbedded in nature as a symbol of what that form indicates, is the illusions of what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness", and what Plato portrayed as the Cave of illusions.   Only as your higher aspects of mind develop, do you begin to see the meaning of the allegorical symbols of this world -- i.e., "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you".  

If all that we see in the outer world is the result of the forces exerted in the underlying Field -- i.e., the words of Einstein that “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality” -- the form that is impressed into the shape that we see, is an allegorical representation of the aspect of mind that the symbol expresses.   In the same way that a phallic symbol which was used by the ancients expresses the male generative power, the penis itself expresses an aspect of mind that is universal.   And this is true not only of all the parts of the body, but also everything that exists in the outer world -- which is merely a larger scale and pattern of mind expressed and impressed into matter -- i.e., mental-imagery.    Which means that a dog, appears to us in that physical form that we see and interact with as a K9, because of the underlying aspect of mind and consciousness that is represented in the physical form of a dog.   A dog, therefore, is an aspect of mind impressed into the form of nature which we observe.   When Jesus warned not to give what is holy to dogs, what he was presenting was the reality that a dog represents a condition of mind projected into the forms of matter that we see -- and people who are ruled over by this condition of mind, are incapable of comprehending what is holy.   And from an enlightened perspective, a swine, is a swine, because of the underlying aspect of mind and consciousness that is represented in the form of the swine.   

Thought Animated Symbols: The Egyptians expressed themselves in hieroglyphs -- and much of the Chinese languages represent thoughts impressed into symbols -- and when properly understood, everything that we see and interact with in the outer world is merely the thoughts of the Great Mind expressed in the allegorical forms of matter -- i.e., mental-imagery.   If you could take the vast realities of our own mind and express each aspect of mind in the form of a symbol that would animate the thought that each represents, then you would begin to grasp the reality of man as dwelling within an illusion that is an allusion -- i.e., a Matrix of mind expressed into symbols which animate each thought that is the building blocks of consciousness.   And thus, we can begin to grasp the higher reality expressed by G.R.S. Mead, a foremost authority on the Gnostics, in his book entitled Fragments of a Faith Forgotten, where this explanation of the true nature of the scriptures is put forth: “…what the Gnostics projected onto the screen… [in the form of a ] picture of the universe was in reality a picture of their own minds. Its mythology is a symbolic portrayal, almost a deliberate one, of the forces which operate in the structuring and evolution of the human personality”.   And upon encountering these same patterns of thought in the dreams and thinking of his patients, was the reason that Carl Jung called the Gnostic Christians the worlds first and foremost psychologists who understood the very fabric of human consciousness.   Why did he come to recognize what the Gnostics were presenting?    He found that many of his patients who knew absolutely nothing about either the Gnostics or scriptures, were in fact dreaming in these same symbolic symbols -- and thus, he began to recognize that the authors of the scriptures wrote in what is called the language of the soul.

What this means is that all the many critics of what is presented in Gnostic scriptures, are merely expressing their own ignorance of both the essence and spiritual objectives of Gnosticism, as well as the relationship of the cosmology of self, and that of the outer world.   A most profoundly enlightened statement with respect to the relationship of what Jesus portrayed as the Key of Knowledge and the true meaning of the scriptures is made by the Church Father Origen in his famed writing De Principiis where he states: “But all the narrative portion, relating either to the marriages, or to the begetting of the children, or to battles of different kinds, or to any other histories whatever, what else can they be supposed to be, save the forms and figures of hidden and sacred things? As men, however, make little effort to exercise their intellect, or imagine that they possess knowledge before they really learn", they remain lost and incapable of escaping the Demiurge that controls their thinking.   What is being conveyed is that (from a scriptural perspective) all the interrelationships between men and women, the marriages, and the begetting of children, as well as the battles and wars, kings and all other aspects of the scriptures that on the surface of the text appear to be historical -- are not at all historical -- but rather, the allegorical portrayal of body, mind/soul and spirit of the disciples own mind and being.   And this is why the Apostle Paul states that the biblical account of Abraham is an allegory (Gal 4:24) -- and has no historical relevance, significance or accuracy.    And while both the carnal Jews and the carnal Muslims look to Abraham as their common forefather, they do this because of their ignorance of the symbols of their own scriptures.     

In much the same way, the seemingly astrological myths of the Greek poets and other such writings, are once again a portrayal of mind.   And this reality is demonstrated in the words of the Apostle Peter: “The wisest of the ancients, men who had by hard labor learned all truth, kept the path of knowledge hid from those who were unworthy and had no taste for lessons in divine things. For it is not really true that from Ouranos and his mother Ge were born twelve children, as the myth counts them: six sons, Okeanos, Koios, Krios, Hyperion, Japetos, Kronos; and six daughters, Thea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Demeter, Tethys, and Rhea. Nor that Kronos, with the knife of adamant, mutilated his father Ouranos, as you say, and threw the part into the sea; nor that Aphrodite sprang from the drops of blood which flowed from it; nor that Kronos associated with Rhea, and devoured his first-begotten son Pluto, because a certain saying of Prometheus led him to fear that a child born from him would wax stronger than himself, and spoil him of his kingdom... But, my son, as I said, such stories have a peculiar and philosophical meaning, which can be allegorically set forth in such a way that you yourself would listen with wonder”  (Peter quoted in the Clementine Homilies).    Why would the esoteric truths concealed in the writings of the Greek poets amaze the hearer?    Because what is being revealed is the very foundational fabric of mind and being that modern man remains totally ignorant of today.

Higher Truth Lies Beyond The Allegorical Forms Of The World: That there is an Inner Source of Knowledge that is beyond even the most enlightened wisdom of this world, is in fact the very reason why the Apostle Paul wrote: For the truth about God is known to them instinctively; God has put this knowledge in their hearts” (Rom 1:19 TLB).    Which are in fact parallel statements presented in the above -- i.e., that of astronomer James Jeans who stated that: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”; and the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington:  “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff”.   More recently, cyberneticist David Foster described “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source.   The reality of the holographic theory says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space.   The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”

Once the reality that this world is an illusion -- and that the illusion is in fact an allusion -- and this reality is understood as one looks out at the forms and mental-imagery of this world -- what this means is that from a biblical perspective, the swine is an unclean animal, because of the thought-pattern and consciousness that is represented in the (allegorical) form of the swine as presented to our organic senses.   The swine which is condemned as an unclean animal in the Bible, is also rejected in the Qur'an -- and while the unenlightened Atheist may point to this commonality between the scriptures and conclude that Mohammed borrowed from Moses, nothing could be further from the truth.    The swine is unclean, because of the thoughts that are embodied when projected into the allegorical form of nature that created its image and actions.    The commonality is founded upon the fact that both the authors of the Torah, as well as the Qur'an, were aware of what these thoughts projected into the (allegorical) forms of mind represented in the symbols of consciousness impressed into the symbol that is presented to the mind of man as he observes the allusion of the outer world.   And because we are observing and interacting with Universal Consciousness, this esoteric reality of mind is true of all the forms that we observe in the outer world -- and especially the human body, which is an allegorical blueprint of our own mind, impressed into the forms that make up the body-vessel in which we dwell.  And the fact that these universal (allegorical) symbols of mind which are impressed into the forms of nature, is the basis of why it appears that religions borrow beliefs from other religions (see The God Who Wasn't There ), represents the folly of the Atheists and critics who condemn what they lack the depth of mind to even begin to understand.    And in the same way that the unenlightened religious believers who, because of spiritual immaturity, clings to doctrines of manmade belief regarding the interpretation of these symbols of projected mental-imagery, the pseudo-intellectuals and Atheists invent half-baked theories such as Evolution, to explain away what they fail to understand with respect to the forms observed in the outer world.     Thus, the pseudo-intellectuals and Atheists who fail to understand what they see when they look out at the outer world, merely dwell under the power of a different variety of Demiurge than the immature religious people they condemn.   

The True Measure Of Intellect: Why do I portray them as pseudo-intellectuals?   An ultra-important definition of intellect is presented on the Nazirene web site which reads: "The true measure of intellect is seen in the ability of a person to re-evaluate what they believe to be true when additional and clarifying knowledge is received, and then apply this knowledge in their life so as to intimately embrace the higher truth that has been revealed in the endeavor to receive still Higher Truth."    To ignore the explanation of why the author's of the scriptures were literally forced to compose their writings in the allegorical language of the soul -- and to ignore the universal message of the mystic who has warned mankind that the objects that they see in this world is projected mental-imagery -- and that this enlightened vision of this world has been confirmed by modern physicists who portray this world as a Great Thought, the Source of which can only be understood from the perspective of the "Field" which is not seen by man's physical senses -- gives a totally new dimensional meaning to the folly of man's absolute insanity to ignore.   And to ignore the very words of the Apostle Paul in relation to the above -- i.e., "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Cor 4:18 KJV) -- represents a demonstration of modern man's intellectual incompetency that is simply beyond the pale of the history of man's superstition and ignorant past.    And the fact that our modern pseudo-intellectual educators are clueless as to the universal meaning of the mental-imagery that is projected into the forms and symbols of the scriptures -- i.e., composed in the universal language of the soul -- is proof of their intellectual bankruptcy.  

What is being stated by both the physicist and the Gnostic author of the scriptures?   I have demonstrated above at a number of points where the biblical authors warn that higher reality is inconceivable to the mind of organic man.   Why?   For no other reason than the fact that man's organic natural physical consciousness is infantile and undeveloped.    So the problem then becomes how an enlightened visionary who has escaped the illusions of this world -- i.e., an enlightened visionary who finds himself condemned and rejected by the men of organic carnal consciousness -- finds it near impossible to  convey to others who lack the ability to understand in their present organic condition, what they need to embrace in order to expand their level of mind beyond organic human consciousness.    In the account of Plato's Cave, those who succeed in escaping the illusions of the Cave, are condemned and rejected as "madmen" when they return and attempt to convey to others the true reality of what carnal organic man sees in this world of mental-imagery.    Thus, because it has been impossible throughout man's history to convey the truth of this world literally, these visionaries who had themselves escaped the illusion that is an allusion, portrayed the symbols of mental-imagery in such a way, that the symbols themselves would act as a catalyst that reflects man's inner reality where the meaning of the symbols is known and understood for what they truly reveal to the mind of the enlightened seeker.    And this is why in the above quotation of the Church Father Origen he states that "...As men, however, make little effort to exercise their intellect, or imagine that they possess knowledge before they really learn", he is indicating that an inner part of us already knows and understands the meaning of the symbolism of the projected mental-imagery, and when the Key of Knowledge is properly applied, man begins to possess the power and ability to escape the illusions of Plato's Cave that Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being.   And the fact that our modern systems of education is not only totally ignorant of the true meaning of the scriptures -- or why the mystic visionaries who authored the worlds' scriptures composed them in this allegorical manner -- is indicative of the fact that our modern educators are themselves under the power of a different variety of Demiurge -- and they exist as virtual slaves who are shackled to the illusions of Plato's Cave and the "outer darkness" of mind and being.   

Thus, in the same way that man dwells within a living world of allegorical symbols that when understood, had the inherent power to enlighten -- the authors of the scriptures utilize these very same symbols in such a way, that they act as catalysts that connect the seeker with their own inner higher reality that they are for the most part ignorant of.   Why?   Because it is the proper usage of these catalysts which facilitates the necessary expansion of mind beyond organic limitations.    And while the spiritually immature religious person may embrace these biblical symbols under the cloud of blind faith -- the very fact that they systematically embrace them, enables the symbols to begin to act as forces that enlighten, when used in the proper environment -- i.e., the environment which Jesus portrayed as the "good ground" in the parable of the Sower and the Seed.    And apart from this environment which Jesus warned is necessary to escape the "outer darkness" of mind and being, Jesus warned: “Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?” -- which indicates the absolute necessity of brining about the environment of the "good ground" within one's self, in order to escape the organic limitations of the physical consciousness of the body-vessel.     And proof of what Jesus stated is demonstrated in the fact that not only is the immature believer incapable of understanding the true meaning of the scriptures, but this blindness is also true with respect to the pseudo-intellectual and Atheist critics who reject the biblical symbols as superstition and useless myth -- remaining intellectually flat-lined and bankrupt -- unable to move beyond their present mindset, because the Demiurge-filter that controls their thinking, will not permit the necessary expansion of mind beyond its present carnal and organic limitations.     Yet these pseudo-intellectuals, like the Pharisees before them, not only put themselves forth as teachers -- but they use their position of authority to force others to subscribe to their folly and ignorance. 

In reality there is nothing that is concealed from mankind -- and the problem is the inability of the physical to perceive what lies beyond the vibration of the spectrum of earth-frequencies.    Thus, the Gospel proclaims: "And the disciples came and said to Him, Why do You speak to them in parables?  He answered and said to them, Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.  For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.   Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.   And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: 'Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive;  For the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal them.'   But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear;  for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it" (Matt 13:10-17 NKJ).  

The disciples were those who had detached themselves from the thinking, mindset and lifestyle of this world -- and were seeking the Kingdom.   Thus, they began to develop the necessary expansion of mind and the senses, that permitted them to see and perceive beyond the spectrum of earth-frequencies.   The multitudes, on the other hand, remained blind to anything outside of the frequencies of the earth -- and were thus portrayed as blind, deaf and unable to perceive and understand man's higher soul and spiritual reality.    That limiting force of consciousness that left them earth-bound in their thinking and virtually blind to man's higher reality, was portrayed as a Demiurge that was the source of the delusions they dwelled under.   The Demiurge is very much the filter of their beliefs, mindset and lifestyle, that limits the vision and understanding of the world in which they live.   Therefore, once this reality is understood, then it can be said that each group -- nay, even each individual -- dwells in a world created by their own Demiurge which they worship in ignorance.    In the parable of the  Sower and the Seed, the Demiurge is portrayed allegorically as Satan who alienates the person from “...the word that was sown in their hearts” (Mark 4:15 KJV).       

^  Unique Individual Perspective Of Scriptures And Life: By design, each person sees a different meaning to the scriptures -- and ultimately, life itself.   One of the translations of the second saying of the Gospel of Thomas states: Jesus said, "Let the one who seeks not stop seeking until he finds; and when he finds, he will be agitated. When he is agitated he will be amazed, and he will rule over everything."   The fact that the seeker has the ability to find, indicates that (transformed) man possesses this ability to Know the Higher Reality that organic man is blind to.    Why, then, would those who succeed in finding the answers to man's higher soul and spiritual reality, be "amazed" at what is revealed to them?   The ramifications of this question has no equal -- i.e., unless you can truly answer this question from an enlightened perspective, you are not even prepared to form an opinion of what you see in the outer world -- much less, teach others!    And this is one of the primary reasons why Jesus commanded his disciples not to be called  a teacher -- and commanded them to reject the title of rabbi or teacher (see True Prophet).   Further, for reasons that will become apparent as a greater understanding is achieved, each individual person's perception and understanding of both the scriptures, and life itself, can not only be different -- and this vast difference between what people see and understand is brought about by the Laws that must maintain Wholeness -- but the vast differences are often from a radically opposite and conflicting perspective.   And unless you understand why groups of people -- and even people within a group -- see and understand the world differently, then you will not only inflict great harm upon those who you attempt to teach -- but you will entangle yourself in what Jesus portrayed as The Prison.   Further, when one person attempts to teach another what they see and understand from their perspective, they are depriving that person of the opportunity of self-discovery -- and even the opportunity of achieving the ultimate success in life.   

In truth, the most important interpretation of the scriptures is in fact the one that each individual person uniquely sees, when they open the Bible and other copies of scriptures.   And from a biblical perspective, those who attempt to teach you the meaning of the scriptures in the manner of most religious groups and commentaries, are in fact the ministers of the AntiChrist.    How can this be?   You ask?   In the Homilies of Clement the Apostle Peter states of a meeting that is to take place between himself and the proverbial character of Simon Magus: “Therefore Simon, who is going to discuss in public with us tomorrow, is bold against the monarchy of God, wishing to produce many statements from these Scriptures, to the effect that there are many gods, and a certain one who is not He who made this world, but who is superior to Him; and, at the same time, he is going to offer many scriptural proofs. But we also can easily show many passages from them that He who made the world alone is God, and that there is none other besides Him. But if any one shall wish to speak otherwise, he also shall be able to produce proofs from them [the scriptures] at his pleasure. For the Scriptures say all manner of things, that no one of those who inquire ungratefully may find the truth, but simply what he wishes to find...”    Basically, and to the horror of both believer and critic alike, what Peter appears to be stating is that, not only can both seemingly conflicting positions be supported by the scriptures -- but that anyone who consults the scriptures will only see what they predisposedly desired to find in the message of the written words.    And while few people are enlightened enough to understand why, what Peter is stating is true.  

What Peter is stating is totally contrary to the boilerplate doctrinal interpretations that are published by religious schools of thought today.   There is a predisposed reason why one person sees the message of the scriptures differently than another person -- and even why one person sees the outer world differently than another.   And without understanding why each person sees and understands differently than another, we can't even begin to unravel the enigmas of life that confront us.   And while the enigma of perceptive confusion is simple, few people possess the depth of vision and understanding to even begin to comprehend the organic reason people see both the scriptures, and life itself, from an often totally different perspective.    And the answer is found in the reality that, while the potential of mind is vast, only a fragment of mind is capable of manifesting in the organic body-vessel.   And since the Laws that control all aspects of this world MUST Maintain Wholeness, this is accomplished through the process of polarizing each person to a different fragment -- each fragment itself polarized to a different sphere of mind -- and across the spectrum of a multitude of people, the necessary Wholeness and cosmic balance is achieved and maintained.   And this is why Peter states that not only are different people predisposed to see something totally different in the scriptures, but this is true with respect to all aspects of life in this world.

This very unique vision of both the allegory of the scriptures, as well as the allegory of the physical world itself, is further presented to us in the 90th Chapter of the Gospel of the Nazirenes where it is stated: "The One truth has many sides, and one sees one side only, another, and some see more than others, according as it is given to them.  Behold this crystal; how the one light is manifest in twelve faces, yea four times twelve, and each face reflects one ray of light, and one regards one face, and another, another, but it is the one crystal, and the one light that shines in all.  Behold again, When one climbs a mountain and attaining one height, he says, this is the top of the mountain, let us reach it, and when they have reached that height, lo, they see another beyond it until they come to that height from which no other height is to be seen, if so be they can attain it.  So it is with truth. I am the truth and the way and the life, and have given to you the truth which I have received from above. And that which is seen and received by one, is not seen and received by another. That which appears true to some, seems not true to others. They who are in the valley don't see what they who are on the hill top see.  But to each, it is the truth as the one mind seeth it, and for that time, till a higher truth shall be revealed to the same; and to the soul which receives higher light, shall be given more light. Wherefore don't condemn others, that you not be condemned."   

Unless you understand why the above quotation out of the Gospel of the Nazirenes is true -- and you come to understand why each person sees the world differently -- why each man interprets truth differently -- and why each man perceives life from a greatly differing perspective -- then you are simply not prepared to understand either the true higher reality of self, or what you observe in the outer world.   These words convey a personal reality that perhaps only a few people alive today are able to comprehend with any workable depth of understanding.    The words in RED of course convey the key concepts.   Not only does each person see the same truth differently, but these vast differences are literally programmed into the perception and thinking of the individual.   And if we pose the question: Which individual sees the truth?    The answer is, none of them.   In reality, because each person is functioning from a different and sometimes conflicting fragment of mind, each person sees and reasons through an inherent filter that only permits them to perceive a fragment of the truth -- which is often very different than the fragmented perception of others.   

Just as important is the phrase: "...and some see more than others, according as it is given to them."   And thus, we are presented with one of the most important questions that every person must be able to answer, in order to live a meaningful life to that person's full potential -- i.e., why is it given to each one to see differently?   And why is it given to some, to see more than others?    Why don't all see the same?   Why do some see more?   And who or what is causing this great variance in seeing and understanding to manifest among the people?    To systematically ignore these all-pervading and important questions, is to consign one's mind and thinking to the abyss of absolute ignorance -- i.e., the "outer darkness" of mind and being that Jesus warned about.  

A great warning is sounded that few understand in the words: "My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment" (James 3:1 NKJ).   Why?   There is only One Valid Teacher -- and those who attempt to teach without fully understanding the answers to the above questions, are in fact bringing judgment and condemnation upon themselves!   In fact, the warning in the Revelation when properly understood in relation to the Laws, confirms this almost self-imposed suicidal fact -- i.e., “If anyone has an ear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints” (Rev 13:9-10 NKJ).   The term captivity is being used to portray anyone who attempts to force another into thinking in a prescribed manner that is not their own -- or living by their own imposed thinking upon this other person -- or living in accord with their philosophy, their religious beliefs, or lifestyle.    And in forcing one's brother or sister into any form of mental, philosophical, religious or cultural captivity, they are invoking the Sword of the Laws against themselves.    And in forcing one's brother or sister into a mental, doctrinal, philosophical or cultural captivity, that person and those who support them will themselves become shackled into what Jesus taught was The Prison.

Ignorance of the Laws -- ignorance of why different people see and understand differently -- ignorance of why different people express themselves differently -- is the surest way to bring about one's own demise and downfall.    Creating manmade laws that unduly restrict others, will invoke a tenfold restriction against one's own self in ways that few could even begin to envision.    The homogenization of thought or lifestyle by any sectarian or nonsectarian manmade authority against that person's will, invokes repercussions of the Laws which will enslave those who lead others into any form of mental, social, religious or philosophical captivity that in any manner inhibits that other person.   And the vast majority of people cannot even begin to grasp the retributive power of the Laws that are invoked against those who fail to comprehend this reality that often controls every aspect of the life that each person lives -- both now, and in the future.

It is more often than not, the blindness of our leaders -- both sectarian and non-sectarian -- that brings about the prevailing ignorance of the masses.   Again, the 29th Gospel of Thomas saying states: Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty."  In addition to berating the whole of the concept of Darwin's Evolution, again we see the word amazed used in respect to man's higher reality of soul and spirit in relation to the little of self that is manifest in the body, in the words: "...Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty."   And one of the realities that are presented is the fact that those who base either their religious beliefs on the limitations of human reasoning, which are the product of manmade doctrines and the thoughts of carnal men -- or their scientific theories and findings on the folly of men who see only the very limited reality of the three dimensions of this world -- all dwell under the cloud of absolute ignorance in their state of profound blindness.   Again we see these men who attempt to teach and lead, being portrayed as dwelling in poverty of mind and being.   It is therefore further stated in the Gospel of Thomas: "But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty... Whoever finds himself is superior to the world"   Yet, it is these blind leaders of both traditional religion, culture, as well as the junk science that is taught to school children, that has caused the intellectual poverty that envelops the world in ignorance today. 

^  The Great Allegory Of Mind And Matter: In one of the most ignored Gospel statements we are not only portrayed as the offspring of God, but as dwelling within the Mind of God -- i.e., “‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring’” (Acts 17:28 NIV).    Put this together with the above statement by  James Jeans that: “...the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”.    Or the words of Arthur Eddington:  “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff” And you have portrayed a higher reality that few are even prepared to contemplate -- much less, understand with sufficient degree to even form a realistic opinion.    Further, if you attempted to convey this reality to the common man of the first century, they would very much reject what you are saying as "foolishness" -- much like most of mankind today.    When the first century elder Ignatius wrote to the Christian congregation of believers that “Might I not write to you things more full of mystery?  But I fear to do so, lest I should inflict injury on you who are babes.  Pardon me in this respect, lest, as not being able to receive their weighty import, ye should be strangled by them” -- he said this because if he was to begin to even convey the truth and reality of man's higher soul and spiritual nature and the Kingdom, these Christians would very quickly dismiss him as a crazy lunatic, and would no longer listen to a thing that he says.   Therefore, Ignatius, as with all the biblical authors (see Mystery), understood that the mind of the believer must be matured -- the dormant spheres of mind that do not correspond to this physical world must become activated and developed -- in order for the believer to begin to perceive and grasp his own higher soul and spiritual reality.   And this expansion of organic human conscious beyond normal physical limits is what is portrayed in the process: "Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just drawn from the breasts? For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little" (Isa 28:9-10 NKJ).    In the same way that an infant grows into a child and adult one step at a time, so too does the process of mental-expansion take place line upon line.  

Perhaps the key to bridging the visionary perception of the Gnostic Mystic who authored the scriptures, with that of modern cyberneticist David Foster who described “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source, is in beginning to understand why we see allegorical images.   The reality of the holographic theory says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space.   The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”   And only then can we begin to grasp why Jesus stated that organic man dwells in the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness ), and why Plato portrayed man as dwelling in a type of Cave of Illusion (see Illusions ).   And the answer is provided in the above words that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space."    Explaining that our "...brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”  

What this means is that we dwell in a Great Mind -- and based upon the frequencies of thought that we perceive and interact with our physical senses, our brains interpret these frequencies in the allegorical forms that we perceive as being concrete matter.   Each aspect of thought is represented by a (universal) symbol that our brains interpret in the form that we observe when we look out at the world.   But if we pose the question: Is what we see concrete matter?   And why are these forms in the outer world said to be an illusion?   What we are in fact seeing is animated thought-generated symbols -- i.e., thoughts that our brains (organic consciousness) interpret in the context of an allegorical symbol that we perceive as the shapes and forms that our physical consciousness interprets in the appearance and meaning that we see it as.   Thus, the words of Karl Pribram in the February 1979 Psychology Today interview where it is stated that: “It isn’t that the world of appearances is wrong; it isn’t that there aren’t objects out there, at one level of reality.  It’s that if you penetrate through and look at the universe with a holographic system, you arrive at a different reality, one that can explain things that have hitherto remained scientifically inexplicable: paranormal phenomena… synchronicities, the apparently meaningful coincidence of events”.   In the words that “It isn’t that the world of appearances is wrong..." -- what is being conveyed is that what you see -- or think you see -- in the outer world of appearances, is thought portrayed in an allegorical form that permits the people stuck in the limitations of this realm, to interact with a higher reality (of mind) that is beyond their conception -- and even beyond their wildest imaginations.  

We dwell in a world of mental imagery -- a world where aspects of mind are impressed into the forums of nature -- and while the forms with which these images are imbued are cast by Universal Mind -- because each of us is under a different sequence of Laws by virtue of the fragment our mind is polarized to within the spheres of the Tree of Life, we then perceive the forms of mental imagery from an often uniquely different and sometimes opposite perspective than what is perceived and understood from another person.    This segmented perspective which is responsible for what we can portray as the Tower of Babel Syndrome with which organic man is imbued, causes man to not only understand the allegorical accounts of the scriptures differently, but also the mental imagery of the outer physical world itself -- as explored in the foregoing, and presented to us in the 90th Chapter of the Gospel of the Nazirenes where it is stated: "The One truth has many sides, and one sees one side only, another, and some see more than others, according as it is given to them.  Behold this crystal; how the one light is manifest in twelve faces, yea four times twelve, and each face reflects one ray of light, and one regards one face, and another, another, but it is the one crystal, and the one light that shines in all..."  

Therefore, each person not only has a unique perspective of the universal symbols of mind as expressed in the mental imagery of the forms impressed into Nature -- but each person's perception is further narrowed by (1) what sphere of mind they are polarized to; (2) the Laws they were /are born under; (3) gender; (4) the filter of race; (5) the cultural influences of their present life; (6) the influence of religion and philosophy; (7) each persons personal level of mental evolution they have achieved over the course of the past lives their higher soul-self has lived.   The result is that what each person sees and evaluates in the outer world, more often than not is a reflection of that persons own mind and thinking.   And it is through this interaction with a reflected image and imagery of their own mind, that forces each persons growth and development through the interactions of life which are brought about by the Laws that have created each person's learning curriculum of life -- with the objective being to force each individual into mental interactions which not only serve the individual needs of each person, but bring about that person's own evolutionary development of mind.    

The scriptures are nothing more than an extension of the holographic imagery of mind impressed into nature in the form of an allegory which is intended to assist the disciple to escape the illusions of this world -- i.e., the "outer darkness" of Plato's Cave.   Thus, the second saying of the Gospel of Thomas: "Let the one who seeks not stop seeking until he finds; and when he finds, he will be agitated. When he is agitated he will be amazed, and he will rule over everything."   He will be amazed, because absolutely nothing that we see is concrete or even real -- and it is merely thought-images that are allegorically animated into forms and symbols that represent the reflected thought which each of us is often uniquely interacting with -- ultimately, reflecting back to us an aspect of our own mind and being.   And in overcoming this world of illusion -- i.e., escaping Plato's Cave (see Plato's Cave ) -- or, entering through the inner "narrow gate" that Jesus taught (see ) -- one is able to enter the higher reality of the soul-self, and see and perceive the source of all things. 

When we listen to a voice on a telephone, we are not hearing the actual voice -- but rather, the telephone reproduces the frequencies that have been generated in the analogue wire connection, into a voice that our ears can hear.   When we listen to a recording, the source of the music is a series of frequencies imprinted into a CD.   When we watch a DVD, our televisions are reproducing both sound and picture from frequencies that have been imprinted upon a disk.   Similarly, the true source of what we see in this world is a frequency of thought that is projected into an allegorical image of the thought that this image represents.   Thus, we see and interact with allegorically animated thoughts that our brains interpret as being concrete matter.    Yet, our true self -- i.e., our higher soul-self that exists in an inner parallel realm -- sees and understands all things as they truly are.  

The organic mind of man remains under the delusion of what can be portrayed as the Tower of Babel Syndrome with respect to each person's incomplete perception.    From the perspective of a matured and evolved higher state of mind, because man in his undeveloped organic condition totally lacks any degree of Wholeness, and continues to perceive through the limited vision of one of one of the fragments within the twelve spheres of mind -- in conjunction with the seven (7) factors presented above -- organic (natural) man's vision and understanding is so limited, that everything he thinks he knows, is always in profound error -- i.e., "There is a way that seems right to man, but its end is the way of death" (Prov 14:12).  

As a simple example: Water is H2O -- indicating two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen.    And in the same way that from an individual perspective, both hydrogen and oxygen are integral elements of water, if they did not exist independently of each other, then there could be no such thing as water.   While this is a very simplified example, aspects of mind follow a similar pattern.    Again, in the above scriptural statement of fact: "The One truth has many sides, and one sees one side only, another, and some see more than others, according as it is given to them.  Behold this crystal; how the one light is manifest in twelve faces, yea four times twelve, and each face reflects one ray of light, and one regards one face, and another, another, but it is the one crystal, and the one light that shines in all..."    In the same way that water could not exist if either the hydrogen or oxygen elements were missing, what is portrayed as the One Truth in the above, could not exist, if any of the twelve elements that make up that truth did not exist.   In the same way that when light is shown through a prism, because of the frequency differences it can be observed that white light is in fact made up of the balance of seven colors, the One Truth that is referenced in the above quotation, is comprised of twelve lesser truths that comprise an integral part of the Whole.  

In the same way that each person physically begins their journey into life as a one-cell embryo -- and that within the one is the DNA that contains the potential for the seven glands and the twelve organs that constitutes the necessary foundation for the embodiment of the mind -- @@@HERE


It is important to understand that " sees one side only", and this is not so much by individual choice -- but rather, because of the limitations of organic human consciousness, each person's mind is polarized by the Laws to a fragmented perception and vibration within one of the twelve spheres.   And thus, in the same way that the color red is one of seven colors within the spectrum of white light -- and from the perspective of that frequency, only red exists -- each person's perception and understanding is from the perspective of the fragment that their organic mind is polarized to.    Thus, " sees one side only", because their organic mind is polarized to that frequency -- and without much development, it will remain impossible for each individual to perceive the lesser truth that is perceived and understood by another person who is polarized to a fragment within another of the twelve spheres.  The result is that while one person sees truth in one religion, philosophy or ideology, another person sees truth in a different and often conflicting religion, philosophy or ideology, while another person views all religion as a bogus fraud -- and so on across the greater population -- with the Laws insuring that each of the fragments of truth is represented -- with the Laws maintaining a balance across the spectrum of fragments, to insure that Wholeness is manifest.   But just as important is to recognize that in the case of most people who exist at an organic human consciousness, they have no real choice with respect to the filter that shades the very small window through which they perceive and look out at the world.    And thus, the importance of the statement in the Book of the Revelation: “If anyone has an ear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints” (Rev 13:9-10 NKJ).    Those who condemn, or force another to adhere to their perceptive understanding, religion, philosophy or ideology of life, will in the future inherit the evil of their own ways.  

Once we begin to understand that the physicist is correct when he states that the universe is a Great Thought -- i.e., the above statement by  James Jeans that: “...the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine” -- then it becomes imperative that we begin to understand not only the complexity of the Cosmic Thought of the Universe -- but the fact that this Great Cosmic Thought is comprised of integral lesser thoughts that come together in the manifestation of the Whole -- and each of these lesser thoughts are themselves comprised of still lesser and fragmented thoughts that are as necessary to the balance and manifestation of the Whole, as is both hydrogen and oxygen must exist in the proper purity and balance to manifest water.  

The One Truth which in the above is portrayed as having twelve sides, exists on a higher plane than can be naturally manifest within the earth's organic spectrum of frequencies.    Which means that from an earth-perspective, all we can perceive is the separated twelve faces that when in balance, make up and support the Higher One Truth that is beyond the vision and understanding of organic man.   Yet, in the same way that at one level hydrogen and oxygen exist in their independent state, so too does each of the twelve sides that are necessary for the higher One Truth to exist -- albeit, on a higher plane than the environment of the earth that is necessary to support the existence of each of the twelve.    And the fact that organic man whose body is comprised of earth-matter, vibrating at the frequencies of the earth, can only perceive the twelve segments that make up the Whole in their fragmented state, is absolutely necessary for the Higher Truth to exist.   In the same way that the upper portion of a pyramid must itself be supported by a foundation which is comprised of many blocks, this is true of all Higher Thoughts and Realities that exist beyond the frequency vibrational spectrum of the earth.     

True Spiritual Sources such as the historical Jesus, do not walk among mankind to tell him what to believe -- but rather, to teach their brothers and sisters how to (1) free themselves from the constrains of the Laws that impose organic limits upon them, and (2) how to expand the mind beyond the natural earth vibrational limitations in order to enable them to perceive the One Truth that exists at a higher level than the organic frequencies of the earth.   This expansion of mind requires a transformation of the physical body, which enables it to manifest the higher vibrational frequencies that are beyond the organic spectrum of the earth.  

As the mind is evolved, matured and expanded beyond organic limitations, the person begins to perceive and understand from a higher and more enlightened reality of mind.   Yet, for this expansion of mind to be brought about, the person must have developed and evolved each of the twelve spheres of mind within himself that enables him to perceive and understand from the perspective of this higher state of mind and being.   While from the vibrational spectrum of the earth, the twelve appears to exist separate from each other -- and the organic vibrational frequencies of the earth cannot support the reality of the Higher Truth that each of the twelve parts make up -- this is not the case with respect to the evolved mind of man that has the capacity to not only manifest each of the twelve, but also to draw the twelve into balance, in order to support the higher reality of mind and being that is on a higher plane than that supported by the organic earth.

From one perspective, what is being presented is Universal Truth that exists within the Divine Pattern of Creation -- and this sequential reality of numbers represent the very DNA of Mind and Being that are truly universal to all that exists.    From a biblical perspective, while the Torah and Old Testament exist with each of the twelve spheres portrayed as being comprised allegorically by tribes, it can be said that Jesus existed by virtue of the singleness of each of the twelve disciples.    And while the disciples existed at an earth-frequency vibrational reality, they allegorically represented the foundation for the higher reality portrayed in the manifestation of Jesus to exist.   Which means that the One Truth (Jesus) which manifestation was not of the earth, was able to exist because the twelve that were of the earth existed in harmonic oneness -- i.e., "The One truth has many sides, and one sees one side only, another, and some see more than others, according as it is given to them.  Behold this crystal; how the one light is manifest in twelve faces, yea four times twelve, and each face reflects one ray of light, and one regards one face, and another, another, but it is the one crystal, and the one light that shines in all..."    And this pattern remains true throughout all that exists as an integral element within the spiritual and mental DNA of Creation itself.

On the earth level of being, both the higher and lower aspects of mind are impressed into the forms of nature which, because of man's inherent organic incompleteness, can only be allegorically presented to us.   In order to perceive the Higher Truth that is being expressed, one must themselves be Whole -- which means that the twelve spheres of one's own mind must be evolved and in balance, in order to support the necessary higher realities of mind and being.   Because organic man lacks the necessary Wholeness which would merge the twelve divided perceptions into a higher vision of reality, the only way that they can perceive the fragmented thoughts that is being presented to them by their earth-bound senses, is through the mental imagery of what that thought (and fragmentary aspect of thought) represents to their own mind and thinking.   And this Wholeness is important in that, the traditional monk-mystic -- and/or the person who embraces meditation by suppressing the lower spheres of mind in order to activate the upper -- himself remains incomplete, and only sees the mental imagery of this world as an illusion.   And this is why you often hear those of a monastic or Eastern mindset expressing the reality that mankind dwells in a world of illusion.    And this is true even at the level that the analogy of Plato's Cave is written from (see Plato's Cave).    What differentiates the vision of the True Gnostic who has undergone the transformation of the lower self which brings about Wholeness, is that the Gnostic not only perceives that the illusion of the Mystic is in fact an allusion -- but with the balance of the twelve spheres of mind, the Gnostic sees all things for what they truly are.    And while many pseudo-gnostics who attempt to redefine the meaning of the word Gnosis, imagine themselves to be a gnostic, this is only because of man's attempt to comprehend what the organic mind of man cannot understand, from a very carnal perspective.   Why?   Because they are themselves fragmentary, and they lack Wholeness.   

Great insight into this fragmented vision can be understood by the statement of the second century Christian Church Father Clement of Alexandria, as quoted in Smith & Wace's Bible dictionary where Clement presents the difference between the faith of the entry-level Christian, in contradistinction to those to did as Paul commanded -- i.e., "Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity..." (Heb 6:1 NIV) -- and in Clement's portrayal of a Gnostic vs the elementary believer of the simple-faith, we see the result of Wholensss and Maturity: “Faith is the foundation; knowledge the superstructure, by knowledge faith is perfected, for to know is more than to believe. Faith is a summary knowledge of urgent truths; knowledge a sure demonstration of what has been received through faith, being itself reared upon faith through the teachings of the Lord. Thus the Gnostic grasps the complete truth of all revelation from the beginning of the world to the end, piercing to the depths of scripture, of which the believer tastes the surface only. As a consequence of this intelligent sympathy with the Divine Will, the Gnostic becomes in perfect unity in himself, and as far as possible like God. Definite outward observances cease to have any value for one whose being is brought into abiding harmony with that which is eternal; he has no wants, no passions; he rests in the contemplation of God, which is and will be his unfailing blessedness.”

When Clement portrays the Gnostic Christian as being in “…unity in himself”, and developing maturity and wholeness to the degree where they have become “…like God” and “…brought into abiding harmony with that which is eternal”, it is at that time when the disciple becomes the True Christian by entering the final stage of spiritual development, and fulfills the biblical requirement as set forth by Jesus in the words: “You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt 5:48 RSV).   When rightfully understood, perfection cannot be achieved apart from wholeness -- and only the person who has fulfilled this requirement set forth by Jesus in the Gospels, can perceive the world through a higher reality that organic man is virtually blind to.  

The Wholeness that a True Gnostic sees in the world, is always condemned by the multitude of people who dwell under the delusion that they see and understand reality.    Thus, the words of Einstein: "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."    Great Spirits are those who have worked to do as Jesus commanded and remove the beam from their own eyes, before they attempt to point out the splinters in the eyes of their brothers and sisters.    And if Einstein possessed a higher vision of life that enabled him to observe those who he portrays as mediocre minds over the course of the eons of lifetimes that they continue to embrace what Jesus taught was the ways, thinking and lifestyle of this world, Einstein would conclude that their blind mediocre thinking and mindset that causes them to perpetually respond violently to the wisdom of Great Spirits, is seen in the fact that they continue "...doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."    @@@check below

A different flavor of blindness is responsible for the folly of the pseudo-intellectuals who attempt to portray one religious group as copying symbols from another group -- and ultimately, these pseudo-intellectuals are in effect publishing their own ignorance to the world at lodge.    Why?    They are openly admitting to the fact that they are themselves blind to their own higher soul-reality that sees all things as it truly is with a wholeness that they not only lack, but in fact  alienates each of them from moving in “…unity in himself”.   Because the underlying forces of mind and being are common to all seekers the world over -- and the forces that must be overcome are universal -- so, too, is the solutions.   So, to even suggest that one group of people needed to copy from another, in order to resolve this universal dilemma and need, is ludicrous and the epitome of the pure folly of their limited perception and thinking.   Yet, in their ignorance with respect to the underlying forces (of mind) in the Field, the pseudo-intellectuals who are blind to the reality of the Field, not only promote their folly to those who look to them as authorities -- but force their blind ignorance on unsuspecting minds by virtue of their unconstitutional alliance with government.    

In the same way that science has proven that paired particles remain connected in a dimension of the Etheric Field that can't be observed with man's organic senses (see The Books With The Power To Deceive - Allegorical Scriptures For An Allegorical World ), on a deeper level, all of Creation remains connected -- and all that man sees and interacts with, is merely aspects of mind (mental imagery) impressed into the forms of nature that comprise the physical universe and the world in which each person lives -- and all these forms are subject to the filter of beliefs of the individual interpretation of each person who perceives the symbols from a different perspective of mind.    

Mystics are those who seek to become spiritual scientists.   In the Wikipedia, the word scientist is defined as: " the broadest sense, refers to any person that engages in a systematic activity to acquire knowledge or an individual that engages in such practices and traditions that are linked to schools of thought or philosophy."   By this definition, a Mystic is a scientist without self-imposed three-dimensional limits that are brought about by predefined doctrines of belief.   Further, once it is recognized that all of life is an expression of mind impressed into allegorical symbols and forms of matter that are representative of aspects of thought, then the "fossilized" doctrines of modern science must be recognized as little more than flat-earth theories that have absolutely no basis in fact and higher reality.    And in the same way that those who portrayed themselves as the Orthodox religious faith, promoted and championed Gnostic Scriptures that they failed to understand with any depth beyond the allegorical symbols of the letter of the written text, it is in like manner true that most of modern science is merely an extension of this same blind belief in Darwinism, who was totally ignorant of even the very substance of the reality expressed into the esoteric forms and symbols of nature.    In the words of Einstein: “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality” (quoted in M. Capek, The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics).    The true meaning and reality of what is expressed in the allegory of the form in which we perceive with our organic senses, can only be understood when we are able to mentally access the Field that is its Source of Being.   And this is true of everything that we see -- that we think we see -- as well as all that exists in the earth.

Returning again to the statement by James Jeans that: “...the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”  -- everything that we think we perceive in the earth, is merely an aspect of a thought that has been impressed into the imagery of the mind -- i.e., an allegorical symbol.   Organic man, who sees only the symbols of the thought-patterns of mind impressed into the forms of matter, remains ignorant as to the aspect of mind that is represented in these forms which are impressed into nature.    In the recognition that man who fails to look beyond the form, does not know what each form represents, they recognize the fact that to understand what they see, they must begin to seek the source.   Therefore, when properly understood, Darwinism would then be parallel to, and synonymous with, a type of religious Fundamentalism.    Both see only the allegorical form or symbol -- they both reject the assertion that there is a deeper meaning than what is perceived in the physical -- and both ardently reject and condemn whoever attempts to convey to them that there is a deeper esoteric meaning than what they see within the limitations of their physical senses and organic thinking.  Thus, the intellectual Fundamentalist who is perhaps the epitome of this carnal ignorance, attempts to conclude that the forms of matter observed in the outer world is independent of any other underlying source -- and by virtue of this error, modern quantum physics has proven what the mystic has long warned, that nothing is further from the truth.    Moreover, the scriptures are allegorical, in order to prepare the disciple to understand the esoteric reality of the outer world -- and the outer world is an allegorical allusion, which is in fact a blueprint of the Divine Pattern of Mind and Being that is represented in the reality of the Universal Consciousness.    And thus, the scriptures have absolutely nothing to do with history -- but rather, in the above words of G.R.S. Mead: “…what the Gnostics projected onto the screen… [in the form of a ] picture of the universe was in reality a picture of their own minds. Its mythology is a symbolic portrayal, almost a deliberate one, of the forces which operate in the structuring and evolution of the human personality”.

In recognizing that men do not understand the true reality of what they see and perceive with their physical senses, mystics have become enlightened to understand man's higher reality.    Those seeking knowledge must perceive and comprehend the underlying source in the field that is creating the allegorical form that organic man observes projected into matter.   The Egyptians, Chinese, as well as all ancient cultures, used hieroglyphics and a language based upon pictures, symbols and forms, to convey a meaning -- as does all of nature, which is composing and writing it's message to us, in the very forms and allegorical symbols that we see and physically interact with.    While the Mystic has long understood the reality that physicists are only now beginning to understand -- i.e., all of nature speaks to us and reveals an aspect of mind that is represented in the form of the living object that it portrays.   And this is why there are no missing links that prove Darwinism -- because nature and organic life is a projection of aspects of mind into the forms we observe into those frequencies of Cosmic Thought which we call matter.   And thus, those few who develop themselves to the degree that they begin to see through the allegorical illusions of matter, are truly amazed at what they see: "Let the one who seeks not stop seeking until he finds; and when he finds, he will be agitated. When he is agitated he will be amazed, and he will rule over everything" (Gospel of Thomas).

Critics will state: How are we to know these things?   In reference to the Key of Knowledge which Jesus accused the carnal Jews of throwing away (see Key Of Knowledge), the Church Father Origen wrote of the scriptures that: “It is sufficient however, to represent in the style of a historic narrative what is intended to convey a secret meaning in the garb of history, that those who have the capacity may work out for themselves all that relates to the subject.”    The key phrase here it seen in the words "...that those who have the capacity may work out for themselves all that relates to the subject” -- which indicates that men and women of true intellect that are free from the restraints of both the Laws, and the carnal limitations of man's cultures and doctrines of belief, have the ability to crack the code of not only the scriptures, but of Creation itself, by applying the rules of the Key of Knowledge.   The literal text of the Gospels -- and especially the Sermon on the Mount -- represent those teachings which prepare the seeker/disciple to break free of the restraints of the Laws, which constrain the mind, and enable the seeker/disciple to begin to "...have the capacity [to] work out for themselves" the true meaning of both the scriptures, and the life they are presently living.   This inability to perceive and comprehend because of the restraints of the Law and related constraints of the mind, is why Jesus was forced to teach in parables -- and why Clement of Alexandria explained: “The Lord… allowed us to communicate those Divine Mysteries, and of that holy light, to those who are able to receive them. He did not certainly disclose to the many what did not belong to the many; but to the few to whom He knew that they belonged, who were capable of receiving and being molded according to them."   

Traditionally, reality has been what sectarian and secular leaders have said it is.   To oppose these pseudo-authorities of both church and state, is to be condemned and rejected as a heretic -- which often carried the sentence of death.   These sectarian and secular leaders primary goal was to preserve their own positions as religious and political authority over the people.   And throughout man's past, religion was one of the primary tools that was used by secular rulers to maintain unquestioned authority over the people.   In the case of the Christian Church beginning in the fourth century, to disagree with the doctrines affirmed by the Emperor Constantine, carried with it the sentence of death.   Thus, Gibbon writes in the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: ”Constantine easily believed that the heretics, who presumed to dispute his opinions or to oppose his commands, were guilty of the most absurd and criminal obstinancy... Not a moment was lost in excluding the ministers and teachers of the separated congregations from any share of the rewards and immunities which the emperor had so liberally bestowed on the orthodox clergy. But as the sectaries might still exist under the cloud of royal disgrace, the conquest of the East was immediately followed by an edict which announced their total destruction”.    Thus, in the same way that whoever did not embrace the religion of the emperor met with the sentence of death, whatever scriptures did not conform to the approved version, was immediately destroyed (see ).   

What this means is that neither modern day believers, non-believers, accepted scholars or critics, have absolutely any idea what Jesus really taught -- as well as the esoteric knowledge possessed by his disciples -- because the only thing that remains today, is the doctrines of the Church of Constantine.   Jesus did not intentionally hide or conceal anything from the multitude of people who could only be taught in parables -- just like there is nothing intentionally hidden or concealed in the allegorical text of the scriptures -- but rather, those whose body and minds function from an earth vibrational frequency, cannot perceive and understand the higher truths that can only be comprehended by those who have brought about the necessary Wholeness within their own mind and being.   Thus, to his disciples Jesus said: “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand” (Mark 4:11-12 KJV).   Those who are "without", are those who dwell in what Jesus called the "outer darkness" of mind and being.   That the twelve dimensional aspects of the One Truth has to exist as foundational realities for the Higher Truth that is above the organic frequencies of the earth, is synonymous with the reality that hydrogen and oxygen must exist in their separated forms, in order to manifest water.  

Those seekers and disciples who had themselves escaped the prevailing ignorance of those who dwelt in what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness", knew the esoteric secrets that permitted them to bypass both the sectarian leaders of the Church, as well as the secular rulers -- and because they existed as a threat to the political establishment, they were hunted down and murdered -- and their more pure copies of the scriptures were destroyed.    Yet, the sacred knowledge that was thrown away by the Church, has now come back to hold the leaders of Christianity accountable.   

That mankind is innately imbued with the ability to greatly expand his potential of mind and conscious awareness -- and begin to perceive and understand what is impossible for those who fail to develop themselves -- is presented in the statement by the Apostle Paul when he warned that ultimately, all men are without excuse with respect to the knowledge God and the life that they are living -- i.e., "...because that which is known about God ...for God made it evident to them.  For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse" (Rom 1:19-20 NAS).    And that organic man is for the most part blind to this higher reality and meaning of what they see, is because they fail to develop themselves -- and they embrace and support pseudo-religious and pseudo-secular authorities who for their own preservation of power, force other men and women to conform to their dictates -- again repeating the little understood statement in the Revelation: “If anyone has an ear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints” (Rev 13:9-10 NKJ).   Those who force their opinions, rules, philosophy and judgments upon others -- leading them into captivity -- will themselves be slain by the Sword of the Law (see The Law).   Those who lead others into captivity -- or support those who force their will upon others -- will themselves become imprisoned by the Laws until they cease to exert force upon their brothers and sisters.  

If I use an extreme example to make a point -- and state that all the German people suffered great loss because of their adoration and empowerment of Hitler as their leader -- this suffering and loss is easily demonstrated in the images of burnt out cities and bombed out rubble that pervaded the land as the result of Allied bombings.    Thus, actions have consequences -- and when the German people permitted Hitler to come to power, they suffered the consequences of their actions.   Yet, in a similar vain, the multitude of mankind has invoked his own variety of self imposed destruction in the form of the wholesale limitation of mind and awareness, which pervades the lives of those who cling to the teachers, leaders, authorities and philosophers of this world.  

The mystic and true spiritual disciple understands that the organic mind of man is embryonic, and must be developed -- expanded beyond organic limitations -- and evolved into a state of Wholeness of Mind.    But in man's attempt to build upon a Darwinist model of body and mind, modern man is shackled by the reality that Darwin was not only totally blind and oblivious to what the modern physicist portrays as the (Etheric) Field, Darwin lacked the necessary enlightened spiritual vision to perceive these underlying forces in the Field that was responsible for creating the forms and expressions of life that we observe in the countless images presented to our senses by nature.   Where, in Darwin's blindness to these underlying forces, he imagined the survival of the fittest -- he failed to understand that what he was observing was the final form representing an allegorical image of that aspect of mind which is portrayed in the symbolism that presented itself to the senses of man in the limitations of his organic vision and understanding.    If Darwin had understood the foundational structure of his own mind and thinking, perhaps he would have begun to make the parallel insights that would have unlocked the formula and pervading Laws which were responsible for creating the images of what he observed in the outer world.

One of the primary inherent and often self-imposed obstacles that has shackled man to ignorance about both himself, and the reality of the world in which he presently lives, is seen in the fact that man has permitted himself to become anchored to an erroneous perception of both himself, and all of Creation.   Experience tells us that if one begins on a erroneous assumption, then it is difficult to arrive at a higher understanding, without first re-examining the erroneous starting point -- and then restructuring the mind from top to bottom.    Which means that in our present time where Darwinism is used to counter what is called Creationism and/or Intelligent Design -- i.e., a Fundamentalist perception of the written words of the scriptures -- the obstacle that inhibits man's progress is far more political, than factual.    While the Fundamentalist who assigns the label of Orthodox to his own interpretation of the scriptures, lacks any understanding of the esoteric meaning of the symbols that make up the written text -- the pseudo-intellectuals and Atheist critics are themselves blinded by the limitations of their own organic consciousness, and they lack any understanding of the esoteric meaning of the allegorical symbols that are impressed into the forms of nature.   One of the primary purposes of the scriptures is to prepare the mind to understand the higher reality that is imprinted into the forms of nature within which we find ourselves immersed.   And while Darwin and his theory of evolution remains the holy grail of the Atheists and Secular Humanists who are the architects and guardians of our modern-day godless culture, even the more enlightened scientist readily sees the flaw in this very mechanical and limited perception of life.  

Officially, Evolution is called a Theory, because there is a total lack of evidence to support it.   In the words of Niles Eldredge of the American Museum of Natural History: “The old explanation that the fossil record was inadequate is in itself an inadequate explanation.”  Why?  The fossil record is inadequate because everything that we see and perceive in this realm is directly caused by patterns of force being exerted upon matter from beyond the bounds of this three-dimensional world in which we presently dwell -- and the very patterns and forms are themselves the symbols of mind and consciousness impressed into what we interpret to be concrete matter.   But Darwin, himself, understood that his explanations were drawn from a very incomplete and inadequate record, and questioned the validity of his own theory when he wrote: "Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain, and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory" (Charles Darwin, On The Origin Of Species).  

According to Darwin's theory, the geological record should be full of species that are slowly increasing in complexity over time.  There should be whole communities of people who would themselves represent the long lost missing link that mainstream science has been pursuing -- yet, these communities of people don't exist, because the forms of nature represent mind impressed into allegorical symbols of consciousness -- i.e., evolution in reverse.   Since evolution relies on time, chance, and incremental steps, sudden leaps are not possible.  But this is exactly what the fossil record shows, which directly contradicts the theory of evolution!   Yet, pseudo-intellectuals who maintain absolute control over what is taught in our schools and universities, continue to promote the folly of Darwinism, in the same way that a snake oil salesman continues to peddle his worthless product for his own personal enrichment.   

Whales are portrayed as one-time land mammals that returned to the sea, and grew breathing holes in the top of their heads, as well as flippers and fins that surrounded their legs.   Those who embrace this convoluted reasoning promote the idea that these land mammals over the course of eons, never again stepped foot on dry land, while these radical changes to their bodies were brought about.    And in the same way that the Fundamentalist expects us to believe that the world was created in six days, six thousand years ago, the pseudo-intellectuals expect us to believe that over the course of these eons when these same land mammals still had legs, that (1) neither did their descendents who had legs step foot onto dry land; (2) and they were somehow not attacked by sharks and other predators who were hunting virtually helpless mammals on the surface of the water for food.   We are not talking about a small group of land mammals going back in the water for short periods -- but rather, a rather large group of mammals going back in the water -- over the course of lifetimes of having legs which enabled them to walk on the land -- and over the course of eons of refusal to use those legs, we are being told that very slowly their legs began to atrophy, as fins began to ever so slowly grow over the legs -- and that they grew blowholes in which to breathe out of.   

One of the primary reasons why this theory has been embraced is seen in the fact that within the fins of most whales, exists what appears to be legs -- but in not understanding that the body of the sea mammal is the result of mind being projected from the Field into the form of nature as perceived in the pattern of thought that it represents, the Darwinists have embraced the folly of absolute irrationality.    To prove the absurdity of their reasoning, perhaps they should volunteer to live in the ocean to see if their offspring over the course of eons, become mermaids.    Mind you, something would have to motivate their countless generations of offspring into never stepping foot on dry land, and utilizing the natural qualities of their legs.     Imagine the children of these so called intellectuals dogpaddling in the water in the hope that over the course of thousands of years, the legs of their descendents will turn into mermaid fins!!!   Their convoluted reasoning is that if they entered the water now, and all their offspring remained in the water over the course of tens of thousands of years -- never again using their legs and stepping foot on dry land -- that their offspring would over the course of eons of time, become mermaids.  

If, as the Theory of Evolution states, and that all life began as a one cell amoeba, then like the concept of the mermaid, birds developed as land animals that either kept jumping into the air, or were some sort of lizard that kept jumping out of trees.   Yet, in order to even begin to substantiate such a theory, it would have to be shown where eons of generations of offspring from these lizard type creatures keep either jumping into the air attempting to take flight, or out of trees or rock formations attempting to soar in the air.   Simultaneously, many of the bones in the skeletal structure of birds are hollow, and they of course have feathers which permit them to soar in the air.   Yet, we are expected to believe that these necessary structural changes took place by virtue of lizards either continually jumping in the air, or jumping from great heights over the course of eons of lifetimes, for these changes to be brought about.   

Again, in the words of Niles Eldredge of the American Museum of Natural History: “The old explanation that the fossil record was inadequate is in itself an inadequate explanation.”   And the failure of the fossil record to support the Theory of Evolution is noted by its author: "Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain, and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory" (Charles Darwin, On The Origin Of Species).     

Unlike the pseudo-intellectuals who promote their half-baked ideas that are gravely flawed, the mystic is the spiritual-intellectual who is willing to follow the flow of truth and knowledge wherever it leads them.   The Mystic, as the true scientist, must therefore cast off all manmade religious dogma and doctrines -- set aside all preconceived ideas about life -- all the theories of the philosophers of this world -- as well as the illusions that his own senses present to him as he looks to the outer world -- seeking only the essence and source of Truth.   In the same way that you can't get to what is called the Kingdom of God by traveling outwardly -- mystics are those who explore the inner resources of mind and being in search of what Jesus taught was the Inner Kingdom (Lk 19:20-21).   Jesus commanded his disciples to “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matt 7:13-14 NIV) -- but where is the gate that must be entered?    Certainly not in the outer world -- and few find it, because there are certain conditions that must first be met, before this inner gate within one's own self can even be found.   

In Judaism, the river Jordan means "descender" -- and would be interpreted as the connecting link between the physical and the Inner Spiritual.    Allegorically, Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River -- and what this portrays is that the only true baptism is via a Spiritual Power or Anointing (Messiah/Christ) directly from God through this Inner Source of our Spiritual Being that is not of the earth.   In Hinduism, the River Ganges was said to be a flow of water from the heavens into the earth -- and this is an allegory of the energy flow that empowers our minds -- with its source deep within our layers of consciousness.   If, as astronomer Arthur Eddington states, that “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff” -- then the only way to explore beyond the borders of this world of illusion, is to develop one's own mind to pierce the cloak that limits the physical senses of organic man to the three dimensions of this world.    Thus, from an allegorical perspective, one must seek to the Source of the vital life-force that animates our outer physical being -- breaking down the barrier and opening a bridge to our inner reality of soul and spirit -- becoming Anointed (Messiah/Christ) through the pure flow of what is allegorically portrayed as the River Jordan or Ganges.   

What few intellectuals understand is the difference between spiritual fact, and religion -- i.e., while this expansion and Anointing of the mind is a fact -- how to bring this Anointing about would be classified as religion.   To suppress the knowledge of the facts of life, inhibits man from achieving the results of these facts of life.    Modern quantum physics has proven that the Field is the Source, and the physical that we see is the result of what is created in the Field.   This is a fact that neither Darwin nor science understood in the past.   The problem is that the inner core of every valid religion that was led by Mystic Scientists, knew this fact of life all along -- and while the outer congregations of believers did not have the capacity to understand this common factual knowledge that has been known by the inner spiritual core of each religion -- the very purpose of religion is to prepare the multitude to attain the capacity to perceive and understand.  

Should be blame the kindergarten teacher that their students lack a university graduate degree?    The teacher would of course explain that the kindergarten curriculum is purposely designed to prepare the child to obtain a graduate degree, as the child's mind grows and evolves to maturity.    And thus, religion serves the same exact purpose in preparing the believing community to become Knowing from a higher spiritual perspective.

Many parents have to come to terms with the fact that their children became side-tracked -- and the whole structure of their planned educational experience became derailed.    Along the way their once innocent child became involved in drugs, crime, consuming vices -- and the negative influences of friends and culture, made the parental desire of a graduate degree for their child an impossibility.    That pseudo-teachers always arise, and utilize pure religious paths for their own self-serving interests, is human nature -- which not only corrupts religion, but every endeavor of mankind.    That throughout man's history governments have used religion to control the masses, is an historical fact that is true of every culture.   Yet, man's corrupting human nature does not in any manner negate the spiritual facts which are known only to the inner core of the religion.    The facts remain the same, regardless of man's corruptions -- and regardless of what men believe and philosophically profess.    @@@check here

Part of the process of procuring a university graduate degree was the successful navigation through the negative influences that derailed many unsuspecting school children.   In many US school systems, the high school graduation rate is less than 50% -- and the case can be made that would portray sending your child to school as being synonymous with educational Russian Roulette.    The latest statistics convey the reality that over two million inmates presently populate the prisons of the United States -- and yet, the vast majority of these criminals were at one time an innocent child who became corrupted by the negative influences of our culture -- and nearly all of them attended government educational institutions that became the bedrock of their thinking and lifestyle.    The corrupting influences of our culture is an ever looming reality that befalls great numbers of seemingly innocent school children.   In the same way that pedophiles lie in wait on the Internet disguised as other children -- and because of lack of experience and parental oversight, innocence is very quickly taken advantage of -- this same corrupting influence attacks mankind in every path of opportunity that he endeavors to walk.   Almost every day we hear of a school child who has been seduced by the very adult teachers who we trust as educators.   As with all of man's roads through his journey into life, no sooner does the genuine Mystic and Spiritual Visionary attempt to help others to experience and bring about man's higher spiritual reality for themselves within the context of their own lives, than the jackals and wolves in sheep's attire appear to twist what was conceived in purity, and establish the fulfillment of their own self-serving carnal appetites as they prey upon the innocent and unsuspecting victims of their base corruptions.     

It is the voice of the Mystic that has perpetually stated to the rest of mankind: If you want to see and know that I have seen, and know what I have come to know, then you have to do and accomplish what I have myself done with my own mind and life!  So, what the Mystic is in fact stating, is that while the minds of all people are equal in their innate potential, in the reality of this world all minds are not the same -- and the mind can and must be trained and matured to see and comprehend what other people's minds remain blind to.    Is this Gnostic elitism, as the Orthodox have traditionally attempted to portray those who claim to possess the secret esoteric teachings of Jesus that was not revealed to the multitude of people?   In speaking of the reality which Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" (see Outer Darkness) which presented the fact that the vast majority of mankind dwells under the illusion of carnal organic blindness, Jesus stated: “For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.' But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it” (Matt 13:15-17 NIV).    What could Jesus say to those who were spiritually blind, deaf, and unable to perceive and understand beyond the most rudimentary of human potential?   In the same way that the religious Fundamentalist limits his understanding to his literal interpretation of the scriptures, the intellectual Fundamentalist limits his understanding to what is seen as concrete matter -- and in the same way that the religious Fundamentalist rejects the inner spiritual esoteric meaning of the scriptures, the intellectual Fundamentalist rejects the presence of the Field that is the source of all things that are seen in the physical world.   Further, the masses of people are blind followers of either group of Fundamentalists, and are therefore incapable of contemplating anything beyond the very rudimentary Fundamentalist blind perceptions of man's reality.       

While the modern believer would like us to accept at face value that they are fulfilling the mandates of Paul with his doctrine of faith and his rejection of the outward rituals of the carnal Jews, are we so gullible to believe that the Church assists the flock of believers to do as Paul commanded when he instructed that they must "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature" (Col 3:5 NIV). To the degree that Paul warned: “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live” (Rom 8:13 KJV).   Why?   Because the consciousness of the organic flesh of the body-vessel is totally subject to the illusions of this world which must be overcome, in order to begin to perceive man's higher reality of soul and spirit and what Jesus portrayed as the Kingdom of God within one's own mind and being (see ).    Therefore, Paul rightfully tells the believers to reject the outward rituals of the Jews who failed to comprehend the allegorical nature of the scriptures, and to overcome the inherent blindness of the disciples own organic carnal nature, in order to escape the inherent ignorance of this world.   Paul's doctrine of faith was a spiritual faith based upon Gnosis (see The Gnostic Paul) -- and the faith of Paul was based upon the fact that if you use Jesus as the pattern of your life, and seek the Truth and the Kingdom, that the inner "narrow gate" will open unto you (see Gate Of Eden). 

The fact that one of the primary objectives of the Mystic is to observe this world from a point just outside of the illusion of physical matter, demonstrates that it is the Mystic who has proven the assertion of the modern physicist who has stated that "...The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’." (see above).   The Mystic has therefore found that with the right training, discipline and development through the process of expansion of mind beyond organic limitations, that he can move into "...the perfect state of the field", and observe this world from the perspective of the Etheric Field -- i.e., the source, rather than the illusion of the symbolism of what man's sees as concrete matter.  

With respect to the perception of the physical senses and limited understanding of the organic mind of carnal man, Jesus said of those of his disciples who followed in TheWay: “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand” (Mark 4:11-12 KJV).   Why did Jesus warn that the senses and understanding of organic man were blind to this higher reality -- i.e., "...see, and not perceive"?   What made the outer multitude of people blind to what Jesus portrayed as the Mysteries of God?   And what enabled his disciples to see, what could not be seen, with man's normal organic senses of the body?    And again, why did the people "...hear, and not understand”?   Why is the hearing of one group of people different, than the hearing of those outside of that group?   While the multitude of men have been told the answer to these questions many times, it is the answer that they don't want to confront and acknowledge.    Unlike the spiritual man -- i.e., the Gnostic who walks the mystical path of TheWay -- the organic mind of man lacks development, and is blind to the realities in what the modern scientist has demonstrated to be the Etheric Field that is the source of all the forms of this world -- and that the Gnostic sees what organic man is blind to, and understands the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom, because he has removed the beam from his own eyes, that he may see what others are blind to: "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?  Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye?  You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye" (Matt 7:3-5 RSV).   

The Gospel is in fact a declaration that while all men have the potential to open their mind and senses to the higher reality beyond the three-dimensional limitations of this world that the Gnostic has long portrayed as an illusion that is an allusion, few people are actually willing to live the Consecrated Life that Jesus taught was necessary to Expand and prepare the mind to be Anointed -- which opening of the mind enables the person to see and understand the higher reality of all things -- both in this world, and beyond.   And while pseudo-religious men and pseudo-intellectuals have attempted to dismiss the mystical Gnostic foundations of all religions -- proclaiming in both past and present that if they can't personally see beyond the three dimensions of this world, then it simply doesn't exist -- and yet, modern science has succeeded in breaking through the barrier of ignorance with which organic man has immersed himself in the illusion of doctrinal and philosophical confusion.    And the fact that modern science has now begun to open the door that proves the fundamental truths that the teachings of Jesus and the Gnostic foundations of religion has long expressed -- scientific truths that are presented and explored above --  indicates that if the scientist now wishes to begin to prove his own findings beyond his present state of maturity, then he will have to begin to listen more intently to Mystics, and especially True Gnostics, who have not limited themselves to the fossilized thinking of man's past -- i.e.,  “The present scientific establishment has grown somewhat fossilized by its current world picture and is locked into a view of reality that has outlived its usefulness.  It has begun to limit mankind’s growth and has so increased its sense of specialization, separateness, materiality, and mechanical computer-like functioning that it is in real danger of self-extermination” (William A. Tiller, Materials Sciences Department, Stanford University).   Science has proven that the world is not what it appears to be to the physical senses of the body -- and those who were declared heretics throughout history, were often the few who were right.  





Recently this question was posed to me: In reading your website, I noted several references to the concept of humans only utilizing 10 percent of their brains.  From the science I've been able to avail myself of, this concept has been dismissed as a myth, and really no factual basis for the claim has been determined, except some vague claims of a few psychologists in the late 1800's.    You have told us that the remaining 90 percent lies dormant until activated spiritually.  Since I can see no basis for this dormant brain function, please clarify.  Do you mean we only use 10 percent of our capacity for knowledge?  If so, it does not seem that utilization of the remaining  portion would serve as a qualitatively distinct or separate phenomenon than normal learning, but only an increase in degree.  Can you help me?

The above is not only a really important question, but is also a demonstration of what William Tiller above portrayed as a "...fossilized picture and ...view of reality that has outlived its usefulness [which now] ...has begun to limit mankind’s growth and is in real danger of [man's] self-extermination.”    If it is true that reality is in the Field, rather than in the matter-blemish that we physically see, then how can the mind be in the physical organ which we call the brain?

If the brain was the mind, as many think and proclaim, then no part of your personality would survive the death of the physical body.   And most of the people who are viewed as authorities, and who remain stuck on the brain-mind theory, are most likely also Atheists working from a Darwinist foundation with respect to their thinking.   Yet, what we see in the above, is the fact that the modern-day emerging science has come to recognize that reality is in the (Etheric) Field, and not in the physical matter that we observe with our physical eyes.   And once we come to understand this reality that the Darwinist Atheists have rejected, we can then begin to venture along the path of higher reality that they have barred themselves from embracing.  

It is important to recognize the fact that if you base your thinking on a counterfeit foundational doctrine of belief, then it can be near impossible to move beyond that self-imposed obstruction you have imbued your thinking with.   As an example: The original Ebionite Nazirene disciples of Jesus stated that he became the Messiah/Christ and adopted Son of God at his baptism in the Jordan -- and he achieved this Enlightened state by fulfilling the Laws within himself.   Originally, prior to the take-over of the Church by Pagan Rome in the fourth century, the Gospels confirmed the position of the Ebionites in the words spoken to Jesus: "Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee" (see The Ten Words).    In recognizing the differences between the doctrine of the Trinity which was imposed upon the Church by the Roman Emperor Constantine, The Adam Clark Commentary stated that if the above words which represents the original text of the Gospels, is true, that the Christian religion is “vain and baseless”  (see The Ten Words).   Why?    Because the doctrines that were imposed upon the Church by Pagan Rome, corrupts the foundational teachings of Jesus, and causes the Gospels to be spiritually impotent and unable to fulfill their intended spiritual objectives.  

The position that the brain is the mind which had been adopted by the mainstream of science, has a similar and parallel effect upon scientists who adopt this doctrine of belief.   Like The Ten Words, if the mind is not the physical brain -- and the brain is merely one of the organs of the body that the mind works through -- then this assumption on the part of mainstream science causes them to intellectually flat-line.

The brain is like the lap top computer I am presently typing on.   While I am not the lap top, I am using the lap top as an interface into the Internet world of cyberspace.   The mind exists in the Field that surrounds the body -- and the mind uses the organs of the body such as the brain, as an interface into this world.   If one of my keys went bad, then the function associated with that key could no longer be expressed.   If this lap top ceased to function, then I would no longer be able to express myself in cyberspace -- but I would very much remain as a living entity.   The Darwinist-Atheists are able to ignore not only the findings of modern emerging science which totally refutes their theories, but they in like manner attempt to ignore the extended vision of mystics and Gnostics.   If it is possible to separate one's mind from the physical body, then the whole concept of the brain being the mind must be seen as counterfeit.   Yet, so long as the focus is only on those people who have never attempted to learn to separate their mind from their body -- or, have never experiences a separation -- they can continue under the delusion that the body (brain) and mind appears to be one and the same.   And in denial of the facts, these same fossilized authorities then attempt to explain away such emerging bodies of evidence as the Near Death Experience (NDE), by stating that what the person experienced was the dying brains lack of oxygen.  

If we pose the question: Is there any proof to their conclusion?   The only possible answer is: Not at all.   The lack of oxygen theory is necessary to support their position that the brain is the actual mind.    And like the Fundamentalist true believers, they dismiss all factual evidence which conflicts with their theory and belief that the mind is in the physical brain.   And, like the traditional snake oil salesmen who has mesmerized the crowd that he is seducing, they successfully peddle their worthless product because of the naiveness of the masses.   In the case of the pseudo-intellectuals, they are not required to prove their position -- or even permit alternative positions to be presented, because they represent the approved position of the secularized state.  

Their counterfeit position is basically concocted in order to explain away the experiential knowledge of an emerging group of witnesses that do not fit into their erroneous understanding of life.    Like the Christians who ignore the fact that The Ten Words proves that the original Ebionite Nazirene disciples who learned directly from the historical Jesus were right, the Fundamentalist intellectuals suppress and censor the emerging evidence that proves the fallacy of their doctrines of belief pertaining to the reality of mind.   And they do this, in order to preserve their theory that the mind is in the physical brain.   Even though their position is totally without factual substantiation, it is accepted on the basis that they hold a (government approved) position of authority -- i.e., they are the secular priests of the religion of Atheism that dictate to the masses what is orthodox.   And in promoting their unfounded theories that remain factually unsubstantiated, they are not only able to continue to embrace the whole structure of their false theories -- but they remain politically empowered to force others to subscribe to their unfounded and unproven theories.   Yet, once rightly understood, what these Darwinist-Atheist pseudo-authorities represent today, is the flat-earth authorities in man's past.  In the same way that what anti-Gnostic faith-based believers of secularized religion represents, is very much parallel to the traditional thinking of the Church which condemned the wisdom of Galileo who stated that the literal text of the Bible was wrong, and the earth is not the center of the universe.   Therefore, the junk-science that we teach school children today, is very much parallel to that of the flat-earth philosophers of the past.  

Prior to Columbus, Europeans were fearful of sailing out too far from land, because they believed that they would fall off the face of the earth.   When Columbus set sail, the majority of his men were comprised of criminals taken out of the prisons -- because Columbus was viewed as a fool who was going to bring about the demise of those who listened to him.   And this flat-earth mindset remained, until Columbus made his voyage and returned with various proofs of the existence of the New World -- resulting in the confrontational fact that the fossilized thinking pseudo-authorities who maintained that the earth was flat, were then forced to admit that they were wrong.    Yet, even today an Internet search on flat earth, will demonstrate that people continue to cling to this belief, regardless of the facts.   

In this present time I have restored much of the original teachings of the Ebionite Nazirenes known as TheWay -- and what I have written has the capacity to free the thinking of people from the fossilized limitations of the pseudo-scientific and secularized counterfeit religious doctrines and authorities that shackle mankind in the abyss of ignorance -- and it is this knowledge that I have set forth in restoration of the Original Gospel,  that has the potential to enable seekers to prove the Truth within themselves.  And since, as the emerging scientific findings have confirmed -- that there is nothing but mind and the higher expression of thought -- and what we observe with our senses, is merely the illusion of the holograph -- i.e., the celebrated statement made by the astronomer James Jeans: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine” -- and the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington: “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff”.   And more recently, cyberneticist David Foster described “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source.  The holographic theory says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”   And what the mystic portrays as the illusion of this world, is based upon the reality that “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space..."

Denial Of First Amendment Protection - Violation of Separation of Church and State: What is proven by both the modern physicist today in the above, in conjunction with the long suppressed voice of the Mystic-Gnostic of the past, is the long-ignored and misunderstood reality presented in the analogy of Plato's Cave.   Which, in a parallel analogy, Jesus portrayed as the blindness to this world of illusion in what he called the "outer darkness" (see OuterDarkness ) of mind and being.   Yet, what is perhaps the most cruel element to the present-day equation, is seen in the fact that when mankind should be free to seek knowledge and the very Destiny for which he was born, he is inhibited by partisan secularism that not only continues to censor the facts, but has inhibited man from seeking the very knowledge that has the capacity to free him from the ignorance of the past.

When properly understood, it is this government forced and required adherence to blind pseudo-authorities both religious and secular, that the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights protects the people from being forced to be in servitude to.   And it is the knowledge that has been presented by modern quantum physics with respect to a totally different perception of the universe, in conjunction with the restored teachings of TheWay, that has the capacity to free true seekers from the limitations of both the body, and the pseudo-authorities of the modern flat-earth science that states that the brain is the mind.   From a biblical perspective, it is the sin of the Pharisees who Jesus condemned as counterfeit shepherds of the people, that applies equally to the pseudo-intellectuals that the government forces the people to embrace today.   What Jesus portrayed as The Key of Knowledge, represents the turning of the scriptures within one's own mind and being, in order to open the inner door to the higher reality of the soul and learn the Mysteries of Creation.   And in their carnal interpretations of the written word of the scriptures, the Pharisees hindered seekers from entering in what is portrayed allegorically as the House -- i.e., "Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered" (Luke 11:52 KJV).   Yet, this same exact condition is being forced upon the people by the government today.   And with respect to the proper use of the Key of Knowledge, Yeshua stated: "But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in" (Matt 23:13 KJV).  

The Ebionite Nazirene teachings of Jesus known as TheWay, was intended to free the people from the cloud of profound ignorance imposed upon them by their organic limitations of the body, and open the door to higher understanding, knowledge and awareness.    An important insight into the very essence of the genuine and original teachings of TheWay is contained in an article in the Encyclopedia Britannica under the heading, The History of Christian Mysticism, where it reads: “Although the essence of mysticism is the sense of contact with the transcendent, mysticism in the history of Christianity should not be understood merely in terms of special ecstatic experiences but as part of a religious process lived out within the context of the Christian community. From this perspective mysticism played a vital part in the early church. Early Christianity was a religion of the spirit that expressed itself in the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”.     What is expressed in these words is of the utmost importance, in that the original teachings of Jesus was not the belief in a prophet -- but rather, the means to make all Christians prophets and mystics as demonstrated in the words: "...From this perspective mysticism played a vital part in the early church. Early Christianity was a religion of the spirit that expressed itself in the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”.  

That modern Christianity has very little in common with the original teachings of Jesus, is demonstrated in the words that the objective of the teachings of TheWay was to bring about "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”  -- which has absolutely nothing in common with the blind faith dogmatized Church that came into being in the fourth century.   And, just as equally important to understand, is that "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”  has absolutely nothing to do with the expansion of the physical brain -- but rather, the development of those areas of mind that the physical brain which is of an earth-vibrational frequency, does not support.   

Until it is recognized that present-day Christianity has absolutely nothing in common with the original objectives and teachings of Jesus and TheWay, then little to no spiritual progress can be made.     The modern doctrines of the Church are in fact a synthesis of the most elementary faith-based entry-level Gospel concepts, with the doctrines of Mithraicism -- i.e., the Universal Religion of the Roman Empire.    With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the long suspected evidence was suddenly proven -- i.e., biblical scholars such as A. Powell Davies openly confirmed that: “Biblical scholars were not disturbed by what they found in the Dead Sea Scrolls because they had known all along that the origin of Christianity was not what was commonly supposed to have been” (quoted by Millar Burrows in More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls).    And that, in order for the synthesis of religions to be brought about by the Emperor Constantine, (1) Jesus was declared to be God (see The Ten Words ); (2) the most corrupted copies of the Gospels were further corrupted in order to make them support the doctrines of Pagan Rome (see ); (3) and the true, spiritual disciples of Jesus were hunted down by the armies of the emperor, and murdered (see The Death Of The Religion Of Jesus ).    And in the conversion of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay into a faith-based pagan religion, the necessary esoteric knowledge was lost, and mankind was plunged into the abyss of spiritual ignorance.

Even with modern man's technological advances in our present time, mankind continues to remain immersed in a sea of confusion and ignorance, largely because of the loss of these important esoteric teachings that were thrown away when the Church became a puppet under Pagan Rome.   Why?    Because of the self-imposed limitations that both pseudo sectarian and secular authorities impose upon themselves, in order to remain culturally acceptable and mainstream.   So long as man continues to limit his thinking and awareness to the three dimensions of this world, he continues to merely gaze at the forms and shadow images that are being danced upon the walls of what has been portrayed as the illusions of Plato's Cave.    And in the same way that in the analogy of the Cave, anyone who succeeds in escaping the Cave and returns, is condemned as a madman when he attempts to convey to those in the Cave the truth about what he has learned through his experiences beyond the limits of the Cave, those who call themselves authorities reject all knowledge of anything that lies beyond the illusions being danced upon the walls of the Cave.    Therefore, in the same way that the armies of Constantine had the power to enforce the doctrines upon all the people of the empire ((see The Death Of The Religion Of Jesus ), the pseudo-intellectuals today have been ordained by government to force their very limited vision and understanding upon all the students who by law, must attend government sanctioned schools.  

Why is this important?   If what I am saying is true, then the question must be posed: Why can't a person after graduating from our environment of government sanctioned educational systems merely seek the truth for themselves?   And therefore prove the truth?   The answer is twofold -- i.e., (1) because of the profound error of the foundational thinking and mindset that the person is attempting to build upon; (2) because of the destructive reality of the cultural lifestyle and mindset that the child was immersed in as they began to develop and mature.    In the same way that you can't build a multi-story house upon a post type foundation intended to support a mobile home, neither can you build upon the fraudulent concepts and cultural lifestyle that each child is imbued with today.    In the same way that you can't resuscitate an aborted fetus, the doctrinal mindset and societal  lifestyle that the child is immersed in today, is merely death by the promoters of what can only be portrayed as a culture of spiritual abortion and death.    

^  The Logos/Son of God - True Prophet and One Teacher: In the ancient world the revealer of all Truth was portrayed as the Logos -- i.e., the Mind of God.   And that man possessed the innate ability to tap into, and learn directly from the spark of the Logos that dwelled within them, was the true objective of religion.   The Encyclopedia Britannica (1998 edition) writes of the word Logos: “In Greek philosophy and theology, the divine reason implicit in the cosmos, ordering it and giving it form and meaning. Though the concept defined by the term logos is found in Greek, Indian, Egyptian, and Persian philosophical and theological systems... The idea of the logos in Greek thought harks back at least to the 6th-century-BC philosopher Heracleitus, who discerned in the cosmic process a logos analogous to the reasoning power in man. Later, the Stoics, philosophers who followed the teachings of the thinker Zeno of Citium (4th-3rd century BC), defined the logos as an active rational and spiritual principle that permeated all reality... Philo of Alexandria, a 1st-century-AD Jewish philosopher, taught that the logos was the intermediary between God and the cosmos, being both the agent of creation and the agent through which the human mind can apprehend and comprehend God. According to Philo and the Middle Platonists, philosophers who interpreted in religious terms the teachings of the 4th-century-BC Greek master philosopher Plato, the logos was both immanent in the world and at the same time the transcendent divine mind... The identification of Jesus with the logos, which is implied in various places in the New Testament but stated specifically in the Fourth Gospel, was further developed in the early church but more on the basis of Greek philosophical ideas... the early Christian Fathers stated that Christ as the preexistent logos (1) reveals the Father to mankind and is the subject of the Old Testament manifestations of God; (2) is the divine reason in which the whole human race shares, so that the 6th-century-BC philosopher and others who lived with reason were Christians before Christ; and (3) is the divine will and word by which the worlds were framed”

With respect to the above, from our modern perspective, few people recognize the profoundly important statement by that of  Clement of Alexandria when he wrote: “Thus in the Philebus, Plato, who had been the disciple of the barbarian philosophy, mystically called those Atheists who destroy and pollute, as far as in them lies, the Deity dwelling in them - that is, the Logos - by association with their vices” Thus, the message of Clement is threefold: (1) Clement writes that the true source and inner revelation of the writings of Plato, is the same Logos attested to in the Gospel of John; (2) Moreover, we observe the continual statement that the Logos represents the Deity that is equally indwelling within all of mankind; (3)  Clement then very much describes our own present-day condition when he refers to the multitude of people as “Atheists who destroy and pollute, as far as in them lies, the Deity dwelling in them - that is, the Logos -- by association with their vices”.   If man is ignorant of God -- and cannot break through the inner barrier which permits him to receive the impressions of the Logos -- then this ignorance is the result of that person's lifestyle and mindset.   The problem is that once the damage has been done, it is difficult to restore the purity and necessary framework of mind that would bring about success.    In the same way that would be impossible to revive a fetus that was torn from it's mothers womb, it is near impossible for a child who has been imbued with the mindset and the vices of our modern cultural lifestyle, to then reverse and heal the damage that has been inflicted upon him, and restore within himself the necessary mental foundation and necessary lifestyle environment that enables the person to tap into the Indwelling Logos.   Thus, from our modern cultural perspective, those who escape the abortionist that tears the fetus from their mother's  womb, rarely ever escape the abortionist of our culture of ignorance that robs the child of the life of it's soul.    In teaching the child to think and live in accord with our anti-Spiritual and anti-Gnostic culture, they become imbued with an Atheist mindset regardless of their profession of faith and belief in God.   

If there is factual truth to the above statement that those who through their mindset and lifestyle "...destroy and pollute, as far as in them lies, the Deity dwelling in them - that is, the Logos -- by association with their vices” -- and, as the Apostle Peter warns in the Homilies of his disciple Clement, that the Logos/Son of God/True Prophet is "...within the mind of every one of us, but in those who have no desire of the knowledge of God and His righteousness, He is inoperative; but He works in those who seek after that which is profitable to their souls, and kindles in them the light of knowledge. Wherefore seek Him first of all; and if you do not find Him, expect not that you shall learn anything from any other. But He is soon found by those who diligently seek Him through love of the truth, and whose souls are not taken possession of by wickedness. For He is present with those who desire Him in the innocence of their spirits, who bear patiently, and draw sighs from the bottom of their hearts through love of the truth; but He deserts malevolent minds, because as a prophet He knows the thoughts of every one. And therefore let no one think that he can find Him by his own wisdom, unless, as we have said, he empty his mind of all wickedness, and conceive a pure and faithful desire to know Him. For when any one has so prepared himself, He Himself as a prophet, seeing a mind prepared for Him, of His own accord offers Himself to his knowledge”.   If the witness to these words is true, then the whole dilemma of the pseudo-intellectual, religious critic and Atheist is presented in the Light of Truth that cannot be dismissed -- in view of the fact that their ignorance is not only self-imposed, but has been forewarned. 

The Search For The True Prophet

^   The True Prophet - Son of God - Logos - Teacher Of Righteousness:  The objective of all genuine religions, is to bring about that condition within the mind and life of the individual where they are able to fulfill the statement in the Gospel of John, and be "taught by God" -- i.e., "It is written in the prophets, 'And they shall all be taught by God.' Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me" (John 6:45 NKJ).   And it was for this reason that Jesus commanded his disciples not to be called teacher or rabbi -- i.e., "But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have One Teacher, and you are all brethren" (Matt 23:8 RSV) -- and this was commanded, because there is Only One True Teacher, and that is the True Prophet -- Often referred to as the Logos, the Son of God, and the Teacher of Righteousness.    And that those lost prodigal sons who look to other men as their teacher, rabbi or leaders, will be greatly deceived and misguided, is why the disciple Peter in the Clementine Homilies declared: Hence, O beloved Clement, if you would know the things pertaining to God, you have to learn them from Him alone, because He alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows anything, he has received it from Him or from His disciples”.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam all teach the same essential Truth -- that each of us must make our body-vessel a Living Temple -- a Living Church -- or a Living Mosque -- and it is this essential  truth which was originally taught by all three religions prior to being corrupted by carnal religious leaders.    And that the historical Yeshua was able to accomplish this within himself, is demonstrated where it is written of the Ebionites that they taught that Yeshua/Jesus was in “supernatural union of a man and God... In their eyes, Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal, the legitimate son of Joseph and Mary: but he was the best and wisest of the human race, selected as the worthy instrument to restore upon earth the worship of the true and supreme Deity. When he was baptized in the Jordan, the Christ, the first of the aeons, the Son of God himself, descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, to inhabit his mind, and direct his actions during the allotted period of his ministry” (Gibbon; The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, V.4, P.366 -- see ).  

A Suppressed Truth: (The Castration of the Wikipedia) That Jesus became One with the Indwelling Logos -- and that he taught his disciples to do the same -- is a suppressed truth that will not even be published by most reference resources today.   There is an important statement pertaining to the Ebionites with respect to what the original Disciples of Yeshua believed that he "was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ." Hence "when Ebionites thus fulfill the law, they are able to become Christs, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity."  (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).   And what this means is that each and every person reading these words is not only the brother or sister of Jesus, but that as the prodigal sons and daughters of their Heavenly Father-God, they have the same potential and destiny when they too fulfill the Law within themselves.   And in the same way that this important teaching of Jesus and his Ebionite Nazirene Disciples was suppressed by the Church, so too does modern reference resources such as the Wikipedia suppress this teaching.   On their Ebionite page (see ), not only is this essential teaching suppressed, but they have themselves attempted to portray the Ebionites as ignorant Judaizers (see The Lie).  

Has the Wikipedia attempted to misinform the reader?   The attempt of the Wikipedia to deceive the reader is demonstrated in their censorship of the above statement pertaining to the Ebionites by Hippolytus.   Why?   Because this statement not only portrays the Ebionites in a totally different and very spiritual light than what is presented in the history books -- but when properly understood, demonstrates that the present faith-based Christian Church is a misrepresentation of what Jesus actually taught.   Is the position of the original Ebionites that is being censored correct?    That the Ebionites are correct, and that the Church has been promoting the grave error and idolatry of Pagan Rome, is easily proven in the original account of Jesus' baptism in the Jordan where it was said from heaven: "Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee" (see ).    That this Gospel account was changed in the fourth century by the Emperor Constantine and his Church, represented the final series of corruptions of the biblical text that alienated the Church from the Truth and the inner Kingdom.   Constantine was a sun worshipper -- and he reasoned that Jesus was the latest incarnation of the Mithraic sun-god.   But of paramount importance is the fact that the original Gospel message was that: All who overcome, and fulfill the Law within themselves, will become the Messiah/Christ -- which Hebrew and Greek words in English means The Anointed Of God.   And it is this Power of the Anointing that opens the mind to see beyond the cloak of the "outer darkness"  and to the degree that the Anointing can be received, begin the process of being taught by the indwelling Logos/Son of God.

Just as important is the fact that the true meaning of the word Gnostic would have to be understood as that directly imparted Spiritual Knowledge that is the result of overcoming the Laws, and becoming the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) as Jesus taught.   And it is this objective of acquiring Gnosis -- or the Divine Manna of the Kingdom through the Anointing of the mind, that is presented by John in the words: "These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you. But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him. And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming. If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him" (1 Jn 2:26-29 NKJ).   This Coming, is the Coming of the Kingdom within the mind and being of the disciple (see ).   And who is it that will come and teach the disciple all the Mysteries of the Kingdom?  The Logos, or Son of God, which was portrayed as The True Prophet.

That all the disciples and followers of Jesus were to seek to become Anointed (Messiah/Christ) -- and that through this Anointing they would be taught the Truth from the One Teacher and True Prophet -- is demonstrated in the above words of the Epistle of John: "These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you.  But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him" (I Jn 2:26-27 NKJ).   The problem is that this teaching is Pure Gnostic and Spiritual, and the means to receive this Anointing and become One with the Indwelling Logos/Son of God or True Prophet, has been suppressed by the Institutionalized Church which has replaced these essential spiritual concepts with their own dogma and doctrines of belief.

While all true disciples were to seek the Anointing (Messiah/Christ), it is also true that there is a vast difference between the various degrees of Anointing (Messiah/Christ) that seekers attain to, as they strive to become At-One with the Indwelling Logos.   And this is preserved in the baptism sequence of what is known historically as the Original Matthew, which was the Gospel of the Hebrews/Ebionites, in the words:  "And it came to pass when the Lord was come up out of the water, the whole fount of the Holy Spirit descended and rested upon him, and said unto him: My son, in all the prophets was I waiting for thee that thou shouldst come, and I might rest in thee. For thou art my rest, thou art my first begotten son, that reignest for ever."   To which the Church Father Jerome correctly explains  "not partially as in the case of other holy men."   And the allegorical portrayal of the resurrection is the final or fourth stage of birth that is presented in the return of the Prodigal Son to the Father in the Kingdom ( ), or what is presented in the completion of the cycle from the Alpha to the Omega as portrayed in Jewish Mysticism in the Zohar: “All souls are subject to the trials of transmigration; and men do not know the designs of the Most High with regard to them… The souls must re-enter the absolute substance whence they have emerged.  But to accomplish this end they must develop all the perfections, the germ of which is planted in them; and if they have not fulfilled this condition during one life, they must commence another, a third, and so forth, until they have acquired the condition which fits them for reunion with God”.

As the disciple or seeker of Truth draws near to what Jesus portrayed as the Kingdom within ( ), they would receive various levels of the Anointing which would open their minds and teach and reveal to them the Mysteries of God that remain preserved within the parables -- and remains concealed within the allegorical symbols of the scriptures that few modern Jews, Christians or Muslims see or understand.   The True Meaning of the scriptures cannot be taught -- but rather, only when the Anointing (Messiah/Christ) opens the mind of the seeker/disciple: "Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures" (Luke 24:45)   And while this is openly declared in the Gospel of Thomas, it is just as true of all genuine scriptures -- the meaning of which, can only be revealed to those who gain the experiential knowledge through direct revelation of the One Teacher within.   Thus, the words: "These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down.  And he said, Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death. Jesus said, Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."

This inner Essence of God that exists within each of us which is referred to as the Logos/Son of God, was referred to as the True Prophet by the disciples and early followers of Jesus and TheWay.   Why the True Prophet?     Because the prophets and teachers of this world are carnal in their perceptions and understanding, and perpetually lead the lost prodigal sons and daughters into the proverbial ditch.   A true prophet or shepherd sent and ordained by God does not prophsize or teach -- but rather, guides seekers how to live in TheWay, so they can be taught by the True Prophet that dwells in the Kingdom within each of us.   And this is why Jesus stated that there is only One Teacher, and all of mankind are equally brothers and sisters who must learn from the True Prophet within them.   And in the Homilies of Peter's disciple Clement, this is why Peter is quoted as saying to his own disciple: Hence, O beloved Clement, if you would know the things pertaining to God, you have to learn them from Him alone, because He alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows anything, he has received it from Him or from His disciples”.    And it is this spiritual reality that is presented in the words"It is written in the Prophets: 'They will all be taught by God.' Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me" (John 6:45 NIV).  

In view of this original teaching that is not understood today because of the doctrinal corruptions of the Church, the question then becomes: How is one taught by God?  Directly?   Which is why it is written in the New Testament that there is only one way -- but this is not understood by the modern Jew who is ignorant of how to make their body a Living Temple -- and neither is it understood by the modern Christian Church which continues to embrace the doctrines of Constantine -- or the modern Muslim who looks to the Qur'an of this world.   With respect to the One Teacher (Mt 23:8), or True Prophet, this same Truth can be demonstrated using the first century witness known as the Recognitions of Clement, where St. Clement quotes the teachings of the Apostle Peter.   In chapter 59, under the heading of The True Prophet, Clement writes: “But I would not have you think, that in saying this I take away the power of judging concerning things; but I give counsel that no one walk through devious places, and rush into errors without end. And therefore I advise not only wise men, but indeed all men who have a desire of knowing what is advantageous to them, that they seek after the true Prophet; for it is He alone who knoweth all things, and who knoweth what and how every man is seeking. For He is within the mind of every one of us, but in those who have no desire of the knowledge of God and His righteousness, He is inoperative; but He works in those who seek after that which is profitable to their souls, and kindles in them the light of knowledge. Wherefore seek Him first of all; and if you do not find Him, expect not that you shall learn anything from any other. But He is soon found by those who diligently seek Him through love of the truth, and whose souls are not taken possession of by wickedness. For He is present with those who desire Him in the innocence of their spirits, who bear patiently, and draw sighs from the bottom of their hearts through love of the truth; but He deserts malevolent minds, because as a prophet He knows the thoughts of every one. And therefore let no one think that he can find Him by his own wisdom, unless, as we have said, he empty his mind of all wickedness, and conceive a pure and faithful desire to know Him. For when any one has so prepared himself, He Himself as a prophet, seeing a mind prepared for Him, of His own accord offers Himself to his knowledge”.

What does Peter say to us in these words? That the True Prophet “is within the mind of every one of us”.   This concept is Spiritual -- it was condemned as Gnostic heresy by the Church of Rome -- while it is generally embraced by many Sufis, it has been condemned by mainstream spiritually disenfranchised Muslims -- and this important concept is the foundation of the Living Temple/Church/Mosque that the has been inaugurated among the three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.   Yeshua/Jesus warned his followers not to go to a teacher or religious authority in this world -- even when that teacher or authority says that he knows the Messiah/Christ -- or claims to be a prophet.   What is very clear in these words which are common to all three religions, is that True Seekers were not to learn from men -- who themselves do not know -- and in true Spiritual-Gnostic fashion, they were only to go to the Source of all Knowledge, the True Prophet.  

The Apostle Paul wrote that the baptized entry-level believers at Corinth did not know the Gospel of God, and could not be taught the Mysteries and of the Kingdom, because they were too carnal to receive them.   Quoting the Being of Light web site ( ):  Paul states: I will “...tell about the visions I've had, and revelations from the Lord. Fourteen years ago I was taken up to heaven for a visit. Don't ask me whether my body was there or just my spirit, for I don't know; only God can answer that. But anyway, there I was in paradise, and heard things so astounding that they are beyond a man's power to describe or put in words (and anyway I am not allowed to tell them to others)” (2 Cor 12:1-4 TLB).   What did Paul see and experience that was not only beyond natural man's ability to comprehend, but was not lawful to tell what he saw to others?  In the Martyrdom of Ignatius (first Century Overseer of Antioch), Ignatius speaks of himself as a disciple of John.  In his Epistle to the Ephesians he writes that he has been “initiated into the mysteries of the Gospel with Paul, the holy, the martyred”.  In his Epistle to the Trallaus he speaks of the mysteries and writes: “Might I not write to you things more full of mystery?  But I fear to do so, lest I should inflict injury on you who are babes.  Pardon me in this respect, lest, as not being able to receive their weighty import, ye should be strangled by them”.  Ignatius also writes that though he is aware of the mysteries, he is not yet “by any means perfect, nor am I such a disciple as Paul or Peter”.    What preacher of the gospel today warns his congregation that if he was to reveal the true teachings of the New Covenant -- the Gospel of God -- he would “inflict injury on you who are babes” in Christ?   What teaching of the Lord could a present-day preacher of the gospel reveal that the congregation of believers are not “able to receive their weighty import”?   If Ignatius or the other early Church Fathers who knew the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God were with us today, what profound mystery could they speak regarding the true teachings of Jesus that believers today would be “strangled by them”

This great dilemma that Paul wrote about -- and has been continually ignored by the majority of Christians throughout history -- was explained by Peter when his disciple Clement wrote his warning to believers: “…and if you do not find Him, expect not that you shall learn anything from any other”.   It is equally important to recognize the fact that we are not making reference to faith and beliefs -- but rather, to the sure Knowledge of all things that is imparted to the seeker/disciple directly into the Enlightened Mind of those who truly believe -- and this belief is demonstrated by the person's desire to fulfill the Law within themselves, as Jesus taught in the original teachings of TheWay.  

When Paul portrayed the Christians at Corinth as being yet too carnal to understand the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom, he in no wise suggested that they should remain in this carnal unenlightened state -- but rather, “go on to maturity” (Heb 6:1 NIV).   In making reference to the elementary teachings which Paul portrays as Christ crucified, Paul instructs: “Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God, instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment” (Heb 6:1-2 NIV).   Why did Paul say to leave the "...elementary teachings about Christ in God" behind?   This is directly answered by the early Christian Church Father Clement of Alexandria who explains: “Faith is the foundation; knowledge the superstructure, by knowledge faith is perfected, for to know is more than to believe. Faith is a summary knowledge of urgent truths; knowledge a sure demonstration of what has been received through faith, being itself reared upon faith through the teachings of the Lord. Thus the Gnostic grasps the complete truth of all revelation from the beginning of the world to the end, piercing to the depths of scripture, of which the believer tastes the surface only. As a consequence of this intelligent sympathy with the Divine Will, the Gnostic becomes in perfect unity in himself, and as far as possible like God. Definite outward observances cease to have any value for one whose being is brought into abiding harmony with that which is eternal; he has no wants, no passions; he rests in the contemplation of God, which is and will be his unfailing blessedness ” (quoting Clement of Alexandria in Smith & Wace's Bible Dictionary).

When Clement portrays the Gnostic Christian as being in “…unity in himself”, and developing to where they have become “…like God” and “…brought into abiding harmony with that which is eternal”, it is at that time when the disciple becomes the True Christian by entering the final stage of spiritual development, and fulfills the biblical requirement as set forth by Jesus in the words: “You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt 5:48 RSV).     Even our very own Bibles at one time more clearly taught this same concept.  In the third century 1 John 3:2 read somewhat differently than it does in our present translations.  Quoting from Origen’s Contra Celsum we read that “it doth not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that when He shall appear, we shall be like God, and shall see Him as He is”.  With regard to our becoming like God, Origen then writes regarding Matthew 5:48 that “...the virtue of man and of God is identical. And therefore we are taught to become ‘perfect,’ as our Father in heaven is perfect”.

A spiritually mature seeker/disciple does not have faith and belief in the unknown -- but rather, knows the Truth by virtue of having personally experienced the Truth as a Son or Daughter of the Kingdom.    From a first century Christian perspective, there is only one way that you can learn and know the truth, and that is through your own inner dormant spiritual nature.   Expect not that you shall learn anything”, says Peter, if you attempt to learn from the doctrines of men -- even when these men are the leaders of your church, synagogue, mosque, or temple.   Why?   Because Jesus himself commanded: “But you, do not be called 'Rabbi'; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren” (Matt 23:8 NKJ).   And when rightly understood, the teachings of Jesus and TheWay present to the true seeker how they each may be "...taught by God" (John 6:45 NIV).   The problem is that in order to bring this condition about, the Prodigal Sons must arise from the ways of this world, release themselves from the control of what is portrayed as the "citizen of the far country", which Paul portrayed as the god of this world, and they must themselves accomplish the required completion that Jesus did within himself, which is noted at Matt. 5:48.   In the words of Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa: “…it is imperative on all those who have an equally earnest desire for the Good as He has, to be followers by the path of an exact imitation of Him Who leads the way to salvation, and to carry into action what He has shown them. It is, in fact impossible for persons to reach the same goal unless they travel by the same ways”.  

This is why it is written in the Gospel of Thomas ( ):  "But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty... Whoever finds himself is superior to the world".   And the finding of self is the primary objective of all scriptures.   And when we add to this the statement from the Gospel of Philip that "Those who say that first they shall die and (then) they shall arise are confused. If they do not first receive the resurrection (while) they live, they will not receive anything (when) they die"   Quoting the Being of Light ( ) web site:  It is for this reason that the second-century Church Father Clement of Alexandria said that it is  “…the greatest of all lessons to know one's self.  For if one knows himself, he will know God; and knowing God, he will be made like God… and that man becomes God, since God so wills”.   In his treaties on The Soul and the Resurrection, St Gregory writes that “the Resurrection is no other thing than 'the re-constitution of our nature in its original form’”, and states that there will come a time “…when the complete whole of our race shall have been perfected from the first man to the last”.    This statement should provoke great thought in the reader who is under the misconception that our Heavenly Father would destroy or forever cut off one of his sons or daughters who are lost in this world.  If the whole of our race will one day be perfected from the first man to the last, then there are many grave misconceptions on the part of believers today.  The reason these great truths are no longer the focus of the modern church is best captured in the words of A. Powell Davies: “Biblical scholars”, he writes, ”were not disturbed by what they found in the Dead Sea Scrolls because they had known all along that the origin of Christianity was not what was commonly supposed to have been” (quoted by Millar Burrows in More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls)...  When God, in the words of St. Nazianzen, no longer is an “object of wonder”, but rather an “object of desire” -- and we, desiring to be purified from the defilements of this world, make ourselves fit vessels for the Lord to indwell, the Spirit, according to St. Nazianzen, reveals to us our true nature, and the revelation of this manifest Sacred Knowledge makes “us like God; so that when we have thus become like Himself, God may, to use a bold expression, hold converse with us as Gods, being united to us, and that perhaps to the same extent as He already knows those who are known to Him”.  St. Nazianzen then writes that “the Divine Nature then is boundless and hard to understand” by those who are yet carnal and think as natural beings of this world.

^  The Spiritual Disenfranchisement Of The Mind - Some Very Serious Questions: In this era of institutionalized government mandated curriculums and pseudo-education, a little understood statement of Paul remains totally overlooked by the Christian world -- a statement of such importance and magnitude, that its negative effects has totally undermined the very spiritual foundation of the Church.   And while we may see ourselves as being enlightened when we compare the present with the past, what we fail to understand is the fact that even in the Middle Ages, communities arose that were truly spiritual -- and in many respects, man dwells more in the Dark Ages today, than in that period that is known by that name.   In the past government used religion to control the people.   It is easily demonstrated that the scriptures were severely corrupted while in the hands of the Church (see Bible Corruption) -- and in addition to dogmatic corruptions, other interpolations were added in order to place the community of believers under the control of secular authority (see Interpolations To Support Government).   In our modern era, government has now effectively used both education and the power of the mass media to program the thinking of the people.   The direct result is that because of the demise of the spiritual communities, the congregations of believers are even more spiritually disenfranchised and lost today, than they were in the past.

For truly important reasons that modern Christians don't at all understand, Paul warned believers not to fall into the trap of subscribing to the thinking and wisdom of the people of this world -- and world which Jesus portrayed as the Far Country that was under the control of the god of this world.   Thus, Paul warned: "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ" (Col 2:8 NIV).    And when you translate the Greek word Christ, into its English meaning as The Anointed or Anointing, then you can begin to comprehend just how deep in the abyss of ignorance that man has fallen in our present time-frame.    Why?   Because more than ever, those who claim to believe have been taken "...captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition [reasoning] and the basic principles of this world".    And while modern man can point to the ignorant masses of the past and proclaim how far our society has advanced -- in view of the fact that has built upon a counterfeit foundation, his abject poverty today is even worse than in the past -- i.e., "But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty... Whoever finds himself is superior to the world" (the Gospel of Thomas ).    And while our societies pseudo-intellectuals have found the world, in their state of absolute self-ignorance, all they have accomplished is of no real value.  

It is not until a man comes to understand that there is nothing that is hidden or concealed -- and that while all realities lie before him, the inherent organic limitations of his vision and understanding which Jesus portrayed as being cast into  the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see The Outer Darkness), inhibits him from seeing and understanding the reality of his own soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God and all of Creation.   That man is able to begin to open the door of higher reality -- to the degree that the Gospels portray organic man as being blind, and even dead -- should be a proverbial wake-up call that, by failing to overcome his inherent organic limitations, he has merely entrenched himself in a world of even greater and more profound error.   And until he first comes to terms with this inherent human reality, he will remain in the words of Paul, "...captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy" -- unable to even begin to escape the limitations of the "outer darkness", and see all realities in the Light of Absolute Truth.    But how can man begin to learn, when he already thinks he knows?   And this is true of not only believers who Paul portrays as too immature to comprehend the true meaning of the Gospel, but also the critics and unbelievers who reject the Gospel message.   Therefore, how can man even become teachable, when he clings to the doctrines and philosophies of men of limited vision and understanding?   

If a man proclaims that there is no God -- he is only professing his own blindness.   If a man professes a doctrine of belief -- once again he is only professing his own blindness.   All of man's solutions, explanations, resolutions, doctrinal and philosophical conclusions which require faith and belief, are all representative of a proclamation of his own blindness and profound ignorance.   The Core Gospel Message of the New Covenant proclaims that no man shall teach his brother or neighbor -- because all will equally Know God (see Heb 8:11) -- and yet, man has rejected the Gospel Foundation, in order to follow and be in subjection to the dictates of men who are themselves the blind -- those who Jesus portrayed as the walking dead (see The Dead Know Nothing).   

Paul warned the baptized and committed Christians that he, himself, taught and revealed the whole of the "testimony" of Christ, that they were yet to carnal to understand the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom -- which they would reject as utter "foolishness" (see Mystery).   Yet, students of the Bible skip over this warning, and arrogantly conclude that this warning does not apply to them.    And in their rejection of this warning, such a thing as learning beyond a very rudimentary point for the majority of those who study the scriptures, has been made impossible -- and this barrier to learning has in fact been obstructed by those who man looks to as teachers and leaders.   Therefore, it is not until a man begins to recognize his own prevailing ignorance -- and the fact that everything that he thinks he knows, is fragmentary and incomplete at best -- that he can begin to escape the cloud of ignorance that envelops this world, and commence on the journey of walking the path of Knowing.   Thus, it is not until man begins to recognize that his condition of profound ignorance is self-imposed, that he can begin to overcome the obstacle that inhibits his learning.   In considering the wisdom of past visionaries, a man of reason would ask the questions: Why would Plato portray man as dwelling is a Cave of Illusions (see Plato's Cave)?    Why would Jesus portray those people who have not yet put on the wedding garment of purity, as being cast out into what he portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see The Outer Darkness)?   That man's ignorance is the result of his attempt to learn from other men -- men who were themselves born in ignorance -- immersing himself in the process or rote programming of the mind -- building upon a flawed foundation of science that proves itself both limited and in error in nearly every 20 year interval -- instead of seeking the Source of All Knowledge -- demonstrates the folly of clinging to what Paul portrayed as the wisdom of this world that comes to naught.   

Jesus came to set mankind free from lives of suffering and ignorance, as he portrayed their plight in this world as that of the lost prodigal son who had squandered away his inheritance as the offspring of God -- that each man must come to his senses, and return to the Kingdom of his Heavenly Father by picking up their own cross, and following in TheWay.   But, before man can even begin the journey in TheWay, he must truly believe that he has the innate ability and power to prevail over what Paul called the god of this world which Jesus portrayed as the "Citizen... of the Far Country", and he must be willing to follow in the footsteps of Jesus who was the first of our brothers to prevail and overcome.   And unless you truly believe that you possess this innate ability to know the Truth -- an innate ability that is presently undeveloped -- and you are willing to live your live in strict accord with the original Gospel teachings and concepts -- intimately keeping the Commandments that Jesus taught in word, thought, desire and deed -- then you will fail to achieve the next stage of birth that Jesus said was necessary to escape the blind ignorance of the "outer darkness", and inherit the Promise of Life.

In the foregoing quotation (see Search For The True Prophet) by the Apostle Peter pertaining to what Jesus called the One Teacher and True Prophet -- i.e., "Hence, O beloved Clement, if you would know the things pertaining to God, you have to learn them from Him alone, because He alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows anything, he has received it from Him or from His disciples” -- in our own time with the mass of mind-programming that our culture erroneously portrays as education and even enlightenment, this should be revised to read:  "...if you would learn anything of value about the life that you are presently living, then you have to ...learn them from Him [the True Prophet/Son of God/Logos] alone, because He alone is the Source of All Truths ...For if any one else knows anything, he has received it directly from Him.”    Those who are attempting to teach and lead us, dwell in the illusions of Plato's Cave -- and this limited vision and knowledge is what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness".    And because those who teach and lead are very much the "blind guides" that Jesus warned not to follow, mankind dwells in a state of self-imposed ignorance that has immersed him in the abyss of suffering.   

In 2 Peter 1:20 the Apostle condemns and rejects what he portrays as "private interpretations" of the scriptures -- i.e., "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation".   The objective was to have no divisions within the Congregations -- i.e., “I appeal to you, that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought” (1 Cor 1:10 NIV).   And someone who even suggests a manmade opinion or doctrine, should be rejected as a heretic who has been turned out of TheWay -- i.e., “Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned” (Titus 3:10-11 NIV). The Greek meaning of the word divisive is “one who promotes a sect” -- i.e., a doctrine of belief.  And on this important point the Church Father Turtullian writes: “On this point, however, we dwell no longer, since it is the same Paul who, in his Epistle to the Galatians, counts 'heresies' among 'the sins of the flesh,' who also intimates to Titus, that 'a man who is a heretic' must be 'rejected after the first admonition,' on the ground that 'he that is such is perverted, and committeth sin, as a self-condemned man.' Indeed, in almost every epistle, when enjoining on us (the duty) of avoiding false doctrines, he sharply condemns heresies. Of these the practical effects are false doctrines, called in Greek heresies, a word used in the sense of that choice which a man makes when he either teaches them (to others) or takes up with them (for himself). For this reason it is that he calls the heretic self-condemned, because he has himself chosen that for which he is condemned”.   In the original Gospel teachings, it was considered a “sin of the flesh”, because schisms and divisions are the result of natural man clinging to ideas of a carnal nature.

In the following words we will see a total departure from what modern man would consider proper teaching and instruction.   If, as stated in the above quotation from the Epistle to the Hebrews, in the revelation of the Gospel man would no longer teach his brother and neighbor, then a wise man would have to totally re-evaluate our whole system of education today.   To further reveal why our whole foundation of thinking and education is a detriment to every man, woman and child -- and by education I equally lay the blame at the door steps of both sectarian and secular leaders and institutions -- we must come to understand a most important statement by the Apostle Peter where he explained that, "...therefore great care is to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the understanding of our own mind. For there are many sayings in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without".  

These words are so profoundly opposed to both our sectarian and secular nstitutions, that they simply have no place in our modern-day culture -- and this, to our own demise.    Again, let me repeat the words of Paul that when properly understood, parallels the foregoing statement by Peter -- i.e.,  "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world...".    When you recognize that tradition is based upon (human) reasoning, which is based upon "...the basic principles of this world", then what Paul is warning the congregation of believers is confirmation of the foregoing statement made by Peter.     Moreover, these statements confirm what Jesus taught regarding the commandment to seek out the One Teacher (see True Prophet) -- which explains the statement of Peter to his disciple Clement: Hence, O beloved Clement, if you would know the things pertaining to God, you have to learn them from Him alone, because He alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows anything, he has received it from Him..." 

Yet, in a total rejection of this core Gospel teaching, Christians not only seek to learn from the people of this world -- i.e., "...For you ought not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without"!!!  And again in total rejection of core Gospel teachings, the doctrines and interpretations of the scriptures are drawn totally from the very limited perspective of human organic reasoning -- i.e., "...therefore great care is to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the understanding of our own mind".   Why?   Because human reasoning is totally earth-bound, and incapable of understanding even the true reality of what is seen in the earth -- i.e., based upon "...the basic principles of this world".       

These words of both Peter and Paul are so foreign and alien to our modern-day cultural, philosophical and religious thinking, that there is very little in the whole framework of man's thinking and mindset that can prepare him to comprehend their meaning.    That believers ignore the biblical proclamation that in his "natural" organic state of mind, man is incapable of understanding his own higher soul and spiritual reality (see Mystery Of The Gospel), is representative of the very reason why Jesus commanded his followers to seek out only the One Teacher.   In fact, neither the congregation of Christian believers, or the educators who teach in our schools and universities, can even imagine the reality that is being presented in these quotations.   To the degree that to even begin to understand these words spoken by both Peter and Paul as core Gospel principles, it would be necessary for seeker/believer to totally reverse the whole foundation of his or her thinking.   Because mankind cannot even begin to come to terms with the reality portrayed in these words, he has not only surrendered and squandered away his birthright, but has immersed himself in lives of great suffering, death and destruction.   With the result being that it can be said that, because man fails to understand the reality of these words of Peter, is to consign one's life to the abyss of absolute ignorance and the sufferings of what is often allegorically portrayed as the fires (tribulations) of hell.   

It is important to recognize that the pre-Nicene Church was portrayed as a "secret system" (see The Secret Doctrine Of The Church) -- and that the early Church Father Origen confirms the above quotation of Peter in the Homilies is seen in Origen's statement that the True Prophet/Son of God will teach the true disciple -- i.e., “…which appearing is manifested to each one of those who are perfect, and which enlightens the reason in the true knowledge of things” (Origen Against Celsus, bk. Ill, ch. Ixi.).    Origen further explains that the Living Word "...was sent as a physician to sinners, but as a Teacher of Divine Mysteries to those who are already pure, and who sin no more". [Ibid., ch. Ixii. ] "Wisdom will not enter into the soul of a base man, nor dwell in a body that is involved in sin;" hence these higher teachings are given only to those who are "athletes in piety and in every virtue" 

If we pose the question: Is the above words which are quoted from the writings of Peter's disciple Clement foreign to what is found in the Bibles that Christians use today?    In many ways the above is parallel to the statement in the Epistle of John that all genuine believers and disciples of the Gospel teachings must seek the One Teacher that Jesus spoke of -- and that One Teacher would bestow upon the seeker/disciple the Anointing that reveals all Truths to the mind of the sincere seeker.   That it was intended in the original Gospel teachings that all the disciples and followers of Jesus were to seek to become Anointed (Messiah/Christ) -- and that through this Anointing they would be taught the Truth from the One Teacher and True Prophet -- is demonstrated in the Epistle of John in the words: "These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you.  But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him" (I Jn 2:26-27 NKJ).   these words are not rhetorical or dogmatic in the manner that they are sometimes used in the Churches to provide a pseudo-facade that promotes the illusion of Gospel integrity -- but rather, the problem is that these words are Pure Gnostic and Spiritual, and the means to receive this Anointing and become One with the Indwelling Logos or True Prophet, has been suppressed by the Institutionalized Church which has replaced these essential spiritual concepts with their own smoke and mirror rituals and manmade dogmatic doctrines of belief.    When Jesus taught that there is only One Way -- and that all must seek out the Son of God/Logos -- the One Way embodies the above words of Peter that the Church has totally rejected, and remain abjectively alien to the thinking of modern man.    Where the Church should be teaching these ultra-important original Gospel teachings that would make them the Light of the World, they have instead embraced the thinking of carnal man, and have promoted abject ignorance in the name of Messiah/Christ.  

While to an Atheist these concepts may appear to them as religious, nothing could be further from the truth.   Is it religious to say that you have a heart, lungs, a liver and kidneys, a brain?   While it is true that you can't see these organs from outside the body, that they exist beyond the vision of normal human perception does not at all make their existence a matter of faith and religion.   In like manner, men such as Plato, Pythagoras, Jesus and others have witnessed to the fact that there exist inner dimensions of a person's mind and being that is not only the true source of their being, but provides them the innate ability to tap into a Source of Knowledge that reveals all Truths to the mind of those who overcome the natural Laws that are portrayed as Plato's Cave or what Jesus presented as the "outer darkness" of mind and being.    That these realities exist, as sure as each person has a heart and other organs of the body that are beyond man's normal vision, is simply not consigned to the realms of belief, faith and dogmatic Church doctrine.   That the vast majority of pseudo-church authorities remain totally ignorant of these inner realities that wise and enlightened visionaries of the past have experienced and witnessed to, does not at all disprove this universal voice of experiential wisdom.    That the world of pseudo-intellectuals have never attempted to seek and explore this inner reality of the soul and what is often portrayed as the Kingdom of God, only proves and demonstrates that they have been unwilling to apply themselves in the manner that the mystic-explorers of the past have taught how to initiate these experiences within one's own self.   That these inner realities of mind and being exist, is no more religious or faith-based, than the reality that one has a heart and other organs that exist beyond man's normal vision.   What constitutes religion, is the mindset and lifestyle that enables the believer to bring the necessary transformation about within them, that provides them access to these inner realms of mind and being that are beyond man's organic vision and reach.   That different religious groups -- i.e., Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or any number of the ancient religious orders proscribe a different path on how to make the journey and gain entrance to the inner dimensions of self, is what constitutes the practice of religion.    And just as important is the fact that from an American Constitutional perspective, the mindset and lifestyle that is necessary in order to fulfill the objectives of the Gospel and make the journey in TheWay, is representative of the practice of religion that is protected by the First Amendment.    

Quoting From: The Prediction That Satan Would Rule The Church: If we pose the question as to why the modern Church is totally ignorant of these inner realities of mind and being?   In total disregard of the admonition of the scriptures themselves, the greater majority of Christians believe that the church is beyond the reach of what is allegorically portrayed as Satan -- that God somehow drew a line that Satan cannot cross over -- and because of this force of Divine protection, Satan has not immersed himself in every aspect of their lives!  Yet, to their own detriment, the leaders of the modern church ignore the warning of the Apostle: “let no man beguile you in any wise: for (it will not be,) except the falling away come first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, he that opposeth and exalteth himself against all that is called God or that is worshipped; so that he sitteth in the temple of God, setting himself forth as God” (2 Thes 2:3-4 ASV).   What the Apostle is herein very clearly predicting is that there would come a time when the god of the Christian Church will be a false god.  Historically speaking, it has been almost universally recognized that the period in time that the Apostle could have been referring to was in the fourth century when the church made a covenant with the Roman Emperor Constantine.   With regard to this falling away, the Adam Clark Commentary writes of this passage of Paul's Epistle: “[Except there come a falling away first] We have the original word apostasia in our word apostasy; and by this term we understand a dereliction of the essential principles of religious truth, either a total abandonment of Christianity itself, or such a corruption of its doctrines as renders the whole system completely inefficient to salvation. But what this apostasy means is a question which has not yet, and perhaps never will be, answered to general satisfaction” (from the Adam Clarke Commentary).

Not to depreciate or make less the significance of any one of the individual statements presented in the above words, what the modern believer must recognized is the far-reaching totality of the statement: “But what this apostasy means is a question which has not yet, and perhaps never will be, answered to general satisfaction”.  Ultimately, what this means to the modern believer is that each and every church authority from the fourth-century to the present, as well as every single preacher of the gospel, speaks from the position of concession -- which concession is that there is a great void in their knowledge of the truth.   Thus, one of the core presumptions upon which the present-day doctrine of faith is based, is that these words of the Apostle Paul are not true i.e., that Paul was wrong?.   Yet, one of the major causes of the present state of doctrinal chaos that immerses the Christian world, is based upon the failure of modern pastors and church authorities to recognize that the key to their dilemma is found in the prediction of the Apostle that there would come a time of total abandonment of the Gospel with respect to the desolation of all genuine spiritual Christian ideas and concepts.   What this means is that the Apostle predicts that in the near future, the true religion of Jesus would cease to exist in this world.

The New Covenant is defined in the words: “I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest” (Heb 8:10-11 NIV).    This spiritual reality of the New Covenant is further portrayed by Paul in the words: For the truth about God is known to them instinctively; God has put this knowledge in their hearts” (Rom 1:19 TLB).   And thus, the Gospel teachings of the New Covenant represented the fulfillment of the words: "It is written in the prophets, 'And they shall all be taught by God.' Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me" (John 6:45 NKJ).   And it was for this reason that Jesus commanded his disciples not to be called teacher or rabbi -- i.e., "But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have One Teacher, and you are all brethren" (Matt 23:8 RSV).  

Contrary to modern Christian rhetoric, there is a requirement as seen in Paul's words with respect to fulfilling the Law: For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves” (Rom 2:14 NAS).   It is of the utmost importance to recognize that Paul did not say that the believer only has to call upon the name of the Lord, as is often preached in the Churches today -- but rather, the Gentiles are required to " instinctively the things of the Law".   In teaching about this Law that Paul states the Gentile must fulfill within themselves, Jesus stated: "For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven; but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matt 5:18-20). 

While the modern Christians who have been spiritually disenfranchised by the Pagan Church of Rome do not at all understand the very essence of the core Gospel teachings with respect to overcoming the Laws that inhibit their access to the Kingdom within them (see Gate Of Eden) -- in a total rejection of the New Covenant, they teach their brothers instead of guiding them in TheWay in order to enter the Kingdom and be taught by the True Prophet.   And in not understanding that Jesus became the Messiah/Christ by fulfilling the Law within himself as stated in the words of the early Church writer Hippolytus that Jesus "...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity."  And the primary objective of the Gospel is to guide true seekers as Disciples and followers of TheWay, in order for them to pick up their own cross and "...thus fulfill the law [to the degree that] they are able to become Christs" (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).   And this spiritual reality of the New Covenant which is brought about by fulfilling the Law within one's self by becoming the Final Temple, is demonstrated in the words of God spoken to mankind with respect to Jesus and the baptism in the Jordan in the original Gospel teachings when it was stated: "Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee" (see The Ten Words) -- which means that the historical man Jesus was a man, just like any other man, who became the Messiah/Christ when he overcame the Laws and became Anointed by God.   And when it is realized that the original Gospels did not contain a Virgin Birth account -- and began in the manner of the Gospel of Mark which portrays a man named Jesus becoming the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) -- and it is further understood that the account of the Virgin Birth is in fact an allegorical portrayal of the next stage of birth that Jesus taught was necessary to enter the Kingdom (see Virgin Birth) -- then the whole reality of what is presented in the Gospels must be understood from a perspective that is simply beyond the comprehension of the Church and manmade dogmatic religion.   

That Jesus was our brother is seen in his own words that "Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God'" (John 20:17 NIV).   That Jesus became One with the Indwelling Logos/Son of God is seen in the words that his disciples held that he (Jesus) was in “...supernatural union of a man and God... In their eyes, Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal, the legitimate son of Joseph and Mary: but he was the best and wisest of the human race, selected as the worthy instrument to restore upon earth the worship of the true and supreme Deity. When he was baptized in the Jordan, the Christ, the first of the aeons, the Son of God himself, descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, to inhabit his mind, and direct his actions during the allotted period of his ministry” (Gibbon; The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, V.4, P.366).     And thus, the requirement of the original Gospel teachings is for those who were followers and believers, to imitate the pattern that Jesus set forth, and to do the Commandments that would fulfill the Law within the individual believer -- i.e., "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46 KJV).   And this is why Jesus warned those who would call themselves his followers and believers: “And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matt 10:38-39 NKJ).   The requirement that has been set forth is that “ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy” (Lev 11:45 KJV).    In the words of Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa: “…it is imperative on all those who have an equally earnest desire for the Good as He has, to be followers by the path of an exact imitation of Him Who leads the way to salvation, and to carry into action what He has shown them. It is, in fact impossible for persons to reach the same goal unless they travel by the same ways”.   And this is why the requirement was set forth by Jesus with respect to his disciples and followers:  “You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt 5:48 RSV).   Only those who become the "good ground" in the parable of the Sower and the Seed, can be taught by the Logos/Son of God/True Prophet -- to the degree that they can themselves become Anointed (Messiah/Christ)-- i.e., "These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you. But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him. And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming. If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him" (1 Jn 2:26-29 NKJ). The necessary "...practice [of] righteousness" has absolutely nothing in common with the blind belief of manmade Church doctrines which is promoted by Christians today -- but rather, the very thinking, lifestyle and mindset of the sincere seeker who strives to do as Jesus taught, and seek the Kingdom (within).     And this important Gospel teaching is presented in the words of the Apostle John: “Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure” (1 Jn 3:3 NIV).

While the Church under Pagan Rome adopted the doctrine that Jesus was a perpetual sacrifice that permitted believers to be exempt from the sins that they continued to commit -- even after coming to the knowledge of TheWay -- Paul condemned those who hold this doctrine as apostates to the Gospel -- i.e.,  "For it is impossible to restore again to repentance those who ...then commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold him up to contempt.. For if we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries." (Heb 6:4-6;10:26-27 RSV).   What this means is that the religion of Jesus in its original form was one of spiritual transformation -- and those who willfully sin, crucify the Son of God (indwelling Logos) afresh, and "...there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries."   These, and other such spiritual concepts, were totally unacceptable to the heathen Church of Rome, and the scriptures were corrupted in order to make them support the doctrines of the emperor.  That the Church has abandoned the original teachings of Jesus, and have ignored the facts when it is demonstrated that the Church of Rome corrupted the very words of God spoken to man (see The Ten Words ), means that until the Church itself repents of this great sin against the Holy Spirit, they will remain under a cloud of ignorance in an exile state in a Spiritual Diaspora.

What this means is that if you call upon the name of the Lord in the manner of Christians today, and you then knowingly sin, you not only "...commit apostasy" and yourself "...crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold him up to contempt" -- but, as an apostate to the New Covenant, "...there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins".   If we ask the question: Did Paul really mean that the sacrifice on the cross is canceled for those who knowingly sin after calling upon the name of the Lord?   This is confirmed in the words of Paul when he wrote: "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? …knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin… Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts. And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace. What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not! Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?” (Rom 6:1-16 NKJ).

The Gospel teachings of TheWay, is the path where the lower carnal nature is spiritually transformed -- i.e.,  "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature" (Col 3:5 NIV).   To the degree where every thought is raised up to it's highest spiritual expression -- i.e., "…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5 NIV).   For Paul correctly warned that “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live” (Rom 8:13 KJV).   That living after the flesh is sin -- and r if we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries" -- which means that the whole structure of the modern Church which promotes Jesus as an exemption for living lives of sin attached to our carnally driven culture, is a Gospel fraud that is being peddled in the Churches for the profit of the clergy.    And as a Church that promotes apostasy in the name of Jesus, this is why modern Christians are totally ignorant of the means by which they are to come into the Presence of the Indwelling Logos/Son of God (see True Prophet), and learn directly from the One Teacher that Jesus said to exclusively learn from.   Thus, the modern Christian who is spiritually disenfranchised, teach in the manner of the people and wisdom of this world, and totally fail to understand the statement of Peter: "...therefore great care is to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the understanding of our own mind. For there are many sayings in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without".

ONLY the direct teaching of the One True Prophet can reveal the true spiritual meaning of the scriptures.   Peter correctly states that a believer should reject all outward interpretations.   Paul correctly states that a believer must reject all doctrines and sects as being turned out of TheWay.    It is for this reason the Apostle cautioned Titus to “Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned” (Titus 3:10-11 NIV).   Paul was so adamantly opposed to manmade schisms and carnal opinions that he chastised the believers at Corinth that they were not men of the spirit -- as was evidenced that they had divisions among them.   He explained that the carnal, or “natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14 KJV); and informs them that they are too “carnal, and walk as men” (1 Cor 3:3 KJV) to open the inner door of the mind and learn directly from the Lord via the spirit. From his perspective, the very existence of these divisions was proof the believers at Corinith were too carnal to experience direct communication with the indwelling True Prophet -- which opening of the inner door to the spirit was the whole essence of New Covenant theology.

Writing about schisms and divisions that Paul condemns in the above statement in the Epistle to Titus, the Church Father Turtillian writes: “On this point, however, we dwell no longer, since it is the same Paul who, in his Epistle to the Galatians, counts 'heresies' among 'the sins of the flesh,' who also intimates to Titus, that 'a man who is a heretic' must be 'rejected after the first admonition,' on the ground that 'he that is such is perverted, and committeth sin, as a self-condemned man.' Indeed, in almost every epistle, when enjoining on us (the duty) of avoiding false doctrines, he sharply condemns heresies. Of these the practical effects are false doctrines, called in Greek heresies, a word used in the sense of that choice which a man makes when he either teaches them (to others) or takes up with them (for himself). For this reason it is that he calls the heretic self-condemned, because he has himself chosen that for which he is condemned”.   In the gospel preached by Paul, heresy is considered a “sin of the flesh”, because schisms and divisions are the result of natural man clinging to ideas of a carnal nature.   Why are these baptized and committed Christians plagued by schisms and divisions?   Because they only call upon the Lord with their lips, while failing to do as the Apostle states by following in The Way and “Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature” (Col 3:5 NIV).

Sincere believers must therefore turn from the understanding of the flesh, or in the words of the Apostle: “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” (Rom 8:6 KJV).  The religion of Christ was one of the spirit -- and Paul taught the Gentile believers not to look to the historical man Jesus, but rather the indwelling Spiritual Living Messiah/Christ as their savior and revealer of truth: “Therefore from now on we recognize no man according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according o the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer” (2 Cor 5:16 NAS).   This Spiritual Messiah/Christ, over the historical Messiah/Christ in the flesh, was what biblical scholar Rudolf Bultmann was speaking of when he concluded that the “…Christian faith is, and should be, comparatively uninterested in the historical Jesus and centered instead on the transcendent Christ” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1998 electronic edition).

It is the manner in which modern man teaches, that totally alienates mankind from the very Source of Truth and Knowledge that they seek.  



@@@ The Folly Of Hinduism:  Following the reasoning of Napoleon Bonaparte when he reasoned that one should not interrupt one's enemy when he is bringing about his own self-destruction, in many instances the Atheists can rely upon many Hindu activists, the New Age, Theosophy and the writings of Helena Blavatsky to assist in their anti-God agenda.    In their exclusion and denial of God, the Atheists attempt to portray all religious concepts and beliefs as either man's failed attempt to explain what he does not understand, or his borrowing doctrines of beliefs from others.   

^ Secular Imposed Death - Modern Slavery: The profound question that has been set before modern man that must be answered, is this: Why must sincere seekers of Truth be forced to embrace the spiritually disenfranchised thinking, mindset and lifestyle of those who can only be described as self-destructive Atheists?   If there is a First Amendment protection of the practice of religion -- and the practice of religion is the mindset, thinking and lifestyle of the child -- then how can government impose an Atheist-based mindset and lifestyle upon the children in the name of education?    They can't -- and the fact that both church and state is in collusion to suppress genuine spiritual expressions of religion, demonstrates the fallacy of UnAlienable God-Given Rights -- to the detriment of all of mankind who is suffering the consequences.

If the Source of all knowledge is within -- and this source can only be accessed via the expansion of mind that exists in the (Etheric) Field -- then our government is not only violating the First Amendment Establishment clause -- but is representative of an Atheist-Theocracy that inhibits the Practice of Genuine Spiritual Religion.    And this is true even when these Atheists profess a belief in God.   And by this I indicate those people who by virtue of their thinking, mindset and lifestyle, are so inhibiting their progress, that they are very much committing spiritual suicide.  

If the true objective of religion -- and especially, the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay -- was to live one's life in such a manner that the seeker/disciple begins to connect with the Indwelling Logos -- with the objective beginning to receive directly from the Logos, what is portrayed as the Divine Manna of the Kingdom, which is often referred to as Gnosis -- then how can there be true freedom of religion, and separation of church and state, when it is the state that requires the child and people to become immersed in a mindset and lifestyle which "...destroys and pollutes, as far as in them lies, the Deity dwelling in them - that is, the Logos -- by association with their vices” which are an integral part of the thinking and lifestyle which the government ordained and required systems of education immerse the child and the people in?   What this means is that freedom of thought, freedom of religion, as well as the First Amendment separation of church and state, has been totally done away with by our modern social-secular culture.   

While many will view the above as an extremist position -- i.e., my position that our cultural mindset and lifestyle is in fact a state of death -- what they fail to recognize is the fact that this is exactly what Jesus taught.    This is demonstrated in the Gospels where it is written that: “Another disciple said to him, Lord, first let me go and bury my father. But Jesus told him, Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead” (Matt 8:21-22 NIV).   The dead who Jesus is making reference to, are the people of an organic (carnal) mind.    And in like manner Jesus commanded to "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." (Matt 7:13-14 NKJ).   The way of our cultural mindset and lifestyle, is the "...broad ...way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it."   And if this is indeed true, do we have to surrender our lives --  as well as that of our children -- because those who are spiritually disenfranchised by virtue of their carnal mindset and lifestyle, remain predicatively dead to man's own higher soul and spiritual reality?    Must we be slaves to the walking dead?   Ruled over by Cultural Zombies?    Even when the spiritually dead profess a philosophical belief in Jesus?   Or more accurately, the Jesus of Pagan Rome?    Is this position radical?   In the same way that the early Christians were fed to the lions and slaughtered in the Roman Coliseums for refusing to worship the emperor, in living in accord with the mindset and lifestyle of the emperor's culture, modern believers have already been overcome and spiritually seduced into walking the broad-way of destruction that Jesus warned about.    And, in analysis, nothing could be more unconstitutional, than the forced subjugation of one's mind and life, in order to accommodate the requirements of quasi-intellectual elitists, or government.   Isn't this forced living in accord with the dictates of another -- or the government -- merely a modern form of slavery?    

At the beginning of our Common Era, those mature Jews and Christians who succeeded in bringing about "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”, were called Gnostics.   Why?   Because they understood the cosmology of man's own mind and being -- and they lived in such a way that permitted them to break down the inner barrier of organic consciousness, and tap into the higher reality of the soul -- and ultimately, what is called the Logos or Son of God.   Thus, they were Gnostics, because they underwent the process of spiritual transformation that in the words of Paul, overcame the inner divisions and limitations by: "Put[ing] to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature" (Col 3:5 NIV).   They possessed the Knowledge of both their True Self, and the Divine, which was directly imparted to them from an Inner Spiritual Source which Jesus taught was the objective of being his disciple and travailing in TheWay.   Under the heading of Gnosticism, the Encyclopedia Britannica states: “Among the majority of the followers of the movement, 'Gnosis' was understood not as meaning 'knowledge' or 'understanding', in our sense of the word, but 'revelation'. These little Gnostic sects and groups all lived in the conviction that they possessed a secret and mysterious knowledge, in no way accessible to those outside, which was not to be proved or propagated, but believed in by the initiated, and anxiously guarded as a secret. This knowledge of theirs was not based on reflection, on scientific inquiry and proof, but on revelation. It was derived directly from the times of primitive Christianity, from the Savior himself and from his disciples and friends, with whom they claimed to be connected by a secret tradition, or else from later prophets, of whom many sects boasted. It was laid down in wonderful mystic writings, which were in the possession of the various circles”.    

Why did the Spiritual Christians who were known as Gnostics possess a Knowledge that was not readily available to the spiritually immature who called themselves Orthodox?    As modern science has indicated with respect to the nature of physical matter, the brain itself which is comprised of earth-matter -- is of an earth-vibration -- and therefore, does not normally support and utilize those areas of the mind that are not supported in man's day to day worldly interactions.   At the above link (see  Gnostic Vision ), Creation is portrayed as a hologram -- and what we perceive to be physical matter, is only a very narrow piece of the greater spectrum of man's true reality -- i.e., Darwinism in reverse.   But, because the brain itself is comprised of earth-matter that is vibrating at what would be portrayed as the physical frequency native to the three dimensions of the earth-matter -- the result is that IN THE CASE OF MOST PEOPLE, the brain and the mind remain intimately attached and in harmony with what we would portray as organic (carnal) consciousness -- incapable of tapping into the indwelling Logos/Son of God.     An example of this fact is presented to us in the case of those people who have experienced a Near Death Experience (NDE), the mind is forcefully separated from the brain via the physical death of the body -- and with this separation, the mind was no longer subject to the limitations of physical matter.   The result is that suddenly, without warning, a whole new world opens up to the vision and experiences of the person who has been freed from the mental limitations of the physical body, as the mind is forcefully separated from its biological attachment to the brain.











In the words of Louis Pasteur: "Chance favors the prepared mind".   Which can also be expressed as "success favors the prepared environment of mind".   In the same way that a tilled and prepared garden brings forth the greatest harvest, there is an environment of mind that permits and enables man to arise to his highest potential.   And when the Laws of Creation are properly understood, there is no such thing as luck, chance or random events -- because all things including success, have a pre-existing cause.   But sadly, because the American People no longer possess the enlightened wisdom of the Constitutional Framers -- and are not cognizant of, nor possess, any understanding of the Laws whatsoever that control the events of the earth or the plight of mankind therein, they are presently in the process of polluting and throwing away the very environment of mind and being that brought about their greatest success.  

In the words of John Adams: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”    Not only was our Constitution made for a moral and religious people, it's very design was brought forth by a truly Spiritual People who understood the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, who recognized the need to set forth an Environment through which higher consciousness and manifest reality could spring forth, be nourished, and evolved.   An environment which enabled man to reach up and manifest his highest potential.    The fact that our Constitutional Framers were not drawn from traditional faith-based Christianity -- but rather, mature Christians who were fundamentally portrayed as Deists -- and this body of mature Christians possessed a higher knowledge that was incomprehensible to the minds of the faith-based Christians -- is an important part of the equation that brought forth American Exceptionalism.   There are no accidents -- and the great success of the American People is the direct result of the Laws that were invoked and put into effect at the founding of the Nation.

In the Gospels, Jesus presented the parable of the Sower and the Seed -- which could better be portrayed as the "...environment of mind" that is necessary to achieve Spiritual Success.   That for the most part the modern Christians know absolutely nothing about spiritual maturity -- and in their rejection of the earliest tenets of the Gospel as a religion that brings about the expansion and heightening of mind and consciousness (see Expansion of Mind), the modern Christians has basically abandoned the essential teachings of the parable of the Sower and the Seed ,-- and it is this abandonment of essential Gospel Teachings that is largely responsible for the deterioration of the Constitutional environment that ushered in the great American model of success.    When it is understood that during the time-frame of the foundation of our Constitutional form of government, it was the Deists who were representative of the ultimate spiritually evolved and matured Christians -- and that they possessed an enlightened vision and understanding of the Laws and Forces of the earth, because Creator-God grants only to the most sincere among mankind the higher understanding through the Divine Insight and Knowledge that Enlightens the truly faithful seeker to the Laws and the Ultimate Order of the world.   And only when this reality is comprehended, can the great vision of our Constitutional Framers be understood.  

Where immature Christians embrace the dogma of blind-faith that has sunk the Church into the abyss of spiritual complacency -- the essential teachings of Jesus as set forth in  the parable of the Sower and the Seed presented the mark of ultimate success portrayed as the "good ground" -- without which, the Christian remains infantile in their thinking and hopelessly spiritually disenfranchised.    That the body of faith-based believers remain totally unaware of even the reality of mature Christians who are directly taught by the Logos/Son of God -- and are therefore not subject to the cloud of sectarian confusion that envelops the modern Church -- is easily proven beyond any question.   And that the New World was perceived to be a gateway to a new start for mankind, is a reality that few Americans understand or even appreciate today.   Thus, what is often portrayed as American Exceptionalism is directly related to the Divine Design of the Laws that manifested a higher potential for the American People.    But since the modern American knows virtually nothing about the Organic Laws of Nature and Nature's God that was portrayed in the founding documents of America, this essential knowledge remains beyond their comprehension.   Thus, American Exceptionalism is not an accident.   And the Spiritual Foundation and Roots of the Nation was brought forth by our Constitutional Framers -- a group of souls that are perhaps best portrayed as The American Gnostics.    But from the perspective of the majority of modern Americans, the reality of how the United States came into existence is incomprehensible.    The concept that a highly evolved group of souls can enter this world on a mission with set objectives -- and that these objectives can be brought about by invoking Laws that the majority of Americans know absolutely nothing about -- a Foundation of Laws that would create an environment that would bring forth what we now refer to as American Exceptionalism -- is simply incomprehensible from the modern cultural perspective.   And yet, this is exactly how the United States came into being.   And because these spiritually advanced souls understood the higher reality of the Laws that were invoked, what has often been portrayed as American Exceptionalism came into being. 

In the same way that the original teachings associated with the historical Jesus known as TheWay no longer exists in our present time because of the absolute corruption endured under the control of the Church (see Corruption Of The Church), what was called Deism no longer exists today -- and modern Deists have very little in common with the Deists of 18th century America.    And while I could very well write about the Laws in the following under some other heading -- or, even remove any references to Deism -- I have chosen not to, because it is important that Americans begin to understand the great truths that they have squandered away by permitting government to overstep its Constitutional bounds.   Thus, the warning sounded by Benjamin Franklin is presently coming to pass in the life of most Americans who fail to understand the Divine Intervention that brought America about -- i.e., "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."    In the same way that the modern Christian would ardently turn upon the historical man Jesus -- condemning him as a heretic if he walked among them today -- because the great truths that he would speak would be rejected by a pagan and dogmatized Church that has turned upon its own First Principles  --  those who today call themselves Deists, would turn upon and condemn Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington,  in much the same manner.   In fact, most modern Deists, as with most Americans today, will not even recognize the wisdom and knowledge of the reality of the Laws of Nature and Nature's God that I will set forth in the following as being an integral part of the original American heritage that has been ignorantly thrown away.

Our Nation was conceived in Spirit, and born from the wisdom and efforts of truly advanced spiritual souls who entered the world in the 18th century to create a foundational environment that would permit mankind to aspire to his highest potential in all things -- and especially in the development and manifestation of his innate spirituality.   Thus, this core group of our Constitutional Framers who I portray as American Gnostics, were drawn from the upper echelons of all religious paths -- and especially Christianity which "...they considered true, original Christianity to be the same as this original natural religion" which they embraced -- and they were for the most part called Deists, because of their enlightened understanding of the Laws.   The Encyclopedia defines Deism as: "Deism holds that God does not intervene with the functioning of the natural world in any way, allowing it to run according to the laws of nature that he configured when he created all things. ...Prior to the 17th century the terms ['Deism' and 'Deist'] were used interchangeably with the terms 'theism' and 'theist,' respectively.  ...Both [theists and Deists] asserted belief in one supreme God, the Creator... and agreed that God is personal and distinct from the world. But the theist taught that God remained actively interested in and operative in the world which he had made, whereas the Deist maintained that God endowed the world at creation with self-sustaining and self-acting powers and then abandoned it to the operation of these powers acting as second causes."   

   The Prodigal Son And The Theist/Deist Perception Of Creation: What is the difference between the two above positions?   The theist asserted that it was necessary for Creator-God to perpetually intervene in the day to day affairs of this world, while the Deist position was that Creator-God brought forth and initiated a series of Laws which He "...endowed the world at creation with self-sustaining and self-acting powers and then abandoned it to the operation of these powers acting as second causes."    The Deist theology has often been portrayed as the Clock Maker Universe Theory -- i.e., (Quoting): "The clockwork universe theory compares the universe to a mechanical clock wound up by a supreme being, or initiated by the Big Bang. It continues ticking along, as a perfect machine, with its gears governed by the laws of physics, making every single aspect of the machine completely predictable. Before the emergence of quantum mechanics, many scientists believed that the Universe was completely deterministic in this way.   ...This conception of the universe consisted of a huge, regulated and uniform machine that operated according to natural laws in absolute time, space, and motion. God was the master-builder, who created the perfect machine and let it run. God was the Prime Mover, who brought into being the world in its lawfulness, regularity, and beauty. This view of God as the creator, who stood aside from his work and didn’t get involved directly with humanity, was called Deism (which predates Newton) and was accepted by many who supported the 'new philosophy'."  

If the Deist perception of God can be portrayed in the Clockmaker theology that once the clock is built and wound, it will thereafter function exactly as designed, the theist perspective of God is that of a tinkerer who has pieced together a jalopy that is in need of constant intervention in order to make the thing work.    The problem is that in the correct vision of Creation, both paradoxical opposite positions each possess degrees of truth -- and this truth can only be understood by a person of an evolved depth of vision and comprehension.   In the parable of the prodigal son, the Father does not come rushing into what is portrayed as the Far Country every time his lost son is in need or suffering a fate that he has brought upon himself.   And yet, when the parable is understood, it can be seen where both perceptions (the theist and Deist) are equally true -- i.e., it is stated that the son had a change of mind: “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!  I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’  So he got up and went to his father."    So it can be said that so long as the son remained attached to the thinking and lifestyle of this world, no intervention took place on the part of the Father.   Yet, we do have this intervention at a certain point: “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."   And since the parables are representative of the universal plight of mankind, this intervention was personal, and in accord with the individuals spiritual condition.  

Again, there are two perspectives of reality presented that is not at all understood within the enigma of both the parable, and the two theological positions.   With respect to the people of this world, Jesus portrayed some as existing in a type of prison (see The Prison), others as dwelling in what he portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness) -- which, when properly understood, relate to various conditions within the analogy of Plato's Cave of Illusions.    That those who dwell in The Prison, or in the Outer Darkness, dwell under the very tight and all-pervading control of The Laws -- with very little freedom and opportunity -- is representative of those who dwell as the prodigal son in the Far Country under the strict control of the power that Jesus portrayed as the Citizen, which Paul said was the god of this world.   In contradistinction, those who have brought about that condition of mind and being which is portrayed as the "good ground" in the parable of the Sower and the Seed, have been given the opportunity to break free from the shackles of  The Prison, emerge out of the Outer Darkness of mind and being, and travail in TheWay.   Thus, in the same way that the Father came to the son "...while he was still a long way off", this intervention took place only after the son had begun the Journey in TheWay.  

With respect to those who dwell in what Jesus portrayed as The Prison, he said of them: “Thou shalt by no means come out from there, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing” (Mat 5:26).   How does one get out of  The Prison?  By fulfilling The Law.   While that condition of mind portrayed as the Outer Darkness is presented in a number of places, it is the result of not being prepared by putting on what is portrayed as the "wedding garment" of spiritual purity -- i.e., "So he said to him, 'Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?' And he was speechless.  Then the king said to the servants, 'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'  For many are called, but few are chosen" (Matt 22:12-14 NKJ).    And because those in the prison, or those who dwelt in the outer darkness, were rendered spiritually deaf, blind, and lack the depth of mind necessary to comprehend man's higher reality, Jesus could only speak to them in parables -- i.e., "And the disciples came and said to Him, Why do You speak to them in parables?  He answered and said to them, Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given." (Matt 13:10-17 NKJ).   To say that Creator-God intervened in the lives of those who had been cast into the prison, or whose carnal mindset and lifestyle inhibited them from putting on the required wedding garment of spiritual purity, was the result of dogmatic folly that was promoted by a Church which had been turned out of TheWay.  The Citizen of the Far Country is portrayed in the words of the original ending of the Gospel of Mark: "This Age of lawlessness and unbelieving lies under the sway of Satan, who will not allow what lies under the unclean spirits to understand the truth and power of God" (see Original Gospel Message).    That the people who cling to the mindset and lifestyle of this world remain "...under the sway of Satan" -- and must themselves fulfill the Laws which act as a Living Bio-Feedback machine to interact with each individual person, is exactly what the Deists portrayed when they stated that Creator-God brought forth and initiated a series of Laws which He "...endowed the world at creation with self-sustaining and self-acting powers and then abandoned it to the operation of these powers acting as second causes."   These Laws "...acting as second causes", maintained a constant vigilance on the thoughts and actions of each person, responding back to them in the same way as a prison guard responds back to those who are imprisoned.     

The secret to the dilemma of the paradox of both the theists and the Deists as presented in the parable of the prodigal son, is in the elder son/brother who remains with the Father -- of whom the Father states: “‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours."   And since it cannot be said of any group or person that they remained always faithful and with God, not one of the Churches or sectarian authorities have ever been able to properly interpret the parable, or grasp who the elder son is?   While many have attempted to portray the Jews in the role of the elder son, it cannever be said of the Jews from a Christian perspective that they have "always [remained] with [God]  and everything [God has] is [theirs]" because of their absolute faithfulness to the Father.  Yet, the key to all human sectarian, secular and philosophical confusion, is embodied in a proper and enlightened understanding of the son that did not depart from the Father and the Kingdom, and remained ever faithful.

What the theists fail to understand is that what they believe from a dogmatic perspective, is portrayed by Paul as the elementary doctrines of Christ -- i.e., what Paul portrayed as "milk" intended for spiritually immature believers (see Mystery Of The Gospel) -- which was based upon allegorical biblical texts (see An Inconvenient Truth) -- which was presented as a kindergarten-level of Gospel instruction.   And that the believer was supposed to “...leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity” (Heb 6:1-2 NIV).   In the parable of the Sower and the Seed the spiritual expansion and developmental-growth that takes place is dependent upon the conditions of the ground within which the Word has been implanted.   That those conditions portrayed in the parable as the side of TheWay, the rocky ground and being sown among thorns directly influences the growth of the seed -- is a matter of Laws when properly understood.   It is not that the seed does not have the potential to evolve and manifest its highest expression -- but rather, the development of the seed is directly impacted by the condition of the ground in which it has been planted.   Thus, while the seed remains the same regardless of where it is planted, once the seed is sown, the development of the seeds are in direct accordance with the conditions of the environment within which they were cast.   That the seeds all have the same potential -- but are limited by the conditions of their environment -- is representative of an abiding spiritual truth that is universal to all of mankind.   And in the same way that a farmer understands that his crops must have the proper environmental conditions in order to achieve their full potential -- these conditions of success are initiated even before the seed has been cast into the ground -- in accordance with the natural Laws that are necessary to sustain growth and development.   What this means is that this world is an Organic Machine -- a type of Womb that is designed to nourish and permit expansive growth and development when the conditions exist to stimulate and support maximum expansion of mind and being -- evolving the individual into a state of enlightenment and knowing.

In our present time there exists a body of Christians who are attempting to portray our Constitutional form of government as the product of faith-based Christianity -- often referred to as being founded upon Judeo-Christian teachings and philosophy.   And without understanding the difference between entry-level faith-based Christians, and mature Christians who are Spiritual and Gnostic, the assertion on their part amounts to an attempt to rewrite history from a purely dogmatic Church perspective.   It is their position that what may be known about God is written in a religious text -- that higher knowledge does not exist -- that man must remain in a state of perpetual ignorance -- and that the Laws that were inaugurated at the beginning of Creation itself, have no impact upon mankind and his plight in this world.   When in actuality, just the opposite is true -- and the Constitution  was in fact brought forth by Spiritually Mature Christians who were called Deists and Masons -- and these Spiritually Mature Christians worked in conjunction with each other to insure that man's thinking would not be limited and rendered impotent by the same Church dogma brought about the Dark Ages and a spiritually disenfranchised Europe.   One such attempt to rewrite history can be seen in The Faith Of Our Fathers article on the Stand To Reason web site where they present the position that even the Deists and Masons were strongly influenced by Christianity -- i.e., "As for others--George Washington, Samuel Adams, James Madison, John Witherspoon, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, John Adams, Patrick Henry, and even Thomas Jefferson--their personal correspondence, biographies, and public statements are replete with quotations showing that these thinkers had political philosophies deeply influenced by Christianity."  But, when rightly understood in light of the above statement that "...Both [theists and Deists] asserted belief in one supreme God, the Creator... and agreed that God is personal and distinct from the world. But the theist taught that God remained actively interested in and operative in the world which he had made, whereas the Deist maintained that God endowed the world at creation with self-sustaining and self-acting powers and then abandoned it to the operation of these powers acting as second causes" -- the common foundation can immediately seen -- and the major difference is understood as the faith-based Christians ignorance of both the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, as well as the spiritual meaning of the scriptures which their dogmatic limitations rendered them blind and incapable of comprehending.  

When rightfully understood, what the founding American Gnostics who were representative of Mature Spiritual Christians (Deists) understood that the theists did not, is the reality that the Laws of God that were brought into existence and being at Creation, supported and sustained all realities of this world -- that these Laws were never suspended in order to provide one group of men an advantage or special dispensation over other groups of men -- i.e., that neither the Jews nor the Christians were exempt from observing and maintaining an allegiance to the Royal Laws of the Most High God.   And ultimately what this means is that the Laws of God are predictable, rational, logical, and are totally uniform in their application in the lives of all of mankind.   Moreover, because these Laws in their higher purpose respond to man's thoughts, desires and actions, they exist in the manner of a Living Bio-Feedback machine that brought about the higher spiritual objectives with which God imbued all of Creation with in the beginning.   What this means is that no one is exempt from the Laws and the Will of God -- no one has an unfair advantage over their brothers and sisters -- that all of mankind has a common destiny that is controlled, orchestrated and brought about by the Laws -- and that there is a higher purpose for all things than what man can envision in his very limited organic and unenlightened state of mind.   And that while it is within man's potential to not only understand the movement and purpose of these Laws that bring about and initiate all events in this world -- and that it is man's innate ability to prevail over these Laws and reign supreme in the manner of their elder brother Jesus -- in order to bring about this potential, man must himself make the effort to fulfill the Laws that both control and bring about his Ultimate Destiny -- portrayed as the return of the prodigal son to the Kingdom.

The Question: The question set before the American people today is this -- i.e., can a man become cognizant and therefore learn about the very Forces and Laws that control the workings of his own mind -- and then, begin to apply this knowledge collectively within the holographic pattern of Creation in order to understand what the Nations Founders portrayed as The Laws Of Nature And Nature's God?   When Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God is within each of us (see Gate Of Eden), what was being conveyed was the reality that our own mind and being is segmented -- as has been proven by modern physics (see Science Proves Religion).   Further, that this segmentation of mind is the natural result of the Laws and Forces of Consciousness working within our own being -- that all genuine esoteric knowledge is that of self-knowledge or the Cosmology of one's own mind and being -- and that the objective is to begin to overcome this inner segmentation of mind, in the endeavor to gain access to what the disciples of Jesus portrayed as the One Teacher who is the True Prophet -- i.e., the Source of All Knowledge.    Deists such as Thomas Paine often portrayed the literal text of the scriptures as being untrue and not historically accurate.   And when we pose the question: What does the Bible state?   The Apostle Paul portrayed the scriptures as the "letter that killeth" (2 Cor 3:6) and "Jewish fables" (Tit 1:14) -- stating that the written text of the scriptures was purely allegorical.   In the article  An Inconvenient Truth the fact is presented that the purpose of the scriptures was to preserve and conceal the esoteric knowledge within the garb of allegory to protect it from the unenlightened carnal believers and their pseudo-religious leaders (see An Inconvenient Truth).   The enlightened few have always pointed out the countless inconsistencies which were purposely inserted into the literal text of the scriptures which the critics portray as being so numerous and unbelievable to a rational minded person, that is was pointed out by the Church Father Origen when he portrayed the literal text as virtually worthless -- i.e., “Scripture contains an unhistorical element in-woven with the history, in order that the worthlessness of the latter may drive us to seek the spiritual meaning” (Origen quoted under Origen Adamntius; The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics).   Further explaining in De Principiis that: “Where the word found that things done according to the history could be adapted to these mystical senses, he made use of them concealing from the multitude the deeper meaning; but where in the narrative of the development of super-sensual things, there did not follow the performance of those certain events which were already indicated by the mystical meaning, the scripture interwove in the history the account of some event that did not take place, sometimes what could not have happened; sometimes what could but did not.”   And that the carnal mind of both the blind believer, as well as the skeptic critic, both attempt to ignore these important inconsistencies (see Inconsistencies Purposely Written Into Body Of Scriptural Text), and attempt to read the scriptures as an historical account, inhibits them from perceiving and understanding the great truths that lie concealed beneath the allegorical texts.   And in the proper application of the scriptures as the Key of Knowledge, the Church Father Origen writes: “But all the narrative portion, relating either to the marriages, or to the begetting of the children, or to battles of different kinds, or to any other histories whatever, what else can they be supposed to be, save the forms and figures of hidden and sacred things? As men, however, make little effort to exercise their intellect, or imagine that they possess knowledge before they really learn, the consequence is that they never begin to have knowledge"

What does this mean?   What it means is that "...all the narrative portion [of the scriptures], relating either to the marriages, or to the begetting of the children, or to battles of different kinds, or to any other histories whatever", do not at all pertain to historical accounts of man's more distant past -- but rather, to the Forces and Laws that are presently working within man's own mind and being.   Why?   How could Origen who was called the prince of Christian learning second only to the Apostles themselves, state that the historical interpretation of the scriptures is "worthless"?  And that what is presented in the written text as marriages, the begetting of children, and the many various wars and battles are not at all historical -- but rather, an allegorical portrayal of the Forces and Laws working within one's own mind and being?   The answer is this: A truly spiritual people have no need of an historical account in their search for Truth -- but rather, their primary concern is to tap into the Inner Source of Knowledge which the disciples portrayed as the True Prophet.    And because man's pseudo-authorities of this world remain virtually ignorant of the profound reality portrayed in Origen's statement that "...As men, however, make little effort to exercise their intellect, or imagine that they possess knowledge before they really learn, the consequence is that they never begin to have knowledge" -- indicating and confirming the reality that the Source of Knowledge already dwells within man -- in his failing to understand the Cosmology of his own mind and being, the vast majority of pseudo-intellectuals merely alienate themselves from the True Source of Knowledge within themselves that remains a perpetual enigma.  

As advanced souls who entered this world to collectively create a totally different government that would manifest the necessary environment that would enable man to achieve his ultimate potential, our Constitutional Framers understood that the only way for a believer to know the Truth that will set them free, is to live in accord with the spiritual truths and principles that permits God to Anoint the mind of the seeker/disciple.    Unbeknown to both religious and non-religious Americans today is the fact that one of the primary objectives of the teachings of Jesus that were associated with the path of TheWay, was the "heightening and expansion of the mind" -- thus, bringing about a highly evolved and spiritual condition of mind and enlightened state of consciousness (in summary see The Heightening And Expansion Of Mind).    But this original objective became corrupted, eradicated and eventually outlawed, when the most carnal group of pseudo-priests permitted the Church to become adopted as a puppet of Pagan Rome in the fourth century (in summary see Government Intrusion And Takeover Of Religion).   And again, unbeknown to the modern believer and unbeliever alike, is the reality that the original teachings of TheWay was in fact a system of education and enlightenment (in summary see Religion As A System Of Education).    

In the same way that the historical man Jesus and his core disciples entered into this world at the beginning of our Common Era to inaugurate a much more pure and enlightened system of religion known as TheWay -- which in its corrupted state, has come to be known as Christianity today (in summary see The Corruption Of The Church) -- many of these same advanced souls entered into this world in the 18th century to create a foundational environment that would permit mankind to aspire to his highest potential (see The Perfect Seed).   And in understanding the Laws within which all of mankind and Creation moved -- the mature and enlightened Christians who were portrayed as the Deist Framers of our Constitutional form of government, understood the foundational environment that was both necessary, and would promote the growth of the Living Word that the Gospel declares is sown in the hearts of all of mankind -- who is biblically portrayed as the prodigal sons and daughters of the Most High God who are lost in this, the Far Country, under the control of the god of this world (citizen of the Far Country).   But the fact that the truly enlightened Christians have been condemned by the Church, and historically portrayed as heretics, the question then becomes: By what name do you call an evolved and matured Christian whose spiritual knowledge has enlightened him far beyond the very limited knowledge and understanding of the faith-based believer?   While they can be portrayed as American Gnostics -- they were often called Deists, because over the course of many lifetimes they had submitted themselves to the spiritual process of TheWay, and were themselves enlightened spiritual souls.   But who were the Deists?   Quoting the Wikipedia under Deism: History of religion and the deist mission.   Most deists saw the religions of their day as corruptions of an original, pure religion that was simple and rational. They felt that this original pure religion had become corrupted by "priests" who had manipulated it for personal gain and for the class interests of the priesthood in general.   According to this world view, over time "priests" had succeeded in encrusting the original simple, rational religion with all kinds of superstitions and "mysteries" – irrational theological doctrines. Laymen were told by the priests that only the priests really knew what was necessary for salvation and that laymen must accept the "mysteries" on faith and on the priests' authority. This kept the laity baffled by the nonsensical "mysteries", confused, and dependent on the priests for information about the requirements for salvation. The priests consequently enjoyed a position of considerable power over the laity, which they strove to maintain and increase. Deists referred to this kind of manipulation of religious doctrine as "priestcraft", a highly derogatory term.  Deists saw their mission as the stripping away of "priestcraft" and "mysteries" from religion, thereby restoring religion to its original, true condition – simple and rational. In many cases, they considered true, original Christianity to be the same as this original natural religion. 

To the detriment of the congregation of believers of all of man's religions, the above position of the Deists is correct.    At its Source, religions such as Christianity are Pure and Spiritual -- but once these religions are placed in the hands of priests who (1) lack the spiritual maturity to fully comprehend the purpose of the teachings from a Spiritual Perspective -- (2) and they recognize the reality that the position of priest is a position of power and influence over others that often garners great wealth and political influence -- both the original objectives and purpose of the religion, as well as the teachings themselves, very quickly become corrupted.   Historically, the Reformation is a witness as to the absolute corruption of the Church that took place in the fourth century.   But Martin Luther was himself a priest of the Church of Rome, and John Calvin was trained as a humanist lawyer -- and neither one of these leaders of the Reformation had any understanding of the original spiritual essence and objectives of the core teachings of TheWay which, after being severely corrupted, came to be known as Christianity.

From an historical perspective, the perfect example of the clergy of the third century is that of Paul Of Samosata (see ), where Edward Gibbon writes in his The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire that Paul "...may serve to illustrate the condition and character of the times ...Paul considered the service of the church as a very lucrative profession ...Against those who resisted his power, or refused to flatter his vanity, the prelate of Antioch was arrogant, rigid, and inexorable; but he relaxed the discipline, and lavished the treasures of the church on his dependent clergy, who were permitted to imitate their master in the gratification of every sensual appetite. For Paul indulged himself very freely in the pleasures of the table, and he had received into the Episcopal palace two young and beautiful women, as the constant companions of his leisure moments".   Thus, Paul of Samosata who Gibbon states is merely an example of the clergy who portrayed themselves as Orthodox, corrupted the teachings as stated in the above position of the Deists -- i.e., "...Laymen were told by the priests that only the priests really knew what was necessary for salvation and that laymen must accept the "mysteries" on faith and on the priests' authority. This kept the laity baffled by the nonsensical "mysteries", confused, and dependent on the priests for information about the requirements for salvation."

Just as important is the (above) statement that "...Deists referred to this kind of manipulation of religious doctrine as 'priestcraft', a highly derogatory term.  Deists saw their mission as the stripping away of 'priestcraft' and 'mysteries' from religion, thereby restoring religion to its original, true condition – simple and rational.  In many cases, they considered true, original Christianity to be the same as this original natural religion."   The original "...stripping away of [pagan] 'priestcraft'" is historically known as the Reformation.    But herein lies the crux of the problem -- i.e., the leaders of the Reformation such as Martin Luther were themselves priests of the Roman Church, and they did not at all understand the original teachings which had been declared to be heresy by the Church of Rome.   And in not understanding the spiritual meaning of the scriptures (see An Inconvenient Truth) -- or, the objectives of a Pure Spiritual Religion -- Martin Luther's ignorance became an anchor that further cloaked the Church in an abyss of profound ignorance as to the meaning and objectives of the original Gospel Teachings.   Further, any time a philosophy or theology is born out of a reaction to a condition of this world -- and in this case, Martin Luther created a reactionary doctrine in response to the absolute corruption of the Church -- as exemplified in his letter to Pope Leo X on September 6th, 1520, where Martin Luther wrote of the Christianity of his day, that the church, “…once the holiest of all, has become the most licentious den of thieves, the most shameless of all brothels, the kingdom of sin, death, and hell. It is so bad that even Antichrist himself, if he should come, could think of nothing to add to its wickedness” (Quoted in: The Great Thoughts; compiled by George Seldes).   Yet, as predicted by the Apostle Paul, the AntiChrist not only ruled the Church since the fourth century (see Church of the AntiChrist) -- but as Paul predicted, the AntiChrist sat on the thrown of the Church and was worshiped as God.   And with regard to Paul's assertion that these things would come to pass, the Adam Clark Commentary writes of this passage of Paul's Epistle: “[Except there come a falling away first] We have the original word apostasia in our word apostasy; and by this term we understand a dereliction of the essential principles of religious truth, either a total abandonment of Christianity itself, or such a corruption of its doctrines as renders the whole system completely inefficient to salvation. But what this apostasy means is a question which has not yet, and perhaps never will be, answered to general satisfaction” (from the Adam Clarke Commentary).   Martin Luther and the Protestant reformers who did not understand the original teachings and objectives of TheWay -- and thus, could not comprehend the reality of the warning that what was left was "...a dereliction of the essential principles of religious truth, either a total abandonment of Christianity itself, or such a corruption of its doctrines as renders the whole system completely inefficient to salvation" -- and in many respects they further alienated the Christian Community from the original objectives of a Spiritual Religion -- the tenets of which they did not at all understand.     

When rightfully understood, the scriptures which had been thoroughly corrupted by the Church of Rome (see ), remained a total enigma to the very carnal thinking of Martin Luther.   Why?   Because the scriptures were spiritual -- composed and written by spiritual men who understood what has come to be termed The Laws Of Nature, and Nature's God -- and Martin Luther was totally carnal in his thinking -- and as Paul himself warned, the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom remained a total and inconceivable enigma (see Mystery Of The Gospel) to the very limited awareness and thinking of Martin Luther and most of the leaders of the Reformation.   And in not being able to justify and explain in rational sense the biblical doctrine of Divine Providence where it is stated that all the events in the life of mankind have been predestined and scripted by (the Laws of) God, Luther made the fatal error of condemning the use of reason -- i.e.,  “Reason”, writes Luther, “is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but - more frequently than not - struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God” (Quoted in: The Great Thoughts; compiled by George Seldes).    Why did Luther condemn the use of Reason?   Like a true politician, when confronted with a reality that revealed his ineptness and profound spiritual ignorance, Luther either avoided acknowledging the subject, or portrayed it as heresy.   And because the leaders of the Reformation such as Luther and Calvin could not even begin to answer the biblical dilemma that was set before them, they promoted what can only be called The Doctrine of Insane Irrationality.   What is this doctrine?   While meekly admitting that the God they believe in and promote is that of a monster and madman, they also warn the Christian community that if they so much as question the insane irrationality with which God moves in his dealings with man, that they will be rejected by the madman God, and condemned to eternal hellfire -- just for questioning God's irrationality.     Reject even the use of the mind, proclaims Martin Luther and Calvin!   “Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has", writes Luther, because he is missing a primary piece of the Gospel that is necessary to even begin to understand the essence of the concepts and spiritual objectives of what the Gospels and New Testament scriptures teach.   And it is this dogmatic foundation of profound ignorance that resulted in the reality that it can be factually stated that the faith-based religion of the Church which has evolved out of the Reformation, has in fact been promoted under a self-imposed Vow Of Ignorance.   And when rational thinkers questioned the often irrationality and required suspension of reason that Luther championed, he condemned himself to the embodiment of spiritual ignorance, when he condemned the very gift of reason that separates man from the brute beasts of the earth.   The result was that the image of God that the Church painted in what came to be known as Calvinism (see The Great Paradox Of Free Will), was nothing less than horrendous and even diabolical.   And while the modern Church has attempted to soften what the Bible states about Predestination -- and divert attention away from what the scriptures actually state -- the fact that the body of believers fail to understand the Laws that bring about all events in this world, has immersed the Church itself in a sea of profound spiritual ignorance.    The congregation of Christians who emerged out of the Reformation could be portrayed as Mushroom Believers -- in that, in rejecting even the use of the mind they dwelt in dark ignorance promoting manmade dogma that poisons the minds of the blind-believers to the degree that they are rendered spiritually dysfunctional and impotent.     And while the Deists who formed the Constitutional bedrock of our Constitutional form of government understood the necessary process of restoring and vitalizing the teachings of Jesus to their original form -- i.e., "...Deists saw their mission as the stripping away of "priestcraft" ...from religion, thereby restoring religion to its original, true condition – simple and rational. In many cases, they considered true, original Christianity to be the same as this original natural religion" (see Wikipedia under Deism) -- they also recognized that the alliance of church and state has the potential to inhibit the necessary spiritual growth and evolution that would manifest man's highest potential.   The problem is that they did not envision a complacent body of believers who would embrace our modern hedonist cultural Atheism that rules over the thinking and lives of the people. 

   The Necessary Spiritual Environment Founded By American Gnostics: Martin Luther's doctrine of faith regardless of actions is a total rejection of First Gospel Principles and the religion of Jesus.   One of the core objectives that modern Christians are for the most part totally ignorant of today, is the necessity of an environment that is essential to the practice of religion in accord with crucial Gospel principles.    The first order of business of the disciples in the Book of Acts, was to create and inaugurate spiritual communities that were absolutely necessary in order to bring about the higher Gospel objectives.   But since Luther totally negated those necessary higher Gospel objectives with respect to the development and maturation of the believer, the Church itself has lost its spiritual compass.   With respect to the actions of the original disciples as presented in the Book of Acts, the spiritual communities were to be set apart from the culture and people of this world to the degree that Paul commanded the Christians to have nothing to do with those who were unclean -- i.e., "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" (2 Cor 6:17 KJV).   To the degree that Paul commanded the community of believers not even to dine with sinners -- i.e., "I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people... But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner -- not even to eat with such a person..." (1 Cor 5:9-13 NKJ).   The modern Christians who have been duped into embracing a Marxist interpretation of the Gospel in the doctrine of Collective Salvation, remain absolutely clueless to understand why the first Christians were required to live separate and apart in secluded communities that were segregated from the culture and lifestyle of their day.    But that is because the dogmatic Christianity that has survived into the 21st century, has little to nothing in common with the original teachings and objectives of the religion of TheWay.

What we are presented with here is a Gospel disconnect of immense proportions that has totally undermined the modern Church that coddles and even exemplifies every form of immorality and has in effect, institutionalized sinful behavior.    While it is true that Jesus and his disciples went out among the people and called them to repent -- sin no more -- and seek the Kingdom.   At no time did Jesus or his disciples suggest that the community of believers should live in the immoral manner of the multitudes of people -- or support their addictions and dependence upon intoxicating substances -- or to learn and be indoctrinated into the spiritual folly of their ways.    Further, there is absolutely no suggestion that a parent should surrender their child and hand them over to the pseudo-teachers, counterfeit shepherds and profane authorities of this world, in order to be fully initiated into the spiritual apostasy that Jesus told people to repent from.   To the man who Jesus healed he warned: "Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee" (John 5:14 KJV) -- and in not understanding the Laws that were instituted by Creator-God in the beginning that rule over the lives of men in this world, Christians remain totally ignorant of the words of Jesus that if a person sins -- especially after coming to the knowledge of TheWay -- that the Laws will bring an even  "...worse thing [that will ] come unto thee".   And that every Christian is obligated to raise their children up in TheWay, makes the modern Marxist dogma of Collective Salvation a total fraud.

In the same way that the Deists who understood that in its original form the religion of Jesus was the purist of all religions -- i.e.,  "...their mission as the stripping away of "priestcraft" ...from religion, thereby restoring religion to its original, true condition – simple and rational. In many cases, they considered true, original Christianity to be the same as this original natural religion" -- they also understood that the partnership of church and state always brought about the total downfall and demise of the essential religious teachings that became replaced by irrational and often meaningless dogma.   Prior to the Nicene take over of the Church by the Pagan Emperor Constantine in the 4th century, the wisest and most intelligent of men and women were the Christians who possessed the Spiritual Knowledge that provided them a higher understanding of the Laws and the realities of this world that remains unknown even in modern times.   And the Core of the Spiritual Christians possessed far greater knowledge than any of the pseudo-scholars who teach in our universities today.   What happened?   There was a segment of the Church that had become paganized and morally bankrupt (see The Example Of Paul Of Samosata ), and these very pagan Christians entered into a covenant with the Emperor Constantine, and the Church became ordained by pagan Rome.   The result was that emperor dictated the acceptable doctrines of the Church -- the Spiritual Christians were denounced and condemned as heretics who were hunted down and murdered -- the most corrupted copies of the scriptures (see Bible Corruption) were further rewritten in order to make them support the dogma of pagan Rome -- and the higher spiritual knowledge that the Church previously possessed, became outlawed as heresy.   Thus, when modern Atheists such as Richard Dawkins portrays the Christian as ignorant, what he is unknowingly condemning is the government doctrines that were imposed upon the Church.   Men such as  Richard Dawkins are not only absolutely clueless as to the nature and reality of the Truth of the pre-Nicene Christian Church, but their Paradigm of Thinking has totally alienated them from man's true higher reality.    And what makes pseudo-intellectuals such as Richard Dawkins so dangerous to the welfare of the common people, is the fact that the dogma of the Church does not at all support man's higher powers of intellect and reason, because they are chained by what Paul portrayed as "Jewish fables" (Tit 1:14) which were intended to provoke intelligent men to question both the accounts, as well as the god these accounts portrayed.   Which means that men such as Richard Dawkins are free to promote intellectual poison, because the Church has totally failed to promote its original primary objectives -- one of which is the enlightenment of the congregation of believers.  

Is this the fault of the Church?   The Spiritual Core of Christianity remains virtually unknown today, because of direct government intrusion into the affairs of the Church with respect to acceptable doctrines of belief.   In the same way that in China only those Churches which are approved by the government are permitted, so too was the Church that came into being in the fourth century under the direct control of the Roman Emperors.   That the segment of the Church which called itself Orthodox, was a mere puppet of Pagan Rome and had little to nothing in common with the original teachings and objectives of Jesus and TheWay, should come as no surprise to the modern believer in view of the many statements of biblical scholars such as A. Powell Davies who attempted to warn the Christian world that discoveries such as the Dead Sea Scrolls had confirmed what they had suspected and believed all along -- i.e., that the Emperor Constantine and the Pagan Church of Rome created a religion of blind faith and belief where he wrote that: “Biblical scholars were not disturbed by what they found in the Dead Sea Scrolls because they had known all along that the origin of Christianity was not what was commonly supposed to have been” (quoted by Millar Burrows in More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls).   Thus, this long ignored statement prompts us to ask: Why didn't the biblical scholars understand the true origin of Christianity prior to the discovery and examination of the Dead Sea Scrolls?   To answer this question we must consult the findings of Prof. Elaine Pagles who correctly writes: “It is the winners who write history - their way. No wonder, then, that the viewpoint of the successful majority has dominated all traditional accounts of the origin of Christianity… It suggests that these religious debates - questions of the nature of God, or of Christ - simultaneously bear social and political implications that are crucial to the development of Christianity as an institutional religion. In simplest terms, ideas which bear implications contrary to that development come to be labeled as heresy; ideas which implicitly support it become orthodox” (see Pagles, The Gnostic Gospels).    In not learning the lessons of history, modern believers have overlooked the fact that when despots rule, they not only annihilate all opposition -- but they "...write history - their way" -- and they corrupt and burn whatever writings stand in opposition to their supremacy and rule.   Which means that those doctrines of belief that are seen as orthodox and promoted by the modern-day Church today, is drawn from the side of "...political implications that [were] crucial to the development of Christianity as an institutional religion" under the direct control of Pagan Rome.   In the case of the Christian Church beginning in the fourth century, to disagree with the doctrines affirmed by the Emperor Constantine, carried with it the sentence of death.   Thus, Edward Gibbon writes in the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: ”Constantine easily believed that the heretics, who presumed to dispute his opinions or to oppose his commands, were guilty of the most absurd and criminal obstinacy... Not a moment was lost in excluding the ministers and teachers of the separated congregations from any share of the rewards and immunities which the emperor had so liberally bestowed on the orthodox clergy. But as the sectaries might still exist under the cloud of royal disgrace, the conquest of the East was immediately followed by an edict which announced their total destruction.    Thus, in the same way that whoever did not embrace the religion of the emperor met with the sentence of death, whatever scriptures did not conform to the approved version, was immediately destroyed (see ).  

The term BC with respect to the beginning of our Common Era, should be reevaluated to indicate Before Constantine with respect to the birth of the Christ that is worshiped in the modern Church and promoted by its secularized (Orthodox) dogma.   That the modern-day Christ and the religion of the Church were conceived and born under the dominion of the Roman Emperor Constantine -- and that the dogma of the Church was purely political, in contradistinction to the spiritual foundation of the original teachings -- is demonstrated in the fact that modern Christianity has very little in common with the original objectives of the teachings of TheWay which was to bring about "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”  (see Original Gospel Objectives) -- which has absolutely nothing in common with the blind faith dogmatized Church that came into being in the fourth century under the rulership and doctrinal control of Pagan Rome.   But the fact that the modern Christians worship the satanic god of Constantine should come as no surprise, in view of the fact that the Apostle Paul predicted that the worship of the true God would cease, and those who called themselves Christian would instead worship Satan (see The Church of the AntiChrist).   That the objective of what Paul portrays as the god of this world, is to keep the congregation of Christians ignorant and promoters of blind-faith in the spurious doctrines of Pagan Rome, has for the most part continued to inhibit the True Spiritual ReBirth of the Church.   And while pseudo-shepherds such as Martin Luther convinced the Church to embrace the dogma of faith apart from actions -- to the degree that every tenet of the modern Church is openly condemned in their own New Testament (see The Lie & The Ten Minute Test), the modern believer continues to ignore the scriptures in their allegiance to the dogma of Pagan Rome.   And, just as equally important to understand, is that "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”  has absolutely nothing to do with the expansion of the physical brain -- but rather, both the refinement of the physical body that permits this expansion of mind to be brought about, and the development of those areas which lie under the control of the innate Intuitive Spheres of the Mind that the physical brain does not naturally support.

Throughout history there have always been the few who rejected the folly of the Church's self-imposed Vow Of Ignorance, and with a dauntless heart sought the Truth of the Spirit over the doctrines of men.   Yet, in the past, anyone who knew the Truth -- and even openly hinted at the Truth -- were immediately turned upon as a demonic heretic by the Church -- often burnt at the stake for heresy.    In the name of their god and gods, those who spoke the Truth were condemned as a disease to humanity that needed to be eradicated before it (they) could infect the thinking of other people.   And sadly, the Church has continued down this road of self-imposed ignorance even to this very day.   To the mind of the true believer, such things as facts and rational thought are simply not part of the equation.    In contradistinction to the blind static-faith of the common believer, Paul's faith was based upon sure knowledge and spiritual experiences of incomprehensible Mysteries that would totally confuse the modern believer, who must rely solely upon blind faith in the unknown.    And while this fact is easily demonstrated using the Bible itself, because the readers of the written word are themselves blind to its true meaning, they simply skip over these crucial warnings as if they do not exist.    The result is that they put their faith in rhetoric and the doctrines of men -- which doctrines become their own limitation -- and they never move on to maturity and wholeness, and perfect their faith in the manner that Paul Commanded.

In the same way that the parable of the Sower and the Seed demonstrates the necessary environment for the Living Word to grow and evolve within the individual (see Sower And Seed), the body of Spiritual Gnostics who were called Deists understood why the Gospel requires segregation from the culture and lifestyle of the people of this world (see above Necessary Spiritual Environment).   In understanding the Laws and the complexity of Higher Thought that man in his organic and carnal condition could not even begin to grasp, the original Spiritual Americans created the necessary Constitutional environment that would permit the Laws of Nature and Nature's God to give birth and bring about higher consciousness.   And when rightfully understood, American Spirituality was inaugurated, and protected itself by inhibiting the state from not only embracing a particular religion -- but also stopping the state from interfering with the practice of religion.   As ruled upon by the Supreme Court: “The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as Legal Principles to be applied by the courts” (West Virginia State Board of Education vs Burnette 319 US 624, 638, [1943]).   And when rightly understood, the primary reason was to protect the Spiritual Environment that was created by our Constitutional framework from the infringement of both church and state -- and to protect the birth of American Spirituality from the assault upon essential Gnostic Principles that had immersed mankind in ignorance throughout his historical past.   Thus, more than anything else, our Constitutional Framers who were portrayed as Deists, created the necessary environment that had the capacity to give birth to and nurture "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness” which was a core objective of the original Gospel teachings of Jesus and TheWay.    

As explained throughout the foregoing, the Greek word for Spiritual Knowledge received through revelation directly from God is call Gnosis (see The Reality Of Gnosis) -- but in not wanting to use this word that the Church condemned as heresy, those who opposed the folly of Luther and his suspension of the God-Given Gift of Reason, instead called themselves Deists.   And thus, herein lies the paradox that neither the Church or the modern neo-Deists can even begin to come to terms with -- i.e., in order for the position of the Deists to be correct, they must have themselves been able to tap into a Source of Higher Knowledge and Wisdom -- which they did -- and it is for this reason that I correctly portray them as the Original American Gnostics.   Why Gnostics?   Because when the meaning of the word Gnosis is truly understood, is is representative of one of those words which cannot be redefined by carnal men -- and the word itself portrays Spiritual Knowledge derived directly from the Source of all Knowledge (see Gnosis) -- the gaining of which is often portrayed as the Divine Manna of the Kingdom, is indeed one of the primary objectives of a Spiritual Religion.   But these original primary objectives are very quickly corrupted by carnally minded priests who alter the original teachings in order to place themselves in a position of authority over the congregation of faith-based believers.    In opposition to the directive of the Gospel account of Jesus, his followers were ordered not to be called teacher or leader -- because, as lost prodigal sons, all of mankind are equally brothers who have One Heavenly Father.     

Deists are said to revere what is called Natural Religion versus revealed religion.   But what is Natural Religion?   Which further raises the question: Do modern neo-Deists even understand the proper application of the scriptures and what is the true meaning of what they term a revealed religion?   What the Original Deists said is that if you begin to understand what they portrayed was the Laws of Nature, that the Higher Reality of Nature's God will begin to be revealed to you.   And, when rightly understood, this is the exact message of Paul who wrote: "...because that which is known about God ...for God made it evident to them.  For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse" (Rom 1:19-20 NAS).    And if we ask why and how can God be understood through the attributes of Creation and the Laws of Nature?    Because there is a Divine Pattern that all of Creation is holographically imprinted with the Spiritual DNA of its Creator -- and if you understand the pattern that the Laws of God imbued into all that exists, you will then begin to perceive and comprehend the Source that brought forth the ALL that exists.   Where the priest who promotes "priestcraft" corrupts the original teachings, and then seduces the believers into accepting his authority by promoting blind belief and faith in the dogma of carnal men -- a True Gnostic who builds upon the proper mindset and lifestyle, is able to develop his innate (God-Given) abilities to gain access to the Source of all Truth and Knowledge.   Thus, if as Jesus taught that the Kingdom is within us, why not make the journey in TheWay, and learn directly from the Source?   And having themselves tapped into the Source, the Deists (or American Gnostics) influenced the framers of our Constitutional form of government to create an environment that would enable man to aspire to a higher potential. 

I am writing the following on the objectives and accomplishments of the American Deists/Gnostics, because it is impossible to evolve the mind beyond the organic-physical (carnal) level of nature-man, without first understanding (1) both the Laws; (2) and the manner in which the Laws evolve the mind of man to overcome the natural physical barrier of earth-consciousness; (3) with the objective being to enable the seeker/disciple to begin to tap into man's higher soul and spiritual reality that his physical senses are oblivious to.      




Table Of Contents

Hyperlinks To Deism Subjects


Deism And The First Amendment

The Prodigal Son And The Theist/Deist Perception Of Creation

Necessary Spiritual Environment Created By American Gnostics

The Law Of Octaves In Brief

Limits Of The Organic Mind - Linear Thought

Religion As A System Of Education

Spiritual Religion 

Entry Level Deism

Deism - The Laws - And The Two Creation Accounts In Genesis

The Allegorical Fall Of Man

The Spiritual Sabbath That Man Does Not Understand

The Law Received From Angels - The Two Creation Accounts

Deists Believed In the Pre-Existent Soul That Evolves To Perfection Over Many Lifetimes
The Holographic Pattern Of The Twelve Within The One

The Enigma Of The Twelve - The Laws - And The Tree of Life
Deists And The Homogenization Factor
The Foundational Laws Of The United States

Segregated Harmonic Interaction




^  Deism And The First Amendment:  While the Deists were responsible for laying the Constitutional foundation that Americans today have inherited, these same Americans neither understand the Deists, nor do they understand the full potential that the Constitution has the inherent power to bring about in the lives of mankind.    And from both a secular and religious perspective, this ignorance with respect to the Deists is the most dangerous force in the world today.   Why?   Because many of the core Deists not only possessed a comprehension of the Laws which control all aspects of the life that all people live -- but just as important is the fact that some of the Deists possessed the body of esoteric knowledge that the Church threw away when it entered into a covenant relationship with Pagan Rome.   An Abiding Reality is that all of Creation and Life is built upon a Foundation of Immutable Laws -- and success is often the result of man's endeavor to build upon this Foundation of Laws a structure which ensures his success.   While the Law of Gravity is an example of an immutable law which not only holds man to the surface of the earth -- but also is part of the equation that holds the earth in a rotation around the sun -- by understanding the Law of Gravity, man can devise various means to escape its limitations.   Moreover, in the case of space travel, man can harness the very force of gravity as a means of propulsion.   When man made the journey to the moon, he used the rockets propulsion to break free of the earth's gravity, and then the moon's gravity to draw him in that direction.   There is simply no means to carry enough fuel to propel a spacecraft to a distant location -- and when the law of gravity is understood, neither would there be a reason to carry that much fuel.   In much the same way, by understanding the Higher Laws which control all movements and realities of this world, the Deists possessed the knowledge to not only overcome the limitations of these Laws -- but to utilize the force of the Laws to bring about their own Enlightenment.   In the same way that gravity limits man's ability to escape the surface of the earth, once the Higher Laws of Creation are understood, the Laws themselves can be utilized to empower the person with esoteric knowledge how to escape the limitations of earth-consciousness.   From a Deist perspective, the First Amendment is a prohibition against either church or state, from interfering with this spiritual process and foundation that enables man to Experience and Know Self -- and ultimately Know God.

In the same way that the law of gravity affects every movement and what man experiences upon the face of the earth, what the Deists portrayed as the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, intimately orchestrates all of man's successes and failures.   If you jump up to escape the earth's gravity, as your body becomes airborne it will initially appear that you have achieved success.   That is until your momentum is arrested by the force of gravity working upon you, and you find your efforts negated.   What is true of gravity is also true of all the Laws -- but in order to bring about the necessary learning experiences through which mankind evolves, the results of man's efforts in conjunction with the Laws are not as immediate as with the case of gravity.    Once understood, mostly all of man's efforts are initially supported by the Laws -- much like the initial success of jumping up and using one's natural strength to have both of one's feet off the ground.   And while the force of gravity will very quickly cause us to become subject to the Laws and lose upward momentum before we fall back to the earth, other Laws are designed to respond back to us in a more gradual cycle.   And this is necessary in order for our efforts to evolve and the opportunity for the initial movement to be built upon and compounded, in order to bring about our greater learning experience.     All movements of man not only initiate the Laws -- but are subject to the trials of the Laws as the movement or endeavor which man initially invokes, evolves through the steps that are at first supported by the Laws, and then subject to the sustaining tests which are brought into being when the Laws were initially invoked.    The Laws, therefore, are imbued with a natural resistance to man's movements and endeavors, in order to test the validity of his movements.    

If an embryo were to be thrust out of its mother's womb one month after conception, then the embryo would very quickly perish because it could not sustain life apart from its mother during that early stage of development.   When the fetus has developed to the degree where it can sustain life outside the mother's womb, it is at that point that natural labor and the process of birth is begun.   In much the same way, this world is very much the womb of Mother-earth -- and the Laws are designed to develop the person-fetus and test for Wholeness and Completion.    Therefore, if a movement, effort or endeavor of man lacks Wholeness, the Laws are designed to turn man's efforts back upon themselves, in the form of a Cosmic Bio-Feedback machine that enables man to learn from his mistakes and misplaced efforts.   And it is this Living Bio-Feedback essence of the Laws, that insures the failure of half-hearted or incomplete efforts.    Wise men who were often enlightened to the all-encompassing structure of mathematics -- i.e., Pythagoras, Gurdjieff and others -- foresaw the atomic reality that is only now unfolding in the discoveries of Quantum Physics.   Wise men who understood the esoteric reality of the Laws, have long pointed to the example of the Law of Octaves which systematically permits the building up of an initial effort, and then tests it to either divert it back upon itself, or permit it to move onto the next sequence (see The Law Of Octaves).   

    The Law of Octaves In Brief: What Mystics such as Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato, Valentinus, the original disciples of Jesus, and in more modern times G.I.Gurdjieff knew, what others do not, is that for every action there is not only a reaction -- but there are testing points built into the Laws of Creation that must be satisfied, in order to move beyond the barrier that these Laws present.   In the parable of TheCall to the Wedding Feast, when Jesus portrayed those who had failed to put on the required Wedding Garment as being cast into the sorrows of the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness), the reality portrayed was that of being bound to the very limited organic consciousness of the body-vessel -- i.e., bound by The Law and limited by human carnal reasoning and logic.    And when properly understood, the analogy of Plato's Cave (see Plato) portrays the plight of natural organic man as being held in a state of mental and spiritual limitation by the illusions of this world (see above The Allusions Of The Forms Of Matter).    When the Deist Framers of our Constitutional form of government took the position that if you begin to understand what you see -- and when the Laws that manifest all of Creation are properly understood -- that you will yourself begin on the journey towards an enlightened state of mind -- i.e. an America Gnostic.   This same reality is presented in the Gospel of Thomas where it states: (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you..."    To recognize what is in your sight, you must be cognizant of the Laws that have formed the images of what you observe in the world -- images that are formed by impressing an aspect of mind into an allegorical symbol that is seen by man's organic senses.   Thus, what man observes in the world about him, is only a symbol that is holographically interpreted by man's physical senses -- and only when you begin to understand what you see, can you begin to escape the "outer darkness ...Plato's Cave".   

With respect to the underlying Laws of Creation, Gurdjieff used what is commonly known as the Enneagram -- which is said to be a merger of the Law of Three which I have portrayed as the Divine Pattern that permeates all of Creation, and the Law of Seven which is portrayed as the Law of Octaves.   The Enneagram  consists of nine points which is the Law of Seven with the two shock points added at the crucial interval points where the Laws test all movements.    The following is a quote from Ouspensky's In Search of the Miraculous: "Speaking in general it must be understood that the enneagram is a universal symbol. All knowledge can be included in the enneagram and with the help of the enneagram it can be interpreted. And in this connection only what a man is able to put into the enneagram does he actually know, that is, understand. What he cannot put into the enneagram he does not understand. For the man who is able to make use of it, the enneagram makes books and libraries entirely unnecessary. Everything can be included and read in the enneagram. A man may be quite alone in the desert and he can trace the enneagram in the sand and in it read the eternal laws of the universe. And every time he can learn something new, something he did not know before."  Take particular note of the words "...For the man who is able to make use of it, the enneagram makes books and libraries entirely unnecessary."    And it is this Knowledge of the Laws that the original core disciples of Jesus and TheWay understood, that made them warn others that there is only One Teacher -- which they portrayed as The True Prophet.    And this is demonstrated in the words of the Apostle Peter who is quoted in the Homilies of his disciple Clement: Hence, O beloved Clement, if you would know the things pertaining to God, you have to learn them from Him alone, because He alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows anything, he has received it from Him or from His disciples”.   


The Deists And The Law of Octaves: When the Deists expressed the words, The Laws of Nature and Nature's God, they understood the Law of Three as manifest in the Divine Pattern of Creation, as well as the Law of Octaves which holographically is embedded throughout every aspect of all that exists.   When Deism is portrayed as "Deism the standpoint that reason and observation of the natural world, without the need for organized religion, can determine that a supreme being created the universe" (see Deism) -- it was because the American Gnostics who were Deists, understood the higher reality of the Laws when overcome, is a harnessing of the Laws within one's own mind and being that, in the above words of Ouspensky,  "...makes books and libraries entirely unnecessary" .    Why would overcoming the Laws within one's self render "...books and libraries entirely unnecessary"?   Those who overcome the Laws and emerge out of what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being -- or the illusions of Plato's Cave -- are able to see and understand all things for what they truly are -- and are thus, travailing the path of the soul's journey of enlightenment.   And one of the primary concerns of our Deist Constitutional Framers, was creating an environment where the Natural Laws (of God) could function at a higher level, and permit the people to evolve to their higher potential that organic man simply could not even begin to comprehend.  

Though the pattern of the Law of Three and the Law of Octaves is holographically present throughout all of Creation, it is perhaps easiest to see, hear and observe in music.  Again let me stress the fact that while the manifest Laws-at-work can be demonstrated more easily in music, its far-reaching reality is prevalent throughout all aspects of life in this world and beyond.  The only difference, then, is that the same sequence of Law is more difficult to observe throughout the other aspects of life -- but quickly becomes apparent once one is cognizant of the pattern and sequence.   The same pattern that is found in music has been noted in what is known as Newlan's Law of Octaves -- i.e., is related to the arrangement of elements in the periodic table.  If elements are arranged in the order of their atomic weights, the eighth element starting from a given one is a kind of repetition of the first.  It is said that once Pythagoras recognized the relationship of music and math -- and established music as an exact science -- Pythagoras then applied his Law of harmonic intervals to all the phenomena of Nature.   He went so far as to demonstrate the harmonic relationship of the planets, constellations, and elements to each other.

If we look at the picture of a typical keyboard, what we see is the whole notes represented in the white keys, and the half-tones in the black keys.  Regardless of the fact of whether we understand music or not, what we should quickly recognize is the easily discernable fact that not every whole-note interval has a half-tone!  Why?  Why isn't there a half-tone between the third and fourth note on the keyboard and musical scale?  Also, why isn't there a half-tone between the seventh and eigth note of a musical scale?  Though the answer is very simple, the reality that is portrayed is so esoteric and beyond physical reality as we know it, that the most accomplished musicians cannot supply you with the answer to the enigma -- an enigma that is holographically true of all Laws -- and envelops every aspect of our lives and Creation.

Man's physical body is programmed for his spiritual failure: Our physical body is of the earth -- it therefore is not a vehicle that is the natural environment of man's higher soul and spiritual natures.  What this means is that if we are to manifest our higher natures, and rise above the inherent carnal limitations of our physical body/vessel, we will be required to make a conscious effort -- even a super conscious effort -- as we endeavor to overcome the Laws that are the ruling forces of this natural world.  Once again, our physical body is comprised of earth-matter -- and is not naturally acclimated to support man's higher aspects of mind and being.   And this is the reason why Paul warns that the "natural" mind of man cannot even begin to perceive or comprehend the higher reality of the soul and spiritual natures (see Mystery Of The Gospel) -- judging and rejecting these higher truths as utter "foolishness" and even heresy.   That the physical body and mind must be purified and transformed in order to gain access to those higher areas of mind that are able to perceive and comprehend man's higher soul and spiritual reality -- and the fact that this transformational process requires much effort and work on one's self -- is portrayed in the words of the disciples where they stated: "We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22 NKJ).

If we are therefore bound to this physical realm by the natural Laws, then it is of the utmost importance for us to be cognizant of the effects of the Law as they interact with every aspect of nature and life.  If we pose the question: Is man's physical body imbued with the Laws that inhibit him from fulfilling his spiritual goals?  As we look around us at the natural world it is important that we be cognizant of the fact that we see the absence of strait lines.  The leaves on a tree or plant -- the outline of a mountain range -- the formation of rocks -- as well as the very physical bodies in which we presently dwell.  Strait lines do not exist in nature.  Why?  Because these Laws which we can hear and observe on a keyboard, cause all things to change direction in midstream.  In the same way that we cannot clear our minds and focus on a single thought, as we attempt to walk the path of spiritual enlightenment, the Laws of this realm will constantly work to lead us off the path to Life.

Returning once again to the keyboard: Starting from the left most key, we can see the first note, and between the first and second white keys is a half-tone which is represented by that black key.  Thus, the black key represents a half-step or half-tone between the two white keys which musicians call a sharp or flat.   The same is true with respect to the sequence of the second to third note.  Then, between the third and fourth note the pattern suddenly changes, and we can observe that there is no half-tone between these notes.  Why?  Because when we play the notes, the frequency of the fourth note is actually a half-tone -- and yet it artificially and falsely sounds to our physical hearing a whole-step increment.  Why?  Why does our ears hear a half-tone in the third to fourth sequence as if it is a whole, while this is not true in the first two intervals of an octave?

The enigma is caused by a twisting of the frequencies when they are played in sequence -- but this twisting is not only true of the musical scale -- but is holographically true and representative of a pattern which is indigenous to all such sequences of Law throughout all of Creation.  What this means is that while we can hear this Law at work in music, and observe this Law at work by virtue of the physical placement of the keys on a keyboard, this same pattern remains universal to all the Laws that control this world throughout every aspect of our lives.  The result is that when we think we are hearing what would be portrayed as a straight linear path -- our physical senses are subject to an illusion within the construct of the Laws --  resulting in the fact that we are inadvertently turned off the linear path without ever realizing that our direction has been altered by the natural sequence of Laws which immerse every aspect of this physical realm in what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being, or the illusions of Plato's Cave.

In the first place we must understand that an octave is comprised of seven notes or sequences -- as is the pattern of the seven colors of the rainbow that make up white light.  As the seventh note is stepped into the eighth sequence, the first note of the sequence is double the frequency of the first, and is repeated as one octave higher than the initial note played.   What this means is that there is seven notes which complete the sequence before the first note is repeated one octave higher than the first -- as in the common musical sequence Doe Re Me Fa So La Ti Doe -- with the second Doe being the same note as the first, but only one octave higher.    For those who don't understand the musical scale, there is no variableness in the beginning and ending of the first sequence that makes up the octave, because the frequency of the eighth note which is also expressed in the term Doe which commences the next higher octave, is double the frequency of the first Doe.    And this is why whole notes only consist of a repetitive A through G sequence.

   Limits Of The Organic Mind - Linear Thought And Fragmentation: While from a human perspective it could be asserted that there is an inherent congenital defect in the hearing of man that causes him to falsely hear the interval between the third and fourth sequences of an octave as if it were a whole-step -- regardless of the fact that it is a half-step in the frequencies of the musical sequence -- in failing to understand the reality and higher purpose of this long ignored phenomena, it is as if mankind continues to dwell in a self-imposed Dark Ages that has gravely inhibited his progress.   In fact, all the poverty, all of man's sufferings, violence, conflict and bestiality that men inflict upon other men, is all the result of man's self-imposed ignorance of the knowledge of the Laws.   On the other hand, Mystics and those who have long understood the movement of the Laws of Creation have known that this interval between the third to fourth sequence is in fact a testing point of the Laws -- a test for Completeness and Wholeness to see if we are prepared to move beyond that point in the physical and mental limitations of the body-vessel.   But it has been virtually impossible for natural organic man to make any real progress beyond the level where he is presently at, because pseudo-intellectuals reject the wisdom that has been presented to them.   The biblical authors all warned that man's higher soul and spiritual reality as set forth in what was portrayed as the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God, was beyond the comprehension of organic man in his natural (earthly-carnal) mindset (see Mystery Of The Gospel) -- and yet, both man's religious and political leaders have long ignored their witness.  

In the same way that man is deaf and oblivious to the fact that the third to fourth and seventh to eighth sequence of the musical scale that he hears in not a linear progression as he imagines, he in like manner remains oblivious to the fact that both his line of vision and his rational linear thought that he relies upon to evaluate his experiences in this world, is subject to the same testing and twisting that is easily demonstrated in his hearing.    What this means is that organic man's rational thinking is totally unreliable to evaluate what he sees and evaluates, because what appears to be linear, is an illusion that he is not at all even aware of.   In the same way that the listener is not aware of the frequency shifts when the notes of an octave is played back to him -- and what sounds to his physical ears to be a linear incremental progression is not at all true -- the same is true with respect to both his vision and what he would consider rational thought and reasoning.  

The result is man's inherent blindness and suppressed rationale that inhibits his ability to properly evaluate what he thinks he sees and understands.   Why?   Very simply, because of the carnal blindness inflicted upon man by virtue of the organic limitations of the body-vessel -- and when these natural organic limitations are understood, the reality which confronts man is seen in his inability to grasp only a mere fragment of what he sees and comprehends.   And perhaps the perfect example of the problem is presented in a poem by John Godfrey Saxe which is based upon a fable told in India.   It is a good warning about how our inhibited sensory perceptions and limited organic logic can lead to some serious misinterpretations -- especially when the investigations of the component parts of a whole, and their relations in making up the whole, are inadequate and lack co-ordination.


It was six men of Indostan, To learning much inclined, Who went to see the Elephant (Though all of them were blind), That each by observation, Might satisfy his mind

The First approached the Elephant, And happening to fall Against his broad and sturdy side, At once began to bawl: "God bless me! but the Elephant  Is very like a wall!"

The Second, feeling of the tusk, Cried, "Ho! what have we here, So very round and smooth and sharp? To me 'tis mighty clear,  This wonder of an Elephant, Is very like a spear!"

The Third approached the animal, And happening to take The squirming trunk within his hands, Thus boldly up and spoke: "I see," quoth he, "the Elephant Is very like a snake!"

The Fourth reached out an eager hand, And felt about the knee. "What most this wondrous beast is like, Is mighty plain," quoth he; "'Tis clear enough the Elephant, Is very like a tree!"

The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear, Said: "Even the blindest man Can tell what this resembles most; Deny the fact who can, This marvel of an Elephant Is very like a fan!"

The Sixth no sooner had begun, About the beast to grope, Than, seizing on the swinging tail, That fell within his scope, "I see," quoth he, "the Elephant, Is very like a rope!"

And so these men of Indostan,  Disputed loud and long, Each in his own opinion,  Exceeding stiff and strong, Though each was partly in the right, And all were in the wrong!

The Moral:  So oft in theologic wars, The disputants, I ween, Rail on in utter ignorance,  Of what each other mean, And prate about an Elephant, Not one of them has actually seen!

From the enlightened perspective of the Mystic, the inherent problem of human blindness is even greater than what is presented in the above fable.  The 90th Chapter of what is known as The Gospel of the Nazirenes preserves this higher reality that plagues organic physical man: "The One truth has many sides, and one sees one side only, another, and some see more than others, according as it is given to them.  Behold this crystal; how the one light is manifest in twelve faces, yea four times twelve, and each face reflects one ray of light, and one regards one face, and another, another, but it is the one crystal, and the one light that shines in all."

Like the blind men, what is presented in the above Gospel quotation is the reality that by Law, different men perceive the same truth differently -- and that each perception of the one truth is both valid, and fragmented.   And in understanding the Laws and their effects upon organic man, the Deist framers of the Constitution insured that each position based upon each individual man's perception, was protected.    Our Constitutional framers understood that because each man's perception, understanding and mind is segmented -- and that in his organic natural condition, each man is only able to see mental forms and allegorical symbols (see above The Allusions Of The Forms Of Matter) that have been impressed into the images of nature -- that each individual man's perception is not only representative of a valid perspective even though it is different than that of other men -- but that each man's fragmented perspective is an integral part of the Whole.   But because each man's perception and understanding is a fragment of the whole, few men possess the intelligent perception to realize the fact that his rational linear reasoning is totally insufficient to evaluate what his very limited perception and organic consciousness is presenting to him.   And it was the realization of this reality that organic man was inherently blind to by virtue of the limitations of his physical senses and consciousness, that was expressed in the shock of Einstein (see Science Proves Religion) when he stated: “All my attempts to adapt the theoretical foundation of physics to this [new type of] knowledge failed completely. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built”.   In much the same fashion, the European physicist Niels Bohr stated that “…The great extension of our experience in recent years has brought to light the insufficiency of our simple mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence, has shaken the foundation on which the customary interpretation of observation was based.”   Which confirms what Einstein wrote in analysis that “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality (quoted in M. Capek, The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics) -- and the words of physicist Walter Thirring who wrote that modern physics “…has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context.   It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field.   The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.   Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field(Urbausteine der Materie).  

What this means is that only the Mystic who has endeavored to consciously develop his latent intuitive spheres of mind, possesses the ability to observe and comprehend what man's very fragmented linear-rational (intellectual) thinking is totally blind to -- which enables the Mystic alone to perceive the source and underlying causes in the Etheric Field that is the source of what man perceives in the forms of matter.   Thus, Mystics have long warned mankind that the reality of this world of appearances is not at all what is seems to be through the perception of man's physical eyes and senses -- i.e., that there is a great deal more that man's senses and perception cannot detect or even imagine.   And this same enigma of the limits of man's physical senses was noted by Albert Einstein who concluded with respect to man's dilemma when he stated: "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."    And what the Mystic has warned is that because man's religious, philosophical, cultural and educational institutions "...have created a society that honors the [rational] servant and has forgotten [and suppressed the development of] the [intuitive] gift" -- thus, blinding mankind to the underlying cause of all that man sees and experiences in this world, man remains perpetually lost and blind in what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness) -- or what the philosopher portrayed in the analogy of the illusions of Plato's Cave (see Cave) .   

When properly and factually understood, there is absolutely no difference between the findings of the enlightened scientist, the original disciples of Jesus, the Apostle Paul who attempted to warn organic man of his inherent blindness to his own higher soul-reality ( see Mystery), and the enlightened Mystic -- except, perhaps, the key word enlightened.   But the very word enlightened raises the crucial question as to how one even becomes enlightened?   Certainly not by disputing others over opinions based upon very fragmented and limited perceptions of truths that are incomprehensible to the natural organic mind of man.   With great wisdom and vision Einstein stated "Only those who can see the invisible can do the impossible."    But since the vast majority of modern scientists who develop only the linear-intellect and totally discard the intuitive, in their blindness they reject even the existence of the invisible -- resulting in the fact that the scientific community has rendered itself impotent with respect to any real depth of perception and understanding.   Paul conveyed the exact same message to the congregation of believers that Einstein stated in the above words:  "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Cor 4:18 KJV).    Which means that we first must recognize not only that the unseen which is the source of what we see exists, but also that be can develop the ability to see what organic man is blind to. 

When Paul wrote that "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world..." (Col 2:8 NIV) -- he was making reference to philosophies, human traditions and basic principles that were founded upon a linear-logic perception and understanding of this world.    When Paul warned that the wisdom of this world comes to naught, it was because of the blind illusion of man's linear-logic that causes him to arrive at defective assumptions.   When the scriptures warn that "There is a way that seems right to man, but its end is the way of death" (Prov 14:12) -- once again this warning is based upon the illusions of man's comprehension based upon his dismissal of the intuitive and almost sole reliance on intellectual linear-logic.    



When Paul stated to the congregations that they should "…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5 NIV) -- what he was stating was to be totally conscious of the thoughts which are in fact controlled by the Law of Octaves, to insure that the thoughts generated make an inner connection between the disciples lower earthly nature as manifest in the body-vessel, and their higher spiritual nature that organic man is blind and oblivious to.   The developing of the mind through the capturing of one's own thoughts, is the basis for the warning of Jesus in the Gospels: "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment" (Matt 12:36 KJV).   And that one must overcome the Laws working in the body is the reason it is written in the Epistle of James: "…bridle the whole body" (James 3:2 KJV).   While this may appear totally alien from the perspective of the modern Christian who fully indulges in the unbounded excesses of our present-day cultural lifestyle, the Apostle Paul confirmed the validity of these words from a New Covenant perspective when he wrote of the necessity to "…beat my body and make it my slave..." (1 Cor 9:27 NIV).  Moreover, when Paul stated that salvation is by faith over the ritual works of the Law of Moses, the reality that faith meant an entirely different thing to the Apostle Paul than what is being preached from our pulpits today, can be seen in Paul’s commandment to all who would call themselves a Christian to "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature" (Col 3:5 NIV).  If the congregation of believers could simply have faith, without living a Consecrated Life set apart from the thinking and lifestyle of the people of this world, then Paul would not have warned the believers of the simple-faith that: “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live” (Rom 8:13 KJV).   To mortify the deeds of the body takes work -- a great amount of work -- and this work cannot be accomplished through a static faith.   The problem is that these biblical commandments have absolutely nothing in common with the doctrine of faith that was developed by Martin Luther in the Middle-ages.   In later chapters I will explore the effect of our modern sexualized culture and its devastating effects upon men and women -- which was also warned by Paul in the full statement at Col 3:5 where he writes: "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry."     In most instances the effects of our modern culture totally inhibit the person from overcoming the Law of Octaves in their body-mind.      

  Religion As A System Of Education: How important is the development of the latent intuitive spheres of mind associated with Mysticism?    What is today known as faith-based religion is portrayed in the Bible as the elementary teachings designed specifically for entry-level congregations of believers.    What the Apostle Paul portrayed as the "testimony" of Christ, was set forth to the people he converted as a starting point.  And when it is understood that the objectives of the original teachings of TheWay were in fact parallel to the objectives of our modern educational systems -- i.e., "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness” -- with the religious objective of attaining the necessary developmental expansion of mind that enables the seeker/disciple to overcome the Laws of Nature as manifest in the physical body-vessel, and learn directly from the Source of all Knowledge -- and the objective of learning from the Source is in fact the very reason and purpose that all of Creation was brought into existence to bring about in the eternal reality of the soul of mankind -- then further comparisons between the purpose of religion and the educational systems of man can be made.   If the objective of our educational system is to obtain a university and graduate degree, then the beginning of the educational process starts with pre-school or kindergarten -- an entry-level environment which is necessary to prepare the student to embrace the process of higher learning.   In the same way that you can't enroll an immature student in a college or university, so too must entry-level Christians be exposed one step and level at a time, in a religious-based process that brings about their own spiritual maturity and attainment.    And this foundational design and objective of the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay is explored in the foregoing subheading entitled The Mystery Of The Gospel .    And it is further demonstrated that the pre-Nicene Church (before 325 CE) very much resembled a spiritual healing center that was totally focused on the objective of the development of the seeker/disciple, one level at a time, of the congregation of believers (see The Secret Doctrine  ) -- where the Church was accused of being a Secret System that taught the spiritually mature a totally different doctrine than the congregation of believers.   And in reply to the allegations against the Church by the pagan philosopher Celsus, it was noted that the elementary doctrines which survive today as the foundation of faith-based Christianity, was said to be “...preached in the Churches… for the simpleminded and for the ears of the common crowd who are led on to live better lives by their belief” (Origen Contra Celsum) -- i.e., a starting point.    So what happened?   In the article  The Secret Doctrine, the pre-Nicene Church is presented in its finest moments as a three-tier healing system which served the needs of the people at every level of the process.  But what happened?  In time the proverbial saying that the inmates took over the institution came to pass -- and the charlatan political leaders of the lower echelon put to death the genuine spiritual healers who were the original core and spiritual essence of the Church.   Resulting in the reality that the entry-level beliefs became the only surviving teachings, when the original Ebionite Nazirenes and Spiritual (Gnostic) Christians were hunted down and murdered because they refused to accept the doctrines of the Emperor of Pagan Rome who ruled over the Church beginning in the fourth century.

Again, there is a parallel relationship between the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay, and our modern-day cultural educational systems.   When a child is first introduced into the system as an entry-level student, what is presented to the child is a vision of the final result where the graduate student is able to become a doctor, lawyer, engineer, computer programmer or some other professional.   In America even the thought is presented to the child that they, too, can grow up to be the president.   The child is told that if they ardently embrace the objectives of the educational system -- prepare their minds through proper study and application -- that they can arise and fulfill all cultural expectations and find great success in their lives.   In the original teachings of TheWay, the seeker/disciple was taught that they, too, could mature to the point, where they could and would do all that their brother Jesus did.   Contrary to pagan Church dogma, the original disciples taught that Jesus "...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ." Hence, when a seeker/disciple "...thus fulfill the law, they are able to become Christs, for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity."  (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).  And that this fact was originally presented in the Gospels is easily proven in the article The Ten words.    Which also proves that the Deists were correct in their (see above) assertion that the "...original pure religion had become corrupted by 'priests' who had manipulated it for personal gain and for the class interests of the priesthood in general."

From the vision presented to the entry-level student in our own educational systems, the promise of success is never presented from the perspective of the dropout -- or those who flunk out and fail to take advantage of the learning environment that the educational system provides to the student.   It is not at all suggested that you can hangout in school without study and application, and collect your university degree by merely putting in your time and going through the motions of attending school.   And what is not at all understood  today, is the fact that the promise of the scriptures is parallel to that of the promise presented to the child who enters our educational system -- in that, the promise of the scriptures portrays the reality of those who sincerely engage and complete the process of the original objectives of  "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness” (see Separation Of Church And State), will attain the promised results -- and this promise cannot be achieved by those who become spiritual dropouts -- i.e., "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46 KJV).   But as the original teachings became institutionalized under secular control, charlatan priests and clergy (see The Example Of Paul Of Samosata at ) peddled dogmatic shortcuts that they seduced the people into believing, which manmade dogma eliminated the need to strive and fulfill the original spiritual objectives of "...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness” -- with a greater number of dogmatic dispensations being invented in order to circumvent the process of higher development --  to the degree where the focus of the priests became the dispensing of instant salvation for the purpose of acquiring mammon and the political power over the people.   And when the remaining spiritual core of Spiritual Christians objected, they were condemned as heretics, hunted down and murdered.   As an example of how the Christian world was literally forced to adhere to the dogma of the secular priests and emperors, when the doctrine of the pre-existent soul was outlawed by the Emperor Justinian, the Britannica confirms that the emperor then forced his will upon the Church when he "...banished the pope to Egypt , and afterwards to an island, until he accepted the Council, which he ultimately did" (see ).    After accepting the decree of the emperor after seven months of imprisonment on an island, the pope met with an untimely death.    Most of the modern-day doctrines of the Church was forced upon the Christian world in this same violent manner -- and the vast majority of modern-day believes are all victims of what has come to be known as the Stockholm Syndrome.

Wise men have long understood that what is holographically true with respect to the unfolding of the sequence of the steps that form an octave in music, is in like manner holographically true of all the organic Laws of Creation.   Which means that an initial movement in the first sequence which is portrayed in music as that sequence of Doe, is automatically checked in the reflection of the second sequence of Re -- and is tested in the third-force sequence which is the fruit of the first and second sequences leading into Mi -- resulting in either a twisting of the sequences in a manner that man's organic senses do not immediately sense and recognize, or the opening of a new door/gate that is beyond the perception of organic man whose efforts remain earth-bound in the turning of the sequences.   In fact, the senses of man are imbued with a natural progression that is endemic to his being, that is ultimately responsible for his success or failure in any endeavor.   The expanse of time -- or even the unfoldment of the movement, is all built into the natural progression of the Laws.   Thus, the time-span between the initial movement and the reflective second sequence which is the initial feed-back of the Laws, is greatly dependent upon the complexity and proportions of the first cause of the initial movement of the sequence.    And this natural progression evolves in the third-force which is the fruit of the two initial sequences.   And wise men who understand the Laws, comprehend that it is at this point where the natural progression is tested and either turned back upon itself in the manner of a person who has arisen to the highest point in his attempt to jump and defy gravity -- or, if the organic twisting of the progression of the sequences are overcome, to move onward beyond natural organic physical limitations.  

In the case of examination by reason, human reasoning must itself contain a large degree of fullness, in order to begin to open the door/gate that gives birth to the facilities of Higher Reasoning that is beyond organic limitations.   For the reasons outlined in the article An Inconvenient Truth, the Apostle Peter portrays the initial tests of human reasoning as the tests presented in what he portrays the scriptures as the Mystery of the Books with the Power to Deceive.    If your vision of either the scriptures, or any aspect of life itself, is immature and lacks depth of understanding, then you will fail the tests that are written into the text of the scriptures as a test -- as are the inconsistencies that you encounter in all of life.   And thus, Peter states that "...Let not any one of you, therefore, altogether complain of Simon, or of any one else; for nothing happens unjustly, since even the falsehoods of Scripture are with good reason presented for a test.”     What is the reason for the test?   In the same way that for our own good, such things as the Law of Gravity checks our attempt to become free of the influence of the earth -- the Laws which bring about the natural progression of our movements, are themselves imbued with the innate bio-feedback qualities to test and check these same movements for wholeness and fullness -- because it is impossible for what is incomplete to succeed beyond a certain step or progression in the sequence of actions.    In the same way that an embryo that is not correctly balanced across the spectrum of male/female chromosomes is in most cases self-aborted and miscarried, so too is all the efforts of man checked by the very Laws that initiated the natural sequences of progression, imbued with the power to return the movement to its initial sequence in accord with the results of the testing at the third to fourth sequence of progression.      

By virtue of the self-initiating testing of the Laws, without an understanding of the what the Deists portrayed as the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, all governments are doomed to failure -- all religions are spiritually flat-lined -- all philosophies are proven to be spurious -- all seekers will search in vain -- and all efforts of men and women everywhere will remain shallow at best.   And while this knowledge of the Laws can be portrayed as our divine birthright to possess, throughout history only small groups of wise men and women have possessed this knowledge, and have used it for the benefit of both themselves, and other wise men and women who desired the fruit of the Tree of Life that bestows upon the eater thereof, the secretes to unlocking the potential to every aspect of life.    To be ignorant of the Laws that the Deists and other groups throughout history have understood and utilized in the proper way, is to invite absolute failure into one's efforts throughout every aspect of life.  

Deism arose out of what was called the Age of Enlightenment -- also know as the Age of Reason -- and is portrayed in the words: "To understand the natural world and humankind's place in it solely on the basis of reason and without turning to religious belief was the goal of the wide-ranging intellectual movement called the Enlightenment. The movement claimed the allegiance of a majority of thinkers during the 17th and 18th centuries, a period that Thomas Paine called the Age of Reason. At its heart it became a conflict between religion and the inquiring mind that wanted to know and understand through reason based on evidence and proof" (see International World History Project -- subheading The Age of Enlightenment).   And what is not at all understood is the fact that in essence, the summation that the Age of Enlightenment was representative of "...a conflict between religion and the inquiring mind" -- but rather, a continuation of the enduring struggle and perpetual conflict that is presented in the article An Inconvenient Truth.   

Is what we call religion, truly the expression of genuine religion?   Or is what most people call religion more factually secular-religious philosophy that not only inhibits, but is mistaken for genuine spiritual religion?    Throughout man's history the outward forms of religion has always been dictated by the secular or quasi-secular authorities who used traditional religion to control the thinking and lives of the people.    From an historical perspective: If the teachings of Jesus represented the truth of spiritual religion, then the rejection of this truth on the part of the Pharisees is representative of the secularized-religion of the people.   Contrary to popular misconceptions, in the original Gospel teachings the person of Jesus was a man who became the Messiah/Christ (see The Ten Words) -- and having attained this Power of Enlightenment, the man Jesus is portrayed as having achieved Oneness with the Indwelling Logos (Mind of God).     That this essential truth was again rejected by the secular-religion of the Gentiles under the banner of Orthodox, is merely further proof that secular-religion is not the valid expression of genuine religion which is spiritual in nature.    Which means that the Deists who became enlightened and opposed organized religion, did so because of the counterfeit structure of secular-religion in relation to genuine spiritual-religion.

If we pose the question: Is traditional religion a search for truth?  Or is it (1) a means to fill the coffers of the collection plate?  (2) fill the pews in the endeavor to gain political power and advantage?  (3) used by politicians to control the thinking and lives of the people?   In the same way that Jesus was rejected by both the Pharisees and the Gentile Church which both rejected the essential spiritual teachings in favor of manmade dogma -- organized religion is at best a shadow of the original teachings which is represented in the reality of spiritual religion -- which is always condemned as heresy by the authorities who control the thinking of the people.   That those who have been on the side of truth have always been hunted down and opposed as heretics, is representative of the true essence of the struggle and conflict.   To answer the question: Is the traditional religions of the people the truth?   Perhaps the perfect example of the folly of traditional religion is that which can only be portrayed as the insanity of the Christian world with respect to The Jesus Test.   To knowingly edit the words which the Gospel states was spoken by God to mankind in order to adopt pagan beliefs, must be seen as an apostasy even more evil than those who hammered the spikes into the hands of Jesus.

The fact that what we would portray as organic human reasoning must be free to express itself, in order for Higher Reasoning that transcends organic human limitations to be born -- and the development of Higher Reasoning is always one of the key objectives of True Religion -- only with this enlightened (Age of Enlightenment) understanding, can we even begin to understand the perpetual struggle at its core.   Higher Reason and Knowledge which is often portrayed as being esoteric, was always condemned as heresy by the pseudo-religion of common man, because it always threatened the power structure of the authorities -- whether these authorities were quasi-religious in their cloak of appearance, or non-religious and Atheist in their outer form.   In the example of Thomas Paine in the above, while he opposed the Church, he was not only opposed by the king of England -- but he was prosecuted in absentia and sentenced to death for opposing the power structure of England which used the religious cloak in its endeavor to control the thinking of the people.   Therefore, it must be understood that when we attempt to define the conflict between reason and religion, it is imperative to recognize that traditional religion is pseudo-religion -- and quasi-religion at best.   And that the real conflict is in fact an internal religious struggle between the outer spurious system of counterfeit religious-facade and the pseudo-authorities who use and control that facade like wolves in sheep's attire, in their perpetual war with the inner core who are representative of the spiritual essence of religion -- who are portrayed as heretics and enemies of both church and state.      @@@###

Confining our present understanding to that of our Common Era, when the Church of the Roman Empire hunted down and murdered the Ebionites and Spiritual (Gnostic) Christians who refused to adhere to the religious doctrines of the emperor, the Spirit of Christianity was put to death, and what was preserved was a corpse that was secular in nature -- and had absolutely nothing in common with the essence of the original spiritual teachings of Jesus.   That valid religion must be spiritual in nature -- and spiritual religion is based upon a foundation of genuine knowledge and the expression of reason in all things -- then we must reevaluate the statement that the Age of Enlightenment was representative of "...a conflict between religion and the inquiring mind" -- and instead recognize that what is spurious and counterfeit always opposes what is true and genuine.   Further, we must also recognize that in order for Higher Reasoning to be born, what can best be portrayed as organic human reasoning must be unshackled and free to express itself in its avenues of inquiry.    The fact that truth is never diminished by disbelief -- and reason is never negated by irrationality -- insures that Higher Truth and Reason is perpetually awaiting rediscovery whenever it is hidden under the garb of man's folly, superstition and ignorance that is promoted by pseudo-religion and counterfeit authority.   

In the example of Christianity: When Jesus warned that the vast majority of mankind dwells in what he portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness), what is not understood is the fact that this disenfranchised condition which is often portrayed as man's organic blindness to what lies beyond his physical senses, is the result of man's own mindset that alienates him from the Source of Truth within himself.    What is important to recognize is the fact that the solution to overcoming the blindness that Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being, was for the individual to put on the necessary "wedding garment".    And it must also be noted that those people who were considered the "chosen ones", received an even worse fate than the common people who had not yet put on the "wedding garment".    And the fact that the scriptures openly warn that the fate of the believers who are complacent, is worse than that of the unbelievers (see ) -- and when analyzed, this complacency can only be portrayed as Christian Insanity (see The Jesus Test) -- then it becomes truly difficult to even understand how the congregation of believers even think.

And once this segmentation of mind and being is understood as the natural result of the Laws which the Deists often referred to as the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, it is man's own disenfranchised condition of mind brought about by his ignorance of these Laws  that not only alienates him from the Source of Truth -- but maintains the great barrier to his perception of Truth and Reason which the biblical author's warned was beyond man's organic mindset (see Mystery).   In the same way that a great mountain range creates a barrier between a lowland and what exists on the other side of the peaks, there exists a natural organic barrier that is both created, and maintained by the natural Laws -- and this barrier exists within the mind of man that insulates him from what lies beyond.   Again, from a Christian perspective, this esoteric knowledge of the Laws was taught to the disciples by Jesus -- and it was this body of esoteric knowledge that permitted them to escape and move beyond the organic barrier within their own mind and being -- enabling them to enter the Inner Kingdom and learn all Truths from the Source.    That this body of esoteric knowledge was lost by the Church -- and became outlawed as heresy by the pseudo-authorities of the Church -- only means that the Church by virtue of its adoption of Pagan Roman doctrines of belief, disenfranchised those who adopted and embraced the system of pseudo-religious beliefs.    In contradistinction, those who released themselves from the shackles of manmade Church dogma, and pursued a search from Truth, were able to meet with varying degrees of success because the Source of Truth remains within them beyond the natural barrier maintained by the Laws (of Nature and Nature's God).   That the acquisition and access to Higher Reasoning, is therefore born from the enlightened exercise of human reasoning that enables a person to reject the superstition and manmade dogma of the Church in their search for truth, represents an integral element of the true Spiritual Religious Path of True Enlightenment.    Therefore, the Deists who emerged out of the Age of Enlightenment, applied the God-Given Gift of Reason and Knowledge of the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, to reject the dogmatic folly of traditional institutionalized religion which was manmade and maintained under secular control, as a spring-board to tap into the Source of Higher Reasoning that resided on the other side of the natural barrier within their own mind and being -- as is the case with all of mankind.    Therefore, those who we call Deists today were very much the seekers of the esoteric knowledge that was possessed by the original disciples of Jesus -- and thus, they were truly Gnostic (Experiential Spiritual Knowledge).  

In many respects, after the people broke free of the folly of the Church of Rome, it can be realized that Deism grew out of the absolute irrationality and insanity that was promoted by the leaders of the Reformation, Calvin and Luther -- i.e., Deism stood in opposition to Luther's Folly which was a total rejection of rational thought as seen in Luther's declaration “Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but - more frequently than not - struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God” (Quoted in: The Great Thoughts; compiled by George Seldes).    Deists understood the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, because they received this esoteric knowledge directly from the Source -- which is in fact the same true objective as traditional religion which modern people associated with Deism portray as "revealed religion".    While this body of esoteric knowledge was always available to all of mankind, they perpetually alienated themselves from the Source of Knowledge because they subjected their thinking to the doctrines and dogma of men.   Further, in not understanding the application of the Key of Knowledge, even the modern neo-Deists are as ignorant of the true meaning of the scriptures as is the faith-based religions which they often oppose.   

Those who understood the Laws, and had themselves began to embrace and tap into the Higher Reasoning and Knowledge of the Source, understood that the true purpose of the Constitutional form of government in the United States was to create the necessary environment that would enable man to achieve his true potential of enlightenment.   The manmade doctrines and pseudo-knowledge of the Church, stood in direct opposition to man's process of advancement and enlightenment.   But, in the same way that the American people have not even begun to bring about the full potential which the Constitution was envisioned to manifest, neither has the Church envisioned the true potential or meaning of the very Bibles which they champion and promote.   And in this respect, both our Constitutional form of government and the Gospels have been drawn from the same Source -- in order to open the door to the same objectives -- and because the people have failed to seize the opportunity that both our Constitutional form of Government and the Gospels have presented, mankind remains under a cloud of self-imposed ignorance.    @@@

While it is true that the American people do not at all understand the Deist foundation of the Constitution, perhaps even more objectionable is the fact that a segment of modern Atheists has begun to promote themselves as Deists on the basis of the Deist opposition to organized religion.   The problem is seen in the fact that the Deists were not at all Atheists -- and their very enlightened understanding of the Laws which are embodied in the words: "...the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them...", are representative of a mind enlightened by Creator-God.   What the Atheists fail to understand is the fact that it is the expansion of Reason beyond organic carnal limitations that is responsible for the position of Deism as presented in the words: "Deism the standpoint that reason and observation of the natural world, without the need for organized religion, can determine that a supreme being created the universe. Further the term often implies that this supreme being does not intervene in human affairs or suspend the natural laws of the universe. Deists typically reject supernatural events such as prophecy and miracles, tending to assert that God (or "The Supreme Architect") has a plan for the universe that is not to be altered by intervention in the affairs of human life. Deists believe in the existence of God without any reliance on revealed religion, religious authority or holy books" (see Deism).  What the Christian fails to understand is the fact that the man known as the Apostle Paul basically stated the same exact truths that are expressed in the above words which most Christians condemn.   And what the quasi-Atheists who claims to be a Deist by virtue of their opposition to organized religion fails to comprehend, is the fact that to even hold such a position which the Deists promoted, requires a higher knowledge and reason than what can be associated with normal human consciousness.   Therefore, it can be set forth that either the Deists themselves had access to a higher revelation not perceived and understood by the vast majority of mankind, or they were themselves a fraud because they would have had to manufacture this doctrinal position.   And if the Deists were a fraud, then the Atheists and Secular Progressives are correct in their quest to abandon the Constitution, and the whole concept of UnAlienable God-Given Rights must be seen as spurious.   So, which are they?   The recipient of a higher rational thought by virtue of an enlightened understanding?   An enlightened understanding that enables them to perceive and comprehend what neither the Atheist or Theist possesses the vision to understand?   Or were the Deists just a group of charlatans who manufactured a doctrine in opposition to that held by traditional western religion?   The most important concept in the above statement that neither Theists or Atheists understand is seen in the words that the "...Supreme being does not intervene in human affairs or suspend the natural laws of the universe ...assert[ing] that God (or "The Supreme Architect") has a plan for the universe that is not to be altered by intervention in the affairs of human life."   Why?   Unless the Deist can explain the position that the Divine Plan of Creator-God "...for the universe that is not to be altered by intervention in the affairs of human life" -- and further explain how they arrived as such a position that others do not perceive using reason -- then Deism itself must be considered an anti-revealed religion hoax.    Yet, in contradistinction, I can demonstrate the validity of this Deist position by stating: Because the Will and Purpose as set forth in the Objectives of Creator-God was laid down in the beginning, and the very Spiritual DNA of the Laws (of God) are charged with the responsibility of bringing this Higher Will, Purpose and Objectives about, there simply is no need for "...intervention in the affairs of human life".    And that God's Work was Perfect, means that there is no reason for tweaking and intervention in the Divine Plan that faith-based and carnal reasoning is incapable of comprehending.    

With these facts stated, I will briefly demonstrate conclusively that while Deists stated that God can be revealed through the use of Reason, they were not speaking of either carnal reasoning from an Atheist perspective, or the blind-faith reasoning associated with organized religion.   In the same way that there is earthly knowledge and Heavenly Knowledge, there is earthly reasoning which is by its very nature bound and limited to the things of this world, and there is a Heavenly Reasoning and Intellect to which the Laws and Truths of all Realities are presented and revealed to the mind of the spiritually mature Seeker of Truth and the Kingdom.   And that, because both Atheism and organized religion stifles and impedes the development of this Heavenly Knowledge, is the reason why the Deists opposed the Church.   But even more important is the fact that the founding documents and the Constitution of the United States can not only be portrayed as a Gift from God -- but it is this Gift that laid the foundation for men of Heavenly Reason and Heavenly Knowledge to emerge from the ignorance that immersed the Church and Europe in the Dark Ages.    And that man is presently entering a new phase of Dark Ages brought about by the folly of Atheism and carnal reasoning -- and the Church has thus far failed to inhibit this new phase of Dark Ages from engulfing the minds and lives of the people -- is the very reason why the time has come to understand the Deist perspective of the Constitution and the "...Laws of Nature and of Nature's God".

In the same way that, because the Church rejected the original vision and objectives of the original authors of the Gospels -- condemning these holy men of enlightened vision as heretics -- the modern world knows virtually nothing about either the man Jesus, or the core disciples who are allegorically portrayed in the Gospels (see An Inconvenient Truth).   In like manner, because the American people know virtually nothing of any substance regarding the core Deists who, in spite of both the Christians and the elitist's who wanted to form a monarchy like the governments of Europe which they were accustomed to, formed the framework of our Constitutional government that few Americans even comprehend the vision and potential of this Gift from God to mankind.   And I submit that in the same way that the Deists were privy to a higher direct revelation that surpassed the limits of normal human reasoning -- and that this direct revelation of the core Deists was in harmony with the vision and objectives of the authors of the Gospels who were in like manner rejected as heretics -- the framework of the Constitutional government which they brought forth, was borne of this Enlightened Vision that organic man is blind to, by virtue of his own failure to properly develop his higher facilities of mind that is the shared objective of the Gospel authors.   And because Americans are truly ignorant of the knowledge of our Nations forefathers, they are presently squandering away a gift that would be almost impossible to restore once it is lost.  

Atheists and Secular Progressives are presently waging a war with the concept of God-Given UnAlienable Rights -- and because the American people have virtually no understanding of what the Deists portrayed as the Laws of Nature and Nature's God -- or how these Laws orchestrate our nations success or failure -- they are rapidly embracing Atheist and Secular Progressive leaders who seek to undermine what they call the whole concept of American Exceptionalism.   Yet, it was the very Laws that the core Deists understood when they designed the framework of our Constitutional form of government, that brought about the unparalleled success of the American people.   And these same American people remain ignorant of both the Laws, as well as the Source of Knowledge that our Deist forefathers tapped into, that motivates a great many of modern Americans to surrender their freedom and liberty to the very forces of worldly power that seeks to enslave them.   Thus, the time has come for the American people to be enlightened as to the higher reality of the God-Given Gift that they are presently squandering away.   Therefore, the next three main chapters and sub-chapters will provide the reader a behind the scenes insight into how and why the core enlightened Deists were able to invoke and use the Laws to benefit the whole of the American people in ways that few understand today.    

Modern man has absolutely no idea with respect to the depth and reality of what would be defined as True Spiritual Religion.    Traditional religion which is faith-based, has basically remained shallow by virtue of rejecting Spiritual Knowledge -- and in practice, it can be said that faith-based religion dwells under the cloak of a Vow Of Ignorance.    To the degree that the majority of the people who consider themselves religious, do not even understand the difference between religion and philosophy.    And to their own detriment, faith-based religion has permitted secular authorities to not only define religion -- placing religion in a very confined box that equates to a spiritual coffin -- but it is in fact this secular perception of religion that has become the downfall of the modern Church.   The clergy who are themselves without a rudder in the sea of confusion, promote Social Justice and Marxist government programs as the fulfillment of the Gospel.   Yet, when the core principles and objectives of the Gospel is truly understood, nothing could be further from the truth than what is being preached from these spiritually disenfranchised pulpits.  

The next chapters below will deal with the Deist framework of our Constitutional form of government which is under severe attack today.   Why is this knowledge important today?   In the words of John Adams:   "But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever."   And with the loss of liberty very quickly follows the loss of the essential First Amendment Freedoms that form the basis of enlightenment and the path to man's higher objectives and goals.    Again, John Adams rightfully warned:  “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”    When John Adams makes reference to the need of religion in a Constitutional government, the practice of religion meant something entirely different to him than it does to most Christians today.   As a Deist, in true John Lennon fashion, Adams also said: “This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it”.   Yet, it was this same John Adams who was the vice president under George Washington, and our second president who wrote about the essence of Deism that is not at all understood today: “The ten commandments and the sermon on the mount contain my religion” (see Encyclopedia Britannica: Johan Adams, Deism and Religious Philosophy).    Thus, from John Adam's Deist perspective, religion was the lifestyle and the practice of the person's religious philosophy, which was in fact the means to bring about the manifestation of a person's beliefs in the life that they are living.    The Revelation of Creator-God is not made to a Church or organized religion -- but rather, to individuals who create within themselves a condition that enables them to tap into the Higher Source of Knowledge that both organized religion, Atheists and Secular Progressives all equally reject.   And from a biblical perspective, this spiritual condition is portrayed a the refinement of self to make one's self the "good ground" that Jesus said was required to possess any degree of enlightened reason and understanding (see The Sower And The Seed).   

An interesting and appropriate statement by one of the earliest authorities of the Church is that made by Clement of Alexandria when he compared the inherent weakness of faith-based religion, to that of the Spiritual Christians who had acquired the Sacred Knowledge (Gnosis) of the Kingdom -- i.e., “Faith is the foundation; knowledge the superstructure, by knowledge faith is perfected, for to know is more than to believe. Faith is a summary knowledge of urgent truths; knowledge a sure demonstration of what has been received through faith, being itself reared upon faith through the teachings of the Lord. Thus the Gnostic grasps the complete truth of all revelation from the beginning of the world to the end, piercing to the depths of scripture, of which the believer tastes the surface only. As a consequence of this intelligent sympathy with the Divine Will, the Gnostic becomes in perfect unity in himself, and as far as possible like God. Definite outward observances cease to have any value for one whose being is brought into abiding harmony with that which is eternal; he has no wants, no passions; he rests in the contemplation of God, which is and will be his unfailing blessedness.”

The problem is that where Clement portrays the reality of "...the Gnostic [who] grasps the complete truth of all revelation from the beginning of the world to the end", those who possessed the Divine Knowledge of the higher reality of the soul and the Kingdom of God were condemned as heretics by the counterfeit leaders of the Church and the series of Roman Emperors who controlled Church doctrine and dogma.  And thus, because the history of the Church is a perpetual environment of government control of not only Church doctrine -- but also the very definition of religion itself -- this secularized political environment which is actually counterfeit-religion confused with what is genuine spiritual religion, has resulted in the fact that both the faith-based Churches, as well as government, have colluded to embrace this secular definition of religion.    Why?   Why was the segment of the Church that portrayed itself as Orthodox totally ignorant of the core objectives of the Gospel teachings?   Seeking to be benefactors of a worldly government that had the inherent secular power to totally corrupt the Church it