Unlocking The Scriptures
The Key Of Knowledge
"How terrible it will be for you experts in
religious law!
For you hide the key to knowledge from the
You don't enter the Kingdom yourselves,
and you prevent others from entering."
(Luke 11:52 NLT)

The Question: The Jewish Scribes and
lawyers had a perfect theological knowledge of the Old Testament but Jesus said,
“Woe unto you, for ye have taken away the key of
knowledge!” The idea that Jesus condemned the Scribes and
Pharisees because they did not believe in him in the manner proclaimed by modern
Christians, has absolutely no basis in biblical fact. When it is
realized that the original Gospel accounts portrayed Jesus as a man who
fulfilled the Law within himself to become the Anointed (see
TheTenWords.com ) -- and that the Virgin Birth account which was a later
addition, is purely allegorical, and was not part of the original Gospels (see
Virgin Birth) -- then a totally different Gospel objective begins to emerge.
And in not understanding the original objectives that very quickly became
altered and corrupted, the Christian world has itself thrown away the Key of
The Answer: What is ignored by the
Christian world is the reality that Jesus condemned the leaders of the Jews
because they had thrown away the Key of Knowledge -- and by so doing, had
inhibited the people from fulfilling the objective of the scriptures which was
to enter into the True Spiritual Promised Land which Jesus portrayed as the
Kingdom -- a Kingdom that Jesus stated was within each person. When
Jesus said that the blind guides should first remove the beam from their own
eyes, before they attempt to remove the splinters from the eyes of their
brothers and sisters, he was making reference to their own inherent organic
blindness caused by their failure to properly utilize the scriptures in
conjunction with the proper use of the Key of Knowledge.
The Proper Application Of The Key Of Knowledge:
In the same way that Jesus expected the leaders of the Jews to properly apply
the Key of Knowledge and enter the (inner) Kingdom (see
GateOfEden.com) -- and
thereby become enlightened to the Truth directly from the Source of All Truth
The True Prophet) --
in their failure to properly apply the Key of Knowledge, they made themselves
blind guides who were leading the people in the wrong direction down what Jesus
called the
"broad-way of destruction", making
themselves apostates to the Kingdom of God. Thus, the reality of the
crucial questions that modern Christians close their eyes to is this:
How did the Pharisees and Jewish authorities "...hide
the key to knowledge from the people"?
Why did Jesus condemn the leaders of the Jews for failing to enter the Kingdom
themselves? -- i.e., "...You don't enter the Kingdom
yourselves"! And,
(3) how did the religious
leaders of the Jews "...prevent others from entering?"
That the primary objective of
the Gospel is to prepare and enable the seeker/disciple
to enter the Kingdom, is further demonstrated in Jesus'
condemnation of the blind religious leaders as seen in
the words:
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you
hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's
faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let
those enter who are trying to" (Matt 23:13
NIV). Which means that the Kingdom of God is
not something that will come as we wait for it to arrive
in this world, which Jesus portrayed as the Far Country
-- but rather, it is a reality which man must seek, find
and enter -- which is why Jesus warned that those who do
not themselves pick up their own cross and travail in
TheWay, are neither believers or worth to be called his
disciples and followers. Allegorically, the
restoration of the prodigal son to his rightful place in
the Kingdom is portrayed as the resurrection -- and that
this resurrection can only be attained and brought about
while in the body-vessel, is demonstrated in the
statement of the
Gospel of Philip in the warning:
"Those who say that first they shall die and (then) they
shall arise are confused. If they do not first receive
the resurrection (while) they live, they will not
receive anything (when) they die" (see
Gospel Of Philip).
But perhaps even more important is the fact that the
Christians, like the Jews before them, have themselves
thrown away the Key of Knowledge -- and they have
promoted the doctrines and traditions of pagan Rome --
the Christians have preached a doctrine where they teach
the people to "...commit
apostasy" where they
"...crucify the Son of God on their own account and
hold him up to contempt" -- and as an
apostate to the New Covenant, Paul warns that
"...there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins"
TheLie.org ).
And like the carnal Jews whose heart was hardened by
their apathetic ways, they condemn the Truth and the
Gospel Objectives as heresy!
Can We Just Read The Text Literally? The
question should be posed: Can we just read the literal text of the scriptures
and know the truth? In the manner that Christians attempt to do
today? Paul called the written words of the scriptures the
"letter that killeth"
(2 Cor 3:6) -- because most of the literal written word that appeared
to be historical, was little more than
"Jewish fables"
(Titus 1:14). He warned the baptized believers at Corinth
that until they undergo the necessary process of spiritual transformation, that
their natural organic mind will be incapable of understanding the true meaning
of the Gospel (see Mystery), and
they will look upon the Mysteries of God as
"foolishness" -- i.e.,
“But the natural man does not receive the things of the
Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because
they are spiritually discerned”
(1 Cor 2:14 NKJ). And he warned these baptized and confirmed
Christians of whom it was said that they had received all the gifts and
testimony of the Gospel of Christ, that their untransformed mind was yet too
carnal to comprehend and begin to grasp the necessary higher realities of soul
and spirit -- i.e.,
“And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual
men, but as to men of flesh, as to babes in Christ”
(1 Cor 3:1 NAS). Further explaining that what is known as the
testimony of Jesus Christ and him crucified is the
"milk" of the Gospel -- meant for entry-level believers who have only
begun their journey in TheWay -- i.e., Paul warns:
“I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were
not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able” (1
Cor 3:2 NAS).
To ignore this warning by Paul, as well as a parallel
warning by Jesus himself, and a warning by Peter and all the early elders and
leaders of the Church, is to cast one's self into a Spiritual Diaspora of
profound ignorance that will be near impossible to emerge from -- i.e.,
biblically portrayed as the
"broad-way of death". Further, unlike the modern
believer, the above words were written by Paul to a congregation of Christians
who he (Paul) had himself taught the meaning of the Gospel. And what
Paul was stating was that it would be impossible for them to understand the true
meaning of the Gospel, until which time their minds became transformed and
evolved into a state of spiritual maturity that would enable them to perceive
and understand what was incomprehensible to those Christians who could only
comprehend the Gospel and the meaning of the scriptures from a human physical
perspective. And this fact was confirmed by Jesus in the parable of
Sower and the Seed
when he warned those who had received the Word:
“And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all
parables?” (Mark 4:13 KJV). And to put this great biblical
truth in the more modern language of the New Living Translation:
“But if you can't understand this story, how will you
understand all the others I am going to tell?”
And what this means is that if you fail to understand and put into practice the
essential teachings of the parable of the
Sower and the Seed
in every aspect of your life, that there is no means for you to perceive and
comprehend anything beyond what Paul portrayed as the
"letter that killeth"
(2 Cor 3:6) -- which was in fact the plight of the Pharisees who had
thrown away the Key of Knowledge.

Unlocking The Scriptures Using
The Key Of Knowledge |
Using The Key Of Knowledge |
The Language Of The Soul - Why
Is It Important To Understand the Inner Spiritual Meaning Of The
Scriptures? |
The Allegorical Meaning Of The
Scriptures |
The Spiritual Diaspora -
Rejection of Human Opinion |
Inconsistencies Intentionally
Written Into Text Of The Scriptures |
Religious And Intellectual Folly
On The Part of Religious Leaders |
Is The Gospel Copied From Other
Religious Sources? |
The Necessity Of The Allegorical
Miracles |
Foundational Paradigm - The
Dungeon Of Linear Pseudo-Intellectualism |
The Laws - The Etheric Field -
Reverse Darwinism |
The Key Of Knowledge And The Cosmology Of Mind |
Marriage - The Warning Of The Apostle - The Key Of Knowledge |
The Heightening And Expansion Of
Mind |
Intuitive Vs Linear Mind |
Spiritual (Intuitive)
Development |
The Design And Spiritual
Objectives Of The Scriptures |
The Biblical Code |
Religion As A System Of
Education And Enlightenment |
Condition Of Mind - The Primary
Spiritual Learning And Developmental Factor |
The Perfect Seed |
In The House - Taught In
Parables - The Key Of Knowledge And The Inner Kingdom |
The Nature And Reality Of
Parables |
Learning From The One Teacher -
Son of God - True Prophet |
The Gospel Of John And The Key
Of Knowledge |
The Christian Censorship Of God |
Christians As Blind Guides |
T |
T |
T |
Using The Key Of Knowledge: What is
perfectly clear from the statement that Jesus made to the Pharisees is this:
That while they (the Pharisees) were in possession of what Jesus portrayed as
the Key of Knowledge, their heresy was seen in the fact that they failed to
properly utilize what Jesus portrayed as the Key for its intended purpose --
which was to reveal the true spiritual meaning of the scriptures, which then
enabled the seeker/disciple the ability to unlock the (inner) door (narrow
strait gate), and enter into the Kingdom that Jesus declared was within each
person. But the problem was seen in the fact that the Jews --
like the modern Christians -- ignored Jesus' statement (
http://GateOfEden.com ) that the Kingdom
would never come upon the earth in the manner that carnal men look for it --
because the Kingdom was within them (Luke 17:20-21). Jesus portrayed
the leaders of the Jews as blind guides who hindered the people's entrance into
the Kingdom -- because the leaders among the Jews interpreted the scriptures
outwardly in ritual and tradition -- promoting the scriptures as historical
accounts, versus spiritual accounts. And that they failed to
turn the scriptures within self -- properly utilizing the Key of Knowledge to
unlock the door to the Kingdom Within -- is in fact why Jesus condemned the
Pharisees for cleansing the outside of the cup, while ignoring the inside.
scriptures must be turned within, is the reason why Jesus condemned the whole
system of animal sacrifice in a temple made with the hands of men ("...the
Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands" - Acts 7:48) --
"Do you not know that you are the temple of God and
that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" (1 Cor 3:16 NKJV).
And this is demonstrated in the AskMoses.com account of the
Final Temple --
i.e., (quoting) "With the destruction, G-d destroyed
the physical Temple and made it a spiritual place... We cannot find G-d in
Jerusalem; we must find Him in us. With the destruction, G-d
destroyed the physical Temple and made it a spiritual place. He took that
window and placed it within us. Instead of traveling to Jerusalem, G-d wanted us
to find Him in our inner Jerusalem. Now, our bodies are our Temples, our souls
are our windows, our minds are our Kohanim and our animal instincts are our
sacrifices. We cannot offer physical sacrifices three times a day, but we can
pray three times a day. We cannot attend Temple services three times a day, but
we can tap into our souls three times a day. We cannot atone for our
shortcomings by sacrificing animals, but we can sacrifice our inner animals—our
hormones, our lusts, our desires, our beastly compulsions. We cannot find G-d in
Jerusalem; we must find Him in us" And thus, when the
scriptures are properly understood in their spiritual meaning, they are an
allegorical presentation that contains within the body of the text the esoteric
knowledge that is necessary to build the
Final Living Temple
within one's self -- in order to fulfill the Gospel objectives, and permit the
prodigal son to return to the Edenic Kingdom from which he originally emerged.
The scriptures declare that the Lord is at the Door -- and this Door to the
Kingdom is within, and can only be opened when you utilize the scriptures as the
Key of Knowledge. But this requirement can only be achieved by
becoming the "good ground" in the parable of
Sower and the Seed
-- bringing forth the necessary spiritual fruit that enables the seeker to pick
up their own cross, and travail in TheWay -- achieving the next stage of birth
in the Kingdom.
Spiritual Jews such as the Essenes knew all along that
the whole of the written text of the scriptures was allegorical -- i.e.,
“Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not
hear the law?” And then Paul goes on to explain
to those who want to attempt to read the written word of the scriptures
literally, as if they were an historical account:
“For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by
a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born
after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. Which things are an
allegory” (Gal 4:21-24 KJV).
And that the account of Abraham is an allegory that preserved and conceals a
deeper spiritual truth that is not apparent to those who see only the letter of
the written word, means that everything contained in the scriptures is also
allegorical. And those who see only what Paul portrayed as the
"letter that killeth"
(2 Cor 3:6) and
"Jewish fables"
(Titus 1:14), remain deceived and spiritually disenfranchised in their carnal
interpretations of the scriptures. That the scriptures had to
be turned within one's own body and mind, as the seeker/disciple strives to open
the inner
"narrow gate"
that provides entrance to the Kingdom -- i.e.,
"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that
leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the
gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find
(Matt 7:13-14 NKJ). While the reasons why the scriptures were, and
are written in this allegorical manner is explored in the article
An Inconvenient Truth. The fact that even those Christians
who Paul personally taught, were incapable of understanding the higher reality
of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom (see
Mysteries Of The
Gospel), meant that it was impossible to compose a writing where the higher
spiritual truths were presented literally, so they could be read and understood
by man in his organic condition of mine.
Why Is It Important To Understand The Inner
Meaning Of The Scriptures? In the parable of the Wedding Feast and
TheCall (see TheCall),
those who failed to put on the required "wedding
garment" of purity, were cast out into the
"outer darkness". In many respects, this blindness
and condition of mind which Jesus portrayed as the
"outer darkness", can be compared to the illusions of Plato's Cave
(see Analogy Of The Cave) -- and
as those who have themselves walked the spiritual path of TheWay have learned,
the reality of this world can be portrayed as the Womb of Mother-Earth.
But what does this mean? In the same way that the physical womb of
your mother was a place where the male and female essence could be joined
together as ONE into an embryo -- and this physical womb then supplied the
necessary environment and nutrients to form and grow the embryonic-self into a
fetus and baby -- a mental womb supplies the necessary environment and nutrients
for the mental-self to develop in accord with the same pattern. That
man and woman exist on a higher level than their original sperm and ovum, does
not negate the Pattern of the Laws that bring about the next stage of birth at
the level of MIND.
As modern science has already proven, what man sees as
concrete matter, is in reality aspects of mind impressed into allegorical forms
and symbols of nature that reveal to the seeker/disciple the Forces and Laws
operating within their own mind and being (see
The Allusion Of The Forms Of Matter). And of an even greater
importance is the reality that the Code that is necessary to use, is found
imbedded in the inner meaning of the scriptures -- a Code that was implanted in
what appears on the surface to be historical narratives -- or, in the case of
what is often called Gnostic scriptures, the allegorical portrayal of the cosmic
forces of the universe. And the application of this Code that
enables the seeker/disciple to overcome and prevail over the Forces and Laws
that are operating within their own mind and being, was called by Jesus the Key
of Knowledge. And what this means is that the scriptures are
not at all what they appear to be on the surface (see
An Inconvenient Truth)
-- but rather, the scriptures are as a primer and text book that the
seeker/disciple of TheWay uses to overcome the "outer
darkness" of mind and being -- escape the world of Illusions as
portrayed in Plato's Cave -- which enables the person to bring about the next
stage of birth and be reunited with their true self (soul-self) in what Jesus
portrayed as the Kingdom within.
Why can it be said that all of mankind dwell in a state
of dark ignorance, under the power of the consciousness (god) of this world
(Outer Darkness/Cave of Illusions), because all that a person sees and perceives
with their organic senses and physical mind as they look out into nature and the
cosmos, is a world of allegorical allusions that they fail to understand the
meaning of. To the degree that the Apostle Peter stated to his
disciple Clement with respect to learning directly from what the first followers
of Jesus portrayed as the True Prophet:
“Hence, O beloved Clement,
if you would know the things pertaining to God, you have to learn them from
Him alone, because He alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows anything,
he has received it from Him or from His disciples” (see
True Prophet). And that man in his organic state of
mind is incapable of understanding the true meaning and reality of the symbols
of both this world and the text-book of symbolism which man calls the
scriptures, is demonstrated in the words of Peter when he warns that
"...therefore great care is to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be
not read according to the understanding of our own mind. For there are many
sayings in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every
one has preconceived for himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought
not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without"
The Spiritual Disenfranchisement Of The Mind). And
what this statement warns is that because the people of this world rely upon
their natural organic senses and mind to assess what they think they see --
failing to distinguish and understand that they dwell in a world of allegorical
symbolism and forms that are an allusion/illusion -- that all those who base
their conclusions and assumptions on human (organic) perception and reasoning,
will remain dwelling under the cloak of ignorance in the
"outer darkness" within the Cave of Illusions. And
this is why Jesus taught his disciples to seek out and learn only from the One
Teacher who is the
True Prophet, who is
the Only Source of Knowledge.
Why Can't We Just Read And
Understand The Scriptures? If Peter's foregoing words are true that
the human/historical/literal sense of the scriptures is always in error -- and
the true meaning of the scriptures can only be revealed by using the Key of
Knowledge to connect to the One Teacher and True Prophet -- then everything that
both believers and non-believers think they know about the message and meaning
of the scriptures, is little more than manmade dogmatic error.
Therefore, with respect to the proper use of the Key of Knowledge and the
reality of the One Teacher and True Prophet within one's own mind and being, the
Church Father Origen wrote in De Principiis where he writes:
“But all the narrative portion, relating either to the marriages, or to the
begetting of the children, or to battles of different kinds, or to any other
histories whatever, what else can they be supposed to be, save the forms and
figures of hidden and sacred things? As men, however, make little effort to
exercise their intellect, or imagine that they possess knowledge before they
really learn, the consequence is that they never begin to have knowledge; or if
there be no want of a desire, at least, nor of an instructor, and if divine
knowledge be sought after, as it ought to be, in a religious and Holy Spirit,
and in the hope that many points will be opened up by the revelation of God --
since to human sense they are exceedingly difficult and obscure -- then,
perhaps, he who seeks in such a manner will find what it is lawful to discover”.
What does this mean? If it is our desire to
possess what we can call genuine knowledge -- i.e., to begin to perceive the
Mysteries of God which the Apostle said was beyond the natural perception of man
-- and we want to know anything of any real value with respect to who we are,
and what is our true relationship to both Jesus and our Creator God that Jesus
taught was our Father -- then it is absolutely necessary and of the highest
importance that we contemplate what we see in the above words by the Church
Father Origen. The first statement that is in total conflict with the
quasi-Darwinist mindset with which we were imbued with since childhood from our
modern-day culture, is the words that few men even
“…imagine that they possess knowledge before they
really learn”. When it is realized that the whole of our culture, our
systems of education and religion, are all based upon the paradigm of the
child's mind being empty and in need of being taught, then it must be recognized
that the whole of our culture is a spiritual detriment to all of mankind!!!
Thus, we must pose the question: How is it that we could possess knowledge
before we even begin to learn? Moreover, how can it be said that because we fail
to recognize this fact, that “…the consequence is that
they never begin to have knowledge”?
What is clear is that the foundational paradigm of
thinking and life of Origen and the Apostles was representative of a totally
different perception than we have today. And in recognizing this
fact, we must then pose the question: Does the scriptures which are written in
the manner that they are -- from a totally different foundational paradigm of
thinking and life -- have any relevance to modern man who has been programmed to
think from a totally opposite perspective? Sadly, the answer is no
-- and this fact is thoroughly explored in the article
An Inconvenient Truth.
And because we think and understand life from a reverse perspective than that of
the biblical authors, we must recognize why Origen stated that:
“…men, however, make little effort to exercise their
intellect”? Don't we exercise our intellect?
How can Origen even make such a statement? The answer is that
we not only think in reverse of the biblical authors -- but our reverse thinking
process has bound and shackled us to the limitations of our physical
body-consciousness which is incapable of comprehending the higher reality of the
soul and what Paul portrayed as the Mysteries of the Kingdom (see
Gospel Mysteries).
Paul states that a man who promotes a sect, or argues over the meaning of the
written text of the scriptures is a "divisive person"
who is sinning and has been turned out of the way (Titus 3:9-10).
Paul portrays those who observe the days, months and seasons of the scriptures
as being bound by the flesh -- further stating that the scriptures are an
allegory (Gal 4:24). And with respect to the spiritual meaning of
the allegorical written text, Origen confirms in the above that
“…But all the narrative portion, relating either to the
marriages, or to the begetting of the children, or to battles of different
kinds, or to any other histories whatever, what else can they be supposed to be,
save the forms and figures of hidden and sacred things”.
Where Paul states that the account of Abraham and his two sons are an allegory
which has a purely spiritual meaning, Origen further explains that all the
biblical references to marriages and the begetting of children, and the
depiction of the many battles, has nothing to do with historical events -- but
rather, are “…the forms and figures of hidden and
sacred things”. The problem is that in order to begin to
understand the true meaning of these sacred symbols and forms that can only be
presented to organic man in allegorical accounts, that man must begin to utilize
those parts of our mind that is beyond the less than ten percent level which
nature permits him to use. Moreover, the key is found in the
words: “…As men, however, make little effort to
exercise their intellect, or imagine that they possess knowledge before they
really learn, the consequence is that they never begin to have knowledge; or if
there be no want of a desire, at least, nor of an instructor”.
Who is the instructor that Origen is making reference to? The True
Prophet that Jesus commanded his followers and disciples to seek out (see
True Prophet) -- and this can only be accomplished through the proper
application of the Key of Knowledge.
When Paul warned that the
"natural" mind of man was incapable of
comprehending the higher reality of the soul -- the Mysteries of the Kingdom --
and the true reasons for man's sojourn in this world which Jesus portrayed in
the parable of the prodigal son as the Far Country -- without understanding the
important reasons why it is impossible for the organic mind of man to comprehend
his own higher reality, mankind will remain lost and wandering in this world in
pursuit of a spiritual reality that he can never achieve. Because
the Truth could not be literally written, Judaism was therefore what is known as
a Mystery religion -- and the common Jews were used in the manner of mules who
preserved their scriptural Trojan Horse, for those who were intelligent enough
not to be seduced by the absurdities of the written text (see
An Inconvenient Truth).
In the words of Moses Maimonedes, one
of the most respected of Jewish theologians, historian, and Talmudist, where he
writes about the nature of scripture:
“Every time that you find in our books
a tale the reality of which seems impossible, a story which is repugnant to both
reason and common sense, then be sure that the tale contains a profound allegory
veiling a deeply mysterious truth; and the greater the absurdity of the letter,
the deeper the wisdom of the spirit”.
The objective of Judaism
is to become transformed into Spiritual Israel. In the exact same
manner as the enlightened Jewish Rabbi's, the early Christian Church Father
Origen writes:
“It is sufficient however,
to represent in the style of a historic
narrative what is intended to convey a secret meaning in the garb of history,
that those who have the capacity may work out for themselves all that relates to
the subject.”
And with regard to what
would otherwise be historical symbols and events that would appear to us as the
knowledge of superficial episodes of the past, Origen writes:
“I believe that every man must hold
these things for images, under which the hidden sense lies concealed”
(Origen - Huet., Prigeniana,
167 Franck, p. 142).
Students of Hebrew Mysticism
will perceive that what the third-century Christian Church Father Origen wrote
was no different than what is contained in the Zohar, where it states:
“The narratives of the doctrine are
its cloak. The simple look only on the garment, that is upon the
narrative of the doctrine; more they know not. The instructed,
however, see not merely the cloak, but what the cloak covers”.
The Jewish mystic who
spends his life seeking the inner meaning of the written word that the natural
mind of man is incapable of seeing, has warned: "Thus
the tales related in the Torah are simply her outer garments, and woe to the man
who regards that outer garb as the Torah itself, for such a man will be deprived
of portion in the next world..." (the
Zohar quoted in No Jew Has Read The
Torah). Peter said what appears to be historical never happened.
Paul called the literal text an allegory.
These same truths are again conveyed
to us in the words of the Church Historian Eusebius:
“Many were led astray by
reading the allegorical contents of the scriptures literally in the method of
the Pharisees and Sadducees.”.
What these symbols truly mean
is perhaps best expressed by G.R.S. Mead in his celebrated work, Fragments of
a Faith Forgotten, where he explained that, once properly understood, the
true meaning of what is
“…projected onto the screen…”
of the scriptures,
“…was in reality a picture of their
[man’s] own minds”.
The Church Father Origen went one step further and
reasoned that "...What man is found such an idiot as"
to believe these forms and symbols literally, and not to understand
"...that every man must hold these things for images, under which the hidden
sense lies concealed”? (see
Mystery). While the modern Church which, like the Pharisees
before them who attempts to interpret the scriptures historically/literally as
blind guides who has thrown away the Key of Knowledge -- even adopting the folly
of the Augustinian doctrine of Original Sin and the tenets of Pagan Roman
redemption and sacrifice -- that the modern reader remains totally blind to the
true meaning of the scriptures which Paul warns is an allegory, the Church
Father Origen further explains:
“Since, then, it was the intention of the Holy Spirit
to enlighten with respect to these and similar subjects, those holy souls who
had devoted themselves to the service of the truth, this object was kept in
view, in the second place, for the sake of those who either could not or would
not give themselves to this labor and toil by which they might deserve to be
instructed in or to recognize things of such value and importance, to wrap up
and conceal, as we said before, in ordinary language, under the covering of some
history and narrative of visible things, hidden mysteries. There is therefore
introduced into the narrative of the visible creation, and the creation and
formation of the first man; then the offspring which followed from him in
succession, and some of the actions which were done by the good among his
posterity, are related, and occasionally certain crimes also, which are stated
to have been committed by them as being human; and afterwards certain unchaste
or wicked deeds also are narrated as being the acts of the wicked. The
description of battles, moreover, is given in a wonderful manner, and the
alternations of victors and vanquished, by which certain ineffable mysteries are
made known to those who know how to investigate statements of that kind. By an
admirable discipline of wisdom, too, the law of truth, even of the prophets, is
implanted in the Scriptures of the law, each of which is woven by a divine art
of wisdom, as a kind of covering and veil of spiritual truths; and this is what
we have called the 'body' of Scripture, so that also, in this way, what we have
called the covering of the letter, woven by the art of wisdom, might be capable
of edifying and profiting many, when others would derive no benefit”.
Thus, the body of the scriptures which are not
necessarily historically accurate, are
“capable of edifying and profiting many” by
the reading of the literal word. Yet, as the believer matures, he
begins to realize that the endless expose of wars, genealogies, and stories of
carnal strife against Divine Providence, are absolutely meaningless in the life
of the disciple. As he begins to spiritually develop, and starts to
experience a shift in perception, he begins to realize that these wars,
genealogies and strife in the flesh have great meaning within his own mind and
being, as he travails to overcome his carnal nature in his quest to enter the
Spiritual Kingdom of his soul. What, therefore, the carnal believer
blindly sees as history, the disciple sees as great spiritual truths that are
imparted to him in his pursuit of spiritual perfection and manifestation.
What remains totally ignored by both the modern believer
and biblical critic is presented in the words of Origen where he writes that the
scriptures contain many places where what is written literally could not have
happened. In examination of this statement we ask why?
Why not create a written word that was totally factual? The answer
that Origen provides to this question is once again very simple:
“But as if, in all the instances of this covering (i.e., of this history), the
logical connection and order of the law had been preserved, we would not
certainly believe, when thus possessing the meaning of Scripture in a continuous
series, that anything else was contained in it save what was indicated on the
surface; so for that reason divine wisdom took care that certain
stumbling-blocks, or interruptions, to the historical meaning should take place,
by the introduction into the midst (of the narrative) of certain impossibilities
and incongruities; that in this way the very interruption of the narrative
might, as by the interposition of a bolt, present an obstacle to the reader,
whereby he might refuse to acknowledge the way which conducts to the ordinary
meaning; and being thus excluded and debarred from it, we might be recalled to
the beginning of another way, in order that, by entering upon a narrow path, and
passing to a loftier and more sublime road, he might lay open the immense
breadth of divine wisdom”.
In the same way that when a beast becomes conditioned to
its environment, when the mind of man is ruled over by his lower animal nature,
he will believe virtually anything -- i.e., Pagan sacrifices, virgin sacrifices,
belief in a warring and conquering god, belief in a vengeful god that is even
more evil than the most vile of mankind. As stated above, the
Apostle Peter warns that the enigmas of the scriptures which he portrays as the
"mystery of the books with the power to deceive"
Power To
Deceive), were intentionally inserted into the body of the text as a test to
the reader. Peter portrays the Gentiles as being easily deceived,
because they are accustomed to believing bad things about God. Thus,
the god of the Old Testament has been insightfully portrayed as resembling the
Wizard of OZ -- i.e., a magical nut case behind the curtain who liked physical
circumcision, genocide of non-Jews including killing every woman & child -- a
god who made man, then repented he even made man and killed everyone on earth
but Noah and his immediate family -- a god who kills a man for trying to steady
the ARK, a voodoo god who loves animal sacrifice and blood sprinkling, a god who
sacrifices his son. The scriptures are very clear, it’s all allegorical about
the Kingdom within. The reader is warned in John 6:63, that
reading the scriptures literally has no profit at all (“the
flesh profiteth nothing”) and leaves the reader spiritually bankrupt
: "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh
profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they
are life".
What Moses Maimonedes is
stating in the above, then, is that there exists many parts of the scriptures
that are literally and historically not true -- going so far as to even portray
portions of the written texts as being
"...repugnant to both reason and
common sense".
And if this is true, how can any intelligent reader of the scriptures, whether
believer or critic, make the claim that they know what it being stated, when the
scriptures were intentionally written so that only an initiate could perceive
the true meaning? Why was unhistorical events that were
"...repugnant to both reason and
common sense"
even inserted into the scriptures in the first place? Because much
of what was presented was exactly as Paul portrayed it -- i.e.,
"Jewish fables"
(Titus 1:14). The question must therefore be asked: Why did the
authors of the scriptures weave their truths within and around
"Jewish fables"?
Because if their writings did not conform to the very heathen and superstitious
beliefs of the nomadic tribe who called themselves Jews, the writings themselves
would be rejected and destroyed (see
An Inconvenient Truth).
And because the Mystics who
authored the scriptures comprehended the journey of the soul, they understood
that they, or the future images generated by their own soul -- would need the
wisdom and knowledge contained within the scriptures in the future.
Isn't Paul stating this exact same truth when he writes to
the Galatians who are attempting to embrace Jewish ritualistic ways, and states:
“Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do
ye not hear the law?” And then Paul goes on to
explain to those who want to attempt to read the written word literally, in an
historical context as Christians do today: “For
it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a
freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of
the freewoman was by promise. Which things are an allegory”
(Gal 4:21-24 KJV). That the Jew who remained of a
natural carnal mindset could not see beyond the symbols of the allegory, and
their eyes and hearts were hardened so they could not comprehend the true
meaning of the scriptures, is readily understood where Paul states that
“their minds were blinded”
by God, “for until this
day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament…
even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart”
(2 Cor 3:14-15 KJV). Yet, because the Christians
have adopted the ways of the carnal Jews and have themselves thrown away the Key
of Knowledge, the same vail that blinded the Jews, is upon their own hearts and
What Does It Mean That The Scriptures Are
Allegorical? The Gospels are designed to be read by all seekers at
every level of spiritual attainment and
Therefore, the Gospels are intentionally composed to convey important teachings
literally -- while still enabling the seeker to be able to turn the scriptures
within their own mind and being -- thereby enabling the seeker to tap into the
more advanced spiritual meaning and inner reality of being. The allegorical
account of Jesus in the Gospels, is a portrayal of the True Prophet/Logos/Son of
God that dwells within the mind of all people (see
http://TheThreeLies.com#TrueProphet ). The twelve disciples are not
historical persons -- but rather, the twelve spheres of mind that are portrayed
in the pattern of the Tree of Life at the right. The miracles are
the opening of the carnal mind to the inner spiritual realities. The
literal teachings in the Sermon on the Mount and other such Gospel concepts, are
all valid teachings that the True Prophet would convey to the seeker.
According to AskMoses.com, the animals presented in the scriptures are
representative of the lower base consciousness that rules over the lives of
organic man (see Final
Temple). The leaders of the Jews are representative of the thinking of
organic man that attempts to express and celebrate the Law of God outwardly in
ritual and tradition. The people of the Nations are those aspects of man's
consciousness that are ruled over by the powers of this world.
While it is true that the historical man Jesus was able
to bring himself into Oneness with the Indwelling Logos/Son of God/True Prophet,
it is also true that the teachings of Jesus which are presented in the Gospels,
are valid teachings and concepts set forth by the Indwelling Logos/Son of
God/True Prophet. Which means that they are representative of literal
truths. If we pose the question: Is the portrayal of Jesus an
accurate historical presentation? Not really. In this respect,
Origen was correct in his teaching that: “Where the
word found that things done according to the history could be adapted to these
mystical senses, he made use of them concealing from the multitude the deeper
meaning; but where in the narrative of the development of super-sensual things,
there did not follow the performance of those certain events which were already
indicated by the mystical meaning, the scripture interwove in the history the
account of some event that did not take place, sometimes what could not have
happened; sometimes what could but did not.” I have
absolutely no problem in embracing the reality that what is presented in the
historical narrative of the scriptures, may not be actual historical events that
actually transpired. And that what is being presented as historical,
is in reality a portrayal of conditions of mind and being that must be embraced
and made manifest within the mind of the disciple/seeker.
I often quote from the Homilies of Clement which present
the teachings of the actual Apostle Peter. Was there an historical
disciple Peter? Yes, but the Peter that is presented in the scriptures is
not an actual historical account -- but rather, an allegorical portrayal of an
aspect of the seekers own mind. And as Origen states in the above:
“Where the word found that things done according to the history could be
adapted to these mystical senses, he made use of them concealing from the
multitude the deeper meaning..." -- meaning, that while there was an
actual historical man named Peter who was an actual disciple, the Peter that is
portrayed in the Gospels is an allegorical representation of the seekers own
sphere of mind that is being presented in the allegorical symbol of Peter.
That the historical man Peter taught and conveyed Gospel teachings that are
presented in the Homilies of his disciple Clement, is also true. That when
Peter in the Homilies makes reference to the True Prophet/Logos/Son of God that
dwells within each of us, he is conveying a literal reality that exists within
the mind and being of every man and woman -- and it is this Inner True Prophet
that we must seek out as our only True Teacher and revealer of the Mysteries of
the Kingdom. That the Gospels present a blueprint of mind which we often
portray as the Cosmology of Mind and Being, is also a Spiritual Truth that is
not in any manner negated by the historical garb that is necessary in order to
present these inner realities of mind to the reader.
To the seeker, what is presented as literal teachings in
the Gospel, is exactly what I as a shepherd and guide of TheWay, would convey to
the seeker as an actual teaching of the True Prophet/Logos/Son of God.
What is presented in the literal text of the Gospels, is a series of Universal
Truths that must be put into practice by all of mankind. That the
historical narrative holds a deeper spiritual meaning than what is apparent, in
no manner detracts from the purpose and objective of the teachings themselves.
Our Mind and Consciousness can be portrayed as a House -- with the objective
being to enter within our own consciousness -- and enter In The House with the
Lord (see
In The House).
And this spiritual process of entering within one's own mind and being, is
explained at the foregoing link in the words:
Not to understand the meaning of the term
"In The House", and to have thrown away the Key of Knowledge, is to
remain totally ignorant of the spiritual meaning of the Gospels and the
teachings of TheWay. In fact, the reality of the term being
In The House was and is so important, that the
Gospel of the Nazirenes (chapter
19:10) states:
"There is a house made without hands, seek that you may
dwell therein." If the believer is truly faithful to the
Living Word -- lives in accordance with the Commandments of the Royal Law of the
Most High -- seeks to acquire Genuine Knowledge directly from the Son of God --
and sincerely walks in The Way -- then they will pass through the
"narrow way" and the
"straight gate" into the Kingdom will open to them.
When the disciples who dwelled In The House, asked Jesus why he taught the
multitude of people in the enigma of parables -- wherein, each person's
interpretation and understanding was in accord with their own mindset and
thinking -- Jesus replied to his disciples: "Unto you
is given the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all
things are done in parables: that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and
hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest haply they should turn again,
and it should be forgiven them" (Mark 4:11-12 ASV) -- and the term,
"...lest haply they should turn again", is stated in reference to the
Kingdom that can only be found within, and the presence of the
One Teacher
What Jesus do you see? This question is answered in the
following subheading which is appropriately titled
What Jesus Do
You See?
What is clear is that the disciples who were
portrayed as being
In The House, were taught entirely different than
the common people who were portrayed as being "outside".
In the Gospel of John the question was posed to Jesus as to why he would not
show himself to the people who were portrayed as being
"outside" -- i.e., the people whose mind and thinking is controlled
by the power/god of this world: "Then Judas (not Judas
Iscariot) said, But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to
the world?" (John 14:22 NIV). While this rather profound
statement was part of a much larger message prior to being edited and removed by
the later Gentile Church (see
BibleCorruption.com ), even the statement should provoke the question:
How could this be said? Didn't everyone see Jesus? And what this
means is exactly what is presented in the Gospel of Philip in the statement that
people can only perceive the Jesus that is in accord with their own Condition.
The reality that has been preserved in the Gospel of Philip reads:
"Jesus took them all by stealth, for he did not appear
as he was, but in the manner in which they would be able to see him. He appeared
to them all. He appeared to the great as great. He appeared to the small as
small. He appeared to the angels as an angel, and to men as a man. Because of
this, his word hid itself from everyone. Some indeed saw him, thinking that they
were seeing themselves, but when he appeared to his disciples in glory on the
mount, he was not small. He became great, but he made the disciples great, that
they might be able to see him in his greatness."
What Judas (not Iscariot) was stating is that the Jesus which the disciples saw
and heard, was an entirely different Jesus than what the multitudes who are
portrayed as being "without", saw and heard.
And we can observe this same reality in the Fundamentalists who promote their
dogma that the scriptures are historical accounts -- when in fact they are
spiritual accounts that utilize a quasi-historical cloak to reveal
"by stealth", the Laws, Forces and the
Cosmology of Mind and Being that the sincere seeker needs to possess the
knowledge of to bring about and initiate their own spiritual regeneration and
birth. In the same way that the Gospel states that
"...he made the disciples great, that they might be able to see him in his
The question then becomes: What Jesus do you see?
While the Gospels are largely allegorical, it remains true that the teachings
are Universal Truths conveyed to the reader by the True Prophet/Logos/Son of
God. And it also remains true that if the seeker observes and puts these
important teachings into daily practice -- seeking to fulfill the Gospel
objective of entering In The House with the Lord -- that the True Prophet will
personally teach the seeker all the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God.
In view of the fact that mankind as the lost prodigal sons, have been alienated
from their own inner spiritual reality by the carnal lives they are living, the
only means to help them is to set forth the Universal Teachings in a manner that
can be presented to them. And this is the primary objective of the literal
Gospel teachings. That there are important esoteric teachings that man in his
organic condition of mind cannot comprehend while being ruled over by his lower
carnal nature, does not in any manner negate the necessity to embrace and
observe the literal teachings of the Gospel. That there is a deeper spiritual
meaning that is not apparent to the spiritually immature reader, is not at all
important -- nor does it in any manner negate the purpose and objective of the
scriptures. The spiritually immature cannot in any manner relate to the esoteric
pattern of mind that is presented in the allegorical narrative of the
scriptures. This knowledge of the esoteric pattern of mind does not make much
rational sense, until they are prepared to understand and put into use the
Cosmology of Mind and Being. Therefore, the question must be asked: Does it
matter that Jesus had 12 disciples, 14 or 18 disciples? How does the number of
disciples effect the person reading the scriptures? It does not. It is the
substance of the teachings that are important to put into daily practice in the
life of the seeker/disciple. That the number of disciples has a deeper meaning
-- that their names portray attributes of the sphere of mind they represent --
is not important to the spiritually immature believer. Yet, this knowledge is of
great importancer to the more mature seeker who is striving to prevail over
their own inner division and diversity of mind and being.
It is a common statement in the Nazirene Disciple
forum that once the name of an historical person is presented in the scriptures,
that the reference is no longer to an actual historical person -- but rather,
what is represented in the meaning of the name. It is therefore significant that
the twelfth teaching of the Gospel of Thomas instructs the reader to seek out
Jacob -- i.e., (12) The disciples said to Jesus, "We
know that you will depart from us. Who is to be our leader?" Jesus said to them,
"Wherever you are, you are to go to James the righteous, for whose sake heaven
and earth came into being." The name Jacob portrays the
conscious development of the twelve spheres of mind that transforms the seeker
into Spiritual Israel -- which can rightly be portrayed as the primary reason
"...heaven and earth came into being." On a secondary note,
it is also true that the soul of Jacob/James has continually dwelled in the
earth, and has guided seekers in TheWay. But when the meaning of the name
Jacob is turned within one's own mind and being, the statement remains true with
respect to understanding the whole of the Gospel of Thomas. In order to enter
Into The House, and come into the Presence of the Son of God/Logos/True Prophet,
the seeker must permit the twelve spheres of mind to develop and reach a state
of maturity. And thus, the name Jacob portrays a necessary Condition of Mind
that the seeker must bring about within themselves. But this is also true with
respect to the whole of the Gospels. The portrayal of Jerusalem, is not the
portrayal of a geographical place that man calls Jerusalem -- but rather, that
Condition of Mind that is portrayed in the reality of Jerusalem -- the Gates of
which through the seeker must pass, are portrayed in the ending of the Book of
Revelation in the words: "Blessed are those who do His
commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter
through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually
immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie"
(Rev 22:14-15 NKJ). Where reference is made to those who are outside the
House -- i.e., "...dogs and sorcerers and sexually
immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie"
-- the reference is being made to a carnal condition of consciousness that
inhibits the return of the lost prodigal son to his Inner Source of Being. But
it is impossible to enter In The House without observing the literal teachings
of the Gospel -- manifesting within one's own self the twelve spheres of mind as
personified in the name Jacob/James, and evolved into the fullness of Spiritual
Israel -- wherein, the seeker is then able to enter the presence of the Son of
God/Logos/True Prophet -- and be taught the higher reality of the soul and the
Mysteries of the Kingdom.
The Spiritual Diaspora - Rejection of Human
Opinion: When Paul portrayed the literal written text of the
scriptures as
"...Jewish fables", he then added not to heed the
"...commandments of men who turn away from the truth"
(Titus 1:14). With respect to not heeding the
"...commandments of men", the Church has never understood why Paul
condemned and rejected all opinions with respect to the interpretation of the
scriptures -- as seen in his statement: "But avoid
stupid controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels over the law, for
they are unprofitable and futile. As for a man who is factious, after
admonishing him once or twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that
such a person is perverted and sinful; he is self-condemned" (Titus
3:9-11 RSV). Why? Because as Paul states (see above), it
is impossible to ascertain the true meaning of the Spiritual Gospel through the
study of the letter of the written text which Paul portrays as
"letter that killeth [and] Jewish folktales" (see 2 Cor 3:6; Titus
1:14). It is important to understand that the foregoing word that is
translated "factious", appears no where else
in the New Testament. And because the Church disregarded this
statement of warning, and permitted itself to become embroiled in divisions,
sects and factions based upon "human opinion"
and man-made "factions", -- thereby
rejecting the ONE TEACHER (see
The True Prophet)
Jesus commanded his followers to exclusively learn from -- the Church exiled
itself into a Spiritual Diaspora from which it has yet to emerge.
And when properly understood, this word that appears no where else in the Bible,
must be properly interpreted "human opinion"!!!
Unless the Christian believers begin to openly
acknowledge the warning of Paul that doctrines of belief based upon
"human opinion" and a human perception of the scriptures have the
effect of shackling the believers to a condition of abject spiritual ignorance,
then as the prodigal sons and daughters they will remain spiritually
disenfranchised and lost -- unable to receive and inherit the promise of the
Gospel. Quoting from
What Difference Does It Make:
"He who has an
ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to
him I will give of the hidden manna"
(Rev 2:17) -- and Spiritual Manna which is Spiritual Knowledge, can only be
imparted to man directly by God -- and can only be received by those who
"overcome", and are prepared to receive it.
The Greek word for this secret spiritual knowledge that can only be imparted
directly from God to those who are prepared to receive it, is called
"Gnosis" -- aka Spiritual Manna.
Paul correctly stated that the faith-based Christians who are totally versed in
what he called the (historical) "traditions of Jesus
and him crucified", were too carnal to receive the Spiritual Manna or
Gnosis. Paul portrayed the baptized and committed Christians as
still being of an "animal-soul" level of
consciousness who were incapable of receiving the Divine Manna or Gnosis.
And this reality is expressed in the meaning of the Greek text of Paul's First
Epistle to the Corinthians (2:14) where Paul states that the
organic man cannot comprehend the higher reality of the Soul and the Mysteries
of the Kingdom. Which profound statement provokes the question: What
is meant by the term that Paul used when he described the very people who he had
himself taught who were incapable of comprehending the higher reality of the
soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom when he portrayed them as being of a
"natural" organic level of mind and
consciousness? The Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary writes
with respect to the meaning of the word in the original Greek language:
"natural man—literally, 'a man of animal soul'." Further,
the Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge states of this ignored and profound
statement at 1 Cor 2:14 which reads (quoting Paul): "But
the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are
foolishness to him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually
discerned" -- wherein the proper interpretative-meaning of Paul's
words with respect to the reality of what is portrayed by Paul as the natural
man is then presented: [Psuchikos,] the animal man, one
who lives in a natural state, and under the influence of his animal passions;
for [psuche] means the inferior and sensual part of man, in opposition to the [nous]
understanding, or [pneuma,] the spirit. And this is not only true --
but is is a fact of life that all mystics and enlightened souls must deal with
when interacting with organic man. Which is exactly why Paul
profoundly stated to the very people who he had personally taught the Gospel
message: "And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to
spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. I fed you with
milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and
even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal" (1 Cor
3:1-3 NKJ). Stating to the body of confirmed and baptized believers
who he stated had received all truth and knowledge pertaining to the elementary
"traditions" of Christ:
“But the natural man does not receive the things of the
Spirit of God, for they are foolishness
to him; nor can he know them, because they are
spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14 NKJ).
The Law is that no one can receive or possess any
greater level of Truth than they are willing to live and manifest in their lives
in word, thought, desire and deed. Did Jesus not say to those who
call themselves believers and followers: "Not everyone
who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does
the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord,
have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many
wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you;
depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'" (Matt 7:21-23 NKJ).
If, as Paul warns,
(1) the true spiritual
meaning of the Gospel is inconceivable to the "natural"
mind of man; (2)
that (see above) if the baptized and committed believers were to be exposed to
even the concepts of the spiritual meaning of the Gospel, they would reject
these higher concepts as "foolishness";
and that it is even "unlawful" to reveal to
those who Paul portrays as "babes in Christ"
these spiritual teachings and concepts that the faith-based Christians will
reject; (4)
then it must be recognized that this body of inconceivable and un-utterable
spiritual truths are not written literally in the text of the scriptures where
they could be read by these same immature "babes in
Christ" and rejected as "foolishness";
which is why Paul condemns anyone who even promotes a
"human opinion" of the meaning of the scriptures;
because as the Disciple Peter taught, the scriptures are designed to speak to
each man's condition of mind and being, and because of the Laws and the effect
of what is allegorically portrayed as the Tower of Babel Syndrome, each person
reading the scriptures is supposed to see a different doctrine (see
The Books
With The Power To Deceive);
(7) and the original
objective and purpose of the Gospel message was to enable the seeker/disciple to
open the inner "narrow strait gate" and gain
entrance to the Kingdom, and learn directly from the
Indwelling Logos/Son of
God/True Prophet.
That divisions and factions from a Gospel
perspective is denounced as a "sin of the flesh"
is further seen at Gal 5:19-21 where it is written:
"The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and
debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage,
selfish ambition,
dissensions, factions
and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that
those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God".
That modern Christianity has lost this vision and severed themselves from the
direct communication which is given to the disciple of Truth, is easily seen in
the schismatic nature of the present day church. If the Apostle Paul
were with us today he would condemn the modern Christian for the exact same
reasons that he condemned the believers at Corinth: “I
appeal to you”, writes the Apostle, “…that
there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind
and thought” (1 Cor 1:10NIV).
What we fail to realize today is
the fact that there can be no divisions and sects in a Spiritually Living
Religion -- where there is One Leader and One Teacher that all genuine disciples
have access to. By Divine Decree, the followers of Jesus were to
have no divisions, sects, or independent opinions among the believers because
the Lord promised that each “…shall hear my voice; and
there shall be one fold, and one shepherd” (John 10:16 KJV).
Paul was so adamantly opposed to manmade schisms and carnal (human) opinions
that he chastised the believers at Corinth that they were not men of the spirit
-- as was evidenced that they had divisions among them. He explained
that the carnal, or “natural man receiveth not the
things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he
know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14 KJV);
and informs them that they are too “carnal, and walk as
(1 Cor 3:3 KJV) to open the inner door of the mind and learn directly from the
Lord via the spirit. From his perspective, the very existence of
these divisions was proof the believers at Corinth were too carnal to experience
direct communication with the Lord -- which opening of the inner door to the
spirit was the whole essence of New Covenant theology.
Writing about schisms and
divisions, the Church Father Turtillian writes: “On
this point, however, we dwell no longer, since it is the same Paul who, in his
Epistle to the Galatians, counts 'heresies' among 'the sins of the flesh,' who
also intimates to Titus, that 'a man who is a heretic' must be 'rejected after
the first admonition,' on the ground that 'he that is such is perverted, and
committeth sin, as a self-condemned man.' Indeed, in almost every epistle, when
enjoining on us (the duty) of avoiding false doctrines, he sharply condemns
heresies. Of these the practical effects are false doctrines, called in Greek
heresies, a word used in the sense of that choice which a man makes when he
either teaches them (to others) or takes up with them (for himself). For this
reason it is that he calls the heretic self-condemned, because he has himself
chosen that for which he is condemned”.
In the gospel preached by Paul,
heresy is considered a “sin of the flesh”,
because schisms and divisions are the result of natural man clinging to ideas of
a carnal nature. Why are these baptized and committed Christians
plagued by schisms and divisions? Because they only call upon the Lord
with their lips, while failing to do as the Apostle states by following in The
Way and
“Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your
earthly nature” (Col 3:5 NIV).
We must therefore turn from the
understanding of the flesh -- i.e., "human opinion"
-- or in the words of the Apostle: “For to be carnally
minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” (Rom
8:6 KJV). The religion of Christ was one of the spirit -- and Paul
taught the Gentile believers not to look to the historical man Jesus, but rather
the indwelling Spiritual Living Messiah/Christ as their savior and revealer of
truth: “Therefore from now on we recognize no man
according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according o the flesh,
yet now we know Him thus no longer” (2 Cor 5:16 NAS).
This Spiritual Messiah/Christ, over the historical Messiah/Christ in the flesh,
was what biblical scholar Rudolf Bultmann was speaking of when he concluded that
“…Christian faith is, and should be, comparatively
uninterested in the historical Jesus and centered instead on the transcendent
Christ” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1998 electronic edition).
In the eyes of Paul, the Apostle
to the Gentiles, the church of our present day has been turned out of The Way.
In a spiritual religion there can be no schisms and divisions, which are
“sins of the flesh” -- but rather, spiritual unity must prevail because the
true disciple of Jesus has opened the door to the indwelling Kingdom, and is the
student of “the true light which... enlightens every
man” (John 1:9 NAS). In this respect, the perspective of
the Apostle Paul is very clear -- i.e., one cannot cling to the historical man
Jesus -- i.e., the “Christ according to the flesh”
-- and be in harmony with the Living Christ that calls to us from beyond the
inner door -- the transcendent Messiah/Christ -- who calls out to the genuine
disciple from the other side of the inner strait gate that leads to the Kingdom.
Again we are confronted with the
revelation of a great truth that we fail to recognize today. In
acknowledgement of these words of the Apostle, the concerned Jew/Christian
should immediately ask: What is it that Paul is talking about that the
carnal or natural man cannot comprehend? Why can't the Apostle just
tell us in plain language what he is referring to? Throughout his
epistles Paul constantly refers to the true Jewish/Christian doctrine as
concealed mysteries that can only be learned via the spirit. Of
these hidden mysteries Paul says:
“Let me tell about the visions I've had, and
revelations from the Lord. Fourteen years ago I was taken up to heaven for a
visit. Don't ask me whether my body was there or just my spirit, for I don't
know; only God can answer that. But anyway, there I was in paradise, and heard
things so astounding that they are beyond a man's power to describe or put in
words (and anyway I am not allowed to tell them to others)” (2 Cor
12:1-4 TLB).
What great mysteries can the
spirit impart to the believer that are “so astounding
that they are beyond a man's power to describe or put in words”?
And more importantly, why would Paul say that he was
“not allowed to tell them to others”? In light of these
rather profound statements, every believer today must ask what the relationship
of these secret mysteries is to the Gospel? The Apostle warned the
believers at Corinth that “I gave you milk, not solid
food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready”
(1 Cor 3:2 NIV). This means that the religion which was
preached to the masses -- the doctrine that Paul refers to as milk -- is merely
the elementary principles of the gospel which are a form and pattern, and the
True Gospel of the Messiah/Christ was those mysteries that he was
“not allowed to tell to others”. We must then understand
that the whole focus of New Testament theology is to prepare the disciple to
receive the revelation of the great spiritual truths that can only be revealed
through the opening of the spiritual door within us.
Show me a Jew, Messianic
believer, or Christian today who says that he believes a certain thing because
it was written by Paul, and I will show you a babe in Messiah/Christ who is
nourished by the milk. Do you not see what the Apostle warns:
“I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet
ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready” (1 Cor 3:2 NIV).
This means that there was another -- more superior Gospel -- a Gospel that was
not written in the manner of the Old Covenant -- and when writing to believers
who are still of this world and have yet to become spiritual, Paul can only
allude to this more perfect Gospel in his letters. In view of these
biblical facts, this means that no man can find the Truth of the Gospel in what
Paul wrote in his epistles -- but rather, this truth is only revealed by the
Living Spiritual Messiah/Christ that Paul wrote is unveiled only to those who
were able to put off their carnal nature, and receive the mysteries directly
from God. This is the essence of New Covenant thought!
What many
believers today fail to realize is that the answer to the dilemma is found
implanted on their own lips as they gather together for prayer and worship.
Further, the answer is again found in the words of the Apostle Peter, as
contained in an obscure writing of his disciple Clement -- a writing rejected by
the fourth century Roman Church -- where he said that the genuine Jew/Christian
must learn only from the True Prophet as to the correct meaning of the
scriptures and the revelation of the Word.
“Hence, O beloved Clement", proclaims Peter,
“if you would know the things pertaining to God, you have to learn them from Him
alone, because He alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows anything, he
has received it from Him or from His disciples”.
These words
-- i.e., that you not only can, but you MUST learn the things of God from Him
alone, or from one of his genuine disciples -- are as true today as when Peter
originally spoke them to Clement in the first century. They are
based upon the New Covenant teaching that Yeshau/Jesus came to teach the Truth,
and this Truth cannot be altered or defiled by either an impostor church, or the
doctrines of men. Therefore, built into the essence of the Word is a
means by which the truly faithful disciple throughout any and every age in the
history of man is able to learn the Truth directly from the Lord Himself.
What this further means is that even during that timeframe when the church was
plundered into the very depths of darkness and despair, the truly faithful
followers of the Light were taught the truth directly from the One Source of all
The problem
is that the modern believer has become so accustomed to listening to the
preaching and doctrines of other men, that they have permitted themselves to
become totally alienated from the very essence of New Covenant teachings.
We have therefore been so estranged from the Word that Yeshua/Jesus taught, that
few Jews or Christians today can even envision the core teaching of the New
Testament scriptures -- i.e., that only what has been revealed to you by the
Lord Himself via your own spiritual nature is a valid Truth that you are to
When the Spiritual Christians who were portrayed as
Gnostic heretics said that there existed a body of esoteric knowledge that could
not be received by those who remained immature and carnal in their thinking and
understanding -- immature faith-based believers who portrayed themselves as
Orthodox Christians -- the Spiritual Christians were merely confirming the above
words of Paul. And that fallen segment of the Church which called
itself Orthodox -- a body of believers who were bound and shackled by manmade
dogma that spiritually disenfranchised them from gaining entrance into the Inner
Kingdom and learning directly from the
One Teacher
that Jesus said to seek out -- were in fact the sectarian heretics who Paul
commanded to reject as being turned out of TheWay. And in the
Middle Ages when the Church promoted every conceivable brand of evil and
superstition, those who rejected the abandonment of reason and intellect on the
part of the Church during the Age of Enlightenment, called themselves Deists.
When Martin Luther could not support his dogma of irrationality, he condemned
and rejected the God-Given Gift of Reason that sets man apart from the beasts of
the earth -- i.e., “Reason”, writes Luther,
“is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to
the aid of spiritual things, but - more frequently than not - struggles against
the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God”
(Quoted in: The Great Thoughts; compiled by George Seldes). Yet,
those who rejected the superstition and the dogmatic folly of the Church, came
to understand the Laws that separated and alienated carnal man from God -- and
it is this Source and
One Teacher
that the Gospel taught to seek out, that revealed to the Enlightened Deists the
Great Truths that Paul portrayed as inconceivable to the minds of the
faith-based Christians.
The above Spiritual Reality that the Orthodox
Congregation of Christians could never come to terms with, is in every way
embodied in the statement of the Apostle Peter as quoted in the Homilies of his
disciple Clement where he warns about manmade dogmatic interpretations of the
written letter of the scriptures:
"...therefore great care is to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be
not read according to the understanding of our own mind. For there are many
sayings in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every
one has preconceived for himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought
not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from
without". (see
The Spiritual Disenfranchisement Of The Mind). And in the
same way that present-day Christianity is a religion of innumerable teachers and
almost countless sects and factions, the reality of these words are totally
incomprehensible to the modern Church. Yet, these words are not only
representative of the very core foundation of the Gospel teachings, but they are
representative of the original objectives of the New Covenant.
In making reference to The True
Prophet who Jesus portrayed as the One Teacher, Peter warns that:
"Hence, O beloved Clement,
if you would know the things pertaining to God, you have to learn them from
Him alone, because He alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows anything,
he has received it from Him or from His disciples”.
If we ask the question: What is being said to the believer who desires to be
faithful to the Gospel Teachings? In the same way that the believer
is commanded to seek out and learn ONLY from the
One Teacher, and the
commandment that
"...when the law of God (scriptures) is read, it be not read according to the
understanding of our own mind" -- it is being stated that there is
only One Source of Truth -- and that the organic thinking, understanding and
wisdom of man will misguide the seeker. By design, human reasoning
is embryonic, fragmented and greatly limited -- and is therefore incapable of
understanding the true meaning of the scriptures -- i.e.,
"...therefore great care is to be
taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the
understanding of our own mind." And neither should you
listen to other men's gravely flawed interpretations of the scriptures -- i.e.,
"...For you ought not to seek a
foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without".
Jesus taught that there is only one Source of Truth, and the disciple/seeker
must learn directly from that
One Teacher.
And thus, these words which are representative of the core Gospel teachings, are
inconceivable to the modern faith-based believer who is divided and
disenfranchised from the very essence and objectives of the Gospel teachings --
overwhelmed and anchored to a carnal mindset that Jesus portrayed as dwelling in
the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness) -- spiritually
disenfranchised by innumerable manmade opinions, factions and sects which
totally alienate the believer from the Truth and the Kingdom.
Inconsistencies Purposely Written Into The
Scriptures: In addition to the foregoing where the fact is explored
wherein it is demonstrated that the scriptures are not historically/literally
true and accurate, an important point that believers ignore and critics of the
scriptures fail to acknowledge to their own demise, is the words of Origen that
inconsistencies were purposely written in to the text of the scriptures to
inhibit them from being read literally. While this fact is explored
more thoroughly in Part
III of the Secret Doctrine of Christianity, simple examples can easily be
In order to force the reader to stop, and contemplate
the inner spiritual message, a conflicting account is purposely entered into the
scriptures: Acts 9:7 reads:
“And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless,
hearing a voice, but seeing no man”. Yet, in Acts 22:9
the narrative reads: “And they that were with me saw
indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that
spake to me”. It means absolutely nothing for the modern
reader to believe that Saul was converted on the road to Damascus -- there is no
spiritual edification or uplifting when we relate this knowledge to an
historical event at the beginning of our Common Era. But what is
conveyed spiritually is of great value to the disciple in search of the Light --
and must bring about a change of mind in his quest to open the door to the
Kingdom. Thus the disciple begins to see his own transformation from the
death of Stephen as spirit became clothed with flesh, to Saul -- from a Jew to
Paul -- from Paul the little one, whose blindness was healed by Ananias -- the
gift from God.
The many points at which the scriptures conflict in
order to force the reader to look for the inner meaning is so numerous, that an
entire book could be written in their compilation. Acts 7:14 has 75
persons coming with Jacob into Egypt -- Gen 46:27; Ex 1:5; Deut 10:22 state
there were 70. Acts 7:16-17 has Jacob buried in Shechem -- Gen 49:28-30; 50:13
buried in Mamre which is Hebron according to Gen 23:19. If the Holy Spirit wrote
both sets of scriptures, there should have been uniformity between them.
Moreover, if the New Testament authors were attempting to convince others that
they knew what they were speaking about from a literal sense, they would have
been very careful to get the facts correct.
Perhaps one of the finest examples of the organic mind's
attempt to explain away from a purely physical/carnal perspective what it should
be investigating, is demonstrated in the genealogies of Jesus. The fact that the
genealogy presented in Luke is not the same as that in Matthew, has long been
the source of many dogmatic theories. But the fact that the genealogy in
Matthew contains four women, and three foreigners, should immediately send up a
red flag warning that these genealogies cannot -- and never were intended -- to
be read literally.
Two of the women were strangers to the commonwealth of
Israel, Rachab a Canaanitess, and a harlot besides, and Ruth the Moabitess.
In the pedigree of the kings of Judah, between Joram and Ozias (v. 8), there are
three left out, namely, Ahaziah, Joash, and Amaziah -- and therefore Joram could
not have begat Ozias. When it is said (v. 12) that Jechonias begat
Salathiel, that Jechonias was the son of that Jehoiakim who was carried into
Babylon, the scriptures tell us that Jechonias was childless (Jer. 22:30), and
in direct contradiction to what is written in Matthew, it is written that
“No man of his seed shall prosper”.
In order to insure that the genealogies cannot be read
literally, it is further stated in Matthew:
“Thus there were fourteen generations in all from
Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from
the exile to the Christ” (Matt 1:17 NIV). With regard to
the many problems presented in the genealogies, the Adam Clark Commentary
[Josias begat Jechonias and his brethren, about the time they were carried away
to Babylon:] There are three considerable difficulties in this verse.
1. Josias was not the father of Jechonias; he was only
the grandfather of that prince: (1 Chr. 3:14-16)
2. Jechonias had no brethren; at least, none are on
3. Josias died 20 years before the Babylonian captivity
took place, and therefore Jechonias and his brethren could not have been
begotten about the time they were carried away to Babylon.
To this may be added a fourth difficulty, namely, there are only thirteen in
this 2nd class of generations; or forty-one, instead of forty-two, in the whole
When we closely examine the literal word of the Bible, all of the scriptures
could be deciphered in this same manner to demonstrate the inconsistencies from
an historical perspective. Moreover, the problem would be even more
serious than it is at present if the Bible had not been severely corrupted (see
Bible Corruption) and the
text had been left in its original condition. In many instances,
where these many places that appear to be contradictions were detected, they
were fixed by later scribes who copied the scriptures. Why?
In their ignorance of the very manner that scripture is composed, every time
they fixed a contradiction or offending verse, they defiled and obstructed the
very purpose of the Word of God. In the case of the difference
between the genealogies of Matthew and Luke, there are Greek texts that exist
where the genealogy of Luke was replaced by the one in Matthew in the endeavor
to conceal this easily detected flaw in the written word.
Where the carnal believer sees a genealogy that would be impossible to be read
literally, it never dawns on the readers that what we have is the pedigree of
the three minds of man -- physical, mental, and spiritual -- and that in the
formation of the series of numbers in the pattern of fourteen, fourteen and
fourteen, what is being indicated has great spiritual significance.
Moreover, the fact that there is forty-one, instead of forty-two, is also
important in our quest to understanding the spiritual meaning of what is being
conveyed with regard to what Jesus had yet to accomplish in his endeavor to
become the first Son re-born into the Kingdom.
Does all these things mean that the scriptures are untrue? In the
words of Paul: God forbid! It is us who is not real and untrue; not the
scriptures. In understanding why the Bible is written in this manner, we must
not allow ourselves to be burdened by carnal thinking, and lose sight of what
sets scriptures apart from any other writings known to man.
“The chief object of the Holy Spirit”, writes Origen,
“is to preserve the coherence of the spiritual meaning, either in those things
which ought to be done or which have been already performed, if He anywhere
finds that those events which, according to the history, took place, can be
adapted to a spiritual meaning, He composed a texture of both kinds in one style
of narration, always concealing the hidden meaning more deeply; but where the
historical narrative could not be made appropriate to the spiritual coherence of
the occurrences, He inserted sometimes certain things which either did not take
place or could not take place; sometimes also what might happen, but what did
not: and He does this at one time in a few words, which, taken in their 'bodily'
meaning, seem incapable of containing truth, and at another by the insertion of
many. And this we find frequently to be the case in the legislative portions,
where there are many things manifestly useful among the 'bodily' precepts, but a
very great number also in which no principle of utility is at all discernible,
and sometimes even things which are judged to be impossibilities. Now all this,
as we have remarked, was done by the Holy Spirit in order that, seeing those
events which lie on the surface can be neither true nor useful, we may be led to
the investigation of that truth which is more deeply concealed, and to the
ascertaining of a meaning worthy of God in those Scriptures which we believe to
be inspired by Him”.
Origen writes that we must come to the realization that
“those events which lie on the surface can be neither true nor useful”.
In opposition to this statement we ask: Isn't the belief in the historical Jesus
useful? The answer is yes, but only to the degree that the historical
narrative assists the disciple in manifesting the Living Christ in their life at
the present time. What does the name Jesus mean? What
must we do in order to bring about that state of mind which is portrayed in the
scriptures in the life of the historical Jesus, into our present life?
What is important is that we “be led to the
investigation of that truth which is more deeply concealed”.
Since we know that everything we can learn from others in this world is of a
preparatory nature, and the one true doctrine that will nourish us, can only be
revealed from within, and only to those who are in “the
house” (see
In The House -
Taught In Parables), and are deserving to be taught privately the Mysteries
of the Kingdom, we must therefore seek to enter into the house with our Lord and
Savior -- i.e., The
True Prophet. It is important that we perceive that whatever is
written literally in the historical narrative is the exoteric doctrine -- or
good news -- that serves as merely the invitation to the masses to enter the
mystical house of the Lord where the Secrets of Creation can be revealed to us.
Religious And Intellectual Folly: Because
they have thrown away the Key of Knowledge, modern believers, supposed experts
and authorities, as well as the whole host of critics, remain absolutely
clueless as to the true meaning and purpose of the scriptures that they either
blindly embrace, or blindly reject and condemn. And if we ask: It
this important? If you believe Jesus, he portrayed the use of
the Key of Knowledge as being ultra-important in order to fulfill the higher
objectives of Life. Further, while the Pharisees were portrayed as
having the possession of the Key of Knowledge in the embodiment of the
scriptures and the Law, Jesus portrayed them as heretics and blind guides
because they threw the Key of Knowledge away in their carnal interpretations and
ritual observance of the Law -- a Law which Jesus stated will remain in effect.
What this means is that anyone who attempts to tell you that
the scriptures portray an historical account of events in man's past -- or, any
pseudo-intellectual who attempts to tell you that the scriptures are
little more than myths and superstition that are irrelevant in our modern more
enlightened culture -- or, anyone who attempts to
(3) base their (blind)
faith, beliefs and/or philosophy on the written text of the scriptures which
Paul portrayed as the "letter that killeth"
(2 Cor 3:6) and
"Jewish fables" (Tit 1:14) -- dwells under the power of
illusion, delusion and very limited vision -- and their immature thinking is
controlled by what is portrayed as the consciousness (god) of this world.
How can this be? You may ask? While it may be difficult to
even imagine a fetus having thought, it can be envisioned that whatever thoughts
a fetus does have, is totally controlled by the environment of the womb of the
fetus' mother. In many ways it is just as difficult to imagine the
reality of birth being the passing from a physical womb to that of a mental womb
-- and in many ways, when man and woman are born into this world, on a mental
level they are very much what can be portrayed as a
Ovum And Sperm. And this is why Jesus spoke of the
necessity of bringing about the next stage of birth. But just as
important is the fact that your presence in this womb-like world is
representative of an environment that totally controls your thinking.
And that you are presently dwelling in a mental-womb at the level of an immature
mind that needs to be evolved and matured, is why the objectives of the Original
teachings of Jesus which were known as TheWay, have very little in common with
the (blind) faith-based religion known today as Christianity.
An important insight into the very essence, purpose and
higher spiritual objectives of the original teachings of TheWay is contained in
an article in the Encyclopedia Britannica under the heading, The History of
Christian Mysticism, where it reads: “Although the
essence of mysticism is the sense of contact with the transcendent, mysticism in
the history of Christianity should not be understood merely in terms of special
ecstatic experiences but as part of a religious process lived out within the
context of the Christian community. From this perspective mysticism played a
vital part in the early church. Early Christianity was a religion of the spirit
that expressed itself in
heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”. What
is expressed in these words is of the utmost importance. Why?
Because the original teachings of Jesus was not the blind faith and belief in a
prophet or god-man -- but rather, the means to transform all Christian disciples
of TheWay into prophets and mystics as demonstrated in the words:
"...From this perspective mysticism played a vital part in the early church.
Early Christianity was a religion of the spirit that expressed itself in the
heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”.
But, we must then pose the question: Just what is a
"...religion of the spirit"?
Like an astronaut who travels beyond the limits of the earth's atmosphere into
outer space, a spiritual religion prepares the seeker/disciple to transcend the
barrier of this physical world, and enter into what the biblical authors
portrayed as the Kingdom of God which Jesus taught was within us.
But to accomplish this spiritual transcendence, you had to first prepare the
physical body to make it an environment that would permit
"...the heightening and enlargement of human
consciousness” to be brought about -- and this requires a great
amount of effort and preparation. And in the same way
that charlatans peddle get-rich schemes which rob the people of their wealth and
prosperity, wolves in sheep's attire peddled short-cut schemes -- and it was
these counterfeit shepherds who seduced the naive into handing over their money
and support so they could live lucratively off the collection plate.
The spiritual Christians who followed in TheWay and prepared themselves to
transcend the natural physical limitations of the body, possessed the Divine
Knowledge of the Kingdom which they had succeeded in entering. And
the Spiritual Christians were opposed by those who portrayed themselves as
Orthodox -- who more often than not were charlatans who for the sake of mammon
and the political power of this world, ardently opposed the Spiritual Christians
because they represented a direct threat to their base of money and political
The original purpose of the scriptures was to prepare
the thinking of the seeker/disciple to begin to understand the very Forces and
Laws that are functioning and controlling his own mind and being, and then to
apply this knowledge to bring about the necessary
"...heightening and enlargement of
human consciousness” that would enable them to prevail, and bring
about their next stage of birth in the Kingdom.
Holographically, from the perspective of this world being a mental-womb that is
designed to evolve the seeker/disciple to the next level of development, it is
these same Forces and Laws that are functioning and controlling the outer world
of nature which have been imbued with thoughts and aspects of mind impressed
into the allegorical forms and symbols that man observes -- and it is therefore
impossible to know ANYTHING, without first coming to understand the true meaning
of the Forces and Laws that are presented in an organized fashion to the mind of
man in the scriptures. What this means is that ANYONE who is put
forth as a teacher or enlightened wise man either by themselves, an institution,
organization, religion or government, and does not know that the true meaning of
the scriptures as an esoteric portrayal of the the Forces and Laws that are
dynamically working and functioning within your own mind and being, is a fraud
and pseudo-teacher. Further, there is absolutely nothing
that is taught by the wisest professors in our universities -- or contained in
the greatest of libraries known to man -- or revealed by man's most enlightened
religious sages or doctors of philosophy -- that can in any measure replace the
esoteric knowledge of the Cosmology of Mind and the Forces and Laws working
therein -- that can in any manner superseded the foundation of esoteric
knowledge that lies preserved and concealed within the allegorical text of the
scriptures. To the degree that our wisest of university professors
and teachers would be shocked, if they could see and experience the higher
reality of mind that is attainable, by embracing the esoteric knowledge lying
hidden just beneath the surface of the scriptures. But more
importantly is the fact that the same CODE that was used in the composition of
the scriptures, is the same CODE which was used by the God of Nature which has
been painted on the canvass of the universe in the outer world -- and the
deciphering of this CODE was portrayed by Jesus as the proper application of the
Key of Knowledge which unlocks the meaning of both the scriptures, and the
higher reality and meaning of life itself -- and even more importantly, it is
this CODE that unlocks the Cosmology of one's own mind and being that enables
them to prevail over the Forces and Laws which enables and animates the very
person they are in this world. And the scriptures
utilize what can best be portrayed as Universal Symbols which when used in the
proper mental-environment, have the ability to act as a catalyst which connects
the outer mind with the inner reality of self that is not manifest in this
Therefore, the modern Christian world has been
spiritually disenfranchised by their own Churches -- and they would better
understand where and how to apply the Key of Knowledge if the statement on the
coming of the Kingdom (Second Coming) which is preserved in the Epistle of
Clement (disciple of Peter) where it states with respect to how and when Jesus
taught the Kingdom would come -- which preserved quotation is explored in the
subheading entitled
The Tree Of Life
- Star Of David -- where it reads:
“Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of
God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of
God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come,
replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within,
and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”.
But even more revealing is the version of this teaching that is preserved in the
Gospel Of The Nazirenes where it
reads: And one of the disciples
asked him, "How shall a man enter into the Kingdom?" And he answered and said,
"If you don't make below as the above, and the left as the right, and the behind
as the before, entering into the center and passing into the spirit, you will
not enter into the kingdom of God." Thus, if the Gospels
had not been severely corrupted in the attempt by those who called themselves
Orthodox to spiritually castrate the scriptures, then the modern congregation of
believers would be better able to discern where the Key of Knowledge must be
Is The Gospel Copied From Another Religious
Source? Is the Gospels copied from other sources? Or, are all
scriptures composed in the Language of the Soul that transcends all the cultures
and religions of this world? Since the vast majority of both believers and
critics alike have absolutely no understanding of what can be portrayed as the
Universal Language of the Soul, both groups embrace grave error in their many
opinions and critiques of the Gospels. What is a Universal Language?
It is a language that every person possesses the innate ability to interpret and
understand. Why a Universal Language? Because the Language of the
Soul transcends all the languages of mankind -- and is known and understood by
the Soul of all of mankind. What this means is that any seeker of higher
spiritual truth who begins to look beyond the superficial languages of man's
cultures, will be able to comprehend the Wisdom of the Sacred Writings that are
designed to open the inner gate and used as a text-book to achieve a state of
enlightenment and higher consciousness.
It has been noted and pointed out by
Atheists and critics of the Bible that on the surface -- and
because of the similarities -- it would appear that the authors
of the scriptures copied the Gospel accounts from other
religions. Quoting one such source:
"The Jesus of the Gospels bears a striking resemblance to other
ancient heroes and the figureheads of pagan savior cults"
The God Who
Wasn't There). On the web site the
Pagan Origins of the
Christ Myth, this question is posed:
Did Christianity borrow ideas from other religions?
And the answer provided to the reader:
Our Christianity doesn't come from Jesus and a big bang. It
comes from the accumulation of legends and theologies by people
who believed in Jesus. The origin of those ideas wasn't Jesus.
The origin was the myths, legends, philosophies, prejudices,
literature, superstitions, and primitive cosmology of ancient
western culture. Christianity was a product of its time and
In the CNN Blog article named
The Jesus Debate: Man Vs Myth, we can observe the above ignorance with
respect to the true nature and reality of the scriptures taken to new heights.
Timothy Freke was flipping through an old academic book when he came across a
religious image that some would call obscene. It was a drawing of a
third-century amulet depicting a naked man nailed to a cross. The man was born
of a virgin, preached about being “born again” and had risen from the dead after
crucifixion, Freke says. But the name on the amulet wasn’t Jesus. It was a
pseudonym for Osiris-Dionysus, a pagan god in ancient Mediterranean culture.
Freke says the amulet was evidence of something that sounds like sacrilege – and
some would say it is: that Jesus never existed. He was a myth created by
first-century Jews who modeled him after other dying and resurrected pagan gods,
says Freke, author of "The Jesus Mysteries: Was the ‘Original Jesus’ a Pagan
God?" In the first place neither Timothy Freke,
the scholars in support of the New Testament, as well as the scholars and
critics against the validity of the Gospel accounts, comprehend the difference
between Myth and Allegory!!! And if any of these authors -- i.e.,
believer, pseudo-gnostic philosopher, scholar or critic, possessed any higher
perception and understanding of his own Cosmology of Mind that was referenced by
the ancients in the words: Know Thyself -- then each of them would immediately
reject their own words as utter ignorance.
What the Atheists and critics have never considered is
this: The fact that what is presented is in the scriptures is not at all
an historical account (see
An Inconvenient Truth)
-- but rather, what is presented is a series of Universal Allegorical Symbols of
Laws, Natural Forces and Higher Consciousness that is totally relevant to every
person who has ever walked upon the face of the earth. What this
means is that such allegorical symbols as the
Virgin Birth,
Twelve Disciples, the symbol of
that is not at all understood, the crucifixion, and even the name Jesus, all
portray realities and conditions of mind that are as universal to the Ebionite
Nazirene authors of the Gospels, as these universal allegorical symbols are to
all the people's of the earth -- even those who live on a remote island.
As a mystic begins to comprehend the reality of what is portrayed as the
Illusions of Plato's Cave --
and he begins to discover that what is portrayed as illusions, are in fact
allusions -- and all the forms of nature are imbued with aspects of mind
impressed into the forms that man sees and interacts with on a physical level --
only then can such a mystic begin to evolve to the degree that they fulfill the
statement in the Gospel of
Thomas: (5) Jesus said,
"Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become
plain to you . For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest."
The fact that this world is very much a mental-womb (see
The Womb
Of Mother-Earth) -- and what man observes in the outer world are aspects of
mind projected into the forms of nature that when rightly understood, have the
power to nourish him in the Gospel objective of bringing about the
Heightening And Expansion Of Mind -- culminating in the initiation of the
next stage of soul-birth where the person you are in this world as an
Embryonic Image
Of Your Higher Soul-Self (see also
Reality Of The Soul), is then able to be nourished by the higher impressions
of the soul which act as food for the mind, in conjunction with the Universal
Laws and Forces of Consciousness acting within the Cosmology of Mind which has
been preserved in the esoteric base of knowledge concealed within the
allegorical scriptures (see
An Inconvenient Truth)
-- as the seeker/disciple brings about that condition of mind portrayed in the
name Jesus (Yeshua/Joshua), as the prodigal son/daughter is reborn in the Edenic
Kingdom of Origination (see
http://GateOfEden.com ).
What believers, critics and pseudo-intellectuals all
fail to understand is the reality that man does not make up the allegorical
symbols that are used in the scriptures -- but rather, he interprets from a
higher state of mind what already exists. In the analogy of
Plato's Cave, the forms and images that are danced upon the wall of the Cave
that those imprisoned erroneously believe is real, are created by objects of a
higher reality that are real. And this is why the
Gospel of Thomas declares
the necessity to "Recognize what is
in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you..."
Modern science has confirmed the validity of the analogy of Plato's Cave (The
Findings Of The Physicist
http://KnowThySelf.Nazirene.org#FindingsOfThePhysicist ) -- that the images
we observe and interact with in this physical world are projected from a higher
spiritual reality -- and have confirmed the statement by astronomer James Jeans:
“Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the
stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe
begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”;
and the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington: “The
stuff of the universe is mind-stuff” -- both demonstrate the reality
that there is nothing but Projected Thought. Cyberneticist David Foster
described “an intelligent universe” whose
apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic
from an unknowable, organized source. The holographic reality says that:
“…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by
interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space. The brain
is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.” And this
largely inconceivable reality is confirmed by Einstein in the quotation to the
right where is speaks of our physical presence as the manifestation of
frequencies -- i.e., "We are slowed down sound and
light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos. We are
souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the
instruments through which our souls play their music".
The fact that EVERYTHING that you
observe in Nature is aspects of mind allegorically impressed
into the forms that organic man observes with his very limited
physical senses -- and the meaning of these allegorical symbols
are the expression of Divine Providence -- the authors of the
scriptures merely used what is called the
"language of the soul" to compose the scriptures
in a language that already exists and is Universally
Comprehended by the higher soul-self of each person that is not
manifest in the physical body (see
Man As An
Embryonic Image Of Your Higher Soul-Self ). That
the symbolism themselves in their original scriptural native
environment has the power to act as a catalyst that connects the
seeker/disciples mind with what these symbols represent within
the Mind of the Soul-Self -- and that as a catalyst, the
allegorical scriptures composed in the language of the soul has
the potential to bring about the
Heightening And Expansion Of Mind -- is a reality that those
who reject the scriptures as mere myth, do not at all
What this means is that @@@
In retrospect, would we suggest that European medical
science has copied American medical science because they have concluded that man
has two kidneys, two lungs, two sides of a heart, brain, etc.? Or would we say
that each is a witness to truths that are self-evident? And while
the community of believers remain in denial -- even suggesting that the Devil
moved these other religions to imitate what would come to be called Christianity
in order to discredit the Church -- both the believers and the critics remain
ignorant of the essence of the truth and facts to the matter -- i.e., that
because the Laws have imbued Nature with these Universal Symbols that are
themselves allegorical forms of mind impressed into matter, what the believer is
in denial of, and the Atheist and critic construes as copying, is merely the
common interpretation that is an integral part of these Universal Symbols.
And once again in the manner of anatomy and the movement of the heavenly bodies,
this higher reality that believer and critic alike remains under that cloud of
self-imposed ignorance, is very much in fact self-evident to the spiritually
mature mind of the seeker/disciple.
On the
Religious Tolerance web site the following is stated with respect to the
Parallels Between
Jesus and Krishna:
Krishna is the second person of the Hindu Trinity.
He is considered to be one of the incarnations of the God Vishnu. Some Hindus
believe that he lived on Earth during perhaps the 2nd or
3rd century BCE.
However, "Traditional belief based on scriptural details and astrological
calculations gives Krishna's birth" year as 3228 BCE. 12
Yeshua of Nazareth is generally regarded as having been born in Palestine circa
4 to 7 BCE.
Thus, if there
are many points of similarities between these two individuals, most skeptics and
some religious liberals would accept that elements of Krishna's life were
incorporated into the legends associated with Jesus rather than vice-versa.
Other reasons for the similarities between Jesus
and Krishna's life stories on Earth have been suggested which are more
acceptable to conservative Christians who believe in the inerrancy
of the Bible, in the inspiration
of the Bible's authors by God, and in the belief that Jesus is God's only
son and the world's only savior:
Legends of Krishna's life are lies which Satan created to discredit
Christianity in advance of Jesus' birth. |
The similarities in the two lives are simple coincidences. |
Krishna's life was a type of prophecy foretelling the arrival of the
Christian Messiah. |
The author's gravest mistakes which when properly
understood reveal his ignorance is his portrayal of these accounts as myths and
legends -- suggesting from one perspective that they were copied from one
religious source into the other -- and on the opposite side of the paradox of
ignorance, the perspective that what is presented in the Gospels is an
historical account. But even more revealing on the same web site is
the parallels between Horus and Jesus where it is written:
Some skeptics have suggested that there was, in ancient times, a shared supply
of religious myths spread throughout much of the Mediterranean area, the Middle
East and beyond. They suggest that ancient and modern religions have adopted
material from this common source of stories about heroes, saviors and god-men.
One of the more controversial theories -- sometimes called the "copycat thesis"
-- suggests that many of the miracles, other life events, and beliefs
about the supernatural status of Horus, an ancient Egyptian God, were
incorporated into stories about Jesus as recorded in Gospels and other books in
the Christian Scriptures (New Testament).
The copycat thesis is strongly rejected by the vast majority of Christians but
accepted by many skeptics.
conservative Christians look upon the Bible as a "top-down" document:
one revealed by God to humans. Since fraud, deceit, and lying are not
attributes normally associated with God, they believe that the Bible --
as God's Word -- is truthful
and accurate.
Many skeptics
view the Bible as a "bottom-up" document: one written by human authors
to promote their religious and spiritual beliefs. Such authors are quite
capable of adopting religious concepts of other cultures and
incorporating them into their literary works. |
On this topic, we are faced with a stalemate. Skeptical commentators claim that
there are many parallels between the lives of Horus and Jesus; Christian
commentators tend to deny the existence of most or all of them.
Some skeptics may lose objectivity because they are motivated by a desire to
weaken the claims of Christianity; Christians may lose objectivity because they
don't want to admit that there such parallels could exist and throw doubt on the
accuracy of the Bible. We have not yet found an objective, reliable source.
Once again we can observe the prevailing ignorance of
both sides of the paradoxical error. When you enter what I portray
as the Realm of Souls where we exist in our true reality as a Being of Light
(see SoulSelf.org),
there is no language -- and all language is through universal thought
transference that is impressed into the mind of the hearer. And since the
scriptures deal exclusively with the allegorical patterns of mind of both the
self, and the common language with which all of nature is written in by its
Author, there exists a commonality across the spectrum of all of man's languages
which represent the Divine Pattern of Mind and Being. From the perspective
of the scriptures, there was no man named either Krishna or Jesus -- and what
these names are referencing is Conditions of Mind. Of course Krishna had
twelve disciples -- as well as all the other similarities that exist between the
accounts -- because these accounts are representative of the blueprint of the
seekers own Mind and Being -- allegorically portraying the Forces and Laws of
Consciousness that every soul that has ever walked the face of the earth must
prevail over and overcome.
The Miracles: The question becomes: How do
you begin to enable those who the Apostle Paul portrayed as being of a
"natural" organic condition of mind who are
yet carnal and incapable of comprehending the higher reality of the soul and
man's spiritual nature, to begin to comprehend what is inconceivable to their
thinking? In our own time-frame this has been somewhat alleviated
through a steady diet of Science Fiction, Near Death and Out of Body Accounts,
reincarnational age regression, medium and the investigation into the paranormal
that has served to open the minds to realities beyond physical three-dimensional
limitations. Paul himself makes reference to a journey out of
the body and into the non-physical heavenly realms of which he states:
"I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago-- whether in the body I do not
know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows-- such a one was
caught up to the third heaven. And I know such a man-- whether in the body
or out of the body I do not know, God knows -- how he was caught up into
Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to
utter" (2 Cor 12:2-4 NKJ). Which account of Paul
parallels those of the Near Death Experiences (see
NDE) -- or
the indisputable account of neurosurgeon, Dr. Eben Alexander III, in his book
Proof Of Heaven.
the witness of the biblical authors is true with respect to their assertion that
man's higher soul and spiritual reality is incomprehensible to his
"natural" organic condition of mind?
If the witness of mystics and spiritual visionaries is true that there exists a
higher reality beyond the limits of his physical senses that he cannot perceive
with his normal vision? The reality which he cannot comprehend with
his organic human consciousness? Then we must pose the question:
What is the solution to his dilemma? If he is to begin to gain
access into this higher soul and spiritual reality, and to overcome the limits
imposed upon him by the body-vessel, it will become necessary to confront the
seeker to somehow begin to make him open his mind to think outside the
proverbial box. In the analogy of
Plato's Cave mankind is
portrayed as prisoners who are dwelling in a world of illusions -- with those
who escape the Cave and return, being portrayed as madmen when they attempt to
convey to others the world of higher reality that exists beyond the borders
outside the Cave.
If the foregoing is true with respect to the true
meaning of the scriptures -- which is to preserve and protect the esoteric
knowledge of the Laws, the Forces, and the Cosmology of Mind that must be
understood and utilized in the seeker/disciple's struggle to bring about the
next stage of soul-birth? Then what is the purpose and application
of the miracles? With the proper application of the Key of Knowledge
and the turning of the scriptures within one's own mind and being, the miracles
would take on a totally different applicational perspective than what is
generally understood. In fact, what would be portrayed, must
be understood as inner transformational healings that are an integral part of
the process that brings about Wholeness within one's mind and being.
When properly understood, the miracles are important and
they serve a number of purposes -- i.e.,
(1) they convey the
process of healing and wholeness that must be brought about in the mind of the
seeker; (2)
because they portray the supernatural, the carnal religious leaders usually
leave them uncorrupted, thereby safeguarding the esoteric knowledge lying
beneath the text of the written allegorical account;
(3) they stimulate the
thinking of the reader to open the mind to concepts of reality beyond the
physical limitations;
(4) they induce the body
of entry-level believers to embrace the spiritual message of the teachings.
If the warning of the biblical authors is true -- that
man's higher soul and spiritual reality is incomprehensible to what Paul
portrays as man in his "natural" organic
condition of mind -- then one of the primary objectives of the scriptures as a
text-book to bring about the seekers "expansion
and heightening of mind and consciousness", is to open the mind of the
seeker to begin the process of embracing what the literal mind of man would
portray as the supernatural. In the words of Albert Einstein:
"I believe in intuition and inspiration. …At times I feel
certain I am right while not knowing the reason. When the eclipse of 1919
confirmed my intuition, I was not in the least surprised. In fact I would have
been astonished had it turned out otherwise.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. For
knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating
progress, giving birth to evolution. It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in
scientific research" (Cosmic Religion : With Other Opinions and
Aphorisms (1931) by Albert Einstein [see
If we pose the question why? Why is
"...Imagination is more important than knowledge?"
Why is it impossible for the immature mind of organic
"natural" man to comprehend his own higher soul-reality?
Once understood, the answer is very simple -- i.e., the physical body only
supports a three-dimensional reality of mind and being -- and therefore, the
Natural Laws of this world only support those aspects of self that correspond to
the needs and requirements of the earth vibrational frequencies.
In contradistinction, the soul or higher soul-self of man that does not
incarnate into the body-vessel, dwells in a realm of a great many dimensions and
realities that do not correspond to the three-dimensional and frequency
limitations of the body -- thereby, inhibiting the soul or true self from fully
incarnating into the body-vessel unless a conscious effort is made on the part
of the person to bring about a state of higher maturity -- by expanding the mind
beyond organic human limitations which Paul portrays in the above as the
"natural man". In the same (above) writing Einstein
reasons: "I see a clock, but I cannot envision the
clockmaker. The human mind is unable to conceive of the four dimensions, so how
can it conceive of a God, before whom a thousand years and a thousand dimensions
are as one?" (Cosmic Religion : With Other Opinions and Aphorisms
(1931) by Albert Einstein [see
And once again Einstein is correct in his assertion that man's higher soul and
spiritual reality simply can't manifest in the very limited three-dimensions of
the physical body and "natural" mind.
Which means that to even commence the process of
"...stimulating progress, giving birth to [mental and spiritual] evolution",
the process must begin by causing the seeker to think our of the proverbial box
that severely limits the vast majority of carnal men.
When the pre-Nicene Church was presented with the fact
that while they taught the more advanced spiritual core of Christians what was
portrayed as the "minor mysteries" which
included the teachings on the pre-existent soul that evolves to perfection over
the course of many lifetimes (see
The Secret System)
-- while teaching the congregation of faith-based believers the physical
resurrection of the body -- the official reply and explanation of the Church was
that the belief in the physical resurrection was
“preached in the Churches… for the simpleminded and for the ears of the common
crowd who are led on to live better lives by their belief”.
Moreover -- and of equal importance -- is the fact that the belief in the
miracle of the resurrection caused the faith-based believer to think out of the
proverbial box, and to begin to embrace the reality of the supernatural
expression of the soul which exists in a multitude of dimensions beyond the
limitations of this three-dimensional world. And while the linear
spheres of mind are virtually blind to these other dimensions of mind and being
that are not supported by the physical body, the intuitive spheres when sparked
by imagination, is able to begin to embrace this higher reality that the Apostle
Paul portrays as inconceivable to the mind of "natural"
organic man.
One of the most theologically debated events portrayed
in the Gospels is the healing of the man who was
"blind from birth". Quoting from
Biblical Foundational Mindset:
"Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a
man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, saying, 'Rabbi, who
sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?'" (John
9:1-2 NKJ). Thus,
we must first ask: What Christian today would pose the forgoing question?
Not a single one would. Why? Because modern
Christians have been totally alienated from the biblical foundational mindset,
by the very doctrines adopted while the Church was ruled over by Pagan Rome.
Thus, we must pose the question: What prompted the disciples of Jesus to
even ask such a question? Turning to the historian, this ultra important
element to the equation of life is made reference to by Edward Gibbon in the
footnote regarding the question of the disciples at John 9:2:
"The disciples of Jesus were persuaded that a man might have sinned before he
was born, (John, ix. 2,) and the Pharisees held the transmigration
[reincarnation] of virtuous souls, (Joseph. de Bell. Judaico, l. ii. c. 7;) and
a modern Rabbi is modestly assured, that Hermes, Pythagoras, Plato, etc.,
derived their metaphysics from his illustrious countrymen"
(Gibbon; Decline & Fall) -- metaphysics that embraced the concept of the
pre-existence and transmigration of the soul.
Again, let me pose the question as to
what this statement means to us from a modern-day perspective? It
means that the mindset and doctrinal thinking of the modern believer is so
alienated from the original biblical foundational mindset and thinking, that the
modern believer has been rendered spiritually sterile. The
original mindset and thinking with respect to the events of life from the
perception of the disciples is explored in the Wycliffe Commentary where it is
"The question of the disciples (v. 2)
was grounded in the belief that bodily infirmity or suffering was due to sin,
whether of parents (Exo 20:5) or of the man himself, presumably on the basis of
the soul’s pre-existence, which some Jews held".
Thus we must ask: Is this some
Jewish fable that the disciples of Christ conjured up themselves? Or
is this belief a foundational element of the Gospel that Jesus taught to them?
Once properly understood the position of the disciples is founded upon the
construct of Jesus' statement to the person he healed and made whole:
"...sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee"
(John 5:14 KJV). And what this means is that those who sin --
especially after coming to the knowledge of the Gospel message -- inherit a fate
even worse than before they were healed from their sin. To the
degree that Paul warned the congregation of believers: ,
“Do not be deceived: God
cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7 NIV).
The reality that few Christians can even begin to come
to terms with is the fact that all three possibilities are correct -- i.e.,
that blindness can result from the sin of previous lives;
(2) the sin of the
parents; (3)
and when the reality of the limiting factor of the three-dimensions of this
world is understood, from a higher soul and spiritual perspective, all of
mankind can be portrayed as being born blind. And it is this last
reality that the Gospel of Thomas proclaims:
(5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is
in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you...".
Because the great magnitude of man's higher soul-reality can't manifest in the
three-dimensions of this physical body without the necessary
"expansion and heightening of mind and consciousness", only those who
sincerely embrace and bring about the next stage of soul-birth by taking upon
themselves the yoke of Christ, are able to overcome the blindness that immerses
all of mankind in what Jesus portrayed as the "outer
of mind and being (see Outer
Darkness) -- which parallels the analogy of the illusions of
Plato's Cave.
Again, when Jesus taught the people who were portrayed
as being "without" or
"outside" by speaking to them ONLY in
parables -- i.e., "Unto you is given the mystery of the
kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all things are done in parables:
that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not
understand; lest haply they should turn again, and it should be forgiven them"
(Mark 4:11-12 ASV) -- and the term,
"...lest haply they should turn again", is
stated in reference to the Kingdom that can only be found within, and the
presence of the
One Teacher
therein (see In
The House - Taught In Parables) -- only those who embraced the process that
is able to bring about the next stage of birth which initiates the necessary
"expansion and heightening of mind and consciousness", are able to
escape the three-dimensional box of
"natural" organic human consciousness.
Throughout the history of the Church there have always
been those who have been offended by what has been portrayed as a secret or
esoteric knowledge that the vast majority of faith-based Christians were not
privy to. Paul warned the baptized believers at Corinth who he
personally taught, that until they undergo the necessary process of spiritual
transformation, that their natural organic mind will be incapable of
understanding the true meaning of the Gospel (see
Mystery), and they will look upon
the Mysteries of God as "foolishness" --
“But the natural man does not receive the things of the
Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because
they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14 NKJ). And he
warned these baptized and confirmed Christians of whom it was said that they had
received all the gifts and testimony of the Gospel of Christ, that their
untransformed mind was yet too carnal to comprehend and begin to grasp the
necessary higher realities of soul and spirit -- i.e.,
“And I, brethren, could not speak to you as
to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to
babes in Christ” (1 Cor 3:1 NAS).
Further explaining that what is known as the testimony of Jesus Christ and him
crucified is the "milk" of the Gospel --
meant for entry-level believers who have only begun their journey in TheWay --
i.e., Paul warns: “I gave you milk to drink, not solid
food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet
able” (1 Cor 3:2 NAS). Or, in the words of Origen with
respect to the allegory of the resurrection which was
“preached in the Churches… for the simpleminded and for
the ears of the common crowd who are led on to live better lives by their
All the ancient religious systems utilized the belief in
miracles and supernatural events as a means to bring about the necessary
"expansion and heightening of mind and consciousness" -- without which,
it will remain impossible to begin to break out of the three-dimensions box of
carnal limitations. Moreover, all of the accounts of miracles are
fundamentally true from the perspective of the healing and opening of the mind.

Foundational Paradigm - The Dungeon Of Linear Pseudo-Intellectualism:
Man's search for truth and the answers
to the virtually countless dilemmas of life can be defined from the perspective
of two very opposite schools of thought which are built upon opposing
foundational paradigms and visions of reality -- i.e.,
(1) that man must study
and learn the theories and opinions of other men who are accepted as teachers,
authorities and experts; and
(2) that each individual
person possesses an innate connection to an Inner Source of Truth that he must
learn and acquire the ability to tap into. The first paradigm of thinking is
based upon what the scriptures portray as the wisdom of this world that the
Apostle Paul warns will always come to naught -- and is based upon the
foundational paradigm that the child's mind is empty, and this emptiness must be
filled through the acquisition of knowledge and truth from others perceived to
be knowledgeable teachers. While to the detriment of modern man, the second
paradigm of foundational thinking remains an enigma that is not readily
"There is a way that seems
right to man, but its end is the way of death" (Prov 14:12) The Didache -- or the Teachings Of The Apostles --
declares: "There are two ways, one of life and
one of death, but a great difference between the two ways".
And this same "Two Ways" are portrayed in
the words: "Enter by
the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to
destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and
difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it"
(Matt 7:13-14 NKJ). While
the Christians, like the Jews before them who threw away the Key of Knowledge,
look outwardly to other men to teach them -- and for the Kingdom to come
outwardly upon the earth -- the Gospel itself states that there is One Teacher
-- and this One Teacher can be found in the Kingdom that will never come upon
the earth so as to be seen by men, because it is within you -- and it is therein
that you must seek it: "And when he was demanded of the
Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The
kingdom of God comes not with observation: Neither shall they say, See here! or,
see there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke
17:20-21). And that the way of death that is portrayed as the
"broad-way" of self-destruction, is the
seeking of Truth and the Kingdom in the outer world -- while the
"narrow-way" that leads to Life is within
you -- is the Good News Message of the Gospels. And those who truly
believe in the teachings of Jesus and TheWay, will seek out and follow this
inner path that leads to Life and The Kingdom.
Of the two images of the reality of man -- one is
rarely ever spoken of, and not at all understood. The
common perception of man is that he came into being at birth -- that his mind is
void and empty, and he is in need of being taught. In his famed work
De Principiis, the pre-Nicene Church
Father Origen wrote in reference to the proper application of the
Key of Knowledge that few
men even “…imagine that they possess knowledge before
they really learn” -- and then adds that “…the consequence is that they never begin to have knowledge”.
Why? And perhaps even more important is the reality that men somehow
"...possess knowledge before they really learn”.
And the answer to the dilemma is seen in above second reality that each
person possesses an innate connection to an Inner Source of Truth that he must
learn and acquire the ability to tap into. This other image of the
reality of man that is rarely ever mentioned or understood, is to some degree
expressed in the words of Jean Piaget who stated: “When
you teach a child something you take away forever his chance of discovering it
for himself.” Another interesting quote that is not at all
understood by those who subscribe to the mind of the child being void and empty
philosophy, is that of John Holt in the words: "A
gardener does not grow flowers: he tries to give them what he thinks they need
and they grow by themselves".
In the first image of
self that is ascribed to by our sectarian, secular and philosophical cultural
icons, is the portrayal of the child's mind as being empty -- while in the
second image that is rarely ever mentioned or understood, is that each child is
understood to have an innate connection to a Source of Knowledge that greatly
exceeds all the avenues of learning available to the child who has undergone the
process of being taught in the traditional manner. And thus, when you teach a
child through rote memorization and programming in the manner of our religions
and educational systems, you forever alienate the child from even the ability to
tap into that Inner Source, and truly begin to learn. That the (true) self
already exists in a knowing and enlightened state of being -- and that the
primary objective of life is to connect and manifest our true self -- is the
paramount reality in the words of Jesus as set forth in the
Gospel of Thomas:
"...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in
poverty and it is you who are that poverty".
Again, borrowing the reasoning of Einstein:
"I see a clock, but I cannot envision the clockmaker.
The human mind is unable to conceive of the four dimensions, so how can it
conceive of a God, before whom a thousand years and a thousand dimensions are as
one?" (Cosmic Religion : With Other Opinions and Aphorisms (1931) by
Albert Einstein [see Quotations]). If it is true as set
forth by the pre-Nicene Church that the soul of man has existed since the very
dawn of time -- and the higher soul-self can't manifest in the body-vessel
because of the three-dimensional limitations imposed upon the person in this
world -- then by intuitively perceiving the reality of the Matrix Of The
Soul-Mind, we can begin to grasp the imposing limits impressed upon mankind in
his "natural" organic condition of mind and
In the Gospel of Thomas saying 84 (see
Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image ),
man is portrayed as a projected image of the soul -- and in the same way that
all the previous images of the soul-self that lived in all the lifetimes that
the soul has lived are all dwelling within the Matrix of the Soul, all the souls
who are portrayed as the Soul-Self and the True Being that each of us is, all
dwell within the Matrix of the Logos (Mind
of God). Holographically, in the same way that the soul is the sum total
of all the lifetimes that it has lived, the Logos (Mind
of God) is the sum total of all the experiences of all the souls that came
into existence since the beginning of Creation -- and thus, all of Creation is
evolving and moving from the Alpha of ignorance to the Omega of Enlightened
When Paul warned the Christians who he had himself
taught that they were yet too carnal and undeveloped to comprehend the true
meaning of the Gospel and the higher reality of the soul and the Kingdom (see
Mystery Of The
Gospel), one of the most important concepts that the organic mind of man has
great difficulty with is what is best portrayed as the Segmentation of the
Mind. Even though Jesus himself taught that the Kingdom of God will never come
upon the earth in the manner that carnal men look for it (Luke 17:20-21), the
vast majority of Christians continue to ignore these words of Jesus, and look
for the Kingdom to come outwardly in the manner of the Jews who Jesus condemned
as blind guides for throwing away the
Key of Knowledge. And
thus, in the same way that they were too carnal to comprehend the segmentation
of mind and the higher reality that Jesus was a man who became the Anointed
(Messiah/Christ) at his baptism in the Jordan (see
The Ten Words), the
Church corrupted the very words of God spoken to mankind -- because they were
too carnal to comprehend the original teachings respecting the man Jesus
who was in
“...supernatural union of a man and God... In their eyes,
Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal, the legitimate son of Joseph and Mary: but
he was the best and wisest of the human race, selected as the worthy instrument
to restore upon earth the worship of the true and supreme Deity. When he was
baptized in the Jordan, the Christ, the first of the aeons, the Son of God
himself, descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, to inhabit his mind, and
direct his actions during the allotted period of his ministry” (Gibbon; The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, V.4, P.366).
Or that Jesus was the example and pattern for all of mankind because in the
original teachings of the Gospel, Jesus was portrayed as being
"...justified by
fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of
mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the
commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ."
[believers] thus fulfill the law, they are able to become Christs, for they
assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity."
(Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).
That the majority of Christians were too carnal in their thinking, mindset and
lifestyle to understand this essential original teaching of the Gospel, is
because they could not conceive of the reality that the mind of man is segmented
into levels of higher and lower fragmented consciousness that alienates man not
only from the inner Kingdom, but the higher reality of his own soul -- and
ultimately God.
In many respects, the same problem exists as to why
the Christian world which is limited by a body of believers whose human organic
limitations of mind can't come to terms with the levels of segmented mind that
make up their own Cosmology of Mind -- which organic three-dimensional
limitations inhibit them from understanding the reality of the Logos/True
Prophet/Son of God. As presented in the Gospel of Thomas saying 84
with respect to the relationship of what is portrayed as your Likeness, and the
images which came into existence before you -- i.e., your true self or soul-self
is portrayed in the words:
Jesus said, "When you see your likeness, you
Contrary to Eastern dogma and the New Age concept of reincarnation, the soul or
soul-self does not enter into this world -- but rather, what enters into the
body-vessel at conception is an embryonic image of the higher soul-self -- i.e.,
"...But when you see your images which came into being before you, and which
neither die nor become manifest, how much you will have to bear!"
And these images which failed to become manifest do not reincarnate -- neither
do they go to Glory as the Christians believe -- but rather, as images that
failed to attain the next level of birth, they remain within the Matrix of the
Soul (see Soul-Symphony - Time - Soul-Octaves - Spiritual Cathedral).
In each instance it is demonstrated that the person
you are in this world is not the true being that you are -- but rather, a
projected image of your soul which is your true self that does not incarnate
into this world. Which a more enlightened understanding of the Cosmology of
Mind would convey to us the correct understanding of the warning of Jesus with
respect to the words:
"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide
is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many
who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads
to life, and there are few who find it" (Matt 7:13-14 NKJ) -- the
word translated "destruction", in no manner
represents what is actually being presented. Quoting the footnote on this word
in the Schofield Reference Bible which reads: “There is
no thought in these various words of annihilation but of something that is
ruined and thus unsuitable or unable to fulfill its original purpose”.
And in the same way that a woman does not perish if one of her eggs fails to
evolve into a fetus, neither does the soul perish when one of its images which
is projected into this world, fails to evolve through the three stages of
birth. And in the same way that the woman's egg that fails to become an
embryo is "...thus unsuitable or unable to fulfill its
original purpose”, so too is the embryonic image of the soul that is
projected into this world "...unsuitable or unable to
fulfill its original purpose.” And this purpose, is to bring about
the necessary threefold birth that enables the soul to enter into what Jesus
portrayed as Life.
To further
demonstrate the higher reality of birth that was portrayed to Nicomedus in the
Gospel of John (see
Ovum And Sperm), Jesus stated: "...Most assuredly,
I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God"
-- and this fact is a true reality of life. Yet, because the Church has been
spiritually disenfranchised by Pagan Rome when they adopted the religious
doctrines of the heathen Emperor Constantine in the fourth century, the modern
dogmatic Church is totally incapable of understanding the reality of mind and
spirituality that Jesus is portraying, and they have adopted the carnal doctrine
that this required second birth is accomplished by repeating a prayer to the
Jesus-god of Rome. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.
Jesus then states to Nicomedus in the Gospel of John: "...Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he
cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and
that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you,
'You must be born again" -- i.e., that birth which is of the flesh,
is of this world -- while that birth which is born out of the Living Water of
Immersion in the cleansing of the teachings of TheWay, and the Feminine Holy
Spirit in the form of a
Virgin Birth
that is not of the physical, but of the Spirit -- only such a person who becomes
a disciple of TheWay --
"...fulfill[ing] the commandments of the Law [within
himself], he would have been the Christ"
-- is able to achieve the objective of the Gospel and bring about the next phase
of birth that Jesus taught was absolutely necessary to be called his disciple.
And only those who achieve this next level of birth is able to gain entrance
into the Kingdom and Life. Moreover, that not only the historical man Jesus,
but also his inner core of disciples, had achieved these other levels of birth,
is seen in the words:
"...Most assuredly, I say to you,
We speak what
We know and testify what
We have seen, and you
do not receive Our
witness. If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you
believe if I tell you heavenly things?" (John 3:1-12 NKJ).
Take notice of the plurality of Jesus' words and witness:
speak what We
know and testify what We
have seen, and you do not receive Our
witness." Who, therefore, is the
that Jesus is making reference to? That the Christian world is incapable of
understanding what is being stated, is because the Church became spiritually
disenfranchised by adopting the doctrines and lifestyle of Pagan Rome. And
thus, the next stage of the
Virgin Birth
remains an enigma to the whole foundation of their thinking.
implications of the above is that our systems of education which attempt to
teach through rote programming -- only acknowledging the very limited
three-dimensions of this world as being valid -- does more to inhibit the
child/student from coming to possess genuine knowledge, than if they had never
attended our formal type of education.
The Laws - The Etheric Field - Reverse Darwinism:
The Dilemma that we are presented with in the foregoing can be best defined as
the paradox of error. While it is true and factually presented that
the faith-based believer has no idea as to the true meaning of the scriptures,
it is also true that their pseudo-intellectual critics are absolutely clueless
as to the the meaning of what they openly condemn. While the
biblical authors openly attempted to warn the faith-based Christians that the
limitations of the "natural" consciousness
of man made it impossible for even the congregation of baptized and committed
believers to understand the higher reality of the soul and what Paul called the
Mysteries of the Gospel and the Kingdom (see Mystery),
to their own demise they ignore these warnings. On the other hand
the pseudo-intellectual critics also ignore these many warnings -- and in
proceeding as if the warnings do not exists, the critics cannot provide their
readers any wisdom whatsoever as to the very purpose and objective of the
scriptures they ignorantly critique, misrepresent and even condemn.
The fact that the authors of the scriptures openly warn the seekers that the
mind must be prepared -- and even undergo a process of transformation and even
birth -- in order to begin to comprehend man's higher soul and spiritual reality
-- is not at all addressed by the critics.
What is truly difficult for
the critic to come to terms with is the fact that the higher reality of the
Pattern of Mind and Being that is
revealed in the scriptures, can in fact be portrayed as Darwinism in reverse -- which is why the
blindness to man's higher reality on the part of believer and critic alike, is
in fact self-imposed. Under the heading of
The Great Allegory Of Mind And Matter I present the Darwinist example of the
whale -- i.e.,
himself, understood that his explanations were drawn from a very incomplete and
inadequate record, and questioned the validity of his own theory when he wrote:
"Why then is not every geological formation and every
stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any
such finely graduated organic chain, and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and
gravest objection which can be urged against my theory" (Charles
Darwin, On The Origin Of Species). According to Darwin's theory, the geological
record should be full of species that are slowly increasing in complexity over
time. There should be whole communities of people who would themselves
represent the long lost missing link that mainstream science has been pursuing
-- yet, these communities of people don't exist, because the forms of nature
represent mind impressed into allegorical symbols of consciousness -- i.e.,
evolution in reverse. Since evolution relies on time, chance, and incremental
steps, sudden leaps are not possible. But this is exactly what the fossil
record shows, which directly contradicts the theory of evolution! Yet,
pseudo-intellectuals who maintain absolute control over what is taught in our
schools and universities, continue to promote the folly of Darwinism, in the
same way that a snake oil salesman continues to peddle his worthless product for
his own personal enrichment.
are portrayed as one-time land mammals that returned to the sea, and grew
breathing holes in the top of their heads, as well as flippers and fins that
surrounded their legs. Those who embrace this convoluted reasoning promote the
idea that these land mammals over the course of eons, never again stepped foot
on dry land, while these radical changes to their bodies were brought about.
And in the same way that the Fundamentalist expects us to believe that the world
was created in six days, six thousand years ago, the pseudo-intellectuals expect
us to believe that over the course of these eons when these same land mammals
still had legs, that (1) neither did their descendents who had legs step foot
onto dry land; (2) and they were somehow not attacked by sharks and other
predators who were hunting virtually helpless mammals on the surface of the
water for food. We are not talking about a small group of land mammals going
back in the water for short periods -- but rather, a rather large group of
mammals going back in the water -- over the course of lifetimes of having legs
which enabled them to walk on the land -- and over the course of eons of refusal
to use those legs, we are being told that very slowly their legs began to
atrophy, as fins began to ever so slowly grow over the legs -- and that they
grew blowholes in which to breathe out of.
One of
the primary reasons why this theory has been embraced is seen in the fact that
within the fins of most whales, exists what appears to be legs -- but in not
understanding that the body of the sea mammal is the result of mind being
projected from the Field into the form of nature as perceived in the pattern of
thought that it represents, the Darwinists have embraced the folly of absolute
irrationality. To prove the absurdity of their reasoning, perhaps they should
volunteer to live in the ocean to see if their offspring over the course of
eons, become mermaids. Mind you, something would have to motivate their
countless generations of offspring into never stepping foot on dry land, and
utilizing the natural qualities of their legs. Imagine the children of these
so called intellectuals dogpaddling in the water in the hope that over the
course of thousands of years, the legs of their descendents will turn into
mermaid fins!!! Their convoluted reasoning is that if they entered the water
now, and all their offspring remained in the water over the course of tens of
thousands of years -- never again using their legs and stepping foot on dry land
-- that their offspring would over the course of eons of time, become
In the foregoing
linked article (see
The Great Allegory Of Mind And Matter ), Einstein is quoted as saying with respect to the relationship
between the (Etheric) Field that is
(1) the source of what we see;
(2) even
though we cannot see the (Etheric) Field with our physical eyes;
(3) and of the
physical matter that we do see Einstein stated: “We may
therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which
the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics
both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality”.
Yet, Atheists and religious critics ignore the source, while continuing to
embrace modern fossilized junk-science in their continued attempt to undermine
the wisdom of the mystics and author's of the scriptures. If
what man sees as concrete matter is indeed a blemish that has formed in the
intersecting forces of the (Etheric) Field -- and it is the Field that is the
Source of all that man sees with his physical senses -- then to continue to support the fossilized
junk-science Paradigm of Thought that the Field does not exist, and the
life-forms of Nature developed apart from the underlying (Etheric) Field, is
little more that the dogma of an intellectually barren body of mentally
challenged idiots who for purely ideological reasons, remain disconnected from
modern reality.
Is mankind congenitally
blind to the higher realty of the (Etheric) Field? Or are only those
who dwell in that state of mind that Jesus portrayed as the
"outer darkness" of
mind and being, blind to the Source which modern physicists now recognize as
being in the (Etheric) Field that not only surrounds all forms of matter -- but
is the true source of what man observes with his limited physical senses? Which
reality forces us to ask the question: If the Mystic is correct, and all of
mankind has the innate ability to transform the body and its physical senses --
permitting the seeker/disciple the ability to perceive the higher reality that
man in his natural organic physical state of mind is blind to -- should the rest
of mankind continue to ignore the witness of this body of Mystics?
In order to continue to embrace a fossilized junk-science that is both ideologically
driven and immersed in ignorance?
What all this means is
that, what is really being observed in such books by Kersey Graves entitled
The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors: Christianity Before Christ, is in
fact the application of the knowledge of the Laws and Forces working within the
body and mind of man, universally -- i.e., the Laws and Forces that are working
within your own mind and being. And that such symbols as
the Virgin Birth, twelve disciples and the crucifixion, is an interpretation of
the Universal Laws and Forces that are actively functioning within the
consciousness of every man, woman and child throughout all time.
Therefore, the allegation that one religion copies from another religion is
simply not true -- as seen in the reality that if a man in one place composes an
astrological representation of the stars, we do not accuse another man who has
also composed an astrological representation of copying the work of the first
man -- because we understand that each has merely composed a representation of
what is universally seen and understood. In like manner, when it is
realized that the forms of nature as impressed into matter are themselves
universal representations of mind -- then like, what is observed in the stars, is
also understood in the scriptural (religious) composition of many wise men who
have each observed these Universal Laws and Forces which, like the stars, are
common to all of mankind.
In the example of the
Virgin Birth:
If another phase and cycle of birth must be brought about within the person -- and this
phase of birth is non-sexual from a physical perspective -- and yet, the
male/female spheres and forces of mind must become united and matured in the
third-force of Mind -- then this next stage of birth was universally portrayed
as a Virgin Birth.
And in this respect the words virgin and birth possess a meaning that is
universal across the beliefs and spectrums of man's languages and cultures.
Which means that when a non-physical sexual virginal birth process is brought
about in the experiences of one group of people -- are they copying another
religious group who brings about this same secondary process of non-physical
sexual virginal birth within their own higher spiritual experiences?
That neither the faith-based believer or the pseudo-intellectual critic
understand this next phase of non-sexual birth is not the result of
copying religious myths -- but rather, common terminology that neither
understands because they have never experienced the fulfillment of the process
of the Virgin Birth within their own mind and being. But in
not understanding the Cosmology of Mind -- or the holographic pattern of male
and female that permeates every aspect of our mind and being -- the conceptual
reality of what is portrayed in the allegorical symbolism of the virgin birth
remains inconceivable to the whole of their paradigm of thinking.
In defense of the faith-based believer and the
critic who does not comprehend the true esoteric meaning of the scriptures, one
of the inherent problems seen in their struggle to comprehend the enigma of the
scriptures is often the result of the absence of important teachings which were
removed by the post-Nicene Church (see BibleCorruption.com). If the Second Coming is indeed an
allegorical portrayal of the next stage of birth within the mind and being of
the seeker/disciple, then of utmost importance is the statement preserved in the
Second Epistle of Clement which reads: but is preserved in the Second Epistle
of Clement where Jesus teaches on the coming of the Kingdom in the words:
“Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of
God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of
God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come,
replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within,
and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”
How is that condition achieved where
"...the male with the female, neither male nor
female’”??? And, it must be noted, that unless this condition
where the duality of male and female is achieved, the Epistle of Clement which
directly quotes the teachings of Jesus that were evidently removed from the
Gospels, conveys to the believer that the Kingdom cannot come. Thus, where
Jesus taught that one must achieve the next stage of birth to enter the Kingdom,
this overcoming of the duality of male and female has little to do with the
physical marriages of man and woman in this world -- but rather, the subsequent
stages of Marriage and secondary birth that modern man does not at all
understand the higher reality of. But even more revealing is the
similar teaching that has been preserved in the Gospel of Thomas where it
"When you make the two one, and when you make the inside
like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below,
and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not
be male nor the female female..."
Which provokes the question: how can "you make the male and the female one and the same, so
that the male not be male nor the female female..."?
A greatly revealing teaching and concept with
respect to the process of
alchemical transformation where the physical becomes the environment of the
Final Temple
portrayed in the allegorical portrayal of the Virgin Birth is presented to us in
the Pistis Sophia in the words: "Do
not desist from seeking by day and by night, until you find the
purifying mysteries of the light, which refine the body of matter and make it a pure
light very refined." This reality portrayed in
the necessary condition where the seeker undergoes the process of transformation
"...which refine the body of matter and make it a pure
light very refined", portrays a body that is undefiled
from the impurities of this world -- permitting the union of consecrated flesh
and indwelling spirit that brings about the transformation which is necessary to
comprehend the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom that
the biblical authors warned were incomprehensible to man in his
"natural" organic condition of mind and
being. And it is this holographic interaction of male and
female within the construct of the Forces and Laws of Mind, Consciousness in an
undefiled (virginal) state of Being that is the substance of the true meaning of
the scriptures. And since the process of achieving this elevated
human condition is the primary objective of the spiritual core of all the
enlightened religions of mankind since the very dawn of time, to portray this
necessary condition of sexual interaction taken to the next rung of the
holographic pattern of man's higher mind and being as borrowed myths and
legends, must be recognized as absurd and irrational. And in like manner, if the Mind is comprised of
twelve (12) (paradoxical) spheres -- male and female in relation to each other
-- that must be brought into absolute harmony
with the higher reality of an elevated mind (allegorically portrayed as Jesus), then the fact that these
twelve (12) spheres of mind are universally noted by all religions which seek to
Know Thyself -- and the Kingdom within -- then is one source copying the myths
of another religion when they allegorically portray the pattern of their own
a higher and enlightened perspective, each of the traditions of a virgin born
crucified savior with twelve disciples is more accurately the independent
witness of a higher reality of mind and being that each of the sources has
attested to -- drawn from the universal experience of the holographic
interaction of male/female within the construct of the necessary
"...refined ...body of matter and make it a pure
light very refined". And the
fact that neither the blind religious authorities, or the pseudo-intellectuals
who attempt to portray these traditions as either an historical account, or a
hoax that one religious source has copied from another, is representative of
their own ignorance of the higher reality of mind and being that is
independently witnessed to by each of these traditions. The reality of this world as a mental-womb
is presented and explored at
The Great Allegory Of Mind And Matter. That each of the animals
and forms of nature are themselves allegorical representations of aspects of
mind impressed into the image that nature has imbued them with, means that there
exists a higher interpretation of the meaning and reality of the forms of nature
that is universal to all of man's endeavors. Thus, what is often
seen as copying or borrowing, is in reality an interpretation of a predetermined
meaning that is conveyed in the image ingrained in the form of what is perceived
with respect to the universal meaning of that image. A swine is portrayed as
being unclean, because it's bodily rendering is representative of a thought that
has been allegorically projected into the image of the swine -- as is that of
the dog that is detested by carnal Jews and Muslims alike -- and this is true of the whole of the
animal kingdom that bears the signature of the God of Nature.
Further, the whole of man's body is an allegorical projection of mind -- in
contradistinction to the brain being the actual mind of the person -- and this
reality of mind and being is presented and explored in
Brain/Mind Connection. And it is largely for this reason that
the pictorial portrayal of the Tree of Life which is a representation of the
twelve spheres of
mind, is drawn over the body itself. That the graphic image on the right also has the
Star of David overlaying the body, is a further representation of the Forces and
Laws that manifests and animates the whole of our physical and mental being
while in this world. In many respects what Nature has done can be
envisioned as if higher reality was holographically projected into the physical -- with each
aspect of thought and mind represented in a characteristic and attributes that
is revealed in the form of the projection into Nature -- and that what is
ultimately revealed is the Forces and Laws that have animated the individual
attributes of mind projected into the allegorical images with which the
individual elements of nature are imbued.
That wise men, mystics and
visionaries have attempted to warn mankind that the scriptures are not an
historical account -- but rather, a spiritual text book of universal symbols
written in the language of the soul, that act as catalysts in the development and
"...the heightening and
enlargement of human consciousness”,
should come as no surprise to anyone. Under the subheading of the Old Testament in the
article An Inconvenient
Truth it is easily demonstrated that these Truths are confirmed to the
reader: In the words of Moses Maimonedes, one
of the most respected of Jewish theologians, historian, and Talmudist, where he
writes about the nature of scripture: “Every
time that you find in our books a tale the reality of which seems impossible, a
story which is repugnant to both reason and common sense, then be sure that the
tale contains a profound allegory veiling a deeply mysterious truth; and the
greater the absurdity of the letter, the deeper the wisdom of the spirit”. The
objective of Judaism is to become transformed into Spiritual Israel. In the
exact same manner as the enlightened Jewish Rabbi's, the early Christian Church
Father Origen writes: “It
is sufficient however, to represent in the style of a historic narrative
what is intended to convey a secret meaning in the garb of history, that those
who have the capacity may work out for themselves all that relates to the
subject.” And
with regard to what would otherwise be promoted as historical symbols and events
that would appear to us as the knowledge of superficial episodes of the past,
Origen writes: “I
believe that every man must hold these things for images, under which the hidden
sense lies concealed” (Origen
- Huet., Prigeniana, 167 Franck, p. 142).
Students of Hebrew Mysticism will perceive that what the third-century Christian
Church Father Origen wrote was no different than what is contained in the Zohar,
where it states: “The
narratives of the doctrine are its cloak. The simple look only on the garment,
that is upon the narrative of the doctrine; more they know not. The
instructed, however, see not merely the cloak, but what the cloak covers”. The
Jewish mystic who spends his life seeking the inner meaning of the written word
that the natural mind of man is incapable of seeing, has warned: "Thus
the tales related in the Torah are simply her outer garments, and woe to the man
who regards that outer garb as the Torah itself, for such a man will be deprived
of portion in the next world..." (the
Zohar quoted in No
Jew Has Read The Torah). Peter said what appears to be historical never
happened. Paul called the literal text an allegory. These
same truths are again conveyed to us in the words of the Church Historian
Eusebius: “Many
were led astray by reading the allegorical contents of the scriptures literally
in the method of the Pharisees and Sadducees”. What
these symbols truly mean is perhaps best expressed by G.R.S. Mead in his
celebrated work, Fragments of a
Faith Forgotten, where he explained that, once properly understood, the true
meaning of what is “…projected
onto the screen…” of
the scriptures, “…was
in reality a picture of their [man’s] own minds”.
The Church Father Origen went one step further and
reasoned that "...What
man is found such an idiot as" to
believe these forms and symbols literally, and not to understand "...that
every man must hold these things for images, under which the hidden sense lies
concealed”? (see Mystery).
In the same way that when a beast becomes conditioned to its environment, when
the mind of man is ruled over by his lower animal nature, he will believe
virtually anything -- i.e., Pagan sacrifices, virgin sacrifices, belief in a
warring and conquering god, belief in a vengeful god that is even more evil than
the most vile of mankind. As
stated above, the Apostle Peter warns that the enigmas of the scriptures which
he portrays as the "mystery
of the books with the power to deceive" (see Power
To Deceive), were
intentionally inserted into the body of the text as a test to the reader.
Peter portrays the Gentiles as being easily deceived, because they are
accustomed to believing bad things about God. Thus, the god of the Old
Testament has been insightfully portrayed as resembling the Wizard of OZ --
i.e., a magical nut case behind the curtain who liked physical circumcision,
genocide of non-Jews including killing every woman & child -- a god who made
man, then repented he even made man and killed everyone on earth but Noah and
his immediate family -- a god who kills a man for trying to steady the ARK, a
voodoo god who loves animal sacrifice and blood sprinkling, a god who sacrifices
his son. The scriptures are very clear, it’s all allegorical about the Kingdom
within. The reader is warned in John 6:63, that reading the scriptures
literally has no profit at all (“the flesh profiteth
nothing”) and leaves the reader spiritually bankrupt : "It
is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I
speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life".
What Moses Maimonedes is
stating in the above, then, is that there exists many parts of the scriptures
that are literally and historically not true -- going so far as to even portray
portions of the written texts as being "...repugnant
to both reason and common sense".
And if this is true, the question must be asked: How can any intelligent
reader of the scriptures, whether believer or critic, make the claim that they
know what it being stated, when the scriptures were intentionally written so
that only an initiate could perceive the true meaning? Why was unhistorical
events that were "...repugnant
to both reason and common sense" even
inserted into the scriptures in the first place? Because much of what was
presented in the literal text was exactly as Paul portrayed it -- i.e., "Jewish
fables" (Titus
1:14). The question must therefore be asked: Why did the authors of the
scriptures weave their truths within and around "Jewish
fables"? The
answer is twofold -- i.e.,
because when the Key of Knowledge is employed, the very forms of nature which
are in themselves allegorical symbols of mind impressed into living and natural
forms can be used to present a Living Representation of the Laws and Forces of
Mind and Being -- and
because if their writings did not conform to the very heathen and superstitious
beliefs of the nomadic tribe who called themselves Jews, the writings themselves
would be rejected and destroyed. Therefore, because the Mystics recognized
the journey of the soul, they understood that they, or the future images
generated by their own soul -- would need the wisdom and knowledge contained
within the scriptures in the future -- and what better way to preserve this
sacred knowledge than to place it in the hands of believers in the manner of a
Trojan Horse, and use the congregation of blind believers as mules who transport
and safeguard the esoteric knowledge from one time-period into the next -- to be
used again by those who understand the proper application of the Key of
Knowledge which unlocks the esoteric secrets of mind and being. Therefore,
isn't Paul stating this exact same truth when he writes to the Galatians who are
attempting to embrace Jewish ritualistic ways, and states: “Tell
me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?” And
then Paul goes on to explain to those who want to attempt to read the written
word literally, in an historical context as Christians do today: “For
it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a
freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of
the freewoman was by promise. Which things are an allegory” (Gal
4:21-24 KJV).
That the Jew
who remained of a natural carnal mindset could not see beyond the symbols of the
allegory, and their eyes and hearts were hardened by their ideological and
philosophic beliefs to the degree that they could not comprehend the true
meaning of the scriptures, is readily understood where Paul states that “their
minds were blinded” by
God, “for
until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old
testament… even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart” (2
Cor 3:14-15 KJV). The time has come for this vail to be removed from the eyes
of all Jews. What modern non-Jews fail to realize today, is the reality that
all men of the flesh are equally blind to the True Torah of God! Because the
Christians have adopted the ways of the carnal Jews, the same vail is upon their
own hearts and minds.
From a
spiritual perspective, when the Jews worship the god of the literal written word
-- with rituals, animal sacrifices, incense, in a temple made with the hands of
men, it can truly be said that the Jews worshiped a false god -- a god which the
Spiritual (Gnostic) Christians portrayed as a Demiurge that created the mental
world in which they lived. And what was it that the scriptures used by the Jews
said: "The
multitude of your sacrifices-- what are they to me? says the LORD. I have more
than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened animals; I have
no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats. When you come to appear
before me, who has asked this of you, this trampling of my courts? Stop bringing
meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and
convocations-- I cannot bear your evil assemblies. Your New Moon festivals and
your appointed feasts my soul hates. They have become a burden to me; I am weary
of bearing them. When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes
from you; even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are full
of blood; wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight!
Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed.
Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow" (Isa
1:11-17 NIV).
Why does the Most High God take no
pleasure in rituals, sacrifices, incense, Sabbaths and New Moon festivals? In
the words of the Church Father Origen: “I
believe that every man must hold these things for images, under which the hidden
sense lies concealed.” And
in the words of Paul: "Which
things are an allegory.” And
in the words of the Jewish Mystic: “The
narratives of the doctrine are its cloak. The simple look only on the garment,
that is upon the narrative of the doctrine; more they know not. The
instructed, however, see not merely the cloak, but what the cloak covers”.
In recognizing Jesus' words
when he stated that the god of the Torah Observant Jews was the Devil -- the
Spiritual Christians who were called Gnostics, understood what was being implied
when they said the god of the Jew was a lesser god who was a Demiurge. Why a
Demiurge? Because they were literally controlled by their inherent carnal
mindset -- i.e., the beliefs of the carnal Jews which included all that they saw
and understood, was interwoven through the filter of their doctrines in accord
with the heathen vision of their god that they believed in. And Paul
correctly warned that you can't be saved by the outward ritual works of the
written word of the Law -- that the reader of the scriptures who failed to
understand the allegorical manner they were composed in, embraced what Paul
portrayed as the "letter
that killeth". Peter
called the written words of the scriptures the books
that have the power to deceive. Why? Because the literal written word
of the scriptures portrays the Left Hand of God, while the inner spiritual
meaning that lies beneath the allegorical garb, reveals the Right Hand that can
sustain and save. The Left Hand is the reflective reality -- i.e., Lucifer --
and this reflective reality is called the Bringer of Light, because the
reflective reality is a corrective response to our actions in this world --
i.e., the fruit of our past words, thoughts, desires and deeds that through
confrontation, forces an upward movement towards completion. Thus, the reality
of the words with respect to the Laws that, as you do unto others, the same will
be returned unto yourself. The Old Testament has often been portrayed as the
Mosaic Law of retribution -- i.e., an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
And what is actually being conveyed is the Law of action and reaction -- often
called the Law of Karma. When a child misbehaves, a parent applies a
corrective action in accordance with the needs of the child. And in the
scriptures this great truth is revealed in the words: "Do
not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also
6:7 NKJ).
Thus, while the multitude of Jews celebrated dead
rituals and traditions, the wise were able to utilize these same scriptures and
apply what Jesus called The Key of
Knowledge to reveal the concealed
and preserved esoteric truths that were hidden within the body of the text which
Paul stated was the "letter
that killeth". And this is why the Jews were portrayed as being
blind, and the Spiritual Christians portrayed them as worshippers of a Demiurge
-- or a god of their own making that created the illusions of the world in which
they dwell.
Key Of Knowledge And The Cosmology Of Mind:
When the Key of Knowledge is
properly applied to the scriptures, and they are turned within to unlock the
inner "narrow strait gate" that bestows
entrance into the Kingdom to the true seeker and disciple of TheWay, then the
commandment at Genesis 1:28 to "Be fruitful and
multiply..." pertains more to the expansion of one's own mind
and consciousness, than to bringing forth children in the outer world. And when the physical
and its relationship to the spiritual as portrayed in the allegorical pattern of
Heaven and Earth within the holographic Cosmology of Mind is understood, in
conjunction with the spiritual meaning of the
Final Temple is
perceived in its true spiritual meaning as the Fulfillment of the Law and the Commandment
that "...We cannot atone for
our shortcomings by sacrificing animals, but we can sacrifice our inner
animals—our hormones, our lusts, our desires, our beastly compulsions. We cannot
find G-d in Jerusalem; we must find Him in us" (quote
from AskMoses.com at
The Final Temple
) is the Fulfillment of the Commandment in Genesis 1:28 to
"...fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea,
over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth"
-- and the whole account of the building of the Temple is in reality an
allegorical portrayal of the Spiritual Transformation of self as required by
Paul in the words: "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to
your earthly nature" (Col 3:5 NIV).
And what are the elements of mind and being of man's lower earthly nature that
must be put to death? To the above commandment Paul states to abstain
from: "...sexual
immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because
of these, the wrath of God is coming. You used to walk in these ways, in the
life you once lived. But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as
these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. Do not
lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and
have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of
its Creator'” (Col 3:5-10 NIV).
Indicating, that if you express the lower animal appetites of the physical in
a carnal manner -- i.e., "...our hormones, our
lusts, our desires, our beastly compulsions" --
“For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die:
but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live” (Rom 8:13 KJV).
With respect to the Cosmology of Mind and the End Times and predictions of a
coming Armageddon, when these predictions are properly understood, what they portray
"…all this is but the beginning of the
(Matt 24:8 RSV - see
Armageddon Lost
- The Process Of Becoming Born Again). And how can this
next stage of birth be brought about and achieved? Again, returning
to Genesis and the reality of mind and spirit as found in the words:
"God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and
female created he them"
(Gen 1:27 KJV).
Fortunately, while many important spiritual teachings that the secular Church
under Pagan Rome did not understand and agree with were removed, but this most
important teaching on the coming of the Kingdom within the mind and being of the
disciple has been preserved in the Second Epistle of Clement where it is stated:
“Let us
expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of God in love and righteousness,
since we know not the day of the appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being
asked by one when His kingdom would come, replied, 'When two shall be one, that
which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither
male nor female’”. How can
"...the male
with the female [be] neither male nor female’”? The answer: When
the two become "one flesh" within a
Spiritual Divine Marriage -- which holographically merges the male-linear of the
husband with the feminine-intuitive of the wife into a spiritual embryo in the
pattern of the physical embryo that becomes a fetus (see
The Holographic Pattern Of Sex).
This interaction between man and woman, has the ability to develop the
feminine-intuitive within the mind and being of the man, which in turn is the
environment though which he can begin to seek Wholeness -- and it is this
necessary Wholeness that is portrayed in the words: "And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole have no need of a
physician; but they that are sick" (Luke 5:32)
Jesus' statement that unless you
"turn about"
and become as a little child that you can never enter the Kingdom, has
perpetually confused the vast majority of Christians. Yet, the
relationship of the child to the above words that the Kingdom can only come
"...'When two shall be one, that which is without as
that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”
is further clarified in the 22nd saying in the
Gospel Of Thomas:
"Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, These infants being
suckled are like those who enter the kingdom. They said to him, Shall we then,
as children, enter the kingdom? Jesus said to them, When you make the two one,
and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside,
and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and
the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you
fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot
in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter
the kingdom." The reality of how and when the Kingdom will come within the Mind and Being of
the disciple in relation to the above statement that the seeker must reform what
is portrayed in Adam and Eve within one's self into One -- i.e.,
"...when you make the male and the female one and the
same, so that the male not be male nor the female female" -- only
then can the true meaning of the scriptures as portrayed by the pre-Nicene
Church Father Origen be understood when he wrote in De Principiis:
“But all
the narrative portion, relating either to the marriages, or to the begetting of
the children, or to battles of different kinds, or to any other histories
whatever, what else can they be supposed to be, save the forms and figures of
hidden and sacred things? Thus, the scriptures do not make reference to historical men and
women, their marriages, the begetting of children, wars and conflicts -- or, for
that matter, "...to any other histories whatever"
-- because what appears to be historical accounts are in reality allegorical
portrayals of the Laws, Forces and Realities of the seeker/disciples own Mind
and Being. And once again -- and most importantly -- in the
merger of "...the male and the female one and the same,
so that the male not be male nor the female female".
Marriage - The Warning Of The Apostle
- The Key Of Knowledge:
If it is true as presented and explored in the above, that without the merger of
what is portrayed as
"...the male and the female [into] one and the same, so that the male not be
male nor the female female",
then the reality is that without understanding
the true depth and potential of the relationship of male and female on a
physical, mental and spiritual level of mind and being, no real progress can be
made by the seeker/disciple. And this includes not only the
reason for the sexual prohibitions throughout the scriptures -- but just as
important is the relationship of the physical with the uniting within the mind
of man those spheres associated with the male and female that Jesus stated must
be brought into oneness "...so that the male not be male nor the female
female" --
in conjunction with the seeker/disciple's own birth in the Kingdom.
And without this essential knowledge, neither the reality of the true meaning of
the scriptures, nor of the life that each person is living, will be understood
-- and will remain an incomprehensible enigma.
it is true that there are higher realities of being that are totally
inconceivable to the mind of the undeveloped faith-based believer (see
Of The Gospel)
-- and by virtue of their immaturity, the biblical authors were
powerless to explain in detail many of the important Gospel teachings
and concepts -- then the spiritually mature author's of the scriptures
who do Know of these higher realities, remain virtually powerless to do
anything more than to provide the people with a list of do's and don'ts,
so that the immature Christians will be in a position where they are
then better able to evolve to a mature understanding and
comprehension of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay.
To totally ignore these do's and don'ts, without knowing the consequence
of one's choices and actions, is paramount to walking out onto a freeway
blindfolded. I always found it
truly amazing that students of the scriptures could read the words of Paul
where he states that the
of the Christians who he had himself taught, would reject the truths
pertaining to the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the
Kingdom as utter "foolishness" --
portraying himself as an "ambassador
in bonds" who was
unable to speak plainly -- and yet the implications of these words when read
by the majority of readers, remain ignored to their own detriment.
Further, from this perspective, the best that Paul
could do for those who he portrayed as entry-level Christians who were "babes
in Christ", was to provide them a series of do's and don'ts that
would assist them in evolving through the stages of spiritual immaturity
that made it impossible for them to comprehend the True Gospel Meaning and
are two ultra important possibilities that must be considered -- i.e., the
position at least in cultural practice has been advanced by Bishop John
Shelby Spong whose side has been portrayed as such: "Although
he admits that the Bible is full of statements about sexual virtue,
including prohibitions against premarital sex, adultery, and homosexuality,
the authors of the Bible were hopelessly uninformed, lacking the benefits of
modern research. One author in particular, the Apostle Paul, may have been
driven by an inner struggle with his sexual identity" (see Rescuing
The Bible). And the other side that Bishop Spong remains
totally ignorant of, is the fact that the biblical authors
were not only well informed as to the reason why the scriptures condemned
the cultural immorality of the modern practice of sexually hooking-up outside of marriage, but that the
facts could not be adequately explained because of the very reasons why Paul warned
that the "natural" organic
mind of man was too immature to comprehend the higher reality of the soul
and man's ultimate spiritual reality which he must discover and manifest
within his own life as he seeks to bring about the next stage of birth.
I use
Bishop Spong as an example of man's modern cultural folly, because I have in the
past communicated directly with him (see Reply
To Bishop Spong). I also replied and communicated directly with
Bishop Gene Robinson's office on his claim that the condemnation of
homosexuality by Paul was based upon a prohibition of heterosexuals from
engaging in same sex acts, and not homosexuals (see Reply:
Same Sex Acts Unnatural For Heterosexuals) -- with Bishop Robinson
making the profoundly ignorant statement that "It never occurred
to anyone in ancient times that a certain minority of us would be born being
affectionately-oriented to people of the same sex".
And as revealed in my reply to Bishop Robinson, what we are witnessing in
the hostility to the position presented in the scriptures, is the result of
error begetting even greater error -- and the fact that if you perpetually
repeat a lie, that it will come to be accepted as factually true. The
Gospel teaches that the Kingdom must come within the body and mind of the
individual disciple through the process of bringing about the next stage of
birth through the merger of the male/female spheres of mind within the
believer -- and the Spiritual Transformation is portrayed as that of a
"child" who builds within themselves
The Final Temple
-- which permits the seeker/disciple to be born in the (inner) Kingdom.
And that in the application of the Key of Knowledge in the life of the
seeker/disciple, the physical embodiment of man and woman is merely an
extension of the holographic image of male and female spheres of mind which
have been allegorically impressed into the forms of nature.
Therefore, the position of Bishop Robinson that
"It never occurred
to anyone in ancient times that a certain minority of us would be born being
affectionately-oriented to people of the same sex"
and the position of Bishop Spong that
authors of the Bible were hopelessly uninformed, lacking the benefits of
modern research"
-- reveals that nothing could be further from the truth. And
this fact is demonstrated conclusively at
Holographic Pattern Of Sex.
The fact that the biblical authors succeeded in bringing about that
condition of mind and being where
"...the male and the female [had to become merged into] one and the same, so
that the male not be male nor the female female"
-- and that this merger and transformation of mind and being provided the
biblical authors the spiritual insight gained via an Anointed and
Enlightened access to a Higher Source of Wisdom and Knowledge that remains
beyond the reach of "natural" man in his
organic physical condition of mind -- means that the cultural position of
Bishops Spong and Robinson is not only gravely flawed, but can be portrayed
as a sentence of death to those who embrace it. But just
as important is the fact that the idea that the sexual interaction of man
and woman is only to propagate the species, is just as gravely flawed as
that of Spong and Robinson who promote same-sex unions and gender
Reality is: Jesus portrayed this world as the
"outer darkness" of
mind and being -- but few students of the Bible even understand the reality that
is being portrayed. In the foregoing subheading entitled
Why Is It Important To Understand The Inner
Spiritual Meaning Of The Scriptures, I portray this world as a
"Mental Womb" that is representative of the
necessary environment to bring about the expansion and development of mind.
And in the same way that a fetus dwells in the darkness of its mother's womb --
not being able to perceive beyond the limitations of that initial womb of
development, what Jesus portrayed as the
"outer darkness" of
mind and being is merely the reality of the next womb that mankind is born blind
to the higher reality of -- and is unable to perceive beyond its physical
limitations without bringing about the next stage of birth -- i.e.,
Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless
one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3).
In a parallel analogy, Plato portrayed this world as
a Cave of Illusions (see Plato's
Cave). Unless you begin to understand why Jesus portrayed
organic man as being blind to his own higher soul and spiritual reality, and why
Plato portrayed everything that you think you see as illusion, then you will
remain perpetually lost and mentally shackled and impaired. Until it
is understood that what man observes in the outer world is merely a Blueprint
of Mind that is projected into both the forms of Nature -- as well as the
pattern of the whole which is holographically replicated into the Cosmology of
mind within each person, no real progress towards escaping these conditions of
mental impairment can be achieved. Further, to ignore the Gospel declaration
that Jesus taught those who were portrayed as
In The House,
totally different than those who are portrayed as being
"without" or on the
means that such a person has shackled themselves within a self-imposed prison of
absolute ignorance. And while this is of the utmost importance
on a number of levels that organic man has not even yet considered -- one such
reality is seen in the fact that the same relationship exists with respect to
our own Source as being constituted in the (Etheric) Field which surrounds the
physical body-vessel -- which means that the
physical body that we do see and observe with our earthly senses, is in fact a
projection of the Source which remains beyond our physical vision and ability to
detect. Further, the objectives of the author's of the Gospels was/is to seek the
Truths in the underlying (Etheric) Field of the seeker/disciple, and the true
meaning of the scriptures when decoded with the proper application of the
Key of
Knowledge, was and remains the revelation of the necessary knowledge with
respect to the Forces and Laws that are active in the unseen (Etheric) Field of
one's own Mind and Being --
presented to the seeker/disciple in what is called the allegorical language of
the soul -- and that the same allegorical symbolism is exactly the same as the
allegorical symbolism that is used by the Author of Nature who embedded the
language of the soul into the forms of nature in the outer world -- and this is
in fact the reason why the Church Father Origen stated with respect to the
application of the Key of Knowledge to both the scriptures and all of organic
forms of nature, that “It is sufficient however, to
represent in the style of a historic narrative what is intended to convey a
secret meaning in the garb of history, that those who have the capacity may work
out for themselves all that relates to the subject.” The key
phrase here it seen in the words "...that those who
have the capacity may work out for themselves all that relates to the subject”
-- which indicates that men and women of true intellect that are free
from the restraints of both the Laws, and the carnal limitations of man's
cultures and doctrines of belief, have the ability to crack the CODE of not only
the scriptures, but of Creation itself, by applying the rules of the Key of
Knowledge. The literal text of the Gospels -- and especially the Sermon on the
Mount -- represent those teachings which prepare the seeker/disciple to break
free of the restraints of the Laws, which constrain the mind, and enable the
seeker/disciple to begin to "...have the capacity [to]
work out for themselves" the true meaning of both the scriptures, and
the life they are presently living.
The Heightening And Expansion Of Mind:
If I pose
the question: Do you know the purpose and objectives of the original teachings
of Jesus and TheWay? An important insight into the very essence, purpose and
higher spiritual objectives of the original teachings of TheWay is contained in
an article in the Encyclopedia Britannica under the heading, The History of
Christian Mysticism, where it reads: “Although the essence of mysticism is the sense of contact with the
transcendent, mysticism in the history of Christianity should not be understood
merely in terms of special ecstatic experiences but as part of a religious
process lived out within the context of the Christian community. From this
perspective mysticism played a vital part in the early church. Early
Christianity was a religion of the spirit that expressed itself in the
heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”. What
is expressed in these words is of the utmost importance. Why? Because the
original teachings of Jesus was not the blind faith and belief in a prophet or
god-man -- but rather, the means to transform all Christian disciples of TheWay
into prophets and mystics as demonstrated in the words:
"...From this perspective mysticism played a vital part in the early
church. Early Christianity was a religion of the spirit that expressed itself in
the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”.
But, we must then pose the question: Just what is a
"...religion of the spirit"?
Like an astronaut who travels beyond the limits of
the earth's atmosphere into outer space, a spiritual religion prepares the
seeker/disciple to transcend the barrier of this physical world, and enter into
what the biblical authors portrayed as the Kingdom of God which Jesus taught was
within us. But to accomplish this spiritual transcendence, you had to first
prepare the physical body to make it an environment that would permit
"...the heightening and enlargement of human
consciousness” to be brought about -- and this requires
a great amount of effort and preparation. And in the same way that
charlatans peddle get-rich schemes which rob the people of their wealth and
prosperity, wolves in sheep's attire peddled short-cut schemes -- and it was
these counterfeit shepherds who seduced the naive into handing over their money
and support so they could live lucratively off the collection plate.
spiritual Christians who followed in TheWay and prepared themselves to transcend
the natural physical limitations of the body, possessed the Divine Knowledge of
the Kingdom which they had succeeded in entering. And the Spiritual Christians
were opposed by those who portrayed themselves as Orthodox -- who more often
than not were charlatans who for the sake of mammon and the political power of
this world, ardently opposed the Spiritual Christians because they represented a
direct threat to their base of money and political power.
Intuitive Mind Vs Linear-Rational:
question can be rightfully asked: If the above is true, then why can't mystics
and enlightened spiritual men speak plainly, instead of using the enigma of
allegorical scriptures? The answer can only be understood as the
seeker/disciple begins to fulfill the ancient adage to Know Thyself -- and when
the Cosmology of Mind is rightly understood, the truth and the reality of self
that the disciple seeks, already exists within them. And thus, what
we are presented with are a number of paradoxes that have confronted man since
he first stepped foot on the earth. Thus, these proverbial questions
must be confronted: Is the mind of a child empty?
Or, does a great source of knowledge already exist within the mind of the child
that must be tapped into? Do you instruct a child through rote
programming in the manner of our educational systems today? Or do
you guide the child into an environment of self-discovery?
Mystics have long warned mankind that the reality of this world of appearances
is not at all what is seems to be through the perception of man's physical eyes
and senses -- i.e., that there is a great deal more that man's senses and
perception cannot detect or even imagine. And this same enigma of the limits
of man's physical senses was noted by Albert Einstein who concluded with respect
to man's dilemma when he stated:
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the
rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the
servant and has forgotten the gift."
view of the fact that our culture neither understands the intuitive spheres of
mind -- neither do they understand the Source of knowledge that the intuitive
spheres of mind has the potential to tap into -- mankind has for all intent and purposes shackled
himself to a condition of profound self-imposed ignorance with respect to a
higher reality that he does not at all understand. And what the Mystic has long warned mankind, is
that because of the shackles imposed upon mankind by his traditional religious,
philosophical, cultural and educational institutions which
"...have created a society that honors the
[rational] servant and has forgotten [and suppressed the development of] the
[intuitive] gift" -- thus,
blinding mankind to the underlying cause of all that man sees and experiences in
this world, man remains perpetually lost and blind in what Jesus portrayed as
the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness) -- or
what the philosopher portrayed in the analogy of the illusions of Plato's Cave
(see Cave) .
the whole of our culture is based exclusively upon the very limited vision of
the linear-rational mind which strives to overpower and inhibit the development
of the intuitive gift, is why the Apostle Paul warned "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow
and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic
principles of this world..." (Col 2:8 NIV).
Thus, where the biblical authors portray what they call the
"testimony" of Christ as the entry-level
language of allegorical symbols that are intended to act as a catalyst in the
beginning development of the entry-level believing Christian, the objective is
to bring about the necessary maturity and transformation in the development of
the latent intuitive spheres of mind, that enables the seeker/disciple of TheWay
to fulfill the higher spiritual objectives of the Gospel -- as presented in the
above words of the Britannica:
“Although the essence of mysticism is the sense of contact with the
transcendent, mysticism in the history of Christianity should not be understood
merely in terms of special ecstatic experiences but as part of a religious
process lived out within the context of the Christian community. From this
perspective mysticism played a vital part in the early church. Early
Christianity was a religion of the spirit that expressed itself in the
heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”.
That this spiritual objective and body of esoteric teachings became lost when
the Church came under the dominion of Pagan Rome -- which was the primary reason
why our Constitutional Framers inhibited the government from interfering in the
practice of religion -- means that the spiritual objective of the practice of
religion is in the development of the seeker/disciple to utilize those higher
intuitive areas of the mind that is able to connect with the inner transcendent
-- i.e.,
"...contact with the transcendent [that was]
part of a religious process lived out within the context of the Christian
community. From this perspective mysticism played a vital part in the early
church. Early Christianity was a religion of the spirit that expressed itself in
the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”.
Which means that the true objective of
the teachings of Jesus and TheWay is
"...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”
through the development of the intuitive centers of the mind which Einstein
correctly portrays as "...a sacred gift".
very fact that it was the objective of the original teachings associated with
the historical man Jesus known as TheWay, to bring about this condition of
enlightenment about in the life of the individual Christian believer, means that
there exists the means to bring this enlightened reality of mind about. Which
means that the question then becomes not if -- but rather, how to bring this
"...heightening and enlargement of human
consciousness” about in
the life of the believer as he progresses down the path of TheWay? Certainly
not through the further development of the mind through the linear rational
servant. In the picture at the right -- "the frontispiece to her translation of Newton, Émilie du Chātelet appears as
Voltaire's muse, reflecting Newton's heavenly insights down to Voltaire"
(see Voltair) -- what is
personified in the term muse, is always representative of a feminine source of
wisdom -- and is very much an allegorical personification of the intuitive
aspects of one's own mind that provides insight and access to
higher source of knowledge and wisdom within one's self. In the
image of the three muses at the left, in Greek writings these would be
representative of the personification of the intuitive aspects of mind which
must be developed in order to begin to tap into and access man's inner Source of
Mind and Being. And in this respect such biblical figures as Mary
Magdalene is not the personification of an historical person -- but rather, the
purification, development and raising up of the (feminine) intuitive aspects of
the disciples own mind. In the Gospels associated with Mary
Magdalene it is written: “She speaks to the other
disciples about Jesus and what she’s seen, and Peter says, ‘I don’t believe the
Lord said these things. These are certainly strange ideas.’ And she says, ‘Well,
do you think I made them up? Do you think I’m lying about the Lord?’ ”
In this allegorical representation, the linear-rational aspect of mind is
represented in Peter's inability to comprehend what the feminine-intuitive as
represented in the allegorical personification of Mary Magdalene reveals.
And since these intuitive visions, impressions and wisdom does not support the
linear reasoning of the masculine vision of this world and Creation, in most
people they are rejected.
the introduction to the book
Secrets of Mary Magdalene, Prof. Elain Pageles writes and quotes the Gospel
of Philip: Simultaneously, the Gospel of Philip
celebrates Mary Magdalene as manifesting the divine spirit, which this gospel
calls the “virgin who came down” from heaven. When Christians spoke of Jesus
“born from a virgin,” this author agrees—but refuses to take it literally. So
some people, he says, take this literally to mean that Jesus’ mother became
pregnant apart from any man, apart from sexual intercourse. But this, he says,
is the “faith of fools”
who fail to comprehend spiritual matters (although, as we note, it can be seen
in the birth narratives offered in the New Testament gospels of Matthew and
Luke). Instead, continues the Gospel of Philip, Jesus was born physically, just
as all humans, as the son of biological parents. The difference, says the author
of this gospel, that he was also “born again” in baptism--born spiritually to
become the son of the Father above, and of the heavenly Mother, the Holy Spirit.
That one of the primary objectives of this life is to bring about and achieve
the next stage of birth -- a non-physical birth which is allegorically portrayed
as a Virgin
Birth -- should be of primary importance to all people.
the same way that Peter as representing the (male) linear-rational spheres of
mind states of the intuitive visions and wisdom of Mary Magdalene:
"...These are certainly strange ideas",
it is a fact that it is the lopsided development of what Einstein portrayed as
the linear rational servant that inhibits the development of the intuitive gift
-- i.e., as seen in Einstein's statement that “The only thing that
interferes with my learning is my education.” Without the
balanced development of the intuitive, the linear rational which only senses
outwardly, arrives as a point where it becomes what can be portrayed as
flat-lined -- which in turn inhibits the
further development of the linear rational servant from itself maturing beyond
organic limitations. And herein lies the great obstacle to human development
that linear-intellectuals don't at all understand -- i.e., the reality that the
linear programming of the mind which is the agenda of our educational systems --
including the reading of books and traditional study -- only serves to inhibit
the development of the intuitive spheres of mind -- and it is the lack of
balance between the inward looking intuitive and the outward looking
linear-rational that inhibits the development of the mind beyond a certain very
shallow organic physical level of maturity.
problem is seen in the fact that the linear rational servant can only look
outwardly -- and not only remains totally ignorant of an inner reality that it
is blind to -- but it demands that all of mankind ignore and even reject the
higher causal reality that can only be sensed and understood through the
development of the intuitive centers of mind. Like the tip of the proverbial
iceberg, what is observed protruding out of the water is very small in relation
to the immense body of ice that is beyond man's normal scope of vision lying
beneath the water line. And because our culture and linear learning
environment actually inhibits the development of the intuitive, it remains
atrophied and latently embryonic. This is seen in the fact that when the
leaders of the Jews (Pharisees) asked Jesus when the Kingdom of God would come
upon the earth in the manner that they believed it would, he told them that it
would never come upon the earth so as to be seen with their eyes (that look
outwardly), because the Kingdom already exists within them (see
http://GateOfEden.com ) -- and it is
accessed through the development of the intuitive spheres of mind that are
positioned to look inwardly -- which then must be balanced with the outward
looking rational linear.
the parable of the prodigal son who is subject to the limited perception and
understanding of what Jesus portrayed as the "outer
darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness), man
dwells in a world of illusions (see Plato's Cave) that are an allusion of mind impressed into the allegorical
images of nature. In her book, The Gospel of Mary of Magdala: Jesus
and the First Woman Apostle, author Karen L. King writes:
"…the Gospel of Mary communicates a vision that the world is passing away,
not toward a new creation or a new world order, but toward the dissolution of an
illusory chaos of suffering, death, and illegitimate domination. The Saviour has
come so that each soul might discover its own true spiritual nature, its ‘root’
in the Good, and return to the place of eternal rest beyond the constraints of
time, matter, and false morality." The error of Karen
King is typical, in that in her failure to properly apply the Key of Knowledge,
she perceives Mary Magdalene as a flesh and blood woman, not understanding that
Mary is representative of the intuitive spheres of mind that must be evolved and
raised up, in order to tap into and connect with man's inner Source of Being --
and ultimately the
True Prophet.
Spiritual (Intuitive) Development: One of the primary objectives of the
Original Scriptures was the development of the Intuitive spheres of mind that
brought about Enlightenment through the eventual Anointing (Messiah/Christ) of
the Mind -- which enabled the seeker/disciple to transcend the natural barriers
of the physical, and be taught directly by God. But to even begin to
accomplish this spiritual transformation of the body and physical consciousness,
those spheres of mind associated with the Intuitive had to be developed and then
integrated with the rational-linear at a higher level of man's consciousness and
being than his normal organic consciousness would naturally permit. Thus, in
their original condition before being corrupted by the Church (see
http://BibleCorruption.com ), the
scriptures were intended to begin the process of
"...the heightening and
enlargement of human consciousness”
(see Expansion Of Mind) that would enable the
seeker/disciple to become enlightened and be taught by God -- i.e.,
"It is written in the prophets, 'And they shall all be
taught by God.'
Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me"
(John 6:45 NKJ). And it was for this reason that the historical man Jesus
commanded his disciples not to be called teacher or rabbi -- i.e.,
"But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have One
Teacher, and you are all brethren" (Matt 23:8 RSV) -- and this was
commanded, because ultimately, there is Only One True Teacher, and that is the
True Prophet -- often referred to as the Logos, the Son of God, and the Teacher
of Righteousness. And that those lost prodigal sons who look to other men as
their teacher, rabbi or leaders, will be greatly deceived and misguided, is why
the disciple Peter in the Clementine Homilies declared:
O beloved Clement,
if you would know the things pertaining to God, you have to learn them from
Him alone, because He alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows anything,
he has received it from Him or from His disciples”.
(see The
Search For The True Prophet/Logos/Son Of God Within One's Own Mind And Being).
we pose the question as to how blind to man's higher soul and spiritual reality
the linear-rational mind is? Both the blindness and mental impairment and
dysfunction is so severe, that the person who is limited to normal linear
reasoning is portrayed as being dead in the scriptures (see
The Dead
Know Nothing). Thus, the lopsided development of the linear-rational
which is brought about in our cultural educational systems by
pseudo-intellectuals who only utilize and develop the linear-outward spheres of
mind -- and by the very nature and purpose of instruction, totally suppress the
intuitive spheres of mind -- inhibit the whole development of mind to the degree
that the students become intellectually flat-lined and totally incapable of
grasping higher understanding of both self, and the life the person is living.
That in their original condition prior to being corrupted by the Church (see
http://BibleCorruption.com ), the
scriptures which are allegorical (see
An Inconvenient Truth)
contained important teachings and catalysts that developed the intuitive spheres
of mind -- catalysts which began the process of connecting the seeker/disciple
with both the higher reality of their soul and what the original disciples
called The
True Prophet who was and is the One Teacher that Jesus said to seek out --
it was this enlightening of the mind of the seeker/disciple that was the very
purpose of the teachings of Jesus which were originally called TheWay. And
thus, the development of the intuitive by virtue of the important teaching that
were removed by the Church, and the catalysts of the allegorical scriptures,
brought about the fulfillment of the original objectives portrayed in
the Encyclopedia
Britannica under the heading, The History of Christian Mysticism, where
it reads:
“Although the essence of
mysticism is the sense of contact with the transcendent, mysticism in the
history of Christianity should not be understood merely in terms of special
ecstatic experiences but as part of a religious process lived out within the
context of the Christian community. From this perspective mysticism played a
vital part in the early church. Early Christianity was a religion of the spirit
that expressed itself in the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”.
blind to the true meaning of the scriptures and the realities of life is the
linear-rational mind which is associated with the pseudo-intellectualism that is
promoted by our culture and taught in our schools today? In the subheading of
Flawed Human (Linear) Reasoning in the article An Inconvenient Truth it
reads that: And that human reasoning, the quasi-religious dogma of man's
religions and his philosophical schools of thought, are always in error by
virtue of their lack of balanced development between the linear and intuitive
spheres of mind -- which lack of balance invokes a blindness to the higher
reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God -- which reality
Paul presented in the words:
"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow
and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic
principles of this world..." (Col 2:8 NIV).
And the degree that the seeker of Truth is to abandon and reject the dogmatic
and philosophical (linear) reasoning of this world, is further presented in the
words of the Apostle Peter who is quoted in the writings of his disciple
Clement: "...therefore great care is to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be
not read according to the understanding of our own mind. For there are many
sayings in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every
one has preconceived for himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought
not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from
without". (see
The Spiritual Disenfranchisement Of The Mind).
neither the true meaning of the allegorical scriptures, or the realities of life
itself, can be understood using
"...the understanding of our own mind"
when man is dependent upon the linear-rational spheres of mind, only then can
man begin to understand why the Apostle Paul warned that the believer should not
depend upon human logic and reasoning
"...which depends on human
tradition and the basic principles of this world..."
-- which to their own detriment the Church has ignored this warning. What
the Apostle Paul portrays as
"...the basic principles of this
world..." is the
linear-reasoning which physicist Niels Bohr stated that
“…The great extension of our experience in recent years has brought to light
the insufficiency of our simple mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence,
has shaken the foundation on which the customary interpretation of observation
was based.” These “…mechanical conceptions”
make reference to Darwin and the Theory of Evolution which is born out of the
blindness of human linear reasoning and logic. A blindness portrayed by
William A. Tiller in the words: “The present scientific
establishment has grown somewhat fossilized by its current world picture and is
locked into a view of reality that has outlived its usefulness. It has begun to
limit mankind’s growth and has so increased its sense of specialization,
separateness, materiality, and mechanical computer-like functioning that it is
in real danger of self-extermination” (see
Science Proves
Religion). So the question becomes will mankind's rejection of the reality
portrayed by the modern physicist -- as well as his abandonment with the
original purpose of the Gospel teachings -- cause him to go the way of the
dinosaur and bring him to the precipice where his reliance upon linear-reasoning
has placed him "...in real danger of
The Design And Objective Of The Scriptures:
By design, the objective of the scriptures is to bring about the necessary
balance and development of the linear-rational and intuitive spheres of mind --
which balance permits both the linear and the intuitive to evolve and develop
beyond the natural organic barriers that are supported by the physical
body-vessel -- and ultimately enabling the seeker/disciple to tap into an Inner
Source of Knowledge that is beyond normal human understanding.
While it is the linear spheres of mind that read the literal text of the
scriptures, the linear must rely upon the intuitive by utilizing the allegorical
symbols as a catalyst to bring about a higher perception and understanding of
the written text. What this means is that the linear which makes
sense of what is read, is reliant upon the development of the intuitive to
understand the meaning of the allegorical symbols -- and it is the balance of
the two spheres of mind that bring about the necessary evolution which was
portrayed in the above as
"...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”
(see Expansion Of Mind). The
Objective of the scriptures and the Original Teachings of TheWay was to bring
about the spiritual transformation of the seeker/disciple -- and this was
accomplished through the interaction of the linear and intuitive through the
catalyst of the allegorical symbols of the scriptures -- symbols which portray
the very Universal Laws and Forces of Mind and Being -- which not only evolve
and mature both the linear and the intuitive spheres of mind -- enabling what is
portrayed as the Third-Force of Mind to connect with man's inner Source of
is necessary is the interaction of the linear and intuitive on equal footing and
importance -- one not dominating the other -- with this interaction being
carried out within the catalysts of the Laws and Forces of Mind that are
manifest in the allegorical symbolism of the scriptures -- which interaction has
the potential to evolve both the linear and the intuitive -- manifesting a
higher and enlightened vision, understanding and knowledge of self and Creation,
in the Third-Force that is said to make the two, "one
flesh" in the higher reality of soul and spirit. Where it
sounds the warning in the foregoing that
"...therefore great care is to be
taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the
understanding of our own mind"
-- because the linear spheres of mind that are bound
to this physical world are always limited in the spectrum of understanding what
is beyond its perception and comprehension -- and when the linear mind attempts
to interpret the scriptures which are not designed for this purpose, the
conclusions are always in grave error. And all the
countless sects, opinions, religious philosophies and doctrinal positions, are
all based upon this grave error -- which is the reason why the Apostle Peter
further warns (see foregoing):
"...For there are many sayings in the
divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has
preconceived for himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought not to
seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without".
The natural human linear understanding of the scriptures is not only always in
error -- and the beginning of an enlightened understanding of both the
scriptures and life itself, starts with a condition of Wholeness of Mind
functioning within the balance of the Laws in the environment that permits
heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”.
order to be effective, this process of transformation must be brought about
within the environment of body/mind that is allegorically portrayed as the
"good ground" in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed.
This, to the degree, that the Gospel account warns that if you fail to
understand and put the teachings and concepts of this parable into practice,
that you will not be able to understand any part of the true spiritual meaning
of the scriptures -- and/or, even life itself -- i.e.,
“Know ye not this parable? and
how then will ye know all parables?”.
The application of what Jesus portrayed as the Key of Knowledge which has the
potential to unlock the inner "narrow strait gate"
to the Kingdom within, is brought about through the process of turning the
scriptures within one's self as the seeker/disciple begins to consciously
interact with the Laws and Forces of Mind that control the seeker/disciples
spiritual condition of mind and being -- thereby evolving and transcending the
physical through the experientially gained esoteric knowledge of the Cosmology
of Mind in the endeavor to Know Thyself. Thus, the profound
statement preserved in the Gospel of Thomas:
if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that
poverty... Whoever finds
himself is superior to the world". When properly
understood, the Design and Objective of the Scriptures is to use as a catalyst
to initiate and bring about this self knowledge that without which, the person
is portrayed as "...dwelling in poverty
and it is you who are that poverty..."
The Biblical Code: It is important to
understand the reality presented in the Gospels when Jesus spoke to the
multitudes in parables -- a system of allegories designed to conceal the inner
meaning from the multitude of hearers, while permitting only a select group of
hearers to understand the esoteric truths that were being revealed (see
Mystery Of The
Gospel). And when his disciples asked Jesus why he spoke in enigmatic
parables, and did not speak plainly to the people? Jesus said of his
“The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you.
But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, they may be
ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding”
(Mark 4:11-12 NIV). The word "...outside" , denotes those who Jesus portrayed
as dwelling in the "outer darkness" of mind
and being (see Outer
Darkness). And the word
translated secret, is the same word translated mystery at the foregoing link (
Mystery Of The
Gospel), and makes reference to an esoteric knowledge that is beyond man's
organic "natural" comprehension, is a
reality that few modern believers or the critics of religion have been able to
come to terms with (see An
Inconvenient Truth).
Yet, in a state of
spiritual denial, the modern Church attempts to ignore the implications of what
these words convey. In explanation of the above teachings of Jesus, the
Wycliffe Bible Commentary writes that: “…the initiate
was instructed in the esoteric teaching... which was not revealed to outsiders…
The mystery of the kingdom in its ultimate development is the full-orbed message
of the Gospel (Rom 16:25-26). The purpose of parables was to instruct the
initiates without revealing the items of instruction to the ones who were
without. This is in keeping with the Biblical principle that spiritual
understanding is restricted to those who have become spiritual...”
Why and how is
"...spiritual understanding ...restricted to those who have become
spiritual”??? Because
higher spiritual perception and understanding is dependent upon Wholeness of
Mind. The physical consciousness of the body only supports the
development of mind that pertains to the physical. The linear
spheres of mind in their natural organic state, can only assess outward
phenomena -- phenomena that the linear spheres of mind can only perceive a very
limited and partial perception of. But even more importantly, when
Jesus is portrayed as only speaking in parables to the multitude of hears --
which means that among those who are portrayed as the multitudes, those who
possessed the innate ability to understand the deeper spiritual meaning of the
parable, were those who also possessed the innate potential to be awakened by
the parable -- while the majority of the hears remained bound by human organic
reasoning that made it impossible for them to understand the true meaning of the
parabolic teachings. And while the reader should be moved to
immediately question why the few possessed an ability to perceive and understand
that the vast majority of the multitude of hearers did not -- few students of
the scriptures even possess the insight to question what makes these few
different from the rest of the multitude of hearers? In fact, the
modern Christian who is anchored by the fourth century manmade dogma of the
pagan Church of Rome, is simply incapable of answering this ultra-important
question. Where it can be said that the 4th century
Church of Constantine put to death the Spirit of the Church (see above
The Corruption Of
The Church), it's Spiritual Castration which totally alienated the
congregation of believers from comprehending even what was left of a corrupted
and spiritually sanitized New Testament (see
Bible Corruption), was
implemented in the 6th century. As an example of how the Christian
world was literally forced to adhere to the dogma of the secular priests and
emperors, when the doctrine of the pre-existent soul was outlawed by the Emperor
Justinian, the Britannica confirms that the emperor then forced his will upon
the Church when he
"...banished the
pope to
, and afterwards to an island, until he accepted the Council, which he
ultimately did"
Teachings On Pre-Existent Soul ). After relenting to the will of the
emperor, and finely accepting the decree of the emperor after seven months of
imprisonment, it is reported that the pope met with an untimely death before he
could even return to the Vatican. And while it is true that most of the
modern-day doctrines of the Church was forced upon the Christian world in this
same violent manner -- and the vast majority of modern-day believers are all
victims of what has come to be known as the Stockholm Syndrome -- the removal of
this important original teaching has had such far ranging implications, that it
has become impossible for modern believers and critics alike to even begin to
get a valid sense of the original Gospel meaning and objectives. The modern
Church is faith-based -- founded upon blind-faith -- because the reader lacks
the necessary tools to even get a sense of the very purpose of the original
teachings of TheWay. And this secular imposed intervention where the Christian
world was literally forced to succumb to the decrees of the emperors, has had
the far ranging effect of spiritually castrating the Church.
Without an understanding of the journey of the preexistent soul and the manner
in which the universal symbols in both the scriptures and the parables can act
as catalysts which awaken the hearer or reader, it is impossible for the
reader/hearer to comprehend even how this system of allegory and parabolic
instruction works. And in not understanding how the system of
instruction works, it is not at all understood how the symbolism employed within
the parables and scriptures were designed to act as catalysts which initiated
impressions and intuitive knowledge from within the mind of the person --
originating from the other side of the barrier between the person in this
physical world, and their higher soul-self that dwells in a non-physical
spiritual world (see
Man As An
Embryonic Soul-Image) -- and those who have in their more distant past
developed their mind and being through
"...the heightening and
enlargement of human consciousness”
(see The Heightening
And Expansion Of Mind) -- are in the present able to receive and comprehend
the spiritual meaning of the symbols of both the parables and scriptures.
Which means that everything is dependent upon the necessary development of mind
-- and especially those intuitive spheres which enable the person to connect
with their soul and inner source of being that exists beyond the barrier of the
physical -- and this development through
"...the heightening and
enlargement of human consciousness”
is necessary to fulfill the Gospel teaching on The One Teacher which the
disciple Peter portrayed as The True Prophet (see
Taught In
Parables - The Key Of Knowledge). And that the whole of this world which
is blind to the cause and the Laws that bring about and orchestrates all events
in this world -- a condition of blind ignorance that Jesus portrayed as the
"outer darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness) -- is
what necessitates the opening the inner door to learn the true meaning of the
events of this world, as well as the true meaning of the catalyst symbols used
in the scriptures -- i.e., the warning of Peter:
"...therefore great care is to be
taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the
understanding of our own mind. For there are many sayings in the divine
Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for
himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought not to seek a foreign and
extraneous sense, which you have brought from without"
(see Flawed Human Linear Reasoning). What this means is that no one -- i.e.,
either believer or unbeliever -- will understand the true spiritual meaning of
the scriptures -- a meaning that is beyond organic human comprehension -- unless
the individual person has been enlightened by what the disciples portrayed as
the One Teacher and True Prophet, as to the true meaning. Why? Because
"...spiritual understanding is restricted to those who
have become spiritual...” -- and
the very purpose of both the scriptures, and the Laws that control all events in
this world, is to bring this higher understanding about in the life of the
worthy seeker/disciple.
Apostle Peter warned the seeker/disciple not to rely upon human perception and
comprehension in their quest to understand the meaning of the scriptures -- and
it is this same rejection of human linear reasoning and the quest to learn from
the True Prophet the meaning
of the scriptures, that develops the intuitive spheres of mind and prepares the
seeker/believer to understand the Forces and Laws that bring about and
orchestrate all events of this world. In the same way that we have the ability
to learn and acquire the ability to read -- and we do so by learning to
interpret the symbols of letters and words -- all of life is written in a
language that we must learn to interpret the symbols of -- and I often portray
this as the language of the soul that the
Key of Knowledge must be
applied to. Because the Atheist and/or the linear-rational minded person who
sees only the outer physical aspects of this material world, remains blind to
both the causal factors of what is experienced -- as well as the Laws and Forces
which present all events to each person -- and remains ignorant of the choices
presented to him/her within the labyrinth of one's scripted life -- the Atheist,
the linear-rational, as well as the person who remains undeveloped, believes
these encounters are the result of accident, luck, the unknown, human nature,
animal compulsion and/or natural occurrences and selection. This is of course
a lie promoted by blind pseudo-authorities who have been alienated from their
own higher soul-nature -- and as such, they lead the people in the wrong
direction. Those few who develop the intuitive spheres of mind are able to not
only escape what Jesus portrayed as
The Prison and the blind
ignorance of the Outer
Darkness -- a condition whereby the person sees only what is portrayed as
the illusions of Plato's Cave --
but also perceive the causal factors of each encounter -- and the Laws which
present to us our choices within the labyrinth. Part of us -- i.e., our higher
soul-self that is not manifest in this world -- not only knows the meaning of
the symbols of life -- but also the causal factors initiated by the Laws which
are presented to us in the manner of a labyrinth that scripts every aspect of
our life.
purpose of this world is the evolution and advancement of the soul of man -- and
one of the primary objectives that is necessary to bring this evolution about in
the reality of the individual, is to develop the intuitive spheres of mind that
permits one to perceive and comprehend what lies beyond the curtain of the
"outer darkness",
and begin to develop the ability to understand the whole encounter of life that
the individual experiences. The scriptures are written in a series of
allegorical symbols (see An Inconvenient Truth) that act as a catalyst which has the potential to
bridge the inner divide between the person we are in this world, and our higher
soul-reality -- and as the person begins to advance beyond the physical organic
mind, they begin to perceive that all of material nature is itself imbued with
symbols of mind and consciousness impressed into the forums of nature that we
interact with (see
The Allusion Of
The Forms Of Matter). And when it is understood that the Source of all
that we see in the material world is in the (un-seen Etheric) Field that modern
physicist have now proven surrounds all physical forms in this world (see
The Folly Of Darwinism
-- and Science
Proves Religion) -- then as the seeker begins to unlock the allegorical
language of the scriptures which act as catalysts within his own mind and being,
the same esoteric reality of nature itself begins to unfold to the mind of the
disciple of TheWay -- i.e.,
(5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and
that which is hidden from you will become plain to you..."
(Gospel of Thomas).
Religion As A System Of Education: When Jesus promised that his disciples
will know the Truth that will set them free (John 8:32), he was not portraying
the plight of blind faith and belief in manmade dogma that has bound and
enslaved the modern Church today -- but rather, that his followers will become
immersed in a system of spiritual development known as TheWay, that will evolve
and Anoint (Messiah/Christ) their mind in order to reveal all the Mysteries of
Creation to their elevated and enlightened understanding. The fact of the
matter is that while those who are portrayed as teachers, teach, in reality even
those who teach know that they have no real answers as to the meaning and
mysteries of life. So in reality it can be said that those who teach are
merely dispensing cultural and philosophic speculation to others, regardless of
the fact that those who teach possess no real knowledge.
we even begin to ask the question: How important is the development of the
latent intuitive spheres of mind associated with Mysticism? What is today
known as faith-based religion is portrayed in the Bible as the elementary
teachings designed specifically for entry-level congregations of believers.
What the Apostle Paul portrayed as the "testimony"
of Christ, was set forth to the people he converted as a starting point. And
when it is understood that the objectives of the original teachings of TheWay
were in fact parallel to that of our modern educational systems -- i.e.,
"...the heightening
and enlargement of human consciousness”
-- with the objective being to learn directly from the Source of all Knowledge
that Creation was brought into existence to bring about in the eternal reality
of the soul of mankind -- then it can also be understood that if the objective
of our educational system is to obtain a university and graduate degree, then
the beginning of the educational process starts with pre-school or kindergarten
-- i.e., an entry-level environment which is necessary to prepare the student to
embrace the process of higher learning. In the same way that you can't enroll
an immature student in a college or university, so too must entry-level
Christians be exposed one step and level at a time in a religious-based process
that brings about their own spiritual maturity and attainment. And this
design and objective of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay is explored in the
chapter of the article The Three Lies entitled
The Mystery Of The
Gospel . And it is further demonstrated that the pre-Nicene Church
(before 325 CE) very much resembled a spiritual healing center that was totally
focused on the objective of the development of the seeker/disciple, one level at
a time, of the congregation of believers (see
The Secret Doctrine ).
To the degree that the Church was accused of being a
Secret System that taught the spiritually mature a totally different
doctrine than the congregation of believers. And in reply to the allegations
against the Church by the pagan philosopher Celsus, it was noted that the
elementary doctrines which survive today as the foundation of faith-based
Christianity, was said to be “...preached in the
Churches… for the simpleminded and for the ears of the common crowd who are led
on to live better lives by their belief” (Origen Contra Celsum).
So what happened? In the article
The Secret Doctrine, the
pre-Nicene Church is presented in its finest moments as a three-tier healing
system which served the needs of the people at every level of the process. But
what happened? In time the proverbial saying that the inmates took over the
institution came to pass -- and the charlatan political leaders of the lower
echelon put to death the genuine spiritual healers who were the original core
and spiritual essence of the Church. Resulting in the reality that the
entry-level beliefs became the only surviving teachings, when the original
Nazirenes and Spiritual (Gnostic)
Christians were hunted down and murdered because they refused to accept the
doctrines of the Emperor of Pagan Rome who ruled over the Church beginning in
the fourth century.
Based upon the dogmatic folly of pseudo-authorities such as Martin Luther who
promote the thinking that you have completed the process even before you have
begun -- i.e., the dogma that once you say your Jesus-prayer, that you have
fulfilled all Gospel requirements -- these easily proven fraudulent doctrines
The Lie & The Ten
Minute Test) are easily demonstrated to be spiritually counterfeit. Again, under examination, we can easily
perceive a parallel relationship between the original teachings of Jesus and
TheWay, and our modern-day cultural educational systems. When a child is first
introduced into the system as an entry-level student, what is presented to the
child is a vision of the final result where the graduate student is able to
become a doctor, lawyer, engineer, computer programmer or some other
professional. The child is told that if they ardently embrace the objectives
of the educational system -- prepare their minds through proper study and
application -- that they can arise and fulfill all cultural expectations and
find great success in their lives. From the vision presented to the
entry-level student, the promise of success is never presented from the
perspective of the dropout -- or those who flunk out and fail to take advantage
of the learning environment that the educational system provides to the
student. It is not at all suggested that you can hangout in school without
study and application, and collect your university degree by merely putting in
your time and going through the motions of going to school. And what is not at
all understood today, is the fact that the promise of the scriptures is
parallel to that of the promise presented to the child who enters our
educational system -- in that, the promise of the scriptures portrays the
reality of those who sincerely engage and complete the process of the original
objectives of "...the
heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”,
will attain the promised results -- and this promise cannot be achieved by those
who become spiritual dropouts. But as the original teachings became
institutionalized under secular control, charlatan priests and clergy (see
Example Of Paul Of Samosata ) peddled dogmatic shortcuts that
they said eliminated the need to strive and fulfill the original spiritual
objectives of
"...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”
-- with a greater number of dogmatic dispensations being invented in order to
circumvent the process of higher development -- to the degree where the focus
of the Church became instant salvation for the purpose of acquiring mammon and
the political power of the secular priests and clergy. And when the remaining
spiritual core objected, they were condemned as heretics, hunted down and
Condition Of Mind:
As is documented at this link (see
Mystery Of The Gospel), Paul warned that if the congregation of faith-based
believers were exposed to the esoteric teachings on the higher reality of the
soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom, they would immediately reject these
concepts and teachings as utter "foolishness"!!!
Which means that the biblical authors were confronted by two great looming which
they had to overcome -- i.e.,
(1) while it remained impossible to convey
to baptized and committed Christians the spiritual
meaning of the Gospel account of Jesus;
(2) they had to write the
scriptures in such a way, that important essential knowledge became available to
them, as the Christians began to evolve through the stages of mental and
spiritual immaturity, into a seeker/disciple that had evolved to the point where
they could begin to grasp these higher esoteric realities of mind, being and the
Mysteries of the Kingdom. The faith-based believers whose
minds were limited by the organic physical consciousness, could only be given
what Paul portrayed as the "milk" of the
Gospel -- which was the "testimony" of
Christ and him crucified -- i.e., "And I, brethren,
could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in
Christ. I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not
able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still
carnal" (1 Cor 3:1-3 NKJ). To the absolute demise of the
faith-based believer, not only did the Church of Rome totally reject the
necessity of developing the mind of the believer -- but the whole foundational
objective of the Gospel was condemned as heresy.
an original Gospel perspective, as the faith-based believers began to
spiritually mature, they needed an important body of concealed esoteric
knowledge to advance beyond the elementary stages. Therefore, for the good of
the faith-based congregations, the Gospel had to be presented to them in such a
manner that they could only understand in accord with their own very elementary
level of comprehension. Their minds had to undergo the process of
spiritual expansion and development -- which development enabled them to
begin to comprehend the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the
Kingdom -- and the more they began to progress in TheWay, the greater vision and
understanding they would then be able to eventually possess. And thus, Jesus
taught in parables, so that those few who possessed the capacity to understand,
would receive the instruction that the multitudes were incapable of
comprehending. And if we ask Why? In the parable of the
Sower and the Seed,
what is portrayed above as the necessary condition of mind, is taken one step
further -- as in the rungs of the proverbial Jacob's Ladder. In the parable
the Sower and the Seed,
those who bring forth what is portrayed as sixtyfold, can perceive and
understand a higher perception and understanding of what Paul calls the
Mysteries of the Kingdom, than those who have brought forth thirtyfold -- and
ultimately the ones who have brought forth what is portrayed as
"one hundredfold", can perceive and
understand what the rest of mankind who dwells in what Jesus portrayed as the
Outer Darkness of
mind and being, remains totally blind to.
the Gospel of Thomas it
is warned:
(5) Jesus said, "Recognize what
is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you.
For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest."
And the inconceivable reality that few people comprehend is the fact that
everything -- i.e., EVERYTHING -- lies before all of mankind -- and it is only
his own blindness portrayed in the condition of mind that Jesus called the
Outer Darkness of
mind and being, that inhibits him from SEEING AND KNOWING
ALL THINGS!!! YAnd the only way to teach and bring about a
condition of Anointed Enlightenment to the individual, is to evolve and mature
the person's condition of mind -- which is the primary purpose of the parable of
the Sower and the Seed
-- which warns those who have not overcome the limits of their human carnal
nature, and have failed to bring about the process of
expansion of mind and being by becoming the "good
ground", these people cannot even begin to understand anything of any
true sustenance and spiritual value. Thus, the warning of Jesus to those who
ignore what the parable of the
Sower and the Seed
states: “Know ye not this parable? and how then will
ye know all parables?” (Mark 4:13 KJV) -- or, in the wording of a the
modern language New Living Translation: “But if you
can’t understand this story, how will you understand all the others I am going
to tell?” That the vast majority of believers, as well as the
Gospel critics, all fail to understand the true spiritual meaning of the Bible,
is because they ignore what this parable states to them.
When Paul makes reference to the inability of the
faith-based believers to understand the true spiritual nature and
"mystery" of the Gospel, we must pose the
question: What is the meaning of the word "mystery"?
Thayer's Lexicon states that it is a "hidden thing,
secret, mystery... confided only to the initiated and not to ordinary mortals.
A hidden or secret thing, not obvious to the understanding. Of God: The secret
counsels which govern God in dealing with the righteous, which are hidden from
ungodly and wicked men... in rabinic writings, it denotes the mystic or hidden
sense of an Old Testament saying..." Therefore, what Paul is
stating is that spiritual knowledge (Gnosis) belongs only to those who are
themselves spiritual. Why? Not because anyone desires to conceal this
esoteric knowledge -- but rather, the organic facilities of mind associated with
the limitations of the physical body, are simply incapable of perceiving man's
own higher reality of soul and spirit. From an organic human perspective, it
is not a matter of a more clarified explanation -- but rather, there is no such
thing as any explanation to convey to organic man what is incomprehensible to
his very limited mind and being. From the perspective of the allegory of the
Tower of Babel: The structure that permits the earth to reach into the expanse
of the heavens, cannot be built with earth-matter -- but must be built upon the
transformation of the physical body and consciousness as stated by Paul:
"Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to
your earthly nature" (Col 3:5 NIV).
When Jesus said of his disciples:
secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside
everything is said in parables so that, they may be ever seeing but never
perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding” (Mark 4:11-12
NIV) -- that word translated secret, is
the same word translated mystery, and makes reference to an esoteric knowledge
that is beyond man's organic comprehension.
Yet, in a state of
spiritual denial, the modern Church attempts to ignore the implications of what
these words convey. In explanation of the above words of Jesus, the Wycliffe
Commentary writes that: “…the initiate was instructed
in the esoteric teaching... which was not revealed to outsiders… The mystery of
the kingdom in its ultimate development is the full-orbed message of the Gospel
(Rom 16:25-26). The purpose of parables was to instruct the initiates without
revealing the items of instruction to the ones who were without. This is in
keeping with the Biblical principle that spiritual understanding is restricted
to those who have become spiritual...”
If, as openly stated above, it is true that Jesus
taught initiates differently than the multitude of people who he portrayed as
"...outside", then a true seeker
must conclude that every article of faith promoted by the Church today, would
have to be totally re-evaluated. Thus the question: What was Jesus stating
with respect to why he spoke in parables? To ignore this question, is to
reject the whole foundational objective and revelation of the Bible. Jesus was
stating that only those who become separate from the thinking and ways of this
world, and became true disciples of Messiah/Christ, are able to perceive and
understand the secrets of the Kingdom of God -- and in the Greek language, this
sacred Knowledge is called Gnosis. And by the very meaning of the word that is
being presented that cannot be revealed "...to ordinary
mortals. A hidden or secret thing, not obvious to the understanding"
-- it is of the utmost importance to recognize that what is being
conveyed is the fact that
"...spiritual understanding is restricted to those who have become
spiritual...”. Why? Because man
in his organic or "natural" condition of
mind, has yet to develop the facilities of mind necessary to receive and
comprehend this higher spiritual knowledge that the biblical authors are making
reference to. And this fact of human life that everyone must eventually come
to terms with, is demonstrated in the Gospel of Thomas in the saying:
(17) Jesus said, "I shall give you what no eye has seen
and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never
occurred to the human mind." It is not that either Jesus or the
disciples wanted to hide or conceal higher spiritual facts and realities from
anyone -- but rather, the organic human mind which is limited by the
consciousness and vibratory spectrum of thought of the physical body, simply is
incapable of comprehending any thoughts, impressions and realities beyond what
the organic human body/mind will accommodate, without evolving through the
process of transformation that was -- and remains -- the primary objective of
the Gospel message and teachings. Jesus came to lead the lost prodigal sons
and daughters into the kingdom -- but for the inner
"narrow strait gate" to open, the body and physical mind must become
what is allegorically portrayed as the
Final Temple.
In analyzing what the Thayer's Lexicon is stating
above: Because the people are not yet initiates into the knowledge that is
beyond the understanding of "...ordinary mortals"
-- secret knowledge that is "...not obvious to the
understanding" -- knowledge that is impossible to be revealed in the
written text of the scriptures -- knowledge that Paul, as
"...an ambassador in bonds", cannot speak openly about to the
congregation of believers who he himself taught -- Paul portrays the
congregation of believers as "babes in Christ".
Again, to the Colossians Paul asks for their prayers that
"...God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of
Christ, for which I am also in bonds: That I may make it manifest, as I ought to
speak" (see Col 5:3-4). Thus, these mysteries of the Gospel that
Paul portrays as beyond the comprehension of believers of a
"natural" mind, because these believers of
the Gospel will look upon and reject esoteric spiritual concepts as utter
(1 Cor 2:14) --
cannot be revealed in man's spoken or written words --
but only when "...God ...opens ...a door of utterance,
to [reveal] the mystery of Christ" -- a knowledge that cannot be
revealed "...to ordinary mortals. A hidden or secret
thing, not obvious to the understanding" -- including
"...the mystic or hidden sense of " a
biblical story. And while God wants all the lost prodigal sons and daughters
to receive the sacred knowledge which in the Thayer's Lexicon it states is
"...not obvious to the understanding [of] ...ordinary
mortals" -- because the human earthly nature must be evolved, this
sacred knowledge can only be perceived and comprehended by those who have
prepared themselves to receive it.
The Perfect Seed:
What the parable of
Sower and the Seed
totally dispels is the faith-based dogma embraced by most Messianic and
Christian believers which was promoted and endorsed by Martin Luther, that it
does not matter how we live, once we have received the Word of God in the form
of the Gospel message. This misconception can be compared to a man who desires
to plant a vineyard, and having procured the finest seedlings ever developed,
attempts to plant these seedlings in a desert, in a swamp, or a toxic garden
environment. Regardless of the fact that we possess the most perfect seedlings
ever known to man, when we live our lives in the manner of a spiritually barren
wasteland, the vineyard that we envision can never manifest and become a
In our quest to demonstrate this fact we must ask what the Bible states: In the
parable of the sower (Mt 13:1-58; Mk 4:1-20; Lk 8:4-56), Jesus taught that the
Word could only be fruitful when it was planted in the proper environment. The
Word that fell upon the ground at the side of The Way, could not become fruitful
because Satan takes away what was sown. And if we pose the question as to where
was the seed sown? The scriptures states “...the word
that was sown in their hearts” (Mark 4:15 KJV) -- thus we can see
that Satan has the power to alienate the believer from their own true inner
spiritual reality.
And who are the people who can be likened to the Word sown on stony ground?
The Bible says that they receive the Word with gladness -- like Christians who
proclaim that they are born-again -- and in our own time they would be seen as
people who proclaim that Jesus is their personal Lord and savoir.
They call themselves by his name, and they profess to be the people of God.
But because they “have no root in themselves, and so
endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the
word’s sake, immediately they are offended” (Mark 4:17 KJV).
What does it mean to have no root? When Jesus taught that the Kingdom is
within us (Luke 17:20-21), and that he is the true vine, we must understand that
as the branches who are to flourish in the Word in this world, we must bear
fruit: "I am
the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me
that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that
it will be even more fruitful"
(John 15:1-2 NIV).
The root of man is his connection to the Kingdom within the essence of his
being. If this root is healthy, then the Spirit and Knowledge of the Kingdom
will flow from its inner Source to bring about the growth of the disciple. If,
the believer embodies the symbol of the dog, and the believer clings to the
doctrines and traditions of other men -- failing to learn from the One Teacher
that Jesus commanded to seek out -- then the Genuine Knowledge that can only be
received from the inner Kingdom is negated, and the root that carries the
life-giving Spirit and Truth is severed -- as seen in the words:
"...my Father
is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit".
And who are those people who can be likened to the Word sown among thorns?
Again we see the problem being when these people cling to the things of this
world -- i.e., its culture, mindset, doctrines and materialism -- anything that
draws the consciousness of the believer away from the inner Kingdom, and fixates
their attentiveness and focus of being in the outer world -- as seen in the
words: “And the cares of this world, and the
deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the
word, and it becometh unfruitful” (Mark 4:19 KJV).
As we can readily see, the Bible itself warns that the Word cannot be planted
anywhere we choose -- i.e., it cannot be planted by the side of The Way, upon
the stony ground, or among thorns -- but rather, only in the environment of what
Jesus calls the “good ground”. When it is
realized that the “good ground” is symbolic
of our state of mind and body, then we must recognize that our whole conception
of the teachings of The Way as a purely faith-based revelation where the alleged
believer feels free to live and think in any manner that is culturally
convenient for them, is seriously flawed.
Again we see the paradox! If all that was required was to have faith and
profess the name of the Lord, then there would be no purpose in teaching the
concepts found in the parable of
Sower and the Seed.
Moreover, we have the frightening declaration of the Lord to all who would call
themselves his followers that: “Know ye not this
parable? and how then will ye know all parables?” (Mark 4:13 KJV) -- or, in the wording of a
the modern language New Living Translation:
“But if you can’t understand this story, how will you understand
all the others I am going to tell?”
Those people who preach that the Word of God is universal to any and all
environments of thinking and lifestyle -- or that the meaning of the Bible is
plain, and can be easily understood -- simply do not comprehend the very first
principles of what this verse of scripture proclaims to all who would call
themselves the people of God. Moreover, the Bible itself puts us on notice
that only the people who are the good ground, are able to even begin to
understand the true meaning of the scriptures -- i.e.,
“But if you can’t understand this story, how will you understand all the others
I am going to tell?”
Contrary to what we choose to believe in our present
time, what this parable tells us is that in the same way that we cannot plant
seedlings from a fine vineyard in the desert -- among thorn bushes -- or on
rocky ground -- or in a culturally polluted and toxic swamp, neither can we
plant the Word of God in any cultural or doctrinal mindset and lifestyle. How
do we know this? Because Jesus said that if we try, then we will be ignoring
the very first principles of the Gospel -- and regardless of what we profess
with our lips, we will remain spiritually unfruitful. And that men of an
organic mindset attempt to understand what their very minds are incapable of
perceiving and comprehending, is why Jesus spoke only to the multitudes in
parables -- and why he explained to his disciples when asked:
“The secret of
the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything
is said in parables so that, they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and
ever hearing but never understanding” (Mark 4:11-12 NIV).
And this inability for the believers of the simple faith to comprehend the
Mysteries of God was confirmed by Paul who wrote:
“And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual
men, but as to men of flesh, as to babes in Christ” (1 Cor 3:1).
Thus, these believers could only be taught the doctrine of Jesus Christ and him
crucified (1 Cor 2:2), because they were not yet spiritual men -- but rather,
they were men of flesh and still very much “babes in
Christ”. Paul then explains that: “I gave
you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it.
Indeed, even now you are not yet able” (1 Cor 3:2).
The Living Word must be planted in the body and mindset of a disciple who is
portrayed as the “good ground” in order to
grow. Every teaching and concept that Jesus spoke must be envisioned as an
essential truth that sprang forth from the biblical foundation that existed at
the beginning of our Common Era. In the same way that a seedling cannot exist
apart from the ground within which it is planted, the Bible itself warns us that
the purity of the Word cannot flourish within any culture or manner of thinking
we attempt to transplant it into. Unless the word that is preached to you is
planted and nurtured within the “good ground”
and the same biblical foundation as that which Jesus revealed it from, then it
cannot be the genuine Word of God.
The spiritual concepts that are taught in this parable are of such an exalted
magnitude, that they should be seen as the very starting place for all those who
desire to know anything of any genuine import. In order to live a life of
genuine substance, the life of every child should be molded in accordance with
the concepts revealed in this parable -- a parable that is so important to those
in pursuit of all Knowledge, both secular and religious, that Jesus warned the
people: “And he said unto them, Know ye not this
parable? and how then will ye know all parables?” (Mark 4:13 KJV). And to put this great
biblical truth in the more modern language of the New Living Translation:
“But if you
can't understand this story, how will you understand all the others I am going
to tell?”
You can’t! If you fail to understand the meaning of this parable, then you can
never comprehend a single truth of any great importance. Moreover, I confirm
this well defined biblical statement with respect to all of man’s endeavors in
his quest to know himself and his true role in the vision of Creation. It
makes no difference if you are a man of faith, science, or philosophy, unless
you understand the meaning of this parable in relation to your own life, then
you can never know anything of a genuine value and significance.
We are a people of very limited perception who dwell in a confusing world. Any
student of history must conclude that the most intelligent men throughout all
ages have continually been wrong in their ideas pertaining to every aspect of
life. Both the world of science and religion in our own time are as little
ships afloat on a sea of confusion. The truly intelligent person must ask
why? Why has the mind of man dwelled in the darkness of this world for so
long? If the universe is indeed the work of a Supreme Being, then it is
reasonable to ask where the answer to man’s great dilemma lies?
There is of course many who will say that the Gospel message was universal, and
was put forth for all mankind to read, believe, and affirm their faith! Many
would like to believe this, but the scriptures themselves clearly reveal to us
that it is the exact opposite which is true. When Jesus taught the people, he
spoke to the multitudes by parables, and only his disciples were instructed in a
plain and straightforward manner. What this means is that whoever listened to
him speak and teach, heard stories about life that each hearer interpreted in
accordance with their own understanding. Fundamentally, then, what each person
heard was often not a great revelation of truth -- but rather, very much within
the limitations of their own patterns of belief.
When Jesus was questioned as to why he taught in this manner, he very clearly
said: “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given
to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, they
may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never
understanding” (Mark
4:11-12 NIV). In view of the fact that what Jesus called the
“secrets of the Kingdom of God”
was not taught to the multitude of people who listened to him speak, the
question that every believer today must ask is:
Why would Jesus not speak
plainly to everyone who would listened?
To begin, we must ask ourselves what a parable is? Based upon church dogma,
some people today erroneously believe that a parable makes a teaching more plain
and easier to understand. In demonstration of this misconception, in some
modern Bible translations such as that used by the Jehovah's Witnesses, the word
parable is rendered illustration. Why? Because this is what these religious
organizations want to believe -- i.e., it affirms the validity of their
quasi-Darwinist manner of thinking -- and it is beyond their comprehension to
understand why Jesus would reveal to one group of people a different revelation
than another group of people.
The Bible itself declares this modern-day common assumption with respect to the
parables to be false, and clearly states that just the opposite is true. In
explanation of the above words of Jesus, the Wycliffe Commentary writes that:
“…the initiate was instructed in the esoteric teaching of
the cult, which was not revealed to outsiders… The mystery of the kingdom in its
ultimate development is the full-orbed message of the Gospel (Rom 16:25-26).
The purpose of parables was to instruct the
initiates without revealing the items of instruction to the ones who were
without. This is in keeping with the Biblical
principle that spiritual understanding is
restricted to those who have become spiritual...”
In our present-day preaching of the gospel, there is no room for the concept of
an “initiate”! Yet, we continue to
alienate ourselves from a higher perception of the Word, so long as we fail to
acknowledge that Jesus was not all-inclusive, and it was his disciples who were
the initiates into what the Bible states are the Secrets of the Kingdom of
God. The key to understanding what is actually being portrayed in the
scriptures, is when we open our eyes to what the Bible actually states, and we
permit ourselves to become cognizant of the great truth that
“spiritual understanding is restricted to those who
have become spiritual”. Dogs, swine, complacent believers,
unbelievers, can never understand the true meaning of the parables or the
spiritual essence of the Gospel! And if we ask, what this rather astute
observation in the Wycliffe Commentary means to us today? In Jesus’ own words
what he plainly said was a truth that has its parallels in every aspect of our
lives: The Sacred Knowledge of the Kingdom did not belong to everyone -- but
rather, it belonged only to those who were found worthy to hear the higher
revelations of truth. The problem that inhibits our ability to fully
understand this well-defined biblical Truth, is seen in the continual assertion
that the worthiness of each person to hear these mysteries taught only to the
initiates, was predetermined prior to their even being born -- which is a
revelation that is simply beyond our doctrinal comprehension in our present
The idea that only a small group of people would be taught the Mysteries of God
-- and that they were chosen to hear these Mysteries at a time before they were
even born -- is so troubling to the people of the simple faith, that the
majority of modern-day Christians simply choose to ignore this paramount
biblical doctrine. They therefore not only close their eyes and hearts to the
message of the Bible they claim to champion, but they sever themselves from the
revelation of the indwelling Word they continually petition with their lips to
bestow upon them.
Very clearly, the concept simply makes no reasonable sense to their manner of
thinking. In our desire to see Jesus as the savior of all people, we are
unable to accept what the Bible openly proclaims -- i.e., that Jesus came to
call the few, and the calling of these few was predetermined before they were
even born into that life. In view of what the Bible actually states, our
present-day belief that Jesus preached an all-inclusive doctrine is from a
biblical perspective, a defective and flawed doctrine. Moreover, those who
read the Bible and continue to tell people otherwise, are simply lying to the
flock of believers in order further the cause of traditional church doctrines,
and ultimately maintain control over the congregations.
What each person must decide is in fact that same exact question that was set
before the Sadducees and Pharisees when Jesus physically walked this earth --
i.e., whether you desire truth or tradition! How important is this knowledge
of predestination to our own personal salvation? It is impossible for us to
walk in The Way, and not understand why only a chosen few were taught the
Mysteries of God, while the majority of listeners were given what the Apostle
Paul calls the milk of the gospel. It is impossible for us to be born again,
and to be genuine followers of the Son of God, unless we understand and embrace
this great spiritual fact. In recognition of this indisputable biblical
revelation, if we are to become serious followers of the Christ, we must first
come to the realization that what we presently possess in the form of the modern
Gospel message, is nothing more than what was given to the multitudes of the
people at the time that Jesus preached the Word of God.
In The House -- Taught In Parables -- The Inner
Kingdom & The Key Of Knowledge: In not understanding the use of parables
in the Gospels -- and how the parables are allegorical learning models that
holographically exist within the allegorical scriptures themselves -- and
without understanding The One
Source of True Interpretation for both the parables, and the Gospel accounts
-- that it will be impossible to comprehend the meaning of the scriptures with
any true depth of understanding. And when the scriptures are properly
understood, their very purpose is to assist the seeker/disciple in finding
The One Source of True
Interpretation -- because all other interpretations is nothing more than
manmade worthless (church) dogma that is promoted by misguided believers and
unbelievers. Why? Because the opening of the Gospel of Thomas is as
relevant to that scripture, as it is all scriptures -- i.e.,
"These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus
...And he said, Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not
experience death. Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he
finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished,
and he will rule over the All. ...Jesus said, If those who lead you say to you,
'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If
they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the
kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know
yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who
are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you
dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty." Once the
scriptures are properly understood, they are very much the
Key of Knowledge that if
properly turned within and used to open the inner
"narrow strait gate", they will enable the seeker to learn directly
from the One True Teacher, and
bestow upon such a sincere disciple the Life that the Gospels promise to the
faithful believer. And even those who claim to believe, and yet fail to
fulfill the spiritual objective of the Gospels within themselves, are those who
walk upon the broad-way of self destruction -- i.e., "Enter by the narrow gate;
for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there
are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way
which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
(Matt 7:13-14 NKJ). And when Jesus was asked directly when the Kingdom
of God would come upon the earth as Jews and Christians believe, Jesus said it
would never come upon the earth, because it is within us all:
"Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the
kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, The kingdom of God does
not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For
indeed, the kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:20-21 NKJ).
That modern Christians walk the broad-way of self-destruction, is because long
ago the Church threw away the Key
of Knowledge in the manner of the
carnal Jews -- and thus, what was said of the Jews then, is true of the
Christians today: "How terrible it will be for you
experts in religious law! For you hide the key to
knowledge from the people. You don't enter the
Kingdom yourselves, and you prevent others from entering" (Luke
In what is known as the Gospel Of The Nazirenes there is
what is called
The Seven Parables Of The Kingdom -- wherein it is written:
"The kingdom of heaven is like to a city built
four-square on the top of a high hill, and established on a rock, and strong in
its surrounding wall, and its towers and its gates, which lie to the north, and
to the south, and to the east, and to the west. Such a city does not fall,
neither can it to be hidden. Its gates are open to all, who, having the keys,
will enter therein." The Keys to the Gates are the proper use of
the scriptures whereby the seeker of the Kingdom turns the scriptures within
themselves to use as the Key
of Knowledge to gain entrance to the Kingdom. When the Kingdom is properly
understood as a Higher Spiritual Reality that must be entered while still
physically alive in the body-vessel, the true meaning of the Book of Revelations
begins to unfold as the spiritualization and purification of the body into
The Final Temple.
The Bible continually warns us that the
path or the second birth and entrance into the Kingdom is not easy (see
The Transformation).
The strife of the inner war within ourselves as embodied in the symbols of
Armageddon is seen in the words: "We
must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God"
(Acts 14:22 NKJ). Thus, in the same way that a woman
travails in labor to bring a child into this world, we must ourselves endure the
"…many tribulations"
of spiritual labor to be born into the Kingdom of God.
Since the Kingdom is within us, and Armageddon is therefore not an historical
event -- but more factually, a spiritual event in the life of the disciple in
search of Truth -- we must then totally re-evaluate everything we think we know
about both the Gospel Message, and the life we are presently living. In fully
comprehending these biblical statements in relation to the whole purpose of the
teachings of The Way, let us again examine the definitive statement which
conveys to us the very essence of the Gospel -- and especially the Revelation of
John: "Blessed are those who do His
commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter
through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually
immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie"
(Rev 22:14-15 NKJ).
If the text of the Revelation represented
the end of the world, as is commonly believed by the majority of Christians
today, then we must pose the question: Why are those who remain outside the city
portrayed as
"dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and
murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie"?
Armageddon, then, indicates the disciples personal tribulation described as the
"pangs of birth",
as he endeavors to overcome his own lower carnal nature
through the crucifixion of what is symbolized by the flesh, in order that he can
possess the Knowledge of the fruit of the Tree of Life, transcend the natural
barriers of this world, and
"enter through the gates into the city".
The "...teachers of the law and
Pharisees" were portrayed as hypocrites who do not themselves enter
the Kingdom, while as counterfeit shepherds they inhibit those who are trying to
enter, because they interpreted the scriptures outwardly in ritual, tradition
and the dogmatic interpretations of carnal men -- as is done by the Christians
today. Yet, because the foundational paradigm of mind and being is built upon
the second rarely acknowledged reality above, Jesus warned his followers not to
be called rabbi or teacher, because their is ONLY ONE TEACHER which they must
seek out to learn from (see
The One
Teacher). And as stated by the Apostle Peter, if you seek Truth then
"...you have to learn them from Him alone, because He alone knows the truth."
To the degree that Peter warns that the true meaning of the
scriptures are beyond the comprehension of human wisdom and understanding --
i.e., "...therefore great care is
to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the
understanding of our own mind. For there are many sayings in the divine
Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for
himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought not to seek a foreign and
extraneous sense, which you have brought from without".
Yet, in a total rejection of this core Gospel teaching,
Christians not only seek to learn from the people of this world -- i.e.,
"...For you ought not to seek a
foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without"!!!
And again in total rejection of core Gospel teachings, the doctrines and
interpretations of the scriptures are drawn totally from the very limited
perspective of human organic reasoning -- i.e.,
"...therefore great care is to be
taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the
understanding of our own mind". Why? Because human reasoning is
totally earth-bound, and incapable of understanding even the true reality of
what is seen in the earth -- i.e., based upon
"...the basic principles of this
world". In 2 Peter 1:20 the Apostle condemns and rejects what he
portrays as "private interpretations" of the
scriptures -- i.e., "Knowing this first, that no
prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation". The
objective was to have no divisions within the Congregations -- i.e.,
“I appeal to you, that there may be no divisions among
you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought” (1 Cor
1:10 NIV). And someone who even suggests a manmade opinion or doctrine, should
be rejected as a heretic who has been turned out of TheWay -- i.e.,
“Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a
second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. You may be sure that such
a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned” (Titus 3:10-11 NIV).
The Greek meaning of the word divisive is “one who
promotes a sect” -- i.e., a doctrine of belief. And on this
important point the Church Father Turtullian writes:
“On this point, however, we dwell no longer, since it is the same Paul who, in
his Epistle to the Galatians, counts 'heresies' among 'the sins of the flesh,'
who also intimates to Titus, that 'a man who is a heretic' must be 'rejected
after the first admonition,' on the ground that 'he that is such is perverted,
and committeth sin, as a self-condemned man.' Indeed, in almost every epistle,
when enjoining on us (the duty) of avoiding false doctrines, he sharply condemns
heresies. Of these the practical effects are false doctrines, called in Greek
heresies, a word used in the sense of that choice which a man makes when he
either teaches them (to others) or takes up with them (for himself). For this
reason it is that he calls the heretic self-condemned, because he has himself
chosen that for which he is condemned”. In the original Gospel
teachings, it was considered a “sin of the flesh”,
because schisms and divisions are the result of natural man clinging to ideas of
a carnal nature.
Mankind has freewill -- and as the prodigal sons who
have each emerged out of the Kingdom to travail in this world which Jesus
portrayed as the Far Country -- each of the lost sons and daughters of the
Kingdom must return of their own volition and desire. That each has the innate
power to return, is in fact the very purpose and objective of the scriptures --
i.e., to be used as the Key of
Knowledge when each individual desires to return to the Edenic Kingdom of
Origination ( http://GateOfEden.com ).
That the leaders among the Jews had alienated themselves from the Inner Kingdom
-- and they attempted to observe the scriptures in outward ritual and tradition
-- is the very reason why Jesus condemned them as heretics who hid the
Key of Knowledge from the
people, and in their carnal interpretations they "...prevent others from
entering". Because the
carnal Jews were under the control of what Jesus portrayed in the parable of the
prodigal son as the "Citizen ...of the Far Country",
they remained blind to the Inner Kingdom and the true meaning of the scriptures
-- i.e., "...but unto them
that are without, all things
are done in parables: that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing
they may hear, and not understand". And the fact that those who
were the leaders of the people were blind to the Kingdom, and unable to
spiritually hear and understand, made it impossible to even begin to compose
scriptures where the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom
were more plainly presented to the reader. As Paul warned, if the people who
were under the control of the "Citizen ...of the Far
Country", were to even be told about the Mysteries of the Kingdom,
they would immediately reject these teachings as utter
"foolishness" (see Mystery
Of The Gospel). And that this inability to present the esoteric truths of
the Gospel remains today, is the reason why the modern congregation of Christian
believers remain in subjugation to the "Citizen ...of
the Far Country".
Not to understand the meaning of the term
"In The House", and to have thrown away the
Key of Knowledge, is to
remain totally ignorant of the spiritual meaning of the Gospels and the
teachings of TheWay. When the disciples asked Jesus why he taught the
multitude of people in the enigma of parables -- wherein, each person's
interpretation and understanding was in accord with their own mindset and
thinking -- Jesus replied to his disciples: "Unto you
is given the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all
things are done in parables: that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and
hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest haply they should turn again,
and it should be forgiven them" (Mark 4:11-12 ASV) -- and the term,
"...lest haply they should turn again", is
stated in reference to the Kingdom that can only be found within, and the
presence of the
One Teacher
What Jesus stated was of such a profound importance to
comprehend if the seeker/disciple was to begin to understand the true meaning of
the scriptures as set forth in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed,
that Jesus then warned: "And he saith unto them, Know
ye not this parable? and how shall ye know all the parables?" (Mark
4:13 ASV). And what this means is that if you fail to understand the meaning
of the parable of the
Sower and the Seed, and put its teachings into practice in your daily lives,
that it will be impossible for you to understand any part of the spiritual
meaning of the Gospel teachings. And if you fail to understand the meaning of
the term "In The House", and the difference
in the reality of those who Jesus portrayed in the words:
"...but unto them that are without, all things are done in parables: that
seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not
understand" -- that you will dwell in what Jesus portrayed as the
"outer darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness) --
walking upon what Jesus portrayed as the "broad-way of
self-destruction" (Matt 7:13-14).
The leaders among the carnal Jews who interpreted the
scriptures in outward ritual and tradition, had thrown away the
Key of Knowledge -- and as
such, had alienated themselves from the Inner Kingdom, and were as Jesus
portrayed them as "blind guides" who were
leading the people in the wrong direction. When Jesus portrayed them as being
"without" -- i.e.,
"...but unto them that are without, all things are done in parables"
-- this was a similar condition expressed in the spiritual reality that they
existed either in what Jesus portrayed as
The Prison, or in the
"outer darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness). And
because the leaders of the Jews expressed the scriptures in outward ritual and
tradition, and failed to use them as the
Key of Knowledge, was the
reason why they were blind guides who could "...not
perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand" -- and this
remains true of the congregation of Christian who continue to embrace the way of
the carnal Jews today.
The Gospel accounts state that Jesus only spoke to the
multitude of hearers in the enigma of parables, it is imperative that we
recognize that Jesus did not, and could not, speak and teach plainly to those
who are portrayed as being "without" the
House -- i.e., "And with many such parables He spoke
the word to them as they were able to hear it.
But without a parable He did not speak to them. And when they were alone, He
explained all things to His disciples" (Mark 4:33-34 NKJV). The
word translated "explained", in the phrase
"And when they were alone, He explained all things to
His disciples", literally translated from the Greek into English
means to "unloose or untie" -- i.e., what
has been "bound or sealed up" -- and
"what is obscure and hard to understand"
(from Thayer's Greek Lexicon). And the word translated secret or mystery,
makes reference to an esoteric knowledge that can only be revealed spiritually
to one who is "in the House", because it is
beyond the organic comprehension of those who are portrayed as being
"without", or
"outside" the House. The term "open and
unloose" the mind, is was also used in the Gospel as the path to
entering the Inner Kingdom (see
Open & Unloose
The Mind).
With respect to the reality of those who are portrayed
in the Gospels as being "without", in
contradistinction to those who are said to be In The
House, the quotation of the early Church Father Origen represents an
excellent portrayal of the reality of mind and being that is presented in these
words of Jesus -- wherein, Origen writes in reply to the allegations of Celsus
that the Church is a secret system (see
The Secret Doctrine):
“I have not yet spoken of the observances of all that
is written in the gospel, each one of which contains much doctrine difficult to
be understood, not merely by the multitude, but even by certain of the more
intelligent, including a very profound explanation of the parables, which Jesus
delivered to 'those without' while reserving the exhibition of their full
meaning for those who have passed beyond the stage of exoteric teachings, and
who came to him privately in the house. And when he comes to understand it, he
will admire the reason why some are said to be without, and others in the house”.
So we must ask:
By what means did the disciples receive this esoteric knowledge that was beyond
the comprehension of organic man who was portrayed as being
"without" -- i.e., Gnosis.
But what is Gnosis --
and how does a person receive this Sacred Knowledge of the Kingdom directly from
God? In a state of spiritual denial, the modern Church attempts to ignore the
implications of what these words convey. In fact, few Christians even
understand what a parable is. Moreover, they can't even begin to come to terms
with the reality of why one man perceives and comprehends a deeper meaning of a
parable, while the multitude of hearers remain oblivious to what has been
portrayed as a secret meaning that only a very few can receive. And while some
would like to promote the idea that it is an illustration where a conceptual
reality is simplified, just the opposite is factually true. Moreover, not only
is the words portrayed a body of secret knowledge presented throughout the
Gospels, but reference is openly made to the word mystery as used in Romans --
i.e., "according to the revelation of the mystery,
which was kept secret since the world began" -- and in explanation of
the above words of Jesus with respect to the use of parables as a means to teach
the people, the Wycliffe Bible Commentary writes that:
“…the initiate was instructed in the esoteric teaching... which was not revealed
to outsiders… The mystery of the kingdom in its ultimate development is the
full-orbed message of the Gospel (Rom 16:25-26). The purpose of parables was to
instruct the initiates without revealing the items of instruction to the ones
who were without. This is in keeping with the Biblical principle that spiritual
understanding is restricted to those who have become spiritual...”
If, as openly stated above, it is true that the
disciples received instruction that was totally different than what was revealed
to the multitude of people who Jesus portrayed as being
then a true seeker must conclude that every article of faith promoted by the
Church today, would have to be totally re-evaluated. Thus the question: What
was Jesus stating with respect to why he spoke in parables? To ignore this
question, is to reject the whole foundational objective and revelation of the
Bible. Jesus was stating that only those who become separate and freed from
the limited thinking and carnal ways of this world, and became true disciples of
Messiah/Christ, are able to perceive and understand the secrets of the Kingdom
of God -- and in the Greek language, this sacred Knowledge is called Gnosis.
The Parabolic Bottom Line: Upon
hearing the enigmatic parables that Jesus reportedly taught in, each of the
people who heard the parabolic accounts would derive a different understanding
as to the meaning of what was being taught. Thus, the Wycliffe Commentary
states that
"...the purpose of parables was to instruct the
initiates without revealing the items of instruction to the ones who were
without". But what does this
mean? Those listeners who dwelt in what Jesus portrayed as
The Prison or the
Outer Darkness, heard
nothing more than the parabolic accounts that they each derived a different
meaning of. And in contradistinction, those who are portrayed as being
"In The House", were each able to discern
esoteric spiritual truths in accord with their spiritual condition as defined in
the parable of the Sower
and the Seed -- spiritual truths that the multitude of hearers remained
totally deaf to. And when this higher spiritual reality is understood, it is
the basis of Jesus' warning that if a person does not understand what was taught
and revealed in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed,
then it will remain impossible for them to understand anything -- i.e.,
"And he saith unto them, Know ye not this parable? and
how shall ye know all the parables?" (Mark 4:13 ASV). And what
this means is exactly what the Wycliffe Bible Commentary states with respect to
the reality that
"...in keeping with the Biblical principle that spiritual understanding is
restricted to those who have become spiritual...”
-- and in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed
this spiritual condition that enabled the hearer or reader of the parable to
understand is expressed in the words:
"...But other seed fell on good ground
and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirtyfold, some
sixty, and some a hundred."
If the vast majority of those who heard the parables
only understood in accord with their organic human reasoning, then it is of the
utmost importance to begin to understand the True Source of the Spiritual Truths
that were only perceived by the few who were representative of what Jesus
portrayed as the "good ground" -- i.e., the
sincere seekers of Truth and disciples of TheWay. The Primary Objective of
the teachings of TheWay was to connect the disciple within his own mind and
being, with what Jesus portrayed as the One Teacher -- which the disciples
called The True Prophet -- who
is the ONLY SOURCE of Truth in this world. And in understanding these
important truths, is in fact the very purpose of the Gospel teachings. In the
writings of his disciple Clement the Apostle Peter is quoted as explaining with
respect to the One Teacher and True Prophet that
"...therefore I advise not only wise men, but indeed all
men who have a desire of knowing what is advantageous to them, that they seek
after the true Prophet; for it is He alone who knoweth all things, and who
knoweth what and how every man is seeking. For He
is within the mind of every one of us, but in those who have no desire of the
knowledge of God and His righteousness, He is inoperative; but He works in those
who seek after that which is profitable to their souls, and kindles in them the
light of knowledge.
Wherefore seek Him first of all; and if you do not find
Him, expect not that you shall learn anything from any other. (see
The True Prophet). Thus,
those hearers of the parables who are portrayed as NOT being the
"good ground"
(see the Sower and the
Seed), only heard and understood the meaning in accord with their organic
human reasoning. Why? They are thus portrayed in the words: words:
"...but unto them that are without, all things are done
in parables: that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may
hear, and not understand". And those who are portrayed as the
"good ground", are those who hear and understand in accord with their spiritual
condition -- i.e.,
"...But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up,
increased and produced: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred."
And what was the Source of this more enlightened instruction that bestowed a
higher spiritual understanding upon the few? The True Prophet
"...is within the mind of every one of us, but in those
who have no desire of the knowledge of God and His righteousness, He is
inoperative; but He works in those who seek after that which is profitable to
their souls, and kindles in them the light of knowledge.
And this is why it is stated in the Epistle
of James that "faith without actions is dead"!!!
And what is the actions being referenced? The work on self that transforms the
seeker through the sequences portrayed in the words:
"...some thirtyfold, some sixty, and
some a hundred."
Learning From The One Teacher: The objective of all genuine religions, is to bring
about that condition within the mind and life of the individual where they are
able to fulfill the statement in the Gospel of John, and be
"taught by God" -- i.e.,
"It is written in the prophets, 'And they shall all be
taught by God.'
Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me"
(John 6:45 NKJ). And it was for this reason that Jesus commanded his disciples
not to be called teacher or rabbi -- i.e., "But you are
not to be called rabbi, for you have One Teacher, and you are all brethren"
(Matt 23:8 RSV) -- and this was commanded, because there is Only One True
Teacher, and that is the True Prophet -- Often referred to as the Logos, the Son
of God, and the Teacher of Righteousness. And that those lost prodigal sons
who look to other men as their teacher, rabbi or leaders, will be greatly
deceived and misguided, is why the disciple Peter in the Clementine Homilies
“Hence, O beloved Clement,
if you would know the things pertaining to God, you have to learn them from
Him alone, because He alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows anything,
he has received it from Him or from His disciples”.
Judaism, Christianity and
Islam all teach the same essential Truth -- that each of us must make our
body-vessel a Living Temple -- a Living Church -- or a Living Mosque -- and it
is this essential truth which was originally taught by all three religions
prior to being corrupted by carnal religious leaders. And that the historical
Yeshua was able to accomplish this within himself, is demonstrated where it is
written of the Ebionites that they taught that Yeshua/Jesus was in “supernatural
union of a man and God... In their eyes, Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal,
the legitimate son of Joseph and Mary: but he was the best and wisest of the
human race, selected as the worthy instrument to restore upon earth the worship
of the true and supreme Deity. When he was baptized in the Jordan, the Christ,
the first of the aeons, the Son of God himself, descended on Jesus in the form
of a dove, to inhabit his mind, and direct his actions during the allotted
period of his ministry” (Gibbon; The Decline &
Fall of the Roman Empire, V.4, P.366 -- see
http://Ebionite.com ).
A Suppressed Truth:
() That Jesus became One with the
Indwelling Logos -- and that he taught his disciples to do the same -- is a
suppressed truth that will not even be published by most reference resources
today. There is an important statement pertaining to the
Ebionites with respect to what the
original Disciples of Yeshua believed that he "was
justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of
the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else
fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ."
Hence "when
Ebionites thus fulfill the law, they are able to become Christs, for they
assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity."
(Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34). And what this
means is that each and every person reading these words is not only the
brother or sister of Jesus, but that as the prodigal sons and daughters of
their Heavenly Father-God, they have the same potential and destiny when
they too fulfill the Law within themselves. And in the same way that this
important teaching of Jesus and his Ebionite Nazirene Disciples was
suppressed by the Church, so too does modern reference resources such as the
Wikipedia suppress this teaching. On their Ebionite page (see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebionite ), not only is this essential
teaching suppressed, but they have themselves attempted to portray the
Ebionites as ignorant Judaizers (see
The Lie).
Has the Wikipedia
attempted to misinform the reader? The attempt of the Wikipedia to deceive
the reader is demonstrated in their censorship of the above statement
pertaining to the Ebionites by Hippolytus. Why? Because this statement
not only portrays the Ebionites in a totally different and very spiritual
light than what is presented in the history books -- but when properly
understood, demonstrates that the present faith-based Christian Church is a
misrepresentation of what Jesus actually taught. Is the position of the
original Ebionites that is being censored correct? That the Ebionites are
correct, and that the Church has been promoting the grave error and idolatry
of Pagan Rome, is easily proven in the original account of Jesus' baptism in
the Jordan where it was said from heaven:
"Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee" (see
http://TheTenWords.com ). That this
Gospel account was changed in the fourth century by the Emperor Constantine
and his Church, represented the final series of corruptions of the biblical
text that alienated the Church from the Truth and the inner Kingdom.
Constantine was a sun worshipper -- and he reasoned that Jesus was the
latest incarnation of the Mithraic sun-god. But of paramount importance is
the fact that the original Gospel message was that: All who overcome, and
fulfill the Law within themselves, will become the Messiah/Christ -- which
Hebrew and Greek words in English means The Anointed Of God. And it is
this Power of the Anointing that opens the mind to see beyond the cloak of
the "outer darkness"
and to the degree that the Anointing can be received, begin the process of
being taught by the indwelling Logos/Son of God.
Just as important is the
fact that the true meaning of the word Gnostic would have to be understood
as that directly imparted Spiritual Knowledge that is the result of
overcoming the Laws, and becoming the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) as Jesus
taught. And it is this objective of acquiring Gnosis -- or the Divine
Manna of the Kingdom through the Anointing of the mind, that is presented by
John in the words: "These things I have written to
you concerning those who try to deceive you. But the anointing which you
have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach
you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is
true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in
Him. And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may
have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming. If you know
that He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is
born of Him" (1 Jn 2:26-29 NKJ). This Coming, is the Coming of
the Kingdom within the mind and being of the disciple (see
http://GateOfEden.com ). And who is it
that will come and teach the disciple all the Mysteries of the Kingdom? The
Logos, or Son of God, which was portrayed as The True Prophet.
That all the disciples and
followers of Jesus were to seek to become Anointed (Messiah/Christ) -- and
that through this Anointing they would be taught the Truth from the One
Teacher and True Prophet -- is demonstrated in the above words of the
Epistle of John: "These things I have written to
you concerning those who try to deceive you. But the anointing which you
have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach
you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is
true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in
Him" (I Jn 2:26-27 NKJ). The problem is that this teaching is
Pure Gnostic and Spiritual, and the means to receive this Anointing and
become One with the Indwelling Logos/Son of God or True Prophet, has been
suppressed by the Institutionalized Church which has replaced these
essential spiritual concepts with their own dogma and doctrines of belief.
While all true disciples
were to seek the Anointing (Messiah/Christ), it is also true that there is a
vast difference between the various degrees of Anointing (Messiah/Christ)
that seekers attain to, as they strive to become At-One with the Indwelling
Logos. And this is preserved in the baptism sequence of what is known
historically as the Original Matthew, which was the Gospel of the Hebrews/Ebionites,
in the words: "And it came to pass
when the Lord was come up out of the water, the whole fount of the Holy
Spirit descended and rested upon him, and said unto him: My son, in all the
prophets was I waiting for thee that thou shouldst come, and I might rest in
thee. For thou art my rest, thou art my first begotten son, that reignest
for ever." To which
the Church Father Jerome correctly explains
"not partially as in the case of other holy men."
And the allegorical portrayal of the resurrection is the final or fourth
stage of birth that is presented in the return of the Prodigal Son to the
Father in the Kingdom (
http://GateOfEden.com ), or what is presented in the completion of the
cycle from the Alpha to the Omega as portrayed in Jewish Mysticism in the
“All souls are subject to the trials of
transmigration; and men do not know the designs of the Most High with regard
to them… The souls must re-enter the absolute substance whence they have
emerged. But to accomplish this end they must develop all the perfections,
the germ of which is planted in them; and if they have not fulfilled this
condition during one life, they must commence another, a third, and so
forth, until they have acquired the condition which fits them for reunion
with God”.
As the disciple or seeker
of Truth draws near to what Jesus portrayed as the Kingdom within (
http://GateOfEden.com ), they would
receive various levels of the Anointing which would open their minds and
teach and reveal to them the Mysteries of God that remain preserved within
the parables -- and remains concealed within the allegorical symbols of the
scriptures that few modern Jews, Christians or Muslims see or understand.
The True Meaning of the scriptures cannot be taught -- but rather, only when
the Anointing (Messiah/Christ) opens the mind of the seeker/disciple:
"Then opened He their
understanding, that they might understand the scriptures"
(Luke 24:45) And while this is openly
declared in the Gospel of Thomas, it is just as true of all genuine
scriptures -- the meaning of which, can only be revealed to those who gain
the experiential knowledge through direct revelation of the One Teacher
within. Thus, the words: "These are the secret
sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote
down. And he said, Whoever finds
the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death. Jesus said,
Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will
become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he
will rule over the All."
This inner Essence of God
that exists within each of us which is referred to as the Logos/Son of God,
was referred to as the True Prophet by the disciples and early followers of
Jesus and TheWay. Why the True Prophet? Because the prophets and
teachers of this world are carnal in their perceptions and understanding,
and perpetually lead the lost prodigal sons and daughters into the
proverbial ditch. A true prophet or shepherd sent and ordained by God does
not prophsize or teach -- but rather, guides seekers how to live in TheWay,
so they can be taught by the True Prophet that dwells in the Kingdom within
each of us. And this is why Jesus stated that there is only One Teacher,
and all of mankind are equally brothers and sisters who must learn from the
True Prophet within them. And in the Homilies of Peter's disciple Clement,
this is why Peter is quoted as saying to his own disciple:
O beloved Clement,
if you would know the things pertaining to God, you have to learn them
from Him alone, because He alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows
anything, he has received it from Him or from His disciples”.
And it is this spiritual reality that is presented in the
words: "It is written in the Prophets:
'They will all be taught by God.' Everyone who listens to the Father and
learns from him comes to me" (John 6:45 NIV).
In view of this original
teaching that is not understood today because of the doctrinal corruptions
of the Church, the question then becomes: How is one taught by God?
Directly? Which is why it is written in the New Testament that there is
only one way -- but this is not understood by the modern Jew who is ignorant
of how to make their body a Living Temple -- and neither is it understood by
the modern Christian Church which continues to embrace the doctrines of
Constantine -- or the modern Muslim who looks to the Qur'an of this world.
With respect to the One Teacher (Mt
23:8), or True Prophet, this same Truth can be demonstrated using the first
century witness known as the Recognitions of Clement, where St.
Clement quotes the teachings of the Apostle Peter. In chapter 59, under
the heading of The True Prophet, Clement writes:
“But I would not have you think, that in saying this I
take away the power of judging concerning things; but I give counsel that no
one walk through devious places, and rush into errors without end. And
therefore I advise not only wise men, but indeed all men who have a desire
of knowing what is advantageous to them, that they seek after the true
Prophet; for it is He alone who knoweth all things, and who knoweth what and
how every man is seeking. For He is within the
mind of every one of us, but in those who have no desire of the knowledge of
God and His righteousness, He is inoperative; but He works in those who seek
after that which is profitable to their souls, and kindles in them the light
of knowledge.
Wherefore seek Him first of all; and if you do not
find Him, expect not that you shall learn anything from any other.
But He is soon found by those who diligently seek Him
through love of the truth, and whose souls are not taken possession of by
wickedness. For He is present with those who desire Him in the innocence of
their spirits, who bear patiently, and draw sighs from the bottom of their
hearts through love of the truth; but He deserts malevolent minds, because
as a prophet He knows the thoughts of every one. And therefore let no one
think that he can find Him by his own wisdom, unless, as we have said, he
empty his mind of all wickedness, and conceive a pure and faithful desire to
know Him. For when any one has so prepared himself, He Himself as a prophet,
seeing a mind prepared for Him, of His own accord offers Himself to his
What does Peter say
to us in these words? That the True Prophet
“is within the mind of every one of us”. This
concept is Spiritual -- it was condemned as Gnostic heresy by the Church of Rome
-- while it is generally embraced by many Sufis, it has been condemned by
mainstream spiritually disenfranchised Muslims -- and this important concept is
the foundation of the Living Temple/Church/Mosque that the has been inaugurated
among the three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Yeshua/Jesus
warned his followers not to go to a teacher or religious authority in this world
-- even when that teacher or authority says that he knows the Messiah/Christ --
or claims to be a prophet. What is very clear in these words which are common
to all three religions, is that True Seekers were not to learn from men -- who
themselves do not know -- and in true Spiritual-Gnostic fashion, they were only
to go to the Source of all Knowledge, the True Prophet.
The Apostle Paul wrote that the
baptized entry-level believers at Corinth did not know the Gospel of God, and
could not be taught the Mysteries and of the Kingdom, because they were too
carnal to receive them. Quoting the Being of Light web site (
http://BeingOfLight.com ):
Paul states: I will
“...tell about the visions I've had, and revelations from
the Lord. Fourteen years ago I was taken up to heaven for a visit. Don't ask me
whether my body was there or just my spirit, for I don't know; only God can
answer that. But anyway, there I was in paradise, and heard things so astounding
that they are beyond a man's power to describe or put in words (and anyway I am
not allowed to tell them to others)”
(2 Cor 12:1-4 TLB).
What did Paul see and
experience that was not only beyond natural man's ability to comprehend, but was
not lawful to tell what he saw to others? In
the Martyrdom of Ignatius (first Century Overseer of Antioch), Ignatius
speaks of himself as a disciple of John. In his Epistle to the Ephesians he
writes that he has been “initiated into the
mysteries of the Gospel with Paul, the holy, the martyred”.
In his Epistle to the Trallaus he speaks of the mysteries and writes:
“Might I not write to you things more full of mystery?
But I fear to do so, lest I should inflict injury on you who are babes. Pardon
me in this respect, lest, as not being able to receive their weighty import, ye
should be strangled by them”. Ignatius also
writes that though he is aware of the mysteries, he is not yet
“by any means perfect, nor am I such a disciple as Paul or
What preacher of the
gospel today warns his congregation that if he was to reveal the true teachings
of the New Covenant -- the Gospel of God -- he would
“inflict injury on you who are babes”
in Christ? What teaching of the Lord could a present-day preacher of the
gospel reveal that the congregation of believers are not
“able to receive their weighty import”?
If Ignatius or the other early Church Fathers who knew the Mysteries of the
Kingdom of God were with us today, what profound mystery could they speak
regarding the true teachings of Jesus that believers today would be
“strangled by them”?
This great dilemma
that Paul wrote about -- and has been continually ignored by the majority of
Christians throughout history -- was explained by Peter when his disciple
Clement wrote his warning to believers:
“…and if you do not find Him, expect not that you shall learn anything from any
It is equally important to recognize the fact that we are not making reference
to faith and beliefs -- but rather, to the sure Knowledge of all things that is
imparted to the seeker/disciple directly into the Enlightened Mind of those who
truly believe -- and this belief is demonstrated by the person's desire to
fulfill the Law within themselves, as Jesus taught in the original teachings of
When Paul portrayed the Christians at Corinth as being yet too carnal
to understand the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom,
he in no wise suggested that they should remain in this carnal unenlightened
state -- but rather, “go on to maturity”
(Heb 6:1 NIV). In making reference to the elementary teachings which Paul
portrays as Christ crucified, Paul instructs:
“Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to
maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to
death, and of faith in God, instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands,
the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment” (Heb 6:1-2 NIV).
Why did Paul say to leave the
"...elementary teachings about Christ ...faith in God"
behind? This is directly answered by the early Christian Church Father Clement
of Alexandria who explains: “Faith is the foundation;
knowledge the superstructure, by knowledge faith is perfected, for to know is
more than to believe. Faith is a summary knowledge of urgent truths; knowledge a
sure demonstration of what has been received through faith, being itself reared
upon faith through the teachings of the Lord. Thus
the Gnostic grasps the complete truth of all revelation from the beginning of
the world to the end, piercing to the depths of scripture, of which the believer
tastes the surface only. As a consequence of this
intelligent sympathy with the Divine Will, the Gnostic becomes in perfect unity
in himself, and as far as possible like God. Definite outward observances cease
to have any value for one whose being is brought into abiding harmony with that
which is eternal; he has no wants, no passions; he rests in the contemplation of
God, which is and will be his unfailing blessedness ” (quoting
Clement of Alexandria in Smith & Wace's Bible Dictionary).
When Clement portrays the Gnostic Christian as being in
“…unity in himself”, and developing to where they have become
“…like God” and
“…brought into abiding harmony with that which is eternal”, it is at
that time when the disciple becomes the True Christian by entering the final
stage of spiritual development, and fulfills the biblical requirement as set
forth by Jesus in the words: “You, therefore, must be
perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt 5:48 RSV).
Even our very own Bibles at one time more clearly taught this same concept. In
the third century 1 John 3:2 read somewhat differently than it does in our
present translations. Quoting from Origen’s Contra Celsum we read that
“it doth not yet appear what we shall be; but we know
that when He shall appear, we shall be like God, and shall see Him as He is”.
With regard to our becoming like God, Origen then writes regarding Matthew 5:48
that “...the virtue of man and of God is identical. And
therefore we are taught to become ‘perfect,’ as our Father in heaven is perfect”.
A spiritually
mature seeker/disciple does not have faith and belief in the unknown -- but
rather, knows the Truth by virtue of having personally experienced the Truth
as a Son or Daughter of the Kingdom. From a first century Christian
perspective, there is only one way that you can learn and know the truth,
and that is through your own inner dormant spiritual nature. “Expect
not that you shall learn anything”, says Peter, if you attempt
to learn from the doctrines of men -- even when these men are the leaders of
your church, synagogue, mosque, or temple. Why? Because Jesus himself
commanded: “But you, do not be called 'Rabbi';
for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren”
(Matt 23:8 NKJ). And when rightly understood, the teachings of Jesus and
TheWay present to the true seeker how they each may be
"...taught by God" (John 6:45 NIV).
The problem is that in order to bring this condition about, the Prodigal
Sons must arise from the ways of this world, release themselves from the
control of what is portrayed as the "citizen
of the far country", which Paul portrayed as the god of this
world, and they must themselves accomplish the required completion that
Jesus did within himself, which is noted at Matt. 5:48. In the words of
Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa: “…it is imperative on
all those who have an equally earnest desire for the Good as He has, to be
followers by the path of an exact imitation of Him Who leads the way to
salvation, and to carry into action what He has shown them. It is, in fact
impossible for persons to reach the same goal unless they travel by the same
This is why it
is written in the Gospel of Thomas (
http://DivineManna.org ): "But
if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are
that poverty... Whoever finds
himself is superior to the world". And the finding of self is
the primary objective of all scriptures. And when we add to this the
statement from the Gospel of Philip that "Those who
say that first they shall die and
(then) they shall arise are confused. If they do not first receive the
resurrection (while) they live, they will not receive anything (when)
they die" Quoting the Being of Light (
http://BeingOfLight.com ) web site:
It is for this
reason that the second-century Church Father Clement of Alexandria said that
it is “…the
greatest of all lessons to know one's self. For if one knows himself, he
will know God; and knowing God, he will be made like God… and that man
becomes God, since God so wills”.
In his treaties on The Soul and the Resurrection, St Gregory writes
that “the Resurrection
is no other thing than 'the re-constitution of our nature in its original
form’”, and states that
there will come a time
“…when the complete whole of our race shall have been perfected from the
first man to the last”.
This statement
should provoke great thought in the reader who is under the misconception
that our Heavenly Father would destroy or forever cut off one of his sons or
daughters who are lost in this world. If the whole of our race will one day
be perfected from the first man to the last, then there are many grave
misconceptions on the part of believers today.
The reason these great
truths are no longer the focus of the modern church is best captured in the
words of A.
Powell Davies: “Biblical
scholars”, he writes,
”were not disturbed
by what they found in the Dead Sea Scrolls because they had known all along
that the origin of Christianity was not what was commonly supposed to have
(quoted by Millar Burrows in More
Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls)... When
God, in the words of St. Nazianzen, no longer is an
“object of wonder”,
but rather an
“object of desire”
-- and we, desiring to be purified from the defilements of this world, make
ourselves fit vessels for the Lord to indwell, the Spirit, according to St.
Nazianzen, reveals to us our true nature, and the revelation of this
manifest Sacred Knowledge makes
“us like God; so that when we have
thus become like Himself, God may, to use a bold expression, hold converse
with us as Gods, being united to us, and that perhaps to the same extent as
He already knows those who are known to Him”.
St. Nazianzen then writes that
“the Divine Nature then is
boundless and hard to understand”
by those who are yet carnal and think as natural beings of this world.
The Gospel Of John And The Key Of Knowledge:
When the Key of Knowledge is properly applied to the Gospel of John -- i.e.,
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
God, and the Word was God" -- what is being make reference to is the
Logos (see The
Logos/Son of God). The word that is being translated Word in the
text, is derived from the Greek word Logos. Quoting from the
Encyclopedia as presented at the foregoing link explains that
“In Greek philosophy and theology, the divine reason
implicit in the cosmos, ordering it and giving it form and meaning. Though the
concept defined by the term logos is found in Greek, Indian, Egyptian, and
Persian philosophical and theological systems... The idea of the logos in Greek
thought harks back at least to the 6th-century-BC philosopher
Heracleitus, who discerned in the cosmic process a logos analogous to the
reasoning power in man. Later, the Stoics, philosophers who followed the
teachings of the thinker Zeno of Citium (4th-3rd century
BC), defined the logos as an active rational and spiritual principle that
permeated all reality... Philo of Alexandria, a 1st-century-AD Jewish
philosopher, taught that the logos was the intermediary between God and the
cosmos, being both the agent of creation and the agent through which the human
mind can apprehend and comprehend God. According to Philo and the Middle
Platonists, philosophers who interpreted in religious terms the teachings of the
4th-century-BC Greek master philosopher Plato, the logos was both
immanent in the world and at the same time the transcendent divine mind... The
identification of Jesus with the logos, which is implied in various places in
the New Testament but stated specifically in the Fourth Gospel, was further
developed in the early church but more on the basis of Greek philosophical
ideas..." -- and the connecting link between all
religious systems is demonstrated in where the Logos can be found, as presented
in the words of Clement of Alexandria where he stated:
“Atheists who destroy and pollute, as far as in them
lies, the Deity dwelling in them - that is, the Logos -- by association with
their vices” Which means that the
Logos portrayed in the Gospel of John must be found within each person --
exactly as stated by Peter in the Homilies in the foregoing subheading in the
For He is within the
mind of every one of us, but in those who have no desire of the knowledge of
God and His righteousness, He is inoperative; but He works in those who seek
after that which is profitable to their souls, and kindles in them the light
of knowledge.
Wherefore seek Him first of all; and if you do not
find Him, expect not that you shall learn anything from any other.
But He is soon found by those who diligently seek Him
through love of the truth, and whose souls are not taken possession of by
wickedness. For He is present with those who desire Him in the innocence of
their spirits, who bear patiently, and draw sighs from the bottom of their
hearts through love of the truth; but He deserts malevolent minds, because
as a prophet He knows the thoughts of every one. And therefore let no one
think that he can find Him by his own wisdom, unless, as we have said, he
empty his mind of all wickedness, and conceive a pure and faithful desire to
know Him. For when any one has so prepared himself, He Himself as a prophet,
seeing a mind prepared for Him, of His own accord offers Himself to his
When John 1:4 states that "In
him was life, and that life was the light of men" -- reference is
being made to the Light of the Logos that is within each of us. And
that organic man as the lost prodigal son dwells in what Jesus portrayed as the
"outer darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness) --
portrays this condition in John 1:5: "The light shines
in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it".
And where John 1:9 states that "The true light that
gives light to every man was coming into the world", what is being
made reference to is the fact that the soul of the holy man Jesus who was coming
into the world, was of such a spiritual stature that in becoming One with the
Logos within himself, he manifested the Logos in the flesh (see
And this is why Jesus became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) at his baptism in the
Jordan when the words of God said for all of mankind to hear:
"Thou art my Son, this
day have I begotten thee".
That this symbiotic relationship of the man Jesus, to
the indwelling Logos, was fully understood by his immediate disciples and
followers who were known as Ebionite Nazirenes, is demonstrated where Edward
Gibbon in the Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire states that they believed
that Jesus was in
“...supernatural union of a man and God... In their eyes,
Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal, the legitimate son of Joseph and Mary: but
he was the best and wisest of the human race, selected as the worthy instrument
to restore upon earth the worship of the true and supreme Deity. When he was
baptized in the Jordan, the Christ, the first of the aeons, the Son of God
himself, descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, to inhabit his mind, and
direct his actions during the allotted period of his ministry”
(Gibbon; The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, V.4, P.366).
And that he was the first to fulfill the Law within himself, is demonstrated in
the words of Hippolytus who stated that the Ebionite Nazirenes believed that: "He [Jesus] was the
Christ of God, since not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law
completely. Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would
have been the Christ..." And this confirms this statement with
respect to the true potential of all of mankind that Jesus taught, as
demonstrated in the words of Hippolytus when he wrote that they believed that
when anyone "...thus fulfill the law, they are able to
become Christs" (Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34 - see
http://Ebionite.com ). And this is why Jesus
taught that he was our brother -- i.e., "Go instead to
my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my
God and your God'" (John 20:17 NIV).
The Christian Censorship Of God: Because
the Christians who called themselves Orthodox could not come to terms with the
words spoken of Jesus at his baptism -- i.e., "Thou art my Son, this
day have I begotten thee" (see
TheTenWords.com) -- and
the spiritual reality that Jesus was a true holy man who had become ONE with the
indwelling Logos/Son of God which dwells within all of mankind -- they chose to
corrupt the words which the Gospels proclaim as being spoken directly from God
to mankind, instead of submitting themselves to the process of picking up their
own cross and travailing in TheWay, in order to learn directly from the
Indwelling Logos/Son of God which the disciples portrayed as the True Prophet
and One Teacher that Jesus taught to seek out and learn from. As
explored in
TheTenWords.com, after
putting their own words in the mouth of God -- censoring and corrupting the very
words spoken to mankind -- the Church has promoted the dogma that salvation is
achieved through blind belief in the Jesus-god of pagan Rome.
While the ONE TEACHER that Jesus commanded all his follower to seek out and
learn from, would be able to easily reveal to them how Jesus was a holy man who
became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) at his baptism in the Jordan -- while, by
becoming ONE with the Logos/Son of God, that this Manifestation of ONENESS
enabled the Logos/Son of God to appear before mankind in the flesh (of Jesus) --
yet, instead of doing what Jesus taught, they corrupted the Gospels and
spiritually disenfranchised the Christian world from the Truth and TheWay.
Meet The Teacher - The Spiritual Disenfranchisement Of The Mind:
Jesus said: "If You Love Me, Keep My Commandments"
(John 14:15). And while some of his Commandments were easily
understood, others were more difficult -- including how a seeker was supposed to
obtain clarifiction on important issues. And while the standard
answer is to turn to the scriptures, it is a fact that nearly everyone not only
sees a different message in the scriptures -- but arrives at greatly differing
and often conflicting dogmatic positions. Where the equation gets
truly confusing is seen in the fact that the Apostle Paul condemned all manmade
opinions, factions and sects as a sin of the flesh -- and that such a person who
embraces a manmade opinion, should be rejected as one who is turned out of
TheWay (see No Sects).
While the Gospels present countless perplexing
problems that divides believers across the spectrum of virtually opinions and
sects, perhaps the most perplexing of all is the paradox of the human and
divine nature of the soul who lived as Jesus. Does it matter?
Christians have not only disputed over the conflicting opinions as to how this
question can be answered -- but throughout history have even resorted to killing
those who did not agree with their dogmatic position.
-- and, his Commandment was to seek out the
One Teacher. Why? Because of
the warning of Peter with respect to the true interpretation of the scriptures
and the limits of human organic reasoning -- i.e., Peter stated in the Homilies
of his disciple Clement:
"...therefore great care is to be
taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the
understanding of our own mind. For there are many sayings in the divine
Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for
himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought not to seek a foreign and
extraneous sense, which you have brought from without".
Remember, it was the
Apostle Peter who warned:
O beloved Clement,
if you would know the things pertaining to God, you have to learn them
from Him alone, because He alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows
anything, he has received it from Him or from His disciples”.
And it is this spiritual reality that is presented in the
words: "It is written in the Prophets:
'They will all be taught by God.' Everyone who listens to the Father and
learns from him comes to me" (John 6:45 NIV).
And if we ask: What does this mean?
It means that there is only One Source of Knowledge -- and we must seek out that
Source if we are to know the Truth. And to thwart the efforts of
those who fail to observe this Commandment -- failing to fulfill the
requirements of putting on the Wedding Garment which is necessary to come to the
Table of the Lord -- those who fail to "...Keep My
Commandments" (John 14:15) -- are cast out into the
"outer darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness).
But what does this mean? Those who have been cast into the
"outer darkness", have no remembrance, no
knowledge, no vision and no perception -- and dwell in a world of illusions
which has been portrayed in the analogy of
Plato's Cave.
Thus, of the lost prodigal sons who are of this world and are under the control
of the Citizen of the Far Country, Jesus said: "...And in them
the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: 'Hearing you will hear and
shall not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive; For the hearts
of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes
they have closed" (Matt 13:10-17 NKJ).
In confirmation of the
warning of Jesus, Peter explained in the above that:
"...when the law of God is read, it be
not read according to the understanding of our own mind."
And while man's carnal interpretations may make sense to his organic reasoning,
Peter warns that:
"...For there are many sayings in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to
that sense which every one has preconceived for himself; and this ought not to
be done." Why? Because only the One
Teacher which the earliest disciples and followers of Jesus and TheWay called
The True Prophet, could reveal the true meaning of the scriptures that "natural"
organic man is inherently blind to (see
Mystery Of The
Gospel) -- and this is why Peter warned:
"...For you ought not to seek a
foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without".
If a Christian was to pick
up a loaded gun, point it at his head, and pull the trigger, would the Lord
reach down and grab the speeding bullet before it could strike him?
No, the Christian will conclude, because man has freewill -- even to inflict
injury and take his own life. Yet, this same group of Christians
attempt to state that when a segment of the Church which called itself Orthodox,
entered into a covenant with the Pagan Emperor Constantine -- wherein,
Constantine decided what the Church was permitted to believe -- and then
corrupted the Gospels to make them conform to the dogma ordained by Pagan Rome
(see BibleCorruption.com)
-- that the Hand of the Lord would reach down from the Heavens, and stopped
those who were committing spiritual suicide, while smiting those who had
embraced the religion of the emperor. And this is basically
what the Christian world wants the people to believe.
In the same way that those
who call themselves Christians have the freewill to shoot themselves in the
head, those who call themselves Christians have the freewill to reject the
Commandments of Jesus -- reject his commandment to seek out the One Teacher --
and commit spiritual suicide by entering into a covenant with the Pagan Emperor
Constantine. Which they continue to follow in this
tradition even today.
The Cosmology Of Mind And The Biblical Paradigm
Of Thought:
When Paul wrote
that the written text of the Torah amounted to
(allegorical) "Jewish fables"
(Titus 1:14) -- and
a ritual
observance of the Torah as practiced by carnal Jews
equated to the "letter that
killeth" -- i.e., brings spiritual death to
those who practice and observe it outwardly. That the
Law is spiritual, and is not to be observed outwardly in
the ritual manner of the Pharisees, is seen in the words
of Epiphanius when he wrote about the Ebionites that
"do not accept Moses' Pentateuch
in its entirety; certain sayings they reject... stating
Christ has revealed this to me, and
will blespheme most of the
(Panarion 30.18.7-9). How can those who are
said to be Torah Observant,
l blespheme most of the
legislation"? Thus, the Law has a
spiritual meaning and must be turned within, in order to
overcome in the manner that Jesus did. In Galatians
Paul attempts to convey to the readers that the written
text of the Torah is an allegory -- demonstrating that
the two sons of Abraham are not physical/historical
people, but allegorical symbols -- but since he failed
to convey why the scriptures were written in this
manner, or how to decipher the inner concealed soul and
spiritual meaning of the written word, the resulting
incompletion has inhibited the believers from gaining
any real insight into the true meaning of the
In view of the fact that the very Gnostic sources of
Islam understood that the two sons of Abraham -- and even the allegorical
portrayal of Abraham himself that carnal Muslims believe to be their physical
connection to Judaism through Ishmael, the alleged first son of Abraham -- is
nothing more than their failure to understand the spiritual meaning of the
Qur'an. And while there were originally writings that explained these
realities of scripture more plainly, these writings were destroyed by carnal
Christians, Jews and Muslims.
That the literal written word of the Torah
is as a cloak for the inner soul and spiritual meaning that the people of a
carnal and organic mind of this world are blind to, is seen in the statement of
Jewish Mysticism in the Zohar when it warns:
"Thus the tales related in the Torah are simply her
outer garments, and woe to the man who regards that outer garb as the Torah
itself, for such a man will be deprived of portion in the next world." (see
No Jew Has Read The Torah ). And
if we ask, why has no Jew read the Torah? The Torah being an
allegorical portrayal of the disciples own mind and being, employs forms and
symbols to present profound truths to the genuine seeker of TheWay. Thus, in
the same way that when the scriptures makes reference to swine, dogs, twelve
disciples, and even an historical man named Jesus, the portrayal of what is
symbolized as Jews, represents a reality of mind and being that must be expanded
beyond organic limitations, if one is to achieve the final stage of birth which
is allegorically presented in the account of the crucifixion. What is
symbolized in the betrayal by Judas, the 30 pieces of silver, and the death of
Judas, is merely an allegorical presentation of what must be brought about
within the mind and being of the disciple of TheWay. And in this respect, the
modern Christians for the most part are far more the disciples of the AntiChrist
(see The Church Of The AntiChrist),
than were the historical Jewish people.
By Throwing Away The
Key Of Knowledge
Christians Are Blind

you shut up the kingdom of heaven against
for you neither
go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who
are entering to go in."
(Matt 23:13 NKJ)
The scriptures
are a Living Entity -- and as such, they are
threefold in nature and form.
What does that mean? The
literal text of the scriptures is for the
most part allegorical, and is the body --
the mind/soul of the scriptures is for the
instruction of true seekers, and its
esoteric meaning is not
readily apparent to those who have not
embraced the process of
acquiring true spiritual knowledge and an understanding of
the Laws within which each of us are immersed --
and the spiritual nature of the scriptures
can only be seen by those who have undergone
the process of spiritual transformation of
the lower earthly kingdoms, and are pursuing
the crucifixion of the body in the pattern
that Jesus ordained for those who follow in TheWay. The literal text of the scripture is
intended to teach certain moral and physical
lessons about life -- and especially in the
case of the New Testament, what the true
disciple of Christ must do to prepare
themselves to learn directly from the One
Teacher that Jesus commanded his followers
to seek out (see
The True Prophet), and from this One
Teacher they could receive the
Divine Manna/Knowledge of the Kingdom.
Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, and other
interactions with the common people, convey to the
seeker important lessons about embracing the
proper mindset and living a God-Centered
spiritual Life which was preparatory to
becoming the
Final Temple. Paul rightly
states: "Know ye
not that ye are a temple of God, and that
the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?"
(1 Cor 3:16 ASV). And only by
"...mortifying the deeds of the body",
and becoming the
Final Temple, can the believer gain
entrance to the Inner Kingdom, and learn
directly from the One Teacher.
The next stage of
soul-birth that Jesus states to Nicodemus is
necessary to enter into the Kingdom, and the
journey in TheWay which is the return of the
prodigal son or daughter to their Heavenly
Father, can only be accomplished through the
transformation of self. Thus, it is
"We must through many tribulations enter the
kingdom of God"
(Acts 14:22 NKJ). And this is why
Paul Commanded to
"Put to
death, therefore, whatever belongs to your
earthly nature"
(Col 3:5 NIV). To the
degree that Paul warned:
“For if ye
live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if
ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds
of the body, ye shall live”
(Rom 8:13 KJV).
It is important to recognize that Paul does
not say that a person inherits salvation by
the mere proclamation of faith in Jesus, as
Christian dogma does today. That
the necessary next stage of birth can only
be brought about by those who
the deeds of the body"
to the degree that the believer puts
"...to death, therefore, whatever belongs
to your earthly nature"
-- is simply a spiritual reality that has no
place in the modern Christian world.
Further, it was to these same baptized and
confirmed Christians that Paul warned:
“For if ye
live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if
ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds
of the body, ye shall live”
-- and that the reality of these words
remain totally alien to the modern Church
and congregation of believers, is the reason
why Christians have alienated themselves
from the knowledge and reality of the Inner
Kingdom, and preach a doctrine which very
much parallels that of the carnal Jews who
Jesus condemned as apostates to the Word of
Why did Paul
state that salvation is by faith in
contradistinction to the works of the Law
expressed outwardly in the rituals and
traditions of the Jews? From Paul's perspective, an outward ritual
observance of the Law in the manner of the
carnal Jews, was incapable of bringing about
this necessary spiritual transformation and
soul-birth. To mortify
the deeds of the body takes work -- a great
amount of work -- and this work cannot be
accomplished through the static faith which
our present-day Churches promote.
The problem is that
these biblical commandments have absolutely
nothing in common with the doctrine of faith
that was developed by Martin Luther in the
Middle-ages. As a priest of
the Church of Rome, there was much that was
not understood by Martin Luther and the
Middle-Age Reformers. They did not know
that the scriptures must have what Jesus
called the Key of Knowledge applied to
them -- and that if you learn to turn the
scriptures within yourself, you draw ever
nearer to the Kingdom within (Lk
G.R.S. Mead, a foremost authority on the
Spiritual Christians who the Roman Church
condemned as Gnostics because they sought
the Divine Manna of the Inner Kingdom, in
his book entitled Fragments of a Faith
Forgotten, this explanation of the true
nature of the scriptures is put forth:
“…what the Gnostics
projected onto the screen… [in the form of a
] picture of the universe was in reality a
picture of their own minds. Its mythology is
a symbolic portrayal, almost a deliberate
one, of the forces which operate in the
structuring and evolution of the human
personality”. It was for this
reason that Carl Jung called the Gnostic
Christians the worlds first and foremost
psychologists who understood the very fabric
of human consciousness. That there is an
Inner Source of Knowledge that is beyond
even the most enlightened wisdom of this
world, is in fact the very reason why the
Apostle Paul wrote: “For
the truth about God is known to them
instinctively; God has put this knowledge in
their hearts” (Rom 1:19 TLB).
And what Martin Luther and the Middle Age
Reformers could never have known, is that
Paul's doctrine of faith was based upon the
fact that if you embrace the mindset taught
by Jesus, and live a consecrated life, the
the inner "narrow
gate" to the Kingdom (see
Gate Of Eden)
will begin to open, and you will be able to
access this inner Source of Knowledge.
Speaking of those who are blinded by the
doctrines of men, or attempt to decipher and
understand the scriptures without living the
life ordained by Jesus as being Consecrated
and worthy of a disciple, in the Clementine
Homilies the Apostle Peter states of Simon
Magus with respect to his inability to
comprehend the true meaning of the
“And with us, indeed,
who have had handed down from our
forefathers the worship of the God who made
all things, and
also the mystery of the books which are able
to deceive, he
will not prevail; but with those from
amongst the Gentiles who have the
polytheistic fancy bred in them,
and who know not the
falsehoods of the Scriptures,
he will prevail much.
And not only he;
but if any other shall
recount to those from among the Gentiles
any vain, dreamlike,
richly set out story against God, he will be
believed, because from their childhood their
minds are accustomed to take in things
spoken against God. And few there shall be
of them, as a few out of a multitude, who
through ingenuousness shall not be willing
so much as to hear an evil word against the
God who made all things.
And to these alone
from amongst the Gentiles it shall be
vouchsafed to be saved.
Let not any one of
you, therefore, altogether complain of
Simon, or of any one else; for nothing
happens unjustly, since even the falsehoods
of Scripture are with good reason presented
for a test.”
What Peter
is stating is that the written words of the
scriptures contain many falsehoods -- and
this is confirmed in the writing of the
Church Father Origen in
De Principiis, where he wrote concerning the
historical and literal factualness of the
written narrative of the scriptures:
“Where the word
found that things done according to the
history could be adapted to these mystical
senses, he made use of them concealing from
the multitude the deeper meaning; but where
in the narrative of the development of
super-sensual things, there did not follow
the performance of those certain events
which were already indicated by the mystical
meaning, the scripture interwove in the
history the account of some event that did
not take place, sometimes what could not
have happened; sometimes what could but did
not.” What is Origen
saying to us? Where the Word found that
using events from history could fulfill the
purpose of the scriptures, the Word used
these historical events,
“concealing from
the multitude the deeper meaning”.
In this respect, Jesus lived and taught the
people the Royal Law of God and the means to
gain entrance into the Kingdom. These
things are true. But scripture is designed
for a greater purpose than to inform us with
respect to the past -- scripture is the
handbook of those who desire to enter into
What is the purpose of the scriptures?
Surely not to teach us about history -- how
can history open the door to the Kingdom
within us? And it is this
seemingly historical account of the literal
written word that Paul referred to as the
Testimony of Christ which was the
"milk... for babes".
And while the people of the simple faith
were incapable of perceiving and
understanding the higher reality of the soul
and the Mysteries of God, by placing
spiritual truths in what appears to he an
historical document, accomplishes the
necessary task of putting the sacred truths
of God in the hands of the people -- in a
language they can understand and relate to
-- even during that time when they are yet
carnal, and unable to comprehend the higher
realities of the soul and the Mysteries of
God. By writing the scriptures in this
fashion, the carnal believer could relate to
the scriptures because the writings appeared
-- on the surface -- to communicate and
manifest a history of the people who were
using them. Yet, Origen warns that, even
when the scriptures are historically
accurate, there is concealed within the
narrative a deeper meaning than what is
grasped by the carnal reader.
To his
disciple Clement, Peter warns with respect
to the ability of Simon Magus to seduce the
"...but with
those from amongst the Gentiles who have the
polytheistic fancy bred in them,
and who know not the
falsehoods of the Scriptures,
he will prevail much.
And not only he;
but if any other shall
recount to those from among the Gentiles
any vain, dreamlike,
richly set out story against God, he will be
believed, because from their childhood their
minds are accustomed to take in things
spoken against God.
What he is
stating is that the Gentiles will readily
hold unworthy beliefs about God -- and they
therefore will be readily deceived with
respect to the true spiritual meaning of the
scriptures. And the lesson
that modern Christians have still to learn,
is that many of these falsehoods of the
written word are there for a test -- i.e.,
Peter warns:
not any one of you, therefore, altogether
complain of Simon, or of any one else; for
nothing happens unjustly,
since even the
falsehoods of Scripture are with good reason
presented for a test.”
The test is that those
who hold unworthy ideas pertaining to God,
and fail to live in accord with the Royal
Law, are themselves banished from the
Kingdom and the Knowledge of the Truth.
The True Interpretation Of The Scriptures:
The scriptures are an allegorical portrayal
of your own mind and being -- and the names
that are used, the numbers, and the picture
of what appears to be historical accounts or
cosmic occurrences or conditions, can also
be understood as
of the body, mind/soul and spirit in the
life of the disciple. In the same way that
Paul called the written word of the
scriptures the
"letter that killeth" (2 Cor
3:6), the same exact formula with respect to
the scriptures is presented in the words:
“For if ye
live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if
ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds
of the body, ye shall live”
(Rom 8:13 KJV). If
you attempt to interpret the scriptures
after the letter of the flesh, then you have
thrown away the Key of Knowledge that you
failed to understand in the spiritual sense,
and turn the scriptures within yourself:
"How terrible it
will be for you experts in religious law!
For you hide the key to knowledge from the
people. You don't enter the Kingdom
yourselves, and you prevent others from
entering" (Luke 11:52 NLT).
Christians today who read the scriptures to
find the historical Jesus, are no different
than the Pharisees who looked only to the
letter of the written word -- failing to use
the Key of Knowledge to open the inner door
to the Kingdom within them. And of those
after the flesh [of the written word], ye
shall die."
While the scriptures center around the
teachings of Jesus, the objective is to
become a disciple and enter
"in the House"
within you and learn the Mysteries of God
from the Living Christ. If you believe in
Jesus, then you will live in the manner that
he taught, and seek the Inner Kingdom.
the scriptures are written in such a way
that they can be turned within -- and what
appears as historical accounts in the
written word of the
"letter that
killeth" (2 Cor 3:6), becomes
events of the body, mind/soul and spirit in
the life of the Disciple of Jesus and
TheWay. The twelve signs of the zodiac,
the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve
disciples of Jesus, become the twelve
spheres of mind of the Tree of Life. And
when you are able to do as Paul states and
put to death your attachments to the things
of this world, and evolve and balance the
twelve spheres of the mind -- doing and
living the Commandments of the Lord in all
things -- then you will find the reality
coming to pass that is stated in the
"Blessed are
those who do His commandments, that they may
have the right to the tree of life, and may
enter through the gates into the city. But
outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually
immoral and murderers and idolaters, and
whoever loves and practices a lie"
(Rev 22:14-15 NKJ). Notice that the dogs,
sorcerers, sexually immoral, murderers and
idolaters, and whoever loves the (lying)
doctrines and philosophies of men over the
Truth, are spoken of as remaining
the gates of the City? This is the
realm of outer consciousness where man
cannot know self, the Inner Kingdom, or
While the people of this world
are the prodigal sons and daughters who are
lost and under the control of the
of this world, only those who hear TheCall
and seek to walk in TheWay and enter the
Inner Kingdom can find the Promise of
Life. Thus, the person who claims to be a
genuine believer and seeker, and yet fails
to put on the
“wedding garment” (Mt 22:12) --
which is the robe of spiritual union and
perfection -- will be
“cast into outer darkness; there will be
weeping and gnashing of teeth”
(Matt 22:13 NKJ). And where is this outer
darkness? Outside the gates to the city --
which from the perspective of the Bible, is
the place in which organic man presently
dwells. What is conveyed to us here
regarding the Kingdom, is that when we open
and read the scriptures, what we have before
us is the mystical writings of a spiritual
people -- writings that are written for the
edification of a the prodigal sons and
daughters who desire to return to the
Kingdom of the Father -- and we can never
understand the Mysteries of God through a
superficial reading of the literal word of
the Bible which Paul called the
"letter that
killeth". This spiritual
Knowledge that can only be received by the
True Disciple, is called the Divine Manna or
the Gnosis of the Kingdom. Why do we
use the word Gnostic? Because it is the
Greek word that differentiates between what
we call abstract philosophical knowledge
pertaining to this world which is learned in
our educational manner of teaching, in
contradistinction to knowledge that is
learned directly through our inner spiritual
experiences and interaction with the
Divine. Where the knowledge of this world
is philosophical and temporal, the type of
Knowledge that is called Gnosis, denotes the
Sacred Manna that is given to true holy men
and women who live in the Light, and seek
the Kingdom of God.
As G.R.S. Mead concludes on page 176:
“The claim of the
Gnostics was that a man might so perfect
himself that he became a conscious worker
with the Logos; all those who did so, became
'Christs,' and as such were Saviors, but not
in the sense of being the Logos Himself”.
Where the people of the simple faith looked
upon the word
“Christ”, as Jesus' last name,
the Spiritual Christians understood that
what this term meant was the Anointing of
the mind of the disciple that permits the
seeker to learn from the inner Logos --
i.e., the Mind of God. In the revelation
of his spiritual Gospel, it was this
receiving of the Anointing that Paul speaks
about throughout his Epistles. When the
disciple receives the Anointing -- this
Anointing of the mind of the disciple in the
Greek, denotes one who is Anointed, or the
It is for this reason that the believers of
the simple faith are not yet Christians,
because they have not yet received the
Anointing -- which is impossible to receive
without embracing the proper mindset and
consecrated lifestyle. Moreover, the
Anointing is not philosophical or rhetorical
-- as becoming a believer -- but is an
actual illumination of higher consciousness
that permits the disciple to use more of
their mind that the natural man is capable
of using in his organic condition. A
person cannot be a genuine Christian --
i.e., an Anointed one -- without possessing
the knowledge of their pre-existent soul.
A person cannot possess the knowledge of the
soul, without knowing the previous lives
that the soul has lived. In Pistis Sophia,
one of the sacred books used by the
Spiritual (Gnostic) Christians, which name
in English means the Book of Faith-Wisdom,
Jesus states: “But
if he shall have sinned once, twice, or
thrice, they shall reject that soul, sending
it back again into the world according to
the form of the sins that it may have
committed; the form whereof I will declare
unto you hereafter. But verily, verily I
say unto you, that even the righteous man
that hath committed no sin at all cannot be
brought into the Kingdom of Light, forasmuch
the seal of the mysteries of that kingdom is
not found upon him. Once for all, I say
unto you, a soul cannot be brought into the
kingdom, if it be without the mysteries of
the Kingdom of the Light”.
In this quotation we not only see that the
Spiritual Christians understood that Jesus
taught the reincarnation of the soul --
“sending [the soul]
back again into the world according to the
form of the sins that it may have committed”
-- but what we have here is the genuine
foundation of Paul's doctrine that man can
do nothing on his own, and can only be saved
through faith in Christ. The problem
arises when we do not understand the
difference between Jesus -- the historical
man -- and Christ -- the Anointing of the
mind -- or the Logos, or Mind of God. It
is this reason also that believers fail to
understand the declaration in the beginning
of the Epistle to the Romans where Paul
writes that: When the Gentiles do the
things of the Law, without the Law, they
become a Law unto themselves, and can be
saved. It is further this reason that we
do not understand when Paul says not to seek
the Jesus after the flesh, but rather the
Christ of the Spirit.
In the article on Christian Mysticism, the
Encyclopedia Britannica writes regarding
Valentinus, who was considered orthodox in
the beginning of the second century, and
states: “He
believed that human beings are alienated
from God because of their spiritual
ignorance; Christ brings them into the
gnosis (esoteric revelatory knowledge) that
is union with God. Valentinus held that all
human beings come from God and that all will
in the end return to God. Other Gnostic
groups held that there were three types of
people -- 'spiritual,' 'psychic,' and
'material' -- and that only the first two
can be saved. The Pistis Sophia… is
preoccupied with the question of who finally
will be saved. Those who are saved must
renounce the world completely and follow the
pure ethic of love and compassion. They will
then be identified with Jesus and become
rays of the divine Light”.
While this reality may sound foreign and
strange to the modern Christian, it is in
fact parallel to the parable of the prodigal
son. But since the modern Christian
rejects the important teaching on the
pre-existent soul that evolves to perfection
over the course of many lifetimes, because
they adhere to the doctrines of a Circus
Prostitute (see
The Ten Reasons Why Christians Reject The
Pre-Existent Soul), they remain
hopelessly lost in the quagmire of this
world of the "outer
darkness" (see
Once properly understood, what Valentinus
was in fact stating was no different than
what was also clearly stated by the early
church authorities, Paul, Jesus, and the
present-day Canon of Scriptures itself: That
there are three types of Christians -- i.e.,
the spiritual which are in union with God,
and are saved; the psychic, or disciple in
search of the Truth, which are still walking
in The Way; and the material or physical,
who are the people of the simple faith. The
mysteries made reference to in Pistis Sohpia
that, according to the Jesus presented in
this gospel, states that a person must
possess the sacred Knowledge of the Kingdom
in order to be saved -- and this is the
knowledge of the laws that both preserve the
natural barriers of this realm, as well as
restrict carnal man's access into the
spiritual realms and the Kingdom (see
Strategery). When the disciple knows
the workings of these natural laws of
Creation, they are then able to safely
transcend the barriers between this and the
inner Kingdom, and come into the presence of
the Spiritual Christ.
Once we understand this important element in
Paul's Epistles, we then begin to comprehend
why Paul considered it one of the greatest
of sins to promote a doctrine of belief --
as seen in the words:
“Reject a factious man after a first and
second warning, knowing that such a man is
perverted and is sinning, being
self-condemned” (Titus 3:10-11
NAS). The essence of what Paul taught was
that believers were to rid themselves of all
worldly thoughts and desires in order to
embrace the indwelling Logos -- thereby
becoming an Anointed One, or genuine
Christian. From Paul's perspective,
beliefs and doctrines pertaining to
mysteries that are beyond the comprehension
of the natural man, were thorns and
entanglements that the god of this world
used to imprison the believer.
In order to preserve the
Sacred Knowledge of TheWay from generation
to generation -- so that all seekers are
able to find TheWay -- the scriptures are
encoded with the necessary knowledge that
enables the prodigal sons and daughters of
the Most High to return to the Inner Edenic
Kingdom of Origination with their Heavenly
Father (see
Gate Of Eden). And those who learn to
turn the scriptures within self, and
perceive what appears to be historical and
cosmic accounts as events of the body, mind
and spirit, will find the Inner Gates to the
Holy City opening unto them. The book of The Revelation proclaims:
“The Revelation…
which must shortly come to pass... Blessed
is he that readeth, and they that hear the
words of this prophecy, and keep those
things which are written in it; for the time
is at hand”. It does not say
that in two thousand years these things will
come to pass; but rather,
“…the time is at
hand”. The nations that rise
against nations, the famines, pestilences
and earthquakes, are all the signs of the
“pangs of birth”
(Mt 24) that the disciple experiences as
they move near to the Kingdom within.
“Varily I say unto
you, This generation shall not pass, till
all these things be fulfilled” (Mt
24:34); “Varily I say unto you, All these
things shall come upon this generation”
(Mt 23:36); “There
are some standing here, who shall not taste
of death, till they see the Son of Man
coming in his kingdom” (Mt
16:28). Thus, the words of the Lord,
“Repent [change the
mind], for the Kingdom is at hand”
is the key to witnessing the Son of Man
coming in His Kingdom. In order to
overcome, we must understand that the
kingdom will never come so as to be seen
outwardly, for the kingdom is within us (Lk
17:20-21). Prior to the time of
Constantine, this fundamental spiritual
truth was well understood: Under Alexandrian
Theology, the Church Father Origen is quoted
in the Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics
as writing: “God
never speaks to us from outside”
(In Psalm 27). Thus, if we are to see the
Lord coming in His glory, we must cleanse
and purify our body-mind, break down our own
inner walls of division, and look within
ourselves to God’s Holy Temple.
A very
important insight into the very essence of
the genuine teachings of Jesus and TheWay is
contained in an article in the Encyclopedia
Britannica under the heading, The History
of Christian Mysticism, where it reads:
“Although the
essence of mysticism is the sense of contact
with the transcendent, mysticism in the
history of Christianity should not be
understood merely in terms of special
ecstatic experiences but as part of a
religious process lived out within the
context of the Christian community. From
this perspective mysticism played a vital
part in the early church. Early Christianity
was a religion of the spirit that expressed
itself in the heightening and enlargement of
human consciousness”.
words must be a profound revelation to a
body of believers who have been barred from
the use of reason. When Jesus commanded
his disciples: “But
you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is
your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all
brethren” (Matt 23:8 NKJ) -- what
he was saying is that the genuine follower
of the Christ is the one who opens the inner
door of the mind to the Master, and develops
their “sense of
contact with the transcendent”.
is being said here is that Christianity in
its original form as a spiritual religion,
and the natural environment of the genuine
Church is mysticism -- which is defined as
one's personal communion with God -- and it
is this direct contact with the Divine
Within, that the Disciple receives the
Spiritual Gnosis or Mysteries of the
Kingdom. In this we can see the great
dividing line between both the Jewish sects
of the Sadducees and Pharisees, and the
Essene Mystics who worshiped the Father in a
Spiritual Temple that was beyond the
comprehension of the carnally minded Jew.
Paramount, then, to understanding one of the
primary differences between Genuine
Christianity and pseudo-Christianity, is the
understanding that genuine Christianity is a
spiritual religion, and it
“expressed itself
in the heightening and enlargement of human
consciousness”. Thus, the
religious ideas expressed by Luther and
Calvin -- where man rejects reason, and
closes the mind in order to cling to the
dogma of a manmade church -- concepts which
remain to this day as the foundation of
modern doctrine -- not only had no place
among the first Christians, but were in fact
alien to the very core teachings of Jesus.
What this means is that the church which
came into being in the fourth century, was
the anti-church -- i.e., a shadow church
that was ruled by the god of this world.
It is
the chirst of this realm that lives and
moves in a world of darkness. It is the
chirst of this world that condemns the use
of reason and the development of the mind.
It is the christ of this world that attempts
to alienate us from our very gift bestowed
from God our Creator -- which is an
illumined mind and an Anointed
the Encyclopedia Britannica states with
regard to the church prior to the fourth
century: “…From
this perspective mysticism played a vital
part in the early church. Early Christianity
was a religion of the spirit that expressed
itself in the heightening and enlargement of
human consciousness” -- it is
this spiritual element that died when the
church was made a secular institution by the
Emperor Constantine. Sadly, it is this
same spiritual element that continues to
remain dormant even in the world of
Christendom to this very day.
those many places where the Bible speaks of
the Mysteries of God as seen in the words:
“we speak of God's
secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden
and that God destined for our glory before
time began” (1 Cor 2:7 NIV) --
the Apostle is quite clear that this
“secret wisdom”
cannot be comprehended by men who perceive
life and the scriptures with a carnal
mindset -- but rather, with a spiritual
mindset that is established upon the
mystical senses founded in the higher powers
of mind. And if we ask the question as to
why carnal man is incapable of perceiving
the Mysteries of God that are spoken of by
the Apostle? Because these elements of
mind that are necessary to perceive the
higher reality of man, are centered in parts
of the ninety percent of the mind which the
natural person is unable to access -- and it
is these sections of the mind that are said
to lie dormant within all people. Thus,
only the mystic -- Gnostic -- or spiritual
Christian -- has the ability to perceive the
Mysteries of God, and know the True Christ,
and enter the Genuine Temple of the Lord,
because they endeavor to expand their
consciousness by going beyond the ten
percent barrier of mind that limits man in
his natural organic state of being.
Church In Denial!
For nearly 2000
years many Christians have blamed the Jews for killing Christ!
But the scriptures not only demonstrate the error of their beliefs, but further
demonstrate that it is the modern Christian who is blind to the Living Word --
deaf to the Living Word -- and whose hearts have been hardened so as not to
perceive nor comprehend the Truth. And these words of the Lord
have come upon the Christians in our own time: "And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: 'Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive;
For the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal
them'" (Matt 13:14-15 NKJ)
Why did the Sadducees and Pharisees reject Yeshua/Jesus? Because
in throwing away the Key of Knowledge, and living in accordance with their own
manmade doctrines and traditions, they made themselves apostates to the Kingdom
of God: “Woe to you lawyers! For
you have taken away the key of knowledge; you did not enter in yourselves, and
those who were entering in you hindered” (Luke 11:52 NAS). And
thus, while Christians attempt to read the scriptures, they see not!
And while they hear the oracles of the Living Word, their ears are
deaf. And while they attempt to embrace the Living Word, in the
manner of the Sadducees and Pharisees they understand it not -- because their
hearts have been hardened from the teachings of Yeshua/Jesus and TheWay.
In the same way that it was said of the
Jews who rejected Jesus: “Even
after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in their presence, they still
would not believe in him…” (John 12:37), all people who call
themselves Christian should ask themselves why? Why, after
Yeshua performed wonderous miracles and miraculous signs right before their
eyes, they did not believe he was sent from ? Further, because
Christians fail to ask this all-important question -- and don't understand, they
progress no further in their own walk in TheWay until they first understand why
these people did not believe in Jesus, as seen in the words:
this reason they could not believe, because, as Isaiah says elsewhere: ‘He
has blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts, so they can neither see with
their eyes, nor understand with their hearts’”
12:37-40 NIV).
does this mean?
to what the vast majority of Christians want to believe, it is important for us to realize what the Bible
actually states -- i.e., that the people who did not accept Yeshua did not
reject him of their own accord, but because God did not permit them to believe
in Yeshua.
nineteen hundred years many Christians have condemned the Jews for
Yet Peter states to the leaders of the Jews
regarding Jesus that: “this Man delivered
up by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross
by the hands of godless men and put Him to death”
2:23 NAS). The word “predetermined”
as used in this instance, should invoke a great many questions in the minds of
modern Jews and Christians alike.
the Jews and Romans crucify Christ?
Commenting on this verse, Barnes' Notes states:
fact, moreover, that this was predicted, shows that it was fixed or resolved
on. No event can be foretold,
evidently, unless it be certain that it will take place.
event, therefore, must in some way be fixed or resolved on beforehand”.
about the Hand of God upon the hearts and minds of the people, Peter and John
said: “Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate
met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to
conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed.
did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen”
(Acts 4:27-28 NIV).
What the two disciples are conveying to the reader is that every event
that took place at the crucifixion was directly brought about by the Hand of
God acting upon the hearts and minds of the people.
Regardless of whether we understand it, in order to begin the journey
of walking in The Way, it is imperative for us to acknowledge the validity of
this biblical statement. Moreover,
if this is true, we must ask ourselves the question: How can man resist the
“power and will”
what God “decided beforehand should
Christians must therefore ask the question: How could the Jews resist the Will of God?
is clearly conveyed to the reader is that the biblical teaching regarding the
crucifixion was a pre-planned drama that God brought about by imposing His
supernatural and All-Pervasive Will upon a group of people who were little
more than puppets on God's stage of life.
Unless Christians are ready to adopt the doctrine that man is more
powerful than the Will of God, then they must be ready to acknowledge the fact
that those who brought about the events which culminated in the crucifixion,
had little to no choice in what transpired. This
biblical fact is seen quite clearly documented in the International Standard
Bible Encyclopedia under the heading of Foreknow, where it writes:
“Thus, in
Peter's speeches in Acts the predestination which finds expression in (Acts
4:28) is practically identified with the term prognosis in (2:23). Everything
which happened to Jesus took place in accordance with ‘the determinate
counsel and foreknowledge of God,’ so that
happened except that which God had foreordained”.
killed Christ?
had willed the death of Jesus (John 3:16) and the death of Judas (Acts
1:16)”, writes Robertson's Word
Pictures of the New Testament, and then adds: “but
that fact did not absolve Judas from his responsibility and guilt (Luke

Ignore The Warning Of Paul
The fact that
Christians ignore the warnings of Paul that the scriptures possess a meaning
that is beyond the perception of the "natural mind",
is the reason why modern Christians are under the grave misconception that the
"Bible is so simple to understand".
Why do they perceive the written word to be simple to understand? Actually,
in ignoring the very warnings written to them, Christians have destroyed their covenant that Paul speaks of when
they entered into a Covenant with Constantine and Pagan Rome -- i.e., their
own hearts have been hardened even worse than the Sadducees and Pharisees at
the time of Yeshua, and they know not to be afraid: "If
some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot,
have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from
the olive root, do not boast over those branches. If you do, consider this:
You do not support the root, but the root supports you. You will say then,
'Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.' Granted. But they
were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be
arrogant, but be afraid. For if God did not spare the natural branches, he
will not spare you either"
(Rom 11:17-21 NIV).
Be afraid, Paul
warns! Yet, in complete denial of Yeshua's teachings, the vast majority of Christians today live in the manner of
the heathen and unbelievers -- and because their own hearts are hardened from
belief in the doctrines of the 4th century Roman Church which they continue to cling to, they are too
out of touch with the warnings in the Bible that conveys to them that the should
afraid". In the writings of his disciple
Clement, Peter acknowledges that God did not want a sizeable portion of the
Jews to believe in Yeshua -- and hardened their hearts from embracing him:
therefore, are the Hebrews condemned on account of their ignorance of Jesus,
by reason of Him who has concealed Him, if, doing the things commanded by
Moses, they do not hate Him whom they do not know. Neither are those from
among the Gentiles condemned, who know not Moses on account of Him who hath
concealed him, provided that these also, doing the things spoken by Jesus, do
not hate Him whom they do not know."
Christians, of course, not only hated the Jews, but they literally murdered
them! (see The Death Of The
Religion Of Jesus) And under the influence of Constantine the teachings of
Yeshua were nailed to the cross -- and under the Middle Age Reformers of Luther and Calvin, there was a
total denial of these teachings -- and the error of the Christians is
portrayed in the words of Peter to his disciple Clement:
even the Hebrews who believe Moses, and do not observe the things spoken by
him, are not saved, unless they observe the things that were spoken to them.
For their believing Moses was not of their own will, but of God, who said to
Moses, Behold, I come to thee in a pillar of cloud, that the people may hear
me speaking to thee, and may believe thee for ever. Since, therefore, both to
the Hebrews and to those who are called from the Gentiles, believing in the
teachers of truth is of God, while excellent actions are left to every one to
do by his own judgment, the reward is righteously bestowed upon those who do
well. For there would have been no need of Moses, or of the coming of Jesus,
if of themselves they would have understood what is reasonable. Neither is
there salvation in believing in teachers and calling them lords”.
Why did God harden the hearts of many of the Jews. While there are
a number of reasons, one is that God foreknew that the Christian Church would
reject the teachings of Yeshua and their Covenant with God, and enter into a covenant with Pagan Rome
where they would worship the antichrist (see
Christians Don't Tell Jews About The New Testament). Quoting
this article: Did you know that the New Testament predicts
that because of the violation of the Covenant, that G-d would give the Gentile
Christians into the hands of the Romans in the same way that He did the Jews
to the Babylonians -- and that because of their turning away from the
Covenant, that G-d would permit Satan to rule over the Church which is called
Christian today?
has been said that the greatest deception of all time is seen in the success
of Satan in his ability to convince man that he does not exist.
If this is so, then Satan's second deception is perhaps even greater
than the first -- in that, he has fooled the very elect -- i.e., the very
religious authorities of the church who have been warned and taught of his
existence. In total
disregard of the admonition of the scriptures themselves, the greater majority
of Christians believe that the church is beyond the reach of Satan -- that God
somehow drew a line that Satan cannot cross over -- and because of this force
of Divine protection, Satan has not immersed himself in every aspect of their
lives! Yet, to their own
detriment, the leaders of the modern church ignore the warning of the Apostle:
“let no man
beguile you in any wise: for (it will not be,) except the falling away come
first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, he that opposeth
and exalteth himself against all that is called God or that is worshipped; so
that he sitteth in the temple of God, setting himself forth as God”
(2 Thes 2:3-4 ASV). What the Apostle is herein very clearly predicting is that
there would come a time when the god of the Christian Church will be a false
god -- i.e., the Antichrist!
Historically speaking,
it has been almost universally recognized that the period in time which the
Apostle was referring to was in the fourth century when the church
made a covenant with the Roman Emperor Constantine.
With regard to this falling away, the Adam Clark Commentary writes of
this passage of Paul's Epistle:
there come a falling away first] We have the original word apostasia in our
word apostasy; and by this term we understand a dereliction of the essential
principles of religious truth, either a total abandonment of Christianity
itself, or such a corruption of its doctrines as renders the whole system
completely inefficient to salvation. But what this apostasy means is a
question which has not yet, and perhaps never will be, answered to general
(from the Adam Clarke Commentary).
to depreciate or make less the significance of any one of the individual
statements presented in the above words, what the modern believer must
recognized is the far-reaching totality of the statement:
what this apostasy means is a question which has not yet, and perhaps never
will be, answered to general satisfaction”.
Did you know
that the doctrines instituted by the ministers of Satan continue as the
foundation of the Christian Church to this very day? Thus, because the
Gentiles rejected the teachings of Yeshua, and violated their Covenant, they exist to this
very day in a similar state as
when the Jews were carried away into Babylon -- i.e.,
exist in spiritual exile!
Christians rejected the teachings of Yeshua and embraced those of Pagan Rome
and the worship of the Jesus-god -- and they were too arrogant and spiritually
disenfranchised to "be afraid" -- the
Christians are presently in the same predicament that the Jews were 2000 years
ago. In the same way that the Jews looked for their conquering
Messiah and were blind to the one who was sent from the Lord to show them
TheWay -- because of unbelief and the corruption of the teachings of Yeshua --
Christians whose hearts are hardened look for the Kingdom and their Christ in
vain (see The
Messiah Can't Come In The Way Jews And Christians Predict ).
The article demonstrates that the Messiah/Christ will never come in the manner
that carnal Jews and Christians predict, because it is within them (see
Lord Is Calling
The Christians Are Deaf And Cannot Hear!
world is in a renewed spiritual revival/rebirth. And to set the stage to raise up a more faithful people, the
Hand of the Lord gave the people the Dead Sea Scrolls which demonstrated that
what they commonly believe about Christian beginnings is counterfeit church
doctrine and a fraud. In the words of A.
Powell Davies: “Biblical scholars”, he writes,
not disturbed by what they found in the Dead Sea Scrolls because they had
known all along that the origin of Christianity was not what was commonly
supposed to have been” (quoted by Millar Burrows in More Light on
the Dead Sea Scrolls). Further,
has been shown conclusively that the Bible has been altered in order to create
the Pagan Jesus-god -- i.e., see
Words . And as a result of rejecting the teachings of
Yeshua, and then entering into a covenant with Pagan Rome, the
whole of the scriptures they use have been corrupted (see
Orthodox Corruption Of The Scriptures
). And like the Sadducees and Pharisees who observed the miracles
of Yeshua and yet did not believe, God has hardened the hearts of the vast
majority of Christians from acknowledging the corruption of the
scriptures. Because they have rejected the teachings of Yeshua --
made him their Pagan god -- and continue to embrace the doctrines of Constantine
who they entered into a covenant with -- their hearts have been hardened from
acknowledging the truth with respect to the corruption of their Bibles
regardless of the proof they are shown!
Quoting the article on why the Messiah/Christ will never come in
the manner that carnal Jews and Christians predict: The Bible continually
warns us that the path or the second birth and entrance into the Kingdom is
not easy. The strife of the
inner war within ourselves as embodied in the symbols of Armageddon is seen in
the words: “We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of
God” (Acts 14:22 NKJ). Thus,
in the same way that a woman travails in labor to bring a child into this
world, we must ourselves endure the “…many tribulations”
of spiritual labor to be born into the Kingdom of God.
Since the Kingdom is within us, and Armageddon is therefore not an
historical event -- but more factually, a spiritual event in the life of the
disciple in search of Truth -- true disciples of Yeshua must then totally re-evaluate everything
they think they know about both the Gospel Message, and the life they are presently
fully comprehending these biblical statements in relation to the whole purpose
of the teachings of The Way, let us again examine the definitive statement
which conveys to us the very essence of the Gospel -- and especially the
Revelation of John: “Blessed are those who do His commandments, that
they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates
into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and
murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie” (Rev
22:14-15 NKJ).
the text of the Revelation represented the end of the world, as is commonly
believed by the majority of Christians today, then why are those who remain
outside the city portrayed as “dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral
and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie”?
Yeshua warned that that the Kingdom would never come upon the earth in the
manner that carnal Jews and Christians perpetually predict (Luke 17:20-21 and
Gate Of Eden), but Christians reject the teachings of Yeshua and embrace
the doctrines of men -- resulting in the hardening of the hearts by the Hand
of the Lord working upon them and blinding them to the Living
Word. Armageddon, then, indicates the disciples personal tribulation
described as the ”pangs of birth”, as he endeavors to
overcome his own lower carnal nature through the crucifixion of what is
symbolized by the flesh, in order that he can possess the Knowledge of the
fruit of the Tree of Life, transcend the natural barriers of this world, and
through the gates into the city”.
And it is this entering into the gates of the Eternal City of Jerusalem from
above that Yeshua accused the Pharisees of throwing away the Key of Knowledge
in their manmade doctrines when he said:
“Woe to you lawyers! For
you have taken away the key of knowledge; you did not enter in yourselves, and
those who were entering in you hindered” (Luke 11:52 NAS). In
where? It is the Key of Knowledge that must open the inner Gate to
the City!
modern believer will of course oppose such a reality, saying that Yeshua came
to save those who are lost. Yet,
it was the Lord himself who warned: “But as touching the resurrection
of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I
am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not
the God of the dead, but of the living” (Matt 22:31-32 KJV).
Thus, those who are worthy of the resurrection are those who follow in
the footsteps of the Lord along TheWay -- making themselves the good ground
within which the Living Word has been implanted (see
Sower And The Seed).
What this means is that we can be likened to a fetus -- and in the same
way that a fetus has the potential to be born into this physical world, we have the potential to be born into what Yeshua
called the Kingdom (see Rebirth
vs Church Doctrine). But
we permit ourselves to become miscarried, because we defile ourselves with the
doctrines and culture of this world.
two important recent Christian archeological discoveries known as the
Oxyrhynchus Papyri and the Gospel of Thomas, we can see an essential teaching
that Constantine removed from the Bible which Yeshua conveyed to those who
asked him about the coming of the Kingdom: “When the Lord was asked by
a certain man, when should his kingdom come, he said unto him, when two shall
be one and the without as the within, and the male with the female, neither
male nor female”.
this is an authentic saying of the Lord which was at one time in our
scriptures is affirmed by St. Clement, the disciple of Peter, in his The
Second Epistle of Clement where he writes: “Let us expect,
therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since
we know not the day of the appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked
by one when His kingdom would come, replied, 'When two shall be one, that
which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female,
neither male nor female’”.
What these important teachings convey is the reality of an inner
Armageddon, and the spiritual birth of the disciple in the Kingdom within.
often portray the Revelation as "...so easy to
understand", because their hearts have been hardened to the
spiritual meaning. The Jews whose eyes were blinded
and whose hearts were hardened were of the same belief with respect to the
Kingdom coming upon the earth, and Yeshua warned them
that they know not the true spiritual meaning of the scriptures, or the power
of the Most High. In order to continue to embrace the doctrines of
Pagan Rome -- and live off the collection plate in the manner of the Sadducees
and Pharisees before them -- Christians had to reject what was given to them
in the Dead Sea Scrolls and other scriptures -- remain in denial with respect
to the corruption of their scriptures -- and reject those who the Lord has
sent back into the world to gather up the flock of the faithful, and guide
them in TheWay. And while the few whose eyes have been opened and
whose hearts are not hardened have come to the more pure teachings of TheWay,
and these few are condemned by the Christians in the same exact manner
that the carnal Jews condemned the disciples of Yeshua. Thus,
quoting the Gate
Of Eden web site: The Church is at present being led by blind guides who, like
the Sadducees and Pharisees in New Testament biblical times, have obstructed
the people's path into the Kingdom because they preach manmade doctrines and the
traditions of the Church of Rome. Because they have themselves
failed to put on the "wedding garment", and have not
themselves entered the Kingdom to learn directly from my brother Yeshua, they
lead the people in the wrong direction! And while they attempt to
make sense of the written word of the scriptures from a carnal perspective,
these words are as relevant to them as to the carnal Jews in biblical times:
"How terrible it will be for you
experts in religious law! For you hide the key to knowledge from the people.
You don't enter the Kingdom yourselves, and you prevent others from
entering." (Luke 11:52 NLT).
The Key of Knowledge is the spiritual meaning of the scriptures -- i.e., not
the "letter that killeth"
-- but rather, the spiritual
meaning that can only be discerned by spiritual men and women who live a
consecrated life. And what is the flaw that the experts in the
written word are accused of?
don't enter the Kingdom yourselves, and you prevent others from
entering." You must
therefore use the Key of Knowledge by turning it within yourself, and opening
the inner "narrow gate"
to the Kingdom within! You do this by putting on the
garment" of spiritual purity,
so the knowledge of the Mysteries of God can be taught to you directly from
your indwelling spiritual nature.
by Imitation of Messiah/Christ
warned that while man are called, only a very few will walk in TheWay and enter
into Life. While it may be difficult for the believers of the simple faith
who are on the bottom rung of the ladder to understand, Yeshua was a man just as
each of us is. Thus, the original disciples of Yeshua often quoted
his words (
Matt. 10: 24- 25
) as their warrant, and affirmed their motto to be: "We
also would be imitators of Messiah/Christ" (Origen, quoted by Schliemann).
Yeshua/Jesus, they asserted, "was justified by
fulfilling the Law. He was the Messiah/Christ of God, since not one of the rest of
mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the
commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ." Hence
Yeshua's disciples "...thus fulfill the law, they are able to become Christs"
(Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34). The Ebionite/Nazirenes remained
faithful to the teachings of Yeshua/Jesus: That he was/is our elder brother -- that
as the Children of God, each of us has the potential to do what he did -- that
when we receive the Anointing (Messiah/Christ), that we will know what he knew
-- and as Children of the Most High, we cann be At-One with Our Heavenly Father
by walking in TheWay, and beginning our own return journey of the Prodigal
Son/Daughter back to the Edenic Kingdom of Origination from which we originally
emerged. And
what was the Ebionite Nazirene beliefs about Yeshua/Jesus:
"They revered Jesus as the greatest of the prophets, endowed with supernatural virtue and power. They ascribed to his person and to his future reign all the predictions of the Hebrew oracles which relate to the spiritual and everlasting kingdom of the promised Messiah" (Gibbon; Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, V.2, P.222).

Essence of TheWay
did not come to promote belief in the Messiah/Christ - neither did he come to
promote the worship of Messiah/Christ - Yeshua/Jesus came to teach the people TheWay to
become Messiah/Christ, and fulfill the vision of a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy
Nation of Anointed (Messiah/Christ) Disciples who are set aside for the service
of the Most High God that Yeshua taught was the Father of all of mankind. The
path of TheWay could not be walked by many Jews because they were carnal in
their perception of the Law (Torah), and could not use the Key of Knowledge to
open the inner door to the Kingdom. In like manner, the majority of the Roman and Greek followers who were too Pagan to embrace the
teachings of Yeshua, were not interested in a life of genuine change and
spiritual transformation, so they made Jesus their God so they didn't have to
pick up their own cross and follow in TheWay. Thus, the Church itself betrayed
and crucified Messiah/Christ when it immersed itself in the way of the heathen,
and worshiped the messenger instead of imitating the pattern and example that
Yeshua set as the required standard for all those who called upon the name of
the Lord. The Good News is that once you understand and are willing to live in
accordance with the Original teachings of the New Covenant, the Promise is that
you will Know the Truth for yourself as you are permitted entrance into the
Kingdom within you (Lk 17:20-21).


you are in search of Spiritual Truth
Join our Nazirene Disciple of TheWay Discussion Group

The modern
believer has embraced the Church dogma that they are assured of salvation
totally upon their faith, after they proclaim their allegiance to Jesus as their
Lord and Savior. Yet, they ignore the fact that Paul himself totally
refutes this Church doctrine which has the effect of canceling out many of the
most important teachings of the Gospels. Is the person who calls
themselves a Christian guaranteed salvation? As the dogma of the
Church promotes today? A simply reading of what is referred to as
The Ten Minute Test
will demonstrate that this doctrine of the Church is totally counterfeit!!!
Yet, because the Church has thrown away the Key of Knowledge, they simply have
no means to understand the warnings of Paul in
The Ten Minute Test
that complacent Christians are not only apostates to the Christ who crucify the
Lord afresh -- but that their fate is in fact even worse than that of the
unbelievers. Moreover, Paul himself warned the
Gentile converts that if they fail to hold fast to the Gospel teachings, that
they will be rejected even faster than the Jews who Jesus condemned -- i.e.,
"Do not be arrogant,
but be afraid. For if God did not spare the natural
branches, he will not spare you either" (Rom 11:20-21 NIV).
Yet, the Gentile converts who portrayed themselves as Orthodox were so arrogant,
that they not only persecuted the Jews -- but they condemned the original
followers and disciples of Jesus as heretics -- eventually hunting them down and
murdering them, because they (the Ebionites and Spiritual (Gnostic) Christians)
refused to accept the religion of the Emperor of Rome. And
because they rejected and spilt the blood of those who possessed the
Key of Knowledge, the Church has in essence thrown away the
Key of Knowledge -- and because they are no longer able to unlock the
soul and spirit of the scriptures, they remain hopelessly lost in a Spiritual
this very day, what the immature faith-based believers of a natural organic
mindset have trouble in comprehending -- a reality that continues to plague all
people who attempt to read the scriptures -- is the reality that the religion
preached by Paul was one of Spiritual Transformation. Paul warned
those he preached to about the written words of the scriptures which he
portrayed as the
"letter that killeth" ,
that their religious ideas, beliefs and doctrines pertaining to the meaning of
the Gospel, were merely elementary -- so elementary and carnal, that if it were
possible to even tell them the Truth, that they would immediately reject the
knowledge of the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom as
"foolishness" (see
Mystery). What Paul was
stating was that the greater body of believers were very much like a child
entering kindergarten -- and, what Paul called the
"testimony" of Christ and the physical crucifixion, was an
entry-level beginning that was taught to the congregation of believers, because
their mind's were too carnal to understand the true meaning of the Gospel and
the Mysteries of the Kingdom. Why did Paul teach an entry
level doctrine to the body of believers that was representative of a mere shadow
of the true spiritual meaning of the Gospel? -- and Paul attempted
to convey this higher reality of soul, spirit and the Kingdom to believers who
were unable to comprehend the Mysteries of God, because he was a man who was not
only enlightened about the Kingdom within (see
Gate Of Eden), but had himself been permitted entrance into the Kingdom.
This entrance into the Kingdom is seen in his words that every
Christian who beseeches the Lord today to enlighten their understanding, is in
fact asking to see and hear “…things so astounding that
they are beyond a man's power to describe or put in words…” -- and
the few who possess the Key of Knowledge and are able to open the inner door to
the Heavenly Kingdom, after these select few gaze upon these mysteries, what
they have witnessed will be of such a profound nature that they will
“…not [be] allowed to tell them to others” (2 Cor 12:4 TLB).
Why? The fact that the modern congregation of Christians can't
explain why those who overcome and are able to enter the Inner Kingdom cannot
even share with other believers what they witnessed, should cause every person
who claims to be a believer to re-examine with they think they know and believe.
The King James version goes as far as to state with respect to the esoteric
knowledge that those who use the Key of Knowledge to open the Inner
"narrow strait gate" to the Kingdom and
acquire this sacred knowledge
"which it is not lawful for a man to utter"
(2 Cor 12:4 NKJV) to the believers of the simple faith that Paul
portrays as receiving only the entry-level "milk"
of the Gospel -- and yet, because the Gentiles who portrayed themselves as
Orthodox had entered into a covenant with Pagan Rome -- embracing the dogma of
the emperor whose armies murdered all who he deemed heretics -- i.e.,
”Constantine easily believed
that the heretics, who presumed to dispute his opinions or to oppose his
commands, were guilty of the most absurd and criminal obstinancy... Not a moment
was lost in excluding the ministers and teachers of the separated congregations
from any share of the rewards and immunities which the emperor had so liberally
bestowed on the orthodox clergy. But as the sectaries might still exist under
the cloud of royal disgrace, the conquest of the East was immediately followed
by an edict which announced their total destruction”.
Thus, in the same way that whoever did not embrace the religion of the emperor
met with the sentence of death, whatever scriptures did not conform to the
approved version, was immediately destroyed (see
http://BibleCorruption.com ). In throwing away the Key of
Knowledge, it is now impossible for the modern Christian who dwells in a
Spiritual Diaspora to open the Inner "narrow
strait gate" to the Kingdom and acquire this sacred knowledge that could only be revealed to the inner core of disciples.
The fact that those who personify themselves as Christians today, are in fact
clueless as to the nature and reality of this important Spiritual Knowledge that
can only be unlocked with the proper use of the Key of Knowledge that the Pagan
Church of Rome threw away, renders them totally incapable of even answering the
question: Why will those who gain entrance to the Kingdom not be able to even
attempt to convey to the believers in the Church what they have seen and
witnessed? To the degree that this esoteric Truth which is portrayed
as “…things so astounding that they are beyond a man's
power to describe or put in words… which it is not lawful for a man to utter"
to those who have not themselves been permitted to enter the inner Kingdom?
Because in not having evolved through the process of spiritual transformation,
these entry-level believers who Paul portrays as
"babes in Christ", are still of a carnal
mind -- a mindset that Paul warns: The...
“carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not
subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the
flesh cannot please God... For if you live according to the flesh you will die;
but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For
as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God”
(Rom 8:7-8;13 NKJ).
Paul warned that he could only speak to the believers at Corinth as
"...men of flesh, as to babes in Christ”
(1 Cor 3:1 NAS), what he was warning was that
“Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not
acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the
mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from
(Heb 5:13-14 NIV). And because they are yet carnal -- not having
undergone the process of spiritual transformation -- Paul warned that
“And if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows
nothing yet as he ought to know”
(1 Cor 8:2 NKJ). For if man could simply open the scriptures
and be able to discern the Truth and the spiritual meaning of the written words
of the text, Jesus would not have said of his disciples:
“For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous
men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but
did not hear it”
(Matt 13:17 NIV). Why did Jesus say these words? Because
the majority of believers who attempted to read the scriptures literally, and
observe the oracles of the Word in a ritualized outward manner, were the
counterfeit believers whose carnal mindset had spiritually disenfranchised them
from the Kingdom within.
While the modern congregations of
Christians attempt to ignore the above facts that they are incapable of
understanding because of the prevailing spiritual ignorance imposed upon them in
their present exile in a Spiritual Diaspora, they continue to reject many key
teachings of the Gospel that could free them from their present shackles of
maintain that they are saved by faith totally apart from their actions and works
-- and their salvation is guaranteed from the moment they accept Jesus as their
personal Lord and Savior. Thus, the Flawed Doctrine Of Perpetual
Redemption totally ignores the many statements by Paul where he warns:
"For it is impossible to restore again to repentance
those who ...then commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their
own account and hold him up to contempt.. For if we sin deliberately after
receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for
sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume
the adversaries." (Heb 6:4-6;10:26-27 RSV). What this
means is that the religion of Jesus in its original form was one of spiritual
transformation -- and those who willfully sin after coming to the knowledge of
the Gospel message, crucify the Son of God afresh -- and, in total opposition to
what the Churches preach, "...there no longer remains a
sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which
will consume the adversaries." These, and other such
spiritual concepts, were totally unacceptable to the fourth century heathen
Church of Rome -- and while these few passages continue to exist, the scriptures
were corrupted (see
http://BibleCorruption.com ) in order to make the Gospels support the
doctrines of a series of Roman Emperors who ruled over the Church from the
fourth century onward. That the Church has abandoned the
original teachings of Jesus -- to the degree that when it is proven that the
fourth century Church even edited and corrupted the very
Words Of God
spoken to man (see http://TheTenWords.com )
-- means that until the Church itself repents of this great sin against the Holy
Spirit, they will remain under a cloud of ignorance in an exile state in a
Spiritual Diaspora. What does the Apostle of faith say?
To the Romans he warns: "Do not be arrogant, but be
afraid. For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare
you either. Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God:
sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in
his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off" (Rom 11:20-22 NIV).
Because the Christians entered into a covenant with Pagan Rome -- installing the
emperor as the head of the Church -- and in a state of absolute arrogance,
hunted down and murdered all who did not accept the religious doctrines of the
emperor -- even editing and corrupting the very words of God spoken to mankind
-- the Church has not only been "cut off" --
but the Christians themselves dwell in a Spiritual Diaspora under the cloud of
spiritual ignorance.
While the
Churches preach that if you call upon the name of the Lord that Jesus will never
leave you -- regardless of your actions and lifestyle in this life -- Paul warns
that if you turn back to the ways of this world, that you should not only
"...be afraid" -- but that as a Christian
you will be "cut off" -- and the blood of
the Lamb will be a "...fury of fire which will consume
[you as an] adversary" to the core Gospel teachings.
And what this means is that if you call upon the name of the Lord in the manner
that the Churches preach today -- and you then knowingly sin, you not only
"...commit apostasy" and yourself
"...crucify the Son of God on their own account and
hold him up to contempt" -- but, as an apostate to the New Covenant,
Paul warns that "...there no longer remains a sacrifice
for sins". If we ask the question: Did Paul really mean
that the sacrifice on the cross is canceled for those who knowingly sin after
calling upon the name of the Lord? This is confirmed in the words of Paul
when he wrote: "What shall we say then? Shall we
continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to
sin live any longer in it? …knowing this, that our old man was crucified with
Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be
slaves of sin… Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you
should obey it in its lusts. And do not present your members as instruments of
unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the
dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not
have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace. What then?
Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not! Do you
not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's
slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading
to righteousness?” (Rom 6:1-16 NKJ).

Peter Warns That Christians Are Worse Off Than
The Unbelievers: How can Peter warn that the fate of
complacent Christians is in fact worse off than those who had never come into
contact with the Gospel Message? The words of Peter are so contrary
to modern-day belief, that these words should literally haunt every person who
calls themselves a Christian believer: "If they have
escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
and are again entangled in it and overcome, they are worse off at the end than
they were at the beginning. It would have been better for them not to have known
the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on
the sacred command that was passed on to them. Of them the proverbs are true: A
dog returns to its vomit, and, A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing
in the mud" (2 Pet 2:20-22 NIV). Where the modern Church
promotes the doctrine that they are saved by Grace regardless of the manner in
which they live their lives, Peter not only states that this doctrine is in
grave error, but correctly states that: "It would have
been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have
known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on
to them." Every Christian should ask themselves: Christians promote the doctrine that
only those who believe can be saved -- and here Peter is stating the opposite is
true -- and that those people who claim to believe, will in fact be worse off
after they have come to believe, than before they began to believe. The
shepherds and blind guides that Peter is making reference to, are those who
preach the modern doctrine of perpetual sin that is promoted in churches today
-- i.e.,
"This is especially true of those who follow the
corrupt desire of the sinful nature..." (2 Peter 2:10 NIV). Because
these false shepherds fail to understand the reality of what Jesus meant when he
used the terms Whole, and Complete, they preach the
"...promise [of] freedom [in their doctrine of salvation by faith and grace
alone], while they themselves are slaves of depravity"
In what can only be in total opposition to what Christians today believe, Peter
states that it would have been better for the entry-level believers to have
never heard of the Gospel, than to have heard, and then fall prey to the false
shepherds who promise freedom but blindly lead the believers into the proverbial
ditch. And there is simply no means for the modern Christian who believes the
doctrines of the Church, to even begin to understand what Peter is making
reference to.
Cast Out Of The Bosom Of
Christ: In order to make the Gospels support the doctrines
of fourth century Pagan Rome when the faction of the Church which called itself
Orthodox entered into a covenant relationship with the heathen Emperor
Constantine, important spiritual teachings had to be removed. In a
surviving excerpt of what has been historically known as the Gospel According to
the Hebrews, which was reported to be the "original
version of Matthew" that was composed in the
Characters, it was written: "If ye be in my bosom
and do not the will of my Father which is in heaven, out of my bosom will I cast
you away". In the late nineteenth century a library of
scriptures was uncovered which is today known as the Oxyrhynchus Papyri --
wherein this verse is found reading: "Though ye be
gathered together with me in my bosom, if ye do not my commandants, I will cast
you forth". This same verse of scripture is quoted in
what is historically known as the 2nd Epistle of Clement, where it is written:
"Let us, then, not only call Him Lord, for that will not save us. For He saith,
'Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall be saved, but he that worketh
righteousness'. For this reason the Lord hath said, 'Even though ye were
gathered together to me in my very bosom, yet if ye were not to keep my
commandments, I would cast you off, and say unto you, Depart from me; I know you
not whence ye are, ye workers of iniquity". What these
verses mean is that if you continue to sin after coming to Messiah/Christ, that
you are an apostate to the teachings of TheWay, and
"...there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of
judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries."
Cause Of Christian Ignorance - The Reality Of The
Soul & The Mysteries Of The Kingdom: Perhaps even more
important to the sincere Christian seeker who is attempting to escape the
shackles of Roman Church doctrine, is the version of this verse that has been
preserved in what has come to be known as
The Gospel Of The Nazirenes, where it reads:
you be gathered together in my bosom, if you keep not my commandments I will
cast you forth. For if you keep not the lesser mysteries, who shall give you the
Why is this version of this saying so important? Because the
Christian world itself is proof of its validity. The inner spiritual
meaning of the scriptures -- the knowledge of the soul and what Paul portrayed
as the knowledge of the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God (see
Mystery) -- and even the reality and meaning of the life that each person is
presently living -- can only be revealed and understood, by those who have
prepared themselves to be a Final
Temple -- which is a foundational Gospel Objective of Jesus' teachings.
By using Jesus as a pagan mojo -- i.e., as a license to sin in the manner that
the Churches preach -- openly crucifying the Son of God afresh by virtue of a
cultural mindset and worldly lifestyle -- the Christian world is proof positive
of the reality of this important teaching. In fact, once understood,
the fact that most Christians do not know the previous lifetimes that their soul
has lived, is proof that they have been cast from the bosom of Messiah/Christ --
and because they presently dwell in a Spiritual Diaspora, they remain in what
Jesus portrayed as the Prison (see
Prison), and/or what Jesus portrayed as the "outer
darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness).
Judgment Of Those Who Drink From The Cup Of The
Lord Unworthily: The counterfeit leaders and
shepherds who presently guide the Congregations, will attempt to tell you that
sinners have been saved by the blood of the Lord by the Cup of Salvation -- and
yet, Paul warns that those who eat the body and drink from the cup of the Lord
and continue to sin, eat and drink judgment and damnation unto themselves --
i.e., Paul warns:
"Therefore whoever eats this bread or
drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and
blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the
bread and drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner
eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. For this
reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep"
(1 Cor 11:27-30 NKJ). What Paul is warning is that an unworthy or
complacent Christian who attempts to eat the bread and drink the cup of the
Gospel New Covenant, invoke the Laws which render them
"...weak and sick among you, and many
This sleep is the Spiritual hardening of their hearts and minds that imprisons
the congregation of believers in a Spiritual Diaspora -- and is demonstrated in
the blindness of the Christian world to the true meaning of the very scriptures
which they champion.
Blindness Of Those Who Lay Under The Sway Of
Satan: The above is confirmed in one of the existing
alternate endings of the Gospel of Mark which is portrayed as the authentic
ending by early Church authorities.
And what this means
is that the religion of Jesus in its original form was one of spiritual
transformation -- and those who willfully sin, crucify the Son of God afresh,
and in the warning of Paul,
"...there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of
judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries."
This is why Paul stated with respect to those who call themselves Christian, and
continue to live a sinful life: "But
if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found
sinners, is therefore Christ the minister of sin? God forbid.
For if I build again the things which I
destroyed, I make myself a transgressor"¯ (Gal 2:17-18 KJV). Which
confirms the alternate ending of the Gospel of Mark which reads:
"This Age of lawlessness and
unbelieving lies under the sway of Satan, who will
not allow what lies under the unclean
spirits to understand the truth and power of God;
therefore, they said to Christ, reveal your righteousness now. Christ answered
them, The term of years for Satan's power has now expired, but other terrors are
at hand. I was delivered to death on behalf of sinners,
that they might return to the truth and sin
no more, that they might inherit
that glory of righteousness which is spiritual and imperishable in heaven"
(Moffatt, quoting Gospel Of Mark in Codex W - Also quoted by St. Jerome as being
the authentic ending of the Gospel of Mark). Thus, Jesus
warned those who would call upon the Lord and expect to have earned salvation:
“But why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do the things which I say?”
(Luke 6:46 NKJ). And,
“Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven,
but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven”
(Matt 7:21 NIV). That the very people who with their lips proclaim
themselves to believe, continue to lie
"...under the sway of Satan"
-- or, in the words of John: "Little
children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous,
just as He is righteous. He who sins
is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the
beginning" (1 John 3:7-8 NKJV). And if we ask: What did Jesus say the requirements were? Jesus said:
"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your
enemy.' But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute
you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his
sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the
unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not
even the tax collectors do the same? And if you salute only your brethren,
what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?
You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect"
(Matt 5:43-48 RSV). In not understanding how this requirement of
perfection can be fulfilled, or even how Jesus fulfilled the Royal Law within
himself in order to achieve this perfected state, the Christian world remains
spiritually disenfranchised and totally alienated from the knowledge of the
Kingdom which Jesus taught was within them. And thus, while
they should be Anointed and All-Knowing, they remain shackled to what Jesus said
was the "outer darkness" of mind and being
-- i.e., "But the sons of the kingdom will be cast out
into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth"
(see Matt 8:12; 22:13; 25:30 NKJV). Because the modern Christian
world ignores these many warnings in the scriptures, and in their mindset and
lifestyle they crucify the Son of God daily, they dwell in a Spiritual Diaspora
where the higher knowledge of the Mysteries of God remain an enigma to their
understanding. Failing to comprehend the reality of the words spoken
directly to them by Peter that
"...they are
worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. It would have been better
for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and
then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them."
All Who Call Upon The Name
Of The Lord: From a modern perspective, the whole of Christians
doctrine is based upon the statements of Paul that the Gentile believers are
saved by faith -- regardless of the above warnings by the same Paul that if they
continue to sin after coming to Messiah/Christ, that they are apostates to the
Son of God who will receive the fiery judgments which will consume them -- and
to the exclusion of these many Gospel warnings, they base the whole of their
dogma on the statement in the Epistle to the Romans that:
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord
shall be saved" (Rom 10:13 KJV). Yet, to their own
demise, the meaning of the statement to "...call upon
the name of the Lord", in no manner cancels out the above warnings
and statements by the same author. And to call,
must be within the context of the parable of The Call to the Wedding Feast (see
The Call). In
the parable those who were invited to the wedding feast, were those who had
called upon the name of the Lord. In the parable, the called ones
continued to embrace the ways, the thinking and lifestyle of this world, and did
not live their lives from the perspective of the requirement to pick up their
own cross and follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Thus, Jesus
commanded and said:
"And why call ye me, Lord,
Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46 KJV).
And this is why Jesus warned those who would call themselves his followers and
“And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He
who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find
(Matt 10:38-39 NKJ). The requirement that has been set forth is that
“ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy”
(Lev 11:45 KJV).
the words of Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa: “…it is
imperative on all those who have an equally earnest desire for the Good as He
has, to be followers by the path of an exact imitation of Him Who leads the way
to salvation, and to carry into action what He has shown them. It is, in fact
impossible for persons to reach the same goal unless they travel by the same
ways”. And this is why the requirement was set forth by
Jesus with respect to his disciples and followers:
“You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect”
(Matt 5:48 RSV). Only those who
become the
"good ground" in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed, are
able to fulfill the requirement set forth in the parable of The Call -- or the
wedding feast (see The Call).
While those who were called, but remained living in The Way of this
world, inherited the fate that Paul portrays above -- i.e.,
"...there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect
of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries."
-- and this is confirmed in the parable where the chosen ones met with the above
promised fate of destruction (Matt 22:7) -- even those who did come and failed
to have put on the required "wedding garment" of purity, were cast out into the
"outer darkness" of mind and being -- i.e.,
"'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him
into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' For many are
called, but few are chosen" (Matt 22:12-14 NKJV). And it
is in this "outer darkness" of mind and being that Jesus warned about, which is
the Spiritual Diaspora of ignorance in which the modern Church presently dwells,
that inhibits them from acquiring the knowledge of the true spiritual meaning of
the scriptures, as well as the knowledge of the soul and what Paul portrayed as
the higher Mysteries of the Kingdom (see Mystery) that could only be known by
those who fulfilled the requirement of the
"good ground" in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed, and
therefore put on the required "wedding garment"
in the parable of The Call. That the modern Christian world
which is founded upon the dogma of Pagan Rome, bases their whole concept of the
Gospel on calling upon the Lord with their lips -- while ignoring all of the
above teachings and warnings -- makes applicable the words of Jesus:
"Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: This people
honors Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in vain
they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men'"
(Mark 7:6-7 NKJV).
Fate Of Most Christians Worse Than That Of The
Unbelievers: What we see portrayed in these important words is the
original meaning of the doctrine that Jesus made himself a sacrifice for sinners
-- i.e.,
"...that they might return to the
truth and sin no more"!!! On the other hand, the great truth that is clearly presented in the reality that
those who continue to sin after coming to the knowledge of the Gospel,
"...commit apostasy" [and]
"...crucify the Son of God on their own account and
hold him up to contempt"!!! And contrary to the pagan
doctrines adopted by the Church, Paul warns that
no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and
a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries."
And while Peter warns in the above that the fate of complacent believers who
continue to sin after coming to the knowledge of the Gospel is worse off than
before they learned of the Good News, the modern Christian world has become so
spiritually disenfranchised, that they are incapable of understanding these
original foundational Gospel teachings and concepts. Why? Because what is preached in the Churches
today, has relatively little in common with what Jesus actually taught.
And in truth, modern Christian doctrine is founded upon the religious principles
of Pagan Rome (see
The Christian Judas), than what Yeshua actually taught.
How can this be? A person will ask?
Quite contrary to modern Christian doctrine where all believers are saved, it is
very clearly demonstrated in the scriptures that believers who do not live in
accordance with the Commandments of the Lord will be punished more severely than
the non-believer. This truth is demonstrated in the words:
“That servant who knows his master's
will and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten
with many blows. But the one who does not know and does things deserving
punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much,
much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much
more will be asked” (Luke 12:47-48 NIV). What Jesus is stating to the
reader is that believer’s who do not fulfill the Commandments, will be punished
more than those who do not know the will of God.
The evidence has proven that when the scriptures
were given to the Gentiles, they immediately began to corrupt them (see
Bible Corruption ) and misinterpret the meaning because they did not possess
the necessary Key of Knowledge. And this prompted James to write in
the Epistle of Peter and James:
"Hear me, brethren and fellow-servants. If we should
give the books to all indiscriminately, and they should be corrupted by any
daring men, or be perverted by interpretations, as you have heard that some have
already done, it will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to
wander in error. Wherefore it is better that they should be with us,
and that we should communicate them with all the fore-mentioned care to
those who wish to
live piously, and to save
The fact is attested to
that the Ebionite/Nazirene Disciples of Jesus did not give the Gentiles the most
spiritual scriptures -- i.e., in the words of St. Jerome:
"A difficult work is enjoined, since
this translation has been commanded me by your Felicities, which St. Matthew
himself, the Apostle and Evangelist, did not wish to be openly written. For if
it had not been Secret, he would have added to the evangel that which he gave
forth was his; but he made up this book sealed up in the Hebrew characters,
which he put forth even in such a way that the book, written in Hebrew letters
and by the hand of himself, might be possessed by the men most religious, who
also, in the course of time, received it from those who preceded them. But this
very book they never gave to any one to be transcribed, and its text they
related some one way and some another".
This Secret more Spiritual version of the Book of Matthew was
referred to by Gibbon where he wrote:
"But the secret and authentic history has been recorded in
several copies of the Gospel according to St. Matthew, which these sectaries
long preserved in the original Hebrew, as the sole evidence of their faith."
Why would it be written
by James and Peter that if this essential knowledge was lost, that
"...it will remain even for those who
really seek the truth, always to wander in error."?
Why couldn't believers merely read the scriptures, and know the truth?
For many of the very same reasons why Paul warned that the believers of a
natural organic mind will look upon the Mysteries of God as
"foolishness"! Why Paul warned that
those who knew the Truth by virtue of their inner spiritual experiences, were
not permitted to tell others what they witnessed in the Kingdom -- i.e.,
“…things so astounding that they are beyond a man's power
to describe or put in words…” -- and after they gaze upon these
mysteries, what they have witnessed will be of such a profound nature that they
will “…not [be] allowed to tell them to others”
(2 Cor 12:4 TLB).
Why The Jews Were Condemned
The Jews who saw only
the written literal words of the scriptures, threw away the Key of Knowledge
that unlocks the inner "narrow gate" to the
Kingdom within ( Gate Of Eden ).
In the words of the New Living Translation: "How
terrible it will be for you experts in religious law! For you hide the key to
knowledge from the people. You don't enter the Kingdom yourselves, and you
prevent others from entering" (Luke 11:52). Which conveys
to us that if the experts in religious law had properly used and applied the Key
of Knowledge, that they not only would have been able to enter the Kingdom --
but that they would have become a true guide to others. The fact
that the carnal Jews predicted and looked for the Kingdom to come upon the earth
in the manner that the modern Christians do today -- even though Jesus stated
that the Kingdom would never come upon the earth in the manner that carnal men
predict ( Gate Of Eden ) -- is
representative of the primary reason why Jesus portrayed them as blind guides
who brought great suffering upon the people. And, because the vast
majority of Gentiles did not themselves possess the Key of Knowledge, they
failed to understand that this was the very reason why Jesus condemned the
Pharisees and Sadducees as counterfeit and blind guides. That
the Key of Knowledge must be properly applied so it will open the inner door to
the Kingdom, is further demonstrated in the words:
"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that
leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the
gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find
it." (Matt 7:13-14 NKJ).
And when Jesus was asked directly when the Kingdom of God would come upon the
earth as Jews and Christians believe, Jesus said it would never come upon the
earth, because it is within us all: "Now when He was
asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and
said, The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See
here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you."
(Luke 17:20-21 NKJ). And Christians today fail to comprehend this
fact, because they have thrown away the Key of Knowledge that unlocks the inner
"narrow gate". And modern
Christians can't even begin to understand the Mysteries of God
Mystery), or the spiritual
meaning of the scriptures, because they
ignore and reject the warning in the parable of the Sower and the Seed where it
states: “Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye
know all parables?” (Mark 4:13 KJV) -- or, in the wording of a the
modern language New Living Translation: “But if you
can’t understand this story, how will you understand all the others I am going
to tell?” (see
Sower And The Seed)